Integer: the set of whole numbers and their opposites

7th grade vocabulary
1. Difference: the answer to a subtraction problem
2. Sum: The answer to an addition problem
3. Product: The answer to a multiplication problem
4. Quotient: The answer to a division problem
5. Integer: positive and negative whole numbers and zero
6. Negative number: a number less than zero
7. Positive number: a number greater than zero
8. Opposites: two numbers that are an equal distance away
from zero on a number line
9. Absolute value: The distance of a number from zero on a
number line, shown by
10. Additive inverse: the opposite of a number
11. Expression: A mathematical phrase that contains
operations, numbers, and/or variables
12. Model: show how to solve or figure out a problem by
using pictures or examples
13. Divide: to separate into parts, groups, sections, etc.
14. Dividend: the number to be divided in a division
15. Multiply: the process of adding a number to itself a
certain number of times
16. Operation: is an action or procedure which produces a
new value from one or more input values
17. Commutative property- two or more numbers can be
added or multiplied in any order without changing the
18. Associative property – numbers can be grouped in
addition or multiplication in any combination without
changing the answer
19. Divisor-the number you are dividing by in a division
20. Distributive property-multiplying a number by a group
of numbers added together is the same as doing each
multiplication separately
21. Whole Number- a number with no decimal or fraction
22. Rational number- any number that can be expressed as
a ratio of two numbers (Either stops or repeats)
23. Improper fraction- a fraction in which the numerator is
greater than or equal to the denominator.
24. Terminating decimal- A decimal number that ends or
25. Repeating Decimal- a decimal in which one or more of
the digits goes on infinitely
26. Irrational number- a number that does not terminate or
repeat example: pi