Preface - New Hampshire Partners in Education

School Volunteer Program
(Revised 8/10)
This handbook is specifically designed to aid the volunteer coordinator in the
development of a school volunteer program and in ongoing program management. It provides
guidelines and suggestions for recruitment, interviewing, placement, orientation, training,
recognition and evaluation of volunteers, as well as tips on record keeping. The final section
contains sample forms which school volunteer programs may adapt for local use.
New Hampshire Partners in Education, publisher of this handbook, is a non-profit organization
dedicated to enhancing and enriching the quality of education for children in New Hampshire
through school volunteerism.
NH Partners in Education gratefully acknowledges the dedicated effort of the following
individuals who assisted with the development of this handbook over the years: Brenda L.
Abbott, Paula Bailey, Ruth Bellitti, Carol Borghese, Patti Champagne, Martha Clement, Nancy C.
Craig, Georgette Guerin, Elise Hood, Judy Keefe, Brusilla Movizzo, Margery Navaroli, Ruth
Parent and Kay Barretto.
NH Partners in Education also acknowledges the contributions of the following: Concord School
District (NH); Dover School Volunteer Program (NH); Hollis School District (NH); Keene
School Volunteer Program (NH); Merrimack Valley School District (NH); Minnesota
Department of Public Welfare; Nashua School Volunteer Program (NH); National School
Volunteer Program; Pembroke Hill School (NH); Pittsfield School Volunteer Program (NH);
Portland School Volunteer Program (ME); San Diego City Public School (CA); San Diego
County Office of Education (CA); Salt Lake City School District (UT); Tulsa Public Schools
(OK); and Walpole Schools (NH).
New Hampshire Partners in Education
PO Box 2758
Concord, NH 03301
STARTING A SCHOOL VOLUNTEER PROGRAM___________________________7
COMMUNITY RESOURCE VOLUNTEERS ________________________________17
DEVELOPING A SCHOOL VOLUNTEER BUDGET ________________________ 18
SUGGESTED GUIDELINES FOR VOLUNTEERS __________________________23
SUGGESTIONS FOR PRINCIPAL'S ROLE IN SVP _________________________24
SUGGESTED GUIDELINES FOR TEACHERS _____________________________25
PUBLICITY __________________________________________________________ 28
RECRUITMENT OF VOLUNTEERS _____________________________________ 30
INTERVIEWING ______________________________________________________34
PLACEMENT________________________________________________________ 40
EXAMPLES OF MEANINGFUL ASSIGNMENTS __________________________ 42
WORKING WITH VOLUNTEERS _______________________________________ 45
SUGGESTED TRAINING POSSIBILITIES ________________________________ 46
CHECKLIST FOR VOLUNTEERS _______________________________________ 49
RECORD KEEPING____________________________________________________50
RECOGNITION_______________________________________________________ 53
NEW HAMPSHIRE SCHOOL VOLUNTEER WEEK ________________________ 55
SAMPLE FORMS _____________________________________________________ 59
A school volunteer program builds positive community involvement in the school and creates
better parent/school/community relationships.
School volunteer programs can:
- Strengthen school – community relations through positive participation from all
segments of the community.
- Tap into the human resources of the community for the enrichment of the school
program and to broaden children’s learning experiences.
- Increase children’s motivation for learning.
- Provide more individual attention for students.
- Extend the teacher’s teaching time.
- Bring the community and the business world into the schools.
- Expand a child’s world of adult friendships and provide a variety of positive role
models for students.
A School volunteer program organizes people (unpaid citizens) to assist schools in their mission
of educating children and helps schools to form partnerships with their communities. It provides
outreach to the community, relevant training, appropriate placement, and ongoing recognition of
the efforts of its volunteers. A school volunteer program can supplement the efforts of
professional staff and provide human resources to enrich the educational experience.
School volunteers come from all walks of life, all ages, and all segments of society. Volunteers
may be male or female, young, middle-aged, or older adults; single or married; parents; actively
employed, unemployed or retired. They represent every economic, social, racial, religious, ethnic
and educational background in the community. Concerned, dedicated volunteers give the gift of
quality time to the children of New Hampshire.
No specific educational background is needed. Volunteers do need to be willing to work under
the direction of school staff; be reliable in their commitment; maintain confidentially about
matters relating to students; and hold a professional attitude toward their volunteering experience.
All volunteers should come through the school volunteer program, completing an application,
participation in an orientation, etc.
School volunteers generally work under the supervision of a member of the school staff, and can
be involved in almost any aspect of the educational system. They work in classrooms, libraries,
laboratories or other areas of the school, outside on the playground, at home, in a business setting,
or at nursing homes. Volunteers assist the school and fill needs in any settings. The tasks are
limited only by the imagination of the school, its teachers, or volunteers
Volunteers give anywhere from an hour a year to service to several days a week. Most volunteers
try for a commitment of an hour or two a week.
Successful school volunteer programs have been started by concerned individuals, School Board
members, local superintendents, principals, staff members at individual schools, community and
civic organizations, parent-teacher organizations, college and high school students and parents.
No matter who initiates the program, it is essential to have “support from the top”, a public
statement and demonstration of commitment to the involvement of volunteers, from the principal
and Superintendent of Schools.
Conducting a successful school volunteer program requires cooperation among administration,
teaching and support staff at the school, and with individuals and other groups from the
A school volunteer coordinator is responsible for implementing the program. The importance of
this position in planning, recruiting, record keeping, recognition, evaluation and otherwise
establishing and maintaining a successful program cannot be overemphasized.
Mission Statement
New Hampshire Partners in Education enhances and enriches the education of children
through school volunteerism. We achieve our mission by advocating on behalf of schoolrelated volunteer efforts; celebrating and recognizing school-related volunteer efforts;
facilitating and sustaining professional development and technical resources for schoolrelated volunteer efforts; and by building business and community partnerships to create
bridges between these groups and the New Hampshire educational community.
New Hampshire Partners in Education, whose roots date back to 1968, remains true to its
mission of offering statewide support and leadership to local schools in establishing,
maintaining, and expanding effective school volunteer programs and educational
partnerships between schools and their communities.
New Hampshire Partners in Education has maintained a successful track record
throughout its 40+ years as being an organization that not only recognizes those involved
in partnerships and volunteer efforts, but also offers continued support and consultative
services, regionalized training workshops, and various public awareness activities
designed to promote the value and rewards of school volunteerism.
The opportunities for New Hampshire Partners in Education are enormous. Due to the
financial challenges that schools currently face, in addition to teacher resources, the value
of school volunteers has never been more important.
New Hampshire Partners in Education intends to address these two areas of focus as they
continue to move forward by advocating the value and need of school volunteers, by
facilitating resources in building bridges between businesses, schools and communities,
and by celebrating school volunteer programs and their impact on children in New
When brought to bear on education, community resources significantly enhance the
educational process, increase student motivation, and stimulate student achievement.
They also expand the quality of life for all of the community participants and the
community as a whole. Effectively engaging the community and its businesses in the
education of its youth, fostering reciprocal relationships between school and community,
and increasing support for our schools and our educators all result from the unique
services provided by New Hampshire Partners in Education.
These guidelines for organizing a school volunteer program are suggested by New Hampshire
Partners in Education. Careful thorough planning and organization are basic to the success of a
school volunteer program. All guidelines, forms and suggestions should be adapted to local
needs and desires.
Resources and consultant help in starting and maintaining a school volunteer program is available
free of charge from NH Partners in Education in Education. For more information, contact:
New Hampshire Partners in Education
PO Box 2758
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 540-0620
Fax: (603) 584-0203
1. Develop Awareness:
Those instituting the program should become aware of how school volunteer / citizen
involvement programs can help. How do they fit into what already exists in the
school system and what should exist? Determine how a successful school volunteer
program can be integrated into the system and how it should operate.
Ensure that those who will be affected by a school volunteer program (school board,
administrators, teachers, parents, students, and the community) are aware that a
program is being developed. The strength of any program will depend upon a high
level of commitment and involvement by everyone.
2. Determine Need:
In order to be successful, a school volunteer program must fill genuine needs. Obtain
an accurate and current assessment of school needs through questionnaires,
interviews and by direct observation.
Such and assessment will help to determine what focus the program will take and be
useful later in recruitment and assignment of volunteers.
Determine: Administrative support
Teacher requests
Community interest
3. Obtain a Firm Commitment to Support and Participate in the Volunteer
Program from:
Teachers and other school staff
School Board (the school board should pass a written policy of support for the school
volunteer program, giving consideration to liability and insurance issues, inclusion in
existing insurance policies, etc.)
4. Establish an Advisory / Support Committee for the School Volunteer Program:
In conjunction with the administration, the committee establishes policy and
programs for the local SVP.
The support committee should be representative of the school community, consisting
of delegates of volunteers, teachers, administrators, community organizations, etc.
The committee can serve as a liaison between the school and the community.
5. Appoint a Volunteer Coordinator. Although it is not essential that a coordinator be
appointed at this exact point, this role is a pivotal one in creating a successful SVP. If the
coordinator participates in program organization and design, and in the preliminary process in
setting up the program, things go smoother initially and in the future.
- The coordinator may be chosen by administrator, principal, teacher, superintendent,
and/or support committee, with advice from the outgoing coordinator. The approval
of the school board may be needed, especially if it is a paid position.
- Desirable qualifications include experience as a school volunteer, ability to
communicate well, interest in education, time to carry out the duties of the job, and
- The coordinator is responsible to the local administrator
- The coordinator serves as the program’s liaison with NH Partners in Education in
- The coordinator maintains SVP records and provides annual statistics to NH Partners
in Education in Education and to local authorities.
6. Develop Program Mission, Goals and Objectives.
Program mission is the general philosophical basis for the existence of the SVP.
Program goals are broad statements of purpose upon which specific objectives are
created. A goal statement should reflect the school needs identified through the
needs assessment process, but should also reflect the philosophy and values of the
school and school district as well as the values of the community.
A program objective is a statement of specific intent – what the program will
accomplish. It is measurable and determines the focus of evaluation. Objectives
should tell whom, what and when. The results of the needs assessment shape the
content of specific objectives.
7. Develop Program Design.
Identify the administrative process and structural organization necessary to
implement the program design. Determine where the program will fit in the
organizational chart of the school district. Consider such matters as health and legal
procedures, signing in/out (documentation), parking, reporting absences, and
assigning workspace. Identify decision-making chains of command and channels of
Write role descriptions for those involved in the program including volunteers,
school staff, administrators and the program coordinator - indicating areas of
responsibility. See sample job descriptions in the following section for examples.
Set up a record keeping system that will enable proper reports to evaluate the
program. An effective record keeping system will make it possible for the following
questions to be answered easily:
- Who is volunteering?
- Where and when are volunteers assigned?
- What kinds of work are volunteers doing?
- How many hours have the volunteers contributed?
- Are volunteers reliable in carrying out their assignments?
Individual volunteer records should also be maintained. Volunteers frequently refer
to their volunteer service when applying for employment.
8. Orient School Personnel to the School Volunteer Program.
It is essential for teachers and other school personnel to understand and support the
SVP if it to be successful. As the immediate supervisors of the volunteers, staff plays
a crucial role in the day-to-day operations of the program.
Teacher responsibilities include:
- Identifying services to be performed by volunteers.
- Making formal requests for volunteers to the volunteer coordinator.
- Providing training for specific duties.
- Providing day-to-day supervision of the volunteer.
- Reporting problems to the SVP administration.
- Helping volunteers feel job satisfaction through frequent “thanks”.
- Evaluating volunteer service.
In requesting volunteers, school personnel should remember:
- Volunteers work under the supervision of a teacher or other school
- The volunteer never replaces the teacher.
- Assignments should be meaningful.
- Volunteers reinforce rather than teach.
9. Recruitment of Volunteers.
This essential process should be a year round effort, not just when school begins.
Parents are an obvious first source of volunteers, but assistance from all segments of
the community should be sought regardless of age, income level, occupation, race,
sex, or education level.
Qualifications for volunteers include:
- Genuine interest in children.
- Good health.
- Reliability and consistency of service.
- Confidentiality about children.
- Professional attitude about service.
10. Interviewing and Screening Volunteers.
Volunteers should complete an application, which should include:
- Basic personal data such as address phone number, etc.
- Person to contact in case of emergency
- Any health issues of which the school needs to be aware
- Educational background, applicable training
- Work experience
- Previous volunteer experience
- Hobbies, interest to share with students
- Availability
- Volunteer position in which individual is interested
- Age group with which individual wishes to work
- Personal references
The coordinator and / or principal or staff member needs to make an assessment of the
candidate’s skills and determines who should interview applicants.
Before the volunteer is assigned, the placement process should include a verification of
volunteer’s references and background information. By doing so, the SVP significantly
reduces liability and risk to students, the program, the school and all parties involved.
11. Orientation of Volunteers.
All volunteers should be familiar with the volunteer program and their role in it.
An orientation, whether group or individual, should help volunteers become familiar
with the school setting and include: a tour of the facility; explanation of school rules;
expectations; school calendar; daily bell schedule; emergency procedures; parking; other
applicable restrictions
Other essential elements of an orientation include basic requirements expected of school
volunteers including confidentiality and reliability, and housekeeping responsibilities
such as signing-in procedures, wearing nametags, dealing with absences, etc.
Volunteers should also become familiar with program history, purpose (goals and
objectives) and design.
A written handbook is helpful.
12. Placement of Volunteers in Meaningful Assignments.
Correct placement should include a balancing of the needs of the school with the
individual talents, interest and availability of the potential volunteer.
Make initial assignments “temporary” in case an assignment is inappropriate or simply
does not work.
It is best to establish removal procedures at this time, in the unlikely event that a
permanent assignment does not work out or a serious problem arises. Reassign the
volunteer when possible. When no other solution is possible, an unsatisfactory volunteer
should be counseled out of the program by the coordinator and / or principal.
13. Training of Volunteers.
Training is the specialized preparation of a volunteer to perform a specific
assignment. Training will vary from volunteer to volunteer according to the specific
duties each is performing. All volunteers, including those involved in partnership
and on-time activities, should receive training appropriate for their volunteer role.
The individual teacher supervising the volunteer often performs training.
In-service workshops for volunteers help develop skills and increase confidence.
Many schools encourage volunteers to attend staff in-service training on a space
available basis.
14. Recognition
A volunteer program is most successful when volunteers feel satisfaction and
appreciation for the work that they do.
The importance of “Thank you” on a regular basis from students, teachers,
administrators, coordinators, and the school board cannot be over emphasized.
Special events and materials such as teas, luncheons, student performances,
certificates, and pins are also appreciated and provide more formal recognition of the
value of volunteers.
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15. Evaluation
Evaluation is the process of collecting and interpreting data to determine to what
extent the initial objectives have been reached and to analyze the accomplishments,
strengths and weaknesses of the program.
Periodic and year-end evaluation of the SVP by the teacher, principal, students,
volunteer coordinator and volunteers should be conducted in order to maintain and
improve the quality of the program; justify continued funding of the SVP, I f
applicable; gain additional support; and determine future planning.
16. Ongoing Program Management
School volunteer programs need careful dedicated management to be successful. Even well
established programs do not “run themselves”. SVPs often involve hundreds of individualsvolunteers, teachers, other staff, administration, local businesses, etc. The administration of the
program is multifaceted one, with attention paid to planning, recruiting, interviewing and placing,
training, showing appreciation, evaluating, etc. Often the school volunteer program will involve
many more workers than the entire paid staff of a school building or district. School Volunteer
Program management is an ongoing challenge.
Further elaboration of several of the above topics is included in appropriates sections of this
Some Ways a School Volunteer Can Help
The ways in which volunteers can help are almost limitless. The particular needs of a school’s
staff as well as their imagination and flexibility in devising volunteer assignments will define how
volunteers help. Schools are urged to seek volunteers for traditional positions and to be creative in
finding new ways to enlist community support.
A school volunteer may work an hour or two, or even more every week during an entire school
year. Others can donate concentrated amounts of time for short-term projects, and still others are
only able to volunteer an hour or two each year. Every volunteer is a valuable asset to your school
and there are areas of need for all types of volunteers.
The following is only a partial list of ways volunteers can help in the classroom, assist school
staff or to help in some way. Remember, a volunteer should never take the place of a teacher. A
volunteer’s role is to assist the teacher with their curriculum.
- Reading, math, spelling, science, etc.
- Reinforce skills in subject areas
- Lead discussions
- Help students who have been out absent to “catch up” on missed work
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- Objective tests
- Workbooks
- Testing
- Learning centers
- Science
- Research
- Drill work
- After School Tutorial Program
- To oral reading
- To oral presentations
- A current events seminar
- A science demonstration
- For class parties
- To take attendance
- To check students work
- To help at snack time
- To help children put on coats at recess time
- Audio-visual equipment
- Learning machines
- Computers
- Help students find books
- Shelve books
- Check books IN and OUT
- Repair books & other printed materials
- Read to groups of children
- Assist with vision tests and audiometer tests
- Keep records
- Measure height & weight
- Health education (personal hygiene, dental care, make up, etc.)
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Help little hands cut & paste
Collect and prepare materials; ie. Yarn & egg cartons
Assist with special projects
Plan exhibits of students work
Tell about famous artists & and their works
- Assist in physical education classes
- Run lunchtime sports’ tournaments
- Coach basketball, baseball, soccer, cheerleading etc.
- Referee
- Make costumes and scenery
- Make-up
- Accompany chorus
- Demonstrate instruments
- Dance ethnic dances
- Expand career awareness
- Share special hobbies
- Talk about & show videos of travel experiences
- Display collections
- Share memories of World War II or other historical events
- Share experiences of other cultures
- Sponsor or assist with clubs involving arts & crafts, gardening, photography,
sports, dramatics, dancing, science, computer, woodworking, chess, etc.
- Monitor children at play
- Watch for safety hazards such as broken equipment, glass, etc.
- Emphasize proper use of supplies and equipment
- Teach new games
- Serve as a receptionist
- Perform clerical tasks
- Monitor tests
- Assist in preschool registration and readiness testing
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- Run copy machines
- Assist in the lunchroom
- Prepare materials for classroom projects
- Help run school store
- Help with typing & filing
- Help School Volunteer Program with record keeping (keeping track of the volunteer
- Write, edit and/or type school newsletter
- Keep inventories of supplies and equipment
- Orient new student to the school
- Assist in writing or reading centers
- Baby-sit for other volunteers who have small children
- Prepare materials for teachers:
Lettering flashcards
Cutting patterns
Preparing materials for a craft or special project
- Telephone absentees
- Bake for school parties
- Perform clerical tasks on home computer
- Scan pictures for special projects
- Educational games
- Tapes of children ’s stories
- Instructional materials and displays
- Diagnose or prescribe instructional programs
- Evaluate student progress
- Take over for a teacher
It is strongly recommended that a volunteer never be left alone with a
child or group of children
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Volunteers are needed at all educational levels. At the middle and high school levels, it is often
less clear how volunteers can help. More formalized class structure and time limitations place
limits on some types of volunteering. In addition, many potential volunteers are hesitant about
working in advanced subject areas with teenagers who tower above their heads.
Again, all volunteers should receive orientation and training appropriate for their assignments. In
placing volunteers, attention should be given to special skills and qualifications of the volunteers
and to the requirements of the task assigned.
There are many opportunities for assistance in areas with little student contact as well as in ones
where direct assistance to students is given. The following list gives suggestions for volunteer
service in many diverse areas.
Sign books in/out; shelve books, catalog, and repair books; catalog magazines &
newspaper articles, pictures.
Clerical duties, answer phone, typing, alphabetize, distribute mail.
Run copy machine
Attendance officer
Receptionist, clerical tasks, monitor tests, reinforcements tasks
One-to-one in subject areas.
Tutors, classroom assistants
Keep records, assist with inoculations, vision, auditory tests, referrals
Operate/repair equipment
Assist students, develop programs, advise computer club
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An established club or start a new one: stamps, photography, coins, gardening,
knitting, sewing, woodworking, sports, dramatics, dancing, arts & crafts, newspaper,
yearbook, music, boosters.
Class or assembly speakers; mini-courses; clubs; one appearance or several of
persons with interesting hobbies, travels, occupations.
Tours outside school – industry, business, and nature.
Athletics-coach’s assistant, ticket takers
Arts-demonstrate crafts, make posters, collect materials, set up displays
Music- piano players, guest conductor, demonstrate instruments
English- theme readers, authors to talk about their works
Drama- assist coaches with plays, dialect advisor, lighting, director, scenery,
Science-lab technicians, set up experiments, clean up.
Home EC.- demonstrate skills, collect materials
All- prepare materials, do research, set up displays
Articles and photos for local papers
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Every community contains many people who have knowledge and skills they can share with
students and the school. Even the best school does not have experts in all areas. Expertise from
the community can supplement what is available. Typical areas where volunteers may be needed
include are awareness; hobbies; travel, history and customs of foreign lands; cooking, gardening
skill; memories of days gone by; staff development for teachers; and special projects.
Most school volunteer programs maintain a file of potential resource volunteers who can be
called upon when the need arises.
Unlike most volunteers, resource volunteers usually donate only a few hours a year to enrich the
school curriculum. They are vitally important however, not only for the enrichment that they
provide, but also for the positive publicity that the community receives about the schools, as
resource volunteers become ambassadors for education.
To recruit potential resource volunteers, a resource component can be written into the
general recruitment letter similar to the examples included in the “RECRUITMENT”
section of this handbook. If the resource file does not contain an entry in an area
requested, volunteers must be recruited for that particular need. Be sure to use all
methods mentioned for recruiting regular volunteers, and be as specific as possible as
to topic needed and time required.
The resource volunteer registration form serves the same purpose as the regular
volunteer registration form and can be filled out during an interview. (see
“PLACEMENT” section.)
It is important that teachers be made aware that resource volunteer are available and
understand what they can offer. This can be done in one of several ways:
- A card file containing the relevant information on each resource volunteer
can be placed in the school library, teacher’s room, or main office.
- Each teacher can be provided with a list of available resource topics.
- A comprehensive list of all resource volunteers and relevant information for
each can be distributed to all faculty members.
The SVP coordinator or community/school coordinator, who then acts as facilitator
for the teacher and volunteer, or the teacher can arrange the visit directly with the
volunteer, can handle placement of resource volunteers. In order to avoid confusion,
one policy for contacting resource volunteers should be established.
Orientation and training, appropriate for the assignment, should be provided for each
resource volunteer. This should include information about the audience, suggested
techniques, etc.
Resource volunteers should be evaluated after each presentation so their usefulness at
a particular grade level and achievement level can be noted. An example of a
resource volunteer evaluation form is included in the SAMPLE FORMS section.
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A school volunteer program is undoubtedly the most cost-effective program that a school system
can budget. Thousands of dollars of in-kind service and materials are donated yearly to schools
with SVPs. In addition to these more tangible benefits, the good will that is engendered by
community knowledge of support for the schools is priceless.
SVPs like other well run programs, need resources. Much may be given in-kind without a
specific dollar outlay, but SVPs also need funding and convenient access to resources of the
school if they are to function efficiently and effectively.
SVPs are growing in size, and programs that involve dozens and even hundred of people on the
school’s behalf need materials, office space with telephone, time on a computer, secretarial
support and other resources.
Sample Budget
Operating expenses
Supplies (paper, computer disks, etc.)
Equipment (typewriter, desk, etc.)
Materials (handbooks, tutoring supplies)
Orientation, Training for Volunteers, Teachers, Etc.
(includes refreshments, materials etc.)
Publicity (cost of film, developing, etc.)
Recognition (certificates, pins, teas, gifts, etc.)
Professional Development (Registration fees for
Conferences, workshops, travel expenses)
Coordinator’s Salary /Stipend (if applicable)
(a SVP coordinator devotes hundreds of hours
of service annually in administrative functions
such as planning, interviewing, placing, scheduling,
training, recognizing, evaluating, etc)
Secretarial Support for the SVP
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Yearly Calendar of Events
For the School Volunteer Coordinator
The success of a school volunteer program comes from year-round planning and implementation
by coordinators, administrators, teachers and volunteers. The following calendar is intended to be
of use as a guide for events during the school year.
July / August
- Promote awareness of the school volunteer program and recruit volunteers.
Meeting of coordinator(s) and administrator(s) to arrange schedule of program
activities for fall.
Prepare forms and other materials needed for fall.
August / September
- Coordinator(s) should contact each volunteer from the past year to discuss last year’s
job, find out if the volunteer is still interested in volunteering and if so, what the
volunteer wants to do this year.
- Coordinator talks to all (both new and veteran) teachers at a teacher’s meeting, about
effective utilization of volunteers.
- Distribute volunteer request form to teachers. Teacher return completed forms to
coordinator. (requests for volunteers continue all year.)
- Continue publicity campaign. Use newspapers, shoppers’ news, radio, etc. to explain
what the SVP is, why it is necessary, how to join.
- Send letters home with all school children in your area, inviting parents and
grandparents to become school volunteers.
- Plan orientation session. Invite principals and volunteers (new and veteran).
September / October
- Interview and screen potential volunteers
- Match teacher requests with volunteer preferences. Arrange for volunteer / teacher
- Veteran volunteers who have made personal arrangements with teachers may start
volunteering at any time.
- School personnel responsible for that program should give training in special areas.
- Gold Circle Awards are presented
October / November
- Check on how volunteers are doing.
- Blue Ribbon School Achievement Awards are presented.
- Arrange for holiday recognition of volunteers.
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January / February / March
- Plan personal contact with all volunteers to find out how their assignment is going.
April / May
- Thank volunteers during New Hampshire School Volunteer Week
- Plan personal contact with all volunteers to find out how their assignment is going
- Submit Blue Ribbon,& Gold Circle award applications to NH Partners in Education
- Submit nominations for Individual Volunteer Awards to NH Partners in Education
Arrange a recognition activity to thank the school volunteers.
Meeting of coordinator(s) and administrators to evaluate program of past year and
discuss most effective ways to help student’s incoming year.
All Year
Keep lines of communication between teacher, volunteers and principals open and in
Arrange for publicity. Use local media and send articles to NH Partners in Education
for inclusion in to website
Recruit and place new volunteers as teacher requests come in.
Schedule local in-service workshops whenever possible.
Update volunteer list. Notify NH Partners in Education office of any changes.
Don’t forget to say “Thank You” to all that participated in the school volunteer
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The School Volunteer Program Coordinator plays an extremely important role in the success of a
school volunteer program. Volunteer programs need someone at the helm to provide leadership.
Even the best-designed program cannot run by itself. The coordinator acts as a liaison between
the principal, teachers, volunteers, and support committee, and implements program activities.
The coordinator promotes and implements existing and new relationships between the school and
the community through the effective utilization of volunteers and community resources. The
coordinator’s role is central in building an atmosphere of trust and confidence between school and
The SVP Coordinator:
Meets regularly and works closely with the school administration and staff to plan the volunteer
- Discusses needs in the district and in individual schools.
- Develops volunteer program policies and procedures.
- Explains SVP services.
- Plans meeting with teaching staff to discuss program.
- Decides how in interviewing and placement of volunteers will be handled.
- Determines training programs needed.
- Establishes a reassignment policy when possible, and removal procedures when
necessary, for an unsatisfactory volunteer situation.
- In larger comminutes, chooses SVP coordinator for each school. *
- Arranges for publicity and recruitment.
- Sets up a calendar showing dates for SVP activities.
Works with local support committee to implement & publicize program.
Implements the school volunteer program.
- Plans publicity & recruitment procedures and implements them, in conjunction with
support committee – school notices to parents, radio and newspaper announcements,
posters, and contact with local services organizations and colleges, etc.
- Circulates teacher request forms to determine volunteer needs
- Contacts former volunteers.
- Interview new volunteers with principal or staff member.
- Sees that a handbook or guidelines are available for volunteers.
- Provides orientation for volunteers and teachers.
- Sets up procedures for recording volunteer attendance, reporting absences and
volunteer identification.
- Arranges for all volunteers to receive orientation and training appropriate for their
- Arranges in-service training for volunteers in special areas such as reading, math,
library, etc. Arranges for volunteers to be invited to staff in-service sessions.
- Provides for safety and risk management by instituting procedures and monitoring
program accordingly.
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Conducts on-going activities.
- Visits school regularly, is available to discuss problems, innovations, gives on-thejob training as needed. Promptly addresses any concerns or problems.
- Check regularly with volunteers by phone or in person.
- Meets regularly with local support committee and principal for evaluation and
- Plans periodic group conferences with volunteers, individual school coordinators and
- Maintains regular communications with NH Partners in Education in order to utilize
statewide material and share information.
- Conducts on-going evaluation, recruitment, orientation and training for new
- Identifies leadership for the next year’s program.
- Arranges for recognition of volunteers’ services.
- Nominates volunteers and the school for appropriate awards.
- Conducts year-end evaluation, planning for following year.
- Sends year-end report to NH Partners in Education office, local school board,
principal and superintendent.
- Maintains open and on-going communications with all parties involved in the
program, the key to a successful program.
*In many smaller comminutes there will be a single School Volunteer Program (SVP)
Coordinator for the entire community. He/she will fulfill all the duties suggested above for the
SVP Coordinator. In larger comminutes, because of the greater number of volunteers, the time
required for coordination, coordinators are often determined for each school. These individuals
help with the volunteer program in their school and work under the direction of the City or
District SVP Coordinator. In districts with a paid SVP Coordinator, division of duties may differ,
with the SVP Coordinator performing all or a greater share of the duties of both district-wide SVP
Coordinator and building level coordinator.
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School volunteers are caring, committed people who assist in the education of our children.
Volunteers come in all ages, from all walks of life. No specific educational background or
training is needed. Volunteers should, however, be committed to volunteer activities, regular in
attendance, and willing and able to cooperate with school personnel.
A School Volunteer or Partner is:
- The volunteer keeps volunteer appointments and is prompt.
- If a volunteer appointment cannot be kept, the proper person should be notified as far
in advanced as possible.
- The volunteer signs the volunteer time sheet upon arrival at school to record
volunteer service and wears a name tag while volunteering.
- Volunteers participate in orientation sessions and in any training needed.
- A volunteer’s work is confidential. Students should not be discussed with anyone
except the appropriate school personnel. If a volunteer has questions about school
policies or procedures, they should be discussed with appropriate school personnel,
not out side of the school.
- Volunteers should feel free to discuss concerns with the SVP Coordinator.
- For the safety of the children, prospective volunteers may be asked to provide
references and releases for background checks.
- The volunteer follows the direction of the teacher and does not hesitate to ask for
more specific instructions when necessary.
- The volunteer communicates regularly with the supervising teacher about goals,
methods, discipline and assignments.
- It is helpful for the volunteer to provide the teacher with feedback at the close of each
volunteering session.
- Volunteers should know and follow school regulations, as explained during their
- If a volunteer works with children outside the classroom, they should not be taken to
any area except that specified by the teacher.
- Volunteers do not release a child to any other person.
- Is patient and understanding with children.
- Motivates students by praising their accomplishments, even if the accomplishments
are small ones.
- Builds the child’s self-confidence; helps the child think of him/herself as a person
capable of success.
- Determines, with the teacher, how discipline should be handled.
- A school volunteer conducts him/herself as a professional, a member of the school
team. A professional attitude toward responsibilities will help make volunteering a
satisfying, enjoyable experience for all.
- Although volunteer experience in not paid employment, many businesses and
educational institutions give credit for volunteer experience. It is important for the
volunteer and SVP to keep an accessible record of service and of any training,
workshops and conferences attended.
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The school principal plays a very important role in the overall operation of the volunteer program
and how it is utilized and accepted by the school staff, students and volunteers. As the person in
final authority in the school, the principal has ultimate responsibility for the school and should
understand how the volunteer program functions and provides leadership, support, and
recognition to the program.
Although she/he may delegate much of the work and responsibility to the SVP coordinator, the
principal’s interest, involvement and leadership are required for the program to function
- The principal sets the tone of welcome for volunteers.
- The principal should meet with the school staff at the beginning of the year to explain
the school volunteer program, clarify roles, and enlist staff support. Time should also
be provided for the volunteer coordinator to speak to faculty, answer questions, and
perhaps survey needs.
- It is helpful for the school principal to assist in recruiting volunteers by sending,
jointly with the SVP, a letter to all parents encouraging participation in the SVP.
- An area for the volunteer sign-in book, SVP records, and if possible is a volunteer
room, needs to be provided. In some schools, volunteers are welcome to use the
teachers’ room.
Maintain Close Contact with the SVP Coordinator
- Before school starts, or at the beginning of the school year, the principal meets with
the coordinator to set program goals and objectives and develop the volunteer
program calendar of events for the year. Staff and volunteer input should be taken
into consideration when developing goals and objectives.
- The principal meets regularly with the SVP coordinator and maintains open
communication at all times.
- The principal notifies the coordinator of all concerns pertaining to the volunteer
Orientation & Training of Volunteers
- It is helpful if the principal is involved, along with the SVP coordinator, in planning
and implementing well-rounded orientation programs for volunteers and staff.
- The principal may wish to be responsible to seeing that school policy, rules and
regulations are communicated to volunteers are the orientation.
- The principal, in conjunction with the SVP coordinator and /or teacher liaison, may
want to participate in interviews of potential volunteers and approve their placement.
Often this responsibility is delegated to the SVP coordinator.
- Time should be provided for the teacher to meet with his/her assigned volunteer prior
to the first session.
- Opportunities for growth for volunteers may be provided through workshops, training
sessions, conferences, etc. Many schools invite volunteers to participate in staff inservice training on space available basis.
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Termination of Services
- If a problem develops concerning a volunteer and the school that cannot be resolved
by the teacher, SVP coordinator or principal, then it is the responsibility of the
principal and SVP coordinator to see that the volunteer is reassigned when possible
or counseled out of the program.
- It is important that the policy and procedures for removal be in place before the SVP
begins and volunteers are interviewed and placed.
Evaluation and Recognition of the SVP
- The principal should review and evaluate the program periodically with the facility,
volunteers, SVP coordinator and support committee to maintain and improve the
quality of the school volunteer program.
- Encouragement of continuing program of recognition of volunteers and the volunteer
program not only at the end of the year, but periodically throughout the year, is
Involving the skills and expertise of volunteers can allow teachers more time to work with
students and implement programs and activities that are not possible without extra hands in the
class. As the manager of the classroom, the teacher plans for volunteer involvement and integrate
this support into the daily functioning of the class.
Effective utilization of the volunteer depends heavily on the individual teacher, as it is the teacher
who has the day-to-day contact with the supervision of the volunteer. To interact successfully
with the SVP, the teacher should understand how the volunteer program functions in his/her
The relationship between the volunteer and the teacher should be a professional one of mutual
respect and confidence.
Requesting a Volunteer
- The teacher determines where a volunteer can be of service to him/her and to the
class the teacher should consider: children needing individual help, areas where
assistance is needed and time of day, day of week when assistance is needed.
- Fill out a teacher request for volunteer services form and return it to the SVP
coordinator and /or principal.
- Submit additional request throughout the year as needs arise.
Preparing the Class
- It is helpful to discuss the volunteer program with the class and explain how it will
work in the classroom.
- Inform students of the behavior expected from them when working with a volunteer.
- Inform students when and why the volunteer who is working with them is absent.
Orienting and Training the Volunteer
- Volunteers receive general orientation and training from the SVP coordinator and
principal before they start their duties.
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The teacher & volunteer should meet prior to the first volunteering session and
discuss the teacher’s needs and expectations and the volunteer’s interest and
expectations. Include discussion of volunteer duties, time schedules, class
philosophy and routine, communication channels, discipline, etc.
Because volunteer assignments vary considerably, it is often possible for the SVP to
give only general training to all volunteers. Therefore it is usually the responsibility
of the individual teacher to give the volunteer specific training for most assignments.
Day to Day Operation
- A volunteer should not be left in charge of an entire class while the teacher is out of
the room.
- The volunteer program runs smoothes when the teacher:
- Plans the work before the volunteer arrives. It is helpful to include
assignment for the volunteer in the daily lesson plans
- Acquaints the volunteer with class procedures, materials, records, and
provides working spaces needed to carry out assignments.
- Discusses with the volunteer what occurred during each session or sees that a
‘log’ of assignments and volunteer comments is kept.
- Share with the volunteer any ideas that might work with individual children
and listens to the volunteer’s comments, observations and ideas.
- Notifies the volunteer in advance of she or he will not be needed at the
regular time due to movies, field trips, assemblies, etc.
- Keeps open the lies of communication with the volunteer: the key to a
successful volunteer-teacher relationship.
- Tells the volunteer of the teacher’s needs. The volunteer will usually be glad
to help in whatever way possible.
If Problems Occur:
- If a problem develops in the working relationship between the teacher and volunteer,
it is helpful for the teacher to talk to the volunteer about it. The volunteer may not be
aware of the problem and be happy to try to correct it.
- If the problem remains unresolved after talking together, it is suggested that: the
teacher talks with the SVP coordinator, teacher liaison, or principal the volunteer talk
with the SVP coordinator.
- The principal and the SVP coordinator have the responsibility to see that if needed, a
volunteer is reassigned or counseled out of the program.
- The principal or SVP coordinator may will to maintain documentation of these
Evaluating the Program
- The teacher should check periodically to see whether the volunteer is helping meet
the goals of the classroom
- The teacher is usually asked to evaluate his/her volunteer(s) as well as the SVP.
- Volunteers have proven to be most dependable and successful when they feel
satisfaction and appreciation in their job.
- “Thank you” can never be said enough.
- Arrange for students to show appreciation.
- Arrange for periodic as well as year-end recognition.
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Many schools find that having a teacher in the role of liaison between the staff and the volunteer
program is very helpful. Especially in SVPs with a lay coordinator who is not in the building
every day, having a resident liaison to the SVP enable the program to run more smoothly.
Frequently teachers feel freer to express concerns to a colleague.
The teacher liaison:
- Assists in designing the operation of the program in the school.
- May participate in interviews and placement of prospective volunteers. The teacher
brings a greater understanding of specific teacher needs to the process.
- Is available to receive and respond to concerns to staff.
- Works with staff to encourage full and correct utilization of volunteer services.
- Maintains communication and works cooperatively with the SVP coordinator and
- Encourages staff expressions of recognition and appreciation of individual volunteers
and the SVP.
In many districts staff liaisons have received staff development credit for their participation.
Many school districts or schools have a support or advisory committee that helps run the local
school volunteer program and provides support for the program.
Policy making for the local SVP, within the scope of local school board limits.
Helps provide needed financial and personnel support for the program.
Assist with supervision of the SVP.
The School Volunteer Program Coordinator works closely with this group and may,
depending on district policy, be directly responsible to the committee.
Suggested Composition of Committee
- Representatives from:
- Principals
- Teachers
- Volunteers
- Specialists (reading, counseling, music, etc.)
- Community
- SVP coordinator(s)
- Superintendent
- School board
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Duties of Committee
- See that resources needed to operate the SVP are made available.
- Develop program mission, goals, and objectives.
- Develop program design.
- Determine volunteer qualifications, guidelines.
- Select SVP coordinator (with administrative approval).
- Approve orientation and training of volunteers.
- See that volunteers are adequately recognized and appreciated.
- Evaluate program.
Publicity is creating an awareness of your school’s volunteer program in the community and in
the school. It has been said, “good publicity does half of the recruiting for you.” Certainly, if
potential volunteers do not know about the program they will not volunteer. One old guideline
states that most people need to have heard about an organization or need, at least 10 times before
they will volunteer to help.
Keep school volunteers in the news. Aim for news coverage at least once a month.
Don’t publicize the program only when you want to recruit volunteers.
Have an objective for you publicity. Determine what you are trying to publicize. A
LONG-TERM objective may be to make the program known. A SHORT-TERM
objective could be recruitment.
Establish and image for your school’s program and promote that image. You are
‘selling’ help for children, with has great appeal. Adopt a’Logo’ or motto for the
program and use it on all materials.
Use photos when possible. Keep the subject simple; the background should not
distract from the subject. Three to five persons actively engaged in some activity is
best. Pictures of children are great attention getters.
- - 28 - -
Newspaper articles (area daily paper, community weekly paper, and “shopper’s news”)
- General information regarding program
- Articles regarding interesting volunteers or volunteer activities
- Christmas party
- Reports of activity
- Recognition events
- Photographs
Ask your school to include news of volunteer involvement in the course of their regular school
news, for example: “Volunteers Mary Smith and John Jones helped Mrs. Green’s class with their
winning science projects.”
Bumper - stickers
Name tags
Coffee hours
“Talk it up” and urge all volunteers and school personnel to do so also.
Speak to clubs, Chamber of Commerce, businesses, etc.
Put brochures in offices, libraries, stores and other public places.
Distribute annual report to clubs, newspapers, school and town officials; urge that it be included
in the official town report as a part of the school district report.
Place posters in stores, bulletin boards, and other public places.
Fundraising activities provide high visibility.
- - 29 - -
The following suggestions can help reach out to specific groups of
- Send out a flyer/recruitment letter/application from to parents indicating the need for
volunteers at the school. List specific ways that volunteers can be involved,
including ones that require no training in education. Sent the invitation as early in
the school year as possible to “sign” up a parent before they become involved in
other activities.
- Work with teachers who are interested in involving parents. Many parents are
responsive to the idea that they can support their child’s school, especially if
personally invited by the teacher.
- Talk about the volunteer program whenever parents gather, such as PTA/PTO
meetings and the school open house. Let people know that they are needed and
welcome in the school.
- Make sure that volunteer recruitment literature is given to parents who bring their
children to the school for the first time. Kindergarten parents and those who have
just moved into your community are particularly responsive. Distribute a ”sign-up”
sheet with the school handbook.
- Speak or have a booth at parent-teacher meeting, school open house.
- The telephone is your best friend. Use it to follow up on a conversation, to reach out
to a parent you haven’t seen for a while, or to maintain personal contact sometimes
when you aren’t recruiting – you are building a network of support!
- Don’t fall into the rut of thinking of volunteering as “something mothers do” Fathers
can volunteer too, and so can grandparents and other members of the extended
family. Unemployed parents can be a source of volunteer help, even if that is only
temporary. If the experience is a positive one, the parent may fine ways to continue
to volunteer after becoming re-employed. (A volunteer experience can be valuable
part of a resume’ for those seeking employment.)
This group of citizens is a tremendous resource of valuable skills and experiences for working
with young people. Many older adults have skills to share, pictures to show, stories to tell,
experiences to relate, and warm interest to give to children.
Recruiting from the population without a child in school requires extra work but will bring
dividends in the form of support for the program and the school. It is necessary first to develop
an awareness of the school, its programs, and people, before you can expect to draw volunteers
into the school. Some of the following activities may also be helpful in reaching out to
community members who do not have children in schools, but maybe not be older citizens.
- Find out where older adults live in your community. Distribute copies of the school
newsletter by hand or by mail to senior apartment complexes, retirement homes, etc.
Including some student writing or art projects in the newsletter is helpful.
- Place posters about the school and its programs in places where older adults shop and
bank. Many local banks are willing to feature student work and activities on their
community bulletin board.
- - 30 - -
Contact key individual in organizations that involve older adults. Go to
neighborhood churches, park and recreation centers, and service organizations. Find
out about those groups and the individuals in them.
Bring student-performing groups into the community. Many people who do not have
direct contact with the schools are unsure about today’s youth. Their perceptions are
formed from negative accounts in the media. If a student singing group performs at a
service club or in the ‘community room’ of a bank, the public sees students and
schools in a more positive light.
Hold an “Open House” to invite the community into the school. Wait until you have
established some contact – you don’t want to have a party when no one can come!
Send out specific invitations to key individuals in the community, and be prepared to
follow up with a telephone call and on offer of transportation, if necessary.
When you have established some good contact with the older adults in your community, you are
ready to move in to more specific recruitment.
- Many retired people are very careful of their time commitments. Don’t expect an
open-ended commitment to a volunteer assignment. You might ask for a relative
short time period – one hour twice a week for six weeks, for example, and give
volunteers the opportunity to choose to extend their commitment. Be prepared to be
flexible if volunteers need time off for vacation or winters away.
- Give students an opportunity to learn about the older adults! Many students have had
little contact with grandparents or other older people. Through shared activities
children can come to learn the similarities and differences between themselves and
older adults.
- Assign older people where they can share their specific talents and interests. A hobby
or craft can provide a marvelous introduction to a fascinating person and many spur a
lifelong interest from a child.
- Build personal rapport with older volunteers. Many older people who volunteer in
school do so because they want to be “where things are happening.” A friendly
greeting, a note of thanks for a job well done, a call to say “we missed you”, will
keep volunteers feeling needed.
High school and college students often can volunteer in elementary schools. Not
only can these young volunteers be excellent role models for elementary students, but
also a successful volunteer experience can be lead to a choice of teaching as a career.
Elementary school students also often volunteer with peers or younger students,
starting a lifelong commitment to service to others.
High schools offer many opportunities for peer service opportunities and service in
media centers, etc. for both high school and college students.
Many colleges either encourage volunteer service or require it as a part of certain
courses. Contact the college’s volunteer bureau or education department to indicate
the school’s interest in working with student volunteers.
Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the values of becoming involved in
education. Many companies offer release time for employees to volunteer in the schools or
would like to become involved as a “partner in education”.
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1) Have patience.
Schools may find that their initial invitations to “come join us” are received when reluctance,
skepticism, uneasiness, and even fearfulness. Some parents’ memories of negative school
experience may serve as roadblocks to involvement. Sensationalism of the problems that a
minority of our youth is involved in may cause a reluctance to interact with any young
people. And in some instances, the school is respected as an authority, and parents do not
expect to become actively involved. It takes time to change feelings and attitudes. Start
modestly; let successful experiences lead the way!
2) Use warmth, friendliness, and the ‘human touch’.
No plan for recruitment, however well developed, will succeed unless it is carried out with
friendliness, sincerity, and respect for everyone. A volunteer’s formal education, condition of
clothes, square footage of home, language spoken, color of skin, and age have little to do with
the ability to be helpful and productive. Show a sincere interest in the prospective
volunteer—everyone needs to feel important and needed.
3) Reach out!
A successful school volunteer recruitment cannot wait for volunteers to come to them, but
must develop plans to reach actively into homes and the community to involve people as
volunteers. Be proactive and persistent, reaching out to many partners. When possible work
with agencies and groups whose purpose is to place their members in volunteer jobs.
4) Maintain momentum throughout the year.
Volunteer recruitment is not an annual event, designed to bring volunteers in at the beginning
of the school year. Help can always be used in the schools, regardless of the hour, day, or
month. Active recruitment is an ongoing, continuous process that brings in people new to the
community, new retirees, those with new decision to “get involved” and people who have just
heard about the school.
5) Make it easy to serve.
Keep the required forms, rules and regulations, and bureaucratic red tape to a minimum. An
application should be completed and an interview conducted. Legal aspects of participation
must be covered, (some schools require such things as test for tuberculosis or insurance for
field trip drives) and all programs should require orientation and training appropriate for the
task assigned. But, the important thing is to get people working with people.
6) Make your needs known.
Be specific about the program’s needs for volunteers. A vague invitation to volunteer for an
open-ended project will produce few responses; people want to know what kind of a
commitment they are being asked to make. Give times, dates, length of service needed, type
of work they will be doing, etc.
7) Put out the welcome mat for volunteers.
The physical arrangement of the school can say: “Welcome, We’re glad you’re here. We
want to make you comfortable.” Create a “volunteer area” somewhere in the school, to make
the volunteers feel welcome, comfortable, and special.
8) Use volunteers and teachers as recruiters.
Often the best recruiters are satisfied volunteers and school staff. Personal enthusiasm can be
highly contagious and provide the spark to kindle interest into a willingness to try volunteer
service. If “each one reaches one”, the coordinator’s job as recruiter is much easier. Let
others know their help is needed and welcomed.
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Via the school
___ Send recruitment letters / application forms home with students
(ask parents to pass it on to a friend or relative)
___ Distribute “sign-up sheet” with school handbook and “new student” information.
___ School principal’s newsletter.
___ Parent – teacher newsletter.
___ Personal appearance at parent – teacher meetings, fall open house.
___ Develop a volunteer handbook and urge volunteers to recruit others.
___ Urge teachers, librarians, principal, kitchen staff, etc. to recruit.
___ Search resource files and list of past volunteers.
___ Have room parents call each parent in room and ask how they can help.
___ Place a list of needed volunteer service on the school bulletin board.
Via the Media
___ Newspapers – area dailies, community weeklies, shopper’s news, want ads
in college newspapers.
___ Radio, public service announcements.
___ Television, public service announcements.
Try Other Organizations
___ Church bulletins.
___ Speak / send notice of needs to community groups. Ask them to include a notice
in organization newsletter.
___ College Student Center
___ Voluntary Action Center
Public Notice
___ Community / post office / store bulletin board.
___ “Help Wanted” display at library and any public event you attend.
___ Have brochures, bookmarks, “Want Ads” available in library, local stores,
Businesses, town hall, doctor and dentist offices, banks, real estate offices,
Welcome Wagon, company paychecks.
___ Marquees
One – to – One
___ Ask satisfied volunteers to recruit their friends (each one reach one)
___ Coffee hours
___ Via telephone
___ Scan membership lists of organizations to which you or others belong
- - 33 - -
Interviewing potential volunteers is a very important step in ensuring the success of a school
volunteer program. The interview process will help you to determine the individual’s skills, aptitudes,
attitudes, suitability and true interest in being a reliable school volunteer. The coordinator, teacher
liaison and /or the principal should conduct the interview and use the information obtained to
determine what the volunteer’s assignment should be.
Provide an overview of the School Volunteer Program.
Explain the requirements of being a school volunteer.
- Reliability
- Consistency
- Training
- Professionalism
Learn about the qualifications and interest of the volunteer to aid in placement.
- Applicant’s name, address and phone number
- Classes / grades in which applicant has children
- Applicant’s special talents and abilities
- Type of work applicant hopes to do in the SVP
- Age / grade level with which applicant prefers to work
- Days and hours applicant is available to volunteer
- Previous work and/or volunteer experience
- Hobbies or travel experiences
Explain placement procedures.
- Volunteers are placed matching their interests and time available with a teacher’s request
and time needed.
- All volunteers should complete and application, either before this interview to be used
during the interview process, or as part of the interview process. References and
background should be checked.
- Before placement is completed, volunteers should participate in an orientation and
appropriate training.
- The school’s policy on placement of a volunteer is his/her own child’s classroom should
be explained.
- Initial teacher-volunteer placements should be considered tentative and new assignments
will be made if the initial one is not satisfactory.
- The volunteer is expected to meet with the teacher before the first volunteering session.
- Volunteers should notify the teacher and the SVP coordinator if for any reason they must
resign or take a leave of absence.
Allow time for questions and answers.
- The potential volunteer should be given every opportunity to ask questions and contribute
any information about her/himself that she/he feels is pertinent.
Discuss dates and time of other scheduled meetings and emphasize that volunteers are
encouraged to attend.
- Orientation and training meetings
Optional at this time for volunteer.
- Discussion of policies and procedures
- A tour of building
- Distribution and/or discussion of the SVP handbook
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Planning for the Interview.
- Make sure there is a clear understanding of the time and place.
- Arrange for suitable setting (private, convenient, limit interruptions).
- Notify receptionist to expect the volunteer.
Preparing for the Interview
- Review any necessary applications or previous records for:
- Completeness may be an indication of energy level or attention to detail
- Answer all questions appropriately – completing an application is really the first
job given.
- Personal data – Name, Address, Phone Number, be sure information is legible or
future contact. Where does the applicant live? Transportation? Previous
volunteer work? Work history? May be able to obtain references or information
from these sources if needed. Schedule, when are they available? Starting date.
Educational background could indicate special skills, knowledge etc. References?
Conducting the Interview
- Relax
- Your manner is very important in making the volunteer feel welcome and at ease.
- Encourage small talk / establish rapport.
- As soon as the interviewee appears, she/he should be greeted with a warm
friendly smile and be treated with courtesy. Ask her/him to be seated.
- Introduce yourself and your position.
- Instead of proceeding immediately into the interview, is it best to engage in two
or three minutes of “small talk” covering topics of mutual interest, such as
weather, any difficulties getting there, etc. Sometimes it is useful to look over
the application (even thought previously reviewed) to let volunteer have a chance
to relax.
- If possible, clarify the purpose of the interview. As well, attempt to clarify both
your expectations and those of the volunteer.
- The voice is very important in gaining the confidence of the interviewee. Try to
utilize the full range of the voice adapting it to the varying situations of the
- Obtain a free flow of information
- Do not openly disagree with the interviewee. If you do not agree with her/his
view, simply nod your head indicating that you have heard her/his comments, or
find a tactful way to interject correct information.
- From time to time indicate approval and encouragement by providing positive
feedback regarding any particular achievement or personal triumph that she/he
may discuss.
- Never appear to be judging or “sizing her/him up.” This will only make the
interviewee uncomfortable.
- Never use direct “barbed” questions or the appearance of “cross-examining: the
interviewee. Such an approach puts her/him off and seldom results in more than
very brief answers.
- Never give the appearance of hurrying the interview. By controlling the
directions of the interview, you should be able to covert he desired topics and
concludes the interview within the allotted length of time without giving the
appearance that you are rushing.
- 35 -
Remember, your interview is never over until the applicant has actually left the
room. Frequently, when the applicant gets up to leave the room, she/he will
continue to talk and may provide you with additional information about her/him.
Guide the Interview.
- Remember that you, the interviewer, must always be in control of the interview, guiding
the conversation to those topics, which you want and need to discuss.
- If the applicant begins discussing certain phases of her/his background while you are
taking her/him through the discussion of something else, it is well to allow the applicant
to complete any significant remark, but then redirect her/his thinking to the place where
you had left off.
Remember that the interview should be a two-way street.
- At this stage of the interview, once all areas of the applicant’s background have been
covered, t he interviewer should ask if there are any questions he/she would like to ask.
Generally, the applicant will ask questions regarding policies, dress, training, etc. It is
just as important for the potential volunteer to know the basics about the volunteer
program. Any good interview is a two way street.
Close the Interview
- At the end of the interview, summarize any decisions that have been reached and any
planned actions; in order to make sure you are both in agreement. Thank the applicant
for coming in and assure her/him that you will be back in touch.
After the Interview
- Write up any necessary notes, tasks for reminders for follow-up, while details are fresh in
your mind.
- Check references listed on application.
- 36 -
It is important to bear in mind that there are questions which may, and may not, be legally asked of perspective
volunteers. Guidelines follow.
You MAY ASK if applicant is a citizen. If not a citizen, whether permitted residence will be long enough to
fulfill expected commitment. You CANNOT ask questions about the birthplace of the applicant or relative of
the applicant.
You MAY ASK applicant’s place of residence and length of time of residence in city or state. You CANNOT
ask questions about applicant’s national origin, length of residence in the US, or commonly used languages.
You MAY ASK name and address of person to notify in case of emergency. This is permitted because the
inquiry is not limited to relatives and the relationship is not asked. You CANNOT ask names and address of
applicant’s relatives. Legitimates need for this information arises after applicant has been accepted.
You MAY ASK for employment history. You CANNOT inquire about indicators of economic status such as
club memberships, occupation of spouse, etc.
You MAY ASK, “Are you 14?” or “Are you 21?” if minimum age is a criteria for acceptance such as a teen
program or particular assignment. You CANNOT ask age of applicant.
You MAY ASK “Was your name the same is it is now?” in order to check prior volunteer records. You
CANNOT ask questions concerning the original name of the applicant. However, if recommendations are
check, you MAY ASK - “Did they know you by the same name?’ You CANNOT ask if applicant is married,
single, widowed or divorced. You CANNOT ask about future marital plans. You CANNOT ask questions
concerning pregnancy. You CANNOT ask questions concerning arrangements for childcare. You CANNOT
ask questions concerning an applicant’s religious affiliation.
You MAY ASK if they spend part of the year in another climate, if applicant is of retirement age. You
CANNOT ask what property they own.
You MAY ASK questions concerning and applicant’s criminal conviction, if relevant to the job to be
performed. However, you CANNOT ask questions concerning the arrest record of the applicant.
You MAY ASK about the applicant’s experiences in the armed services. You CANNOT ask questions
concerning the type of discharge from the armed services, unless relevant to the job to be performed.
You MAY ASK questions about applicant’s educational background and prior volunteer experience.
You MAY ASK questions about hobbies or interests.
You MAY ASK how they were referred to, or heard about the program.
You MAY ASK whether the applicant will be driving or using public transportation in order to determine and
assignment that would result in a dependable attendance or to provide information about volunteer parking.
You CANNOT ask if they own a car.
You MAY ASK questions concerning the applicant’s health only if it relates to performance of the job, such as
“Is there any reason you could not push wheelchairs? Walk a lot?”
These are guidelines and may vary from state to state!
Legal interpretation or opinion should be directed to the school’s legal counsel.
- 37 -
This indicates that the interview has lost control of the interview and important facts
necessary to evaluate the individual.
“I’m sure by now you’ve regretted your behavior.”
“You don’t qualify for the volunteer position.”
The interviewer will never gain the information needed by dominating the conversation.
She/he should let the interviewee do most of the talking.
This may mean that the interviewer will lose out on obtaining some important information.
Such actions may cause the interviewee to abbreviate answers, feel that the interview is not
very important or simply become annoyed.
Expressing personal opinions such as, “The first grade teachers are weak here, we need your
help”, is unprofessional and inappropriate.
A relaxed, comfortable and relatively informal atmosphere is more conducive to a successful
The interview should focus on information pertinent to the volunteer program, placement and
the interviewee.
The interviewer should not allow her/himself to be forced into promises she/he knows are or,
may be impossible to keep.
The interviewee should not be told that she/he would be contacted when and if needed. The
interviewee should be told when she/he would be contacted regarding the volunteer position.
- 38 -
The application and interview processes can be important tools in determining the
suitability of volunteer candidates. Through careful reading of the application and using
listening and observation skills during the interview process, the interviewer may gather
information or observe behaviors which will help him/her to decide if the interviewee is
appropriate and to determine the type of volunteer assignment best suited to that particular
Although there are many questions which legally may not be asked of prospective
volunteers, additional information is often offered by the interviewee in answering questions or
in discussing related topics. The interviewer need only listen carefully.
The Child Protection Connection Newsletter from the Vermont Department of Social
Services offers the following list of indicators, which may come to light during the interview
process and should serve as ‘red flags’ to the interviewer.
Lack of normal peer relationships, associates and circle of friends.
Absence of dating/significant relationship.
Characteristic immaturity; person is shy, withdrawn, passive, non-assertive.
Over-invested in children, over-identifies with children.
Have requirements in terms of type of child that he/she prefers.
Purpose of volunteering is to save children.
Places premium on doing one-on-one activities with child versus social activities with
other people; low visibility activities preferred to group activities.
Become more animated around children (behavioral indicators: eyes light up, become
more expressive versus shy, passive and quiet around adults.)
Displays anxiety about adult sexuality, i.e., uncomfortable in discussing adult sexual
Frequently describes children as clean, innocent, pure, especially in comparing children
to adults.
Work history: unstable or seeks jobs where he/she have little or no responsibility or is
told what to do.
Low self-esteem.
- 39 -
Placement of a volunteer in an assignment takes into consideration both the needs of the school and
the volunteer. Volunteers who are will placed remain on the job because they feel they are making a
useful contribution and gain personal satisfaction from their work.
Suggested guidelines for places volunteers - -
Volunteers will be assigned only to schools and teacher that have formally requested such
- Principals should make need for volunteers known to the School
Volunteer Program Coordinator.
- Request forms for volunteer aid will be furnished to the principal and
teachers by SVP Coordinator or teacher liaison.
- Teacher requests should include:
1) Type of help requested
2) Day(s) and time of day volunteer is needed.
3) Grade level
Volunteers usually work in their local neighborhood school, but they can work in any
other school in the community where their services are needed. (this will wary from
community to community.
Volunteers usually are not assigned to their own children’s classroom; however each
school should develop its own policy on this.
The person(s) responsible for volunteer placement varies according to local policy.
Usually the teacher liaison, SVP Coordinator or whoever interviews the volunteer, places
the volunteer in cooperation with the principal. It is helpful if these individuals work
together in determining placement of volunteers.
Information from both the volunteer’s Application Form and the interview, along with
the needs of the teacher and school, should be considered when placing the volunteer.
- Days and hours available
- Grade level preferred
- Type of assignment or subject area preferred
- Skills
- Hobbies, interests
- Special needs of volunteer –handicaps, etc.
- Educational background
- Work experience
The initial assignment should be considered tentative so that a change of assignment can
be made easily if type of work, personalities, scheduling, expectations, etc. is not
compatible. Volunteers and teachers appreciate the opportunity to agreeably end
placements, which prove to be unsatisfactory or unfulfilling.
Once placement for the volunteer has been determined, it is important that they volunteer
and teacher or staff member is notified as soon as possible. This may be done by
telephone, in person or through a form sent to the volunteer and teacher or staff member.
Allow both the opportunity to accept or decline the placement. If done by phone, it is
helpful to follow-up with written confirmation.
It is very helpful for the volunteer and teacher to meet and discuss the assignment, type of
work to be performed, schedule, goals, classroom philosophy, etc. Before the first
session. Some schools schedule a short meeting immediately after school where all
volunteers and teachers meet and discuss their assignments.
- 40 -
Follow-Up - -
Follow-up is very important. After the volunteer has been on the job a week or two, the
coordinator should contact the volunteer and the teacher to determine if the placement is
satisfactory to both. This process should then be continued throughout the year to
monitor the progress and growth of the relationship.
Correct Placement Aids in Retention - -
Volunteers who are given meaningful assignments tend to continue in the program
longer. Many school volunteers find great satisfaction in working directly with children
in instructional areas- - helping by listening to a child read, for example, or by playing
math games to reinforce skills. Some volunteers, particularly those new to the program,
may prefer to type or make games or have less direct contact with the students.
Volunteers don’t mind humdrum tasks occasionally (such as collating papers or
collecting permission slips) if these assignments are mixed with tasks that challenge their
abilities and permit them to grow in their assignments. Teachers should observe the
volunteer’s growth in abilities and confidence and give increasing responsibilities as they
are warranted. Some volunteers, however, are very content to do routine work, or prefer
work with little or not student contact. Be sensitive to those desires.
For the working father or mother with rigid work hours, and the parents with small
children, volunteering at home is an excellent way for them to contribute. Volunteer
programs may also enable working parents to become involved by providing them the
opportunity to volunteer early in the morning before they go to work or later in the day
after work. They can for example:
- Correct papers or tests in a subject area.
- Cut and color classroom visual aids for primary grade teacher.
- Type teacher made lists
- Make math and reading flash cards.
- Bind books of children’s stories.
- Organize cooperative childcare arrangements in order to assist in participation.
- Sew and mend classroom costumes.
- Mend toys and equipment.
- Contact persons with a particular talent or interest and set up a lesson or
presentation to enrich the classroom experience.
- Read a technical book and summarize it in quickly understood language to save a
teacher'’ time.
- Make calls request help for classroom parties and fieldtrips.
- Provide their home as the site for an evening educational meeting.
- Facilitate the adoption of their child’s classroom by their business or work place.
Remember that meaningful assignments, whether done in the classroom or at home, keep
working volunteers involved because of a feeling of satisfaction and the knowledge that
they are making a contribution.
- 41 -
You have volunteers who:
Place those volunteers in situations that:
Have limited English skills.
Respects and utilizes their own language
And utilizes skills not related to language
(for example: cutting, stapling crafts).
Are older and insecure about
Their ability to contribute.
Ensures physical safety and mental
Are handicapped in some way
And require special adaptation
Nurtures respect for differences and
demonstrates to students that
“We all can contribute”.
Have a resume indicating
Higher order math skills.
Enrichment “over and above” the regular
Provides exposure to students whom
Would benefit from additional
Program (for example: tutoring at
Senior High School)
Are college students and want a reality
Based experience in preparation for the
Teaching profession.
Provides an opportunity to experience a
Variety of grade levels and/or programs
With a caring teaching professional who
Will offer encouragement and support.
Are Workfare participants (Volunteers
Who receive an economic supplement from
The State for there work time).
Takes advantage of whatever skills are
Offered and is sensitive to these
Volunteers’ situations.
Have a special interest hobby such as
Gardening or cooking.
Provides them the opportunity to have a
Group of students for a special activity
Such as a taco fiesta, or, herb gardening.
Want to be involved with the children’s
but have small youngsters at home.
Allows them to organize a phone tree
Are working parents who cannot commit
Regular scheduled volunteer hours.
Lets them help with costumes or
Backdrops for a class play or holiday show.
Are parents who have a writing background
or special interest in journalism.
Permits them to conduct a creative
Writing workshop for students who
Would rather write than play on the
Playground at lunch time.
Have an interest in photography and
Would be willing to share their knowledge
With the class.
Allows them to organize a walking tour
of the school or neighborhood letting
Each child selects photo possibilities.
And be responsible for arranging to
Other parents assist with classroom
Activities and field trips.
- 42 -
The following is a list of topics that might be covered at a preliminary meeting of a teacher and a new
school volunteer. The list was developed jointly by teachers and volunteers.
The purpose of the meeting is to help both the volunteer and teacher establish a clear understanding of
the role that the volunteer is to play in the classroom or overall school program. The topics discussed
in the preliminary meeting will allow the volunteer to understand what is expected of him/her, how
she/he will fit into the program, and how the volunteer’s talents and interests can be used most
effectively. It will also help the volunteer to feel more comfortable with his/her volunteer role.
A preliminary teacher-volunteer meeting can serve as the first step toward establishing a good
teacher-volunteer relationship, which will be rewarding for both.
Familiarize the volunteer with the classroom program for the year. (Explain how the
volunteer will fit into this overall program.)
Discuss current needs for a volunteer. Be specific.
Determine the skills and interests of the volunteer in relation to the program.
- Where does she/he feel most comfortable working?
- How many children would she/he like to work with? (small group, one-to-one,
large group, etc.)
- Does she/he work better with children doing remedial work or enrichment work.
Discuss availability of volunteer.
- Time available to work with children
- Time for planning
- Time for evaluation progress of children.
- Time for training (if and when necessary).
Determine talents, experience, community interests of the volunteer.
Discuss what the teacher’s expectations are of a volunteer and what the volunteer in turn
may expect of the teacher.
Familiarize the volunteer with texts and learning resources.
- Review what is available for the volunteer to use.
- Give necessary directions on use of any audio-visual equipment.
Discuss classroom management.
- Familiarize the volunteer with the teacher’s philosophy of discipline. Ask about
the volunteer’s feelings on discipline. Explain volunteer’s role in discipline.
- Decide on procedure to follow if volunteer must be absent.
- Explain classroom rules, emergency procedures, methods of marking papers etc.
Determine a method of dealing with concerns.
- Concerns may arise during the year concerning curriculum, discipline, lack of
progress with a youngster or a basic philosophy difference between teacher and
volunteer. It is important that the teacher and the volunteer have a clear
understanding of how concerns are to be handled. Discuss a way of dealing with
these concerns.
Answer any questions the volunteer may have.
- 43 -
The following is a list of questions that the volunteer might ask at his/her preliminary meeting with
the supervising teacher before starting volunteering. The questions were developed jointly by teacher
and volunteer, and are designed to help clarify the school volunteer’s role and provide some of the
information necessary for the volunteer and teacher to work together effectively.
What are my duties in the classroom?
How many children will I be working with?
What are the children’s needs? Will I have specific goals to work toward with each child?
Will you tell me about any special problems that I should know about?
Could you give me your views on discipline and the role you would like me to play in
What material will we be using? Will I be given any instructions concerning audio-visual
equipment and how to handle it?
Where do you want me to work with the children?
Are there any classroom rules or procedures you would like me to know about? (i.e.
methods of marking papers form to be used on child’s paper, emergency procedures, etc.)
I can give _____ hours or days a week. How will we arrange for planning? (How often
do you want to meet, when can we meet?)
What procedure should I follow if I can not come in – (Should I let you or my
coordinator know? Would you like a substitute if I can not make it?)
Do I need any special training?
If I should have specific concerns regarding discipline, philosophy, lack or program, etc.,
how should I handle this?
- 44 -
In working with volunteers, there is much that the SVP coordinator and teacher/staff member can do
to enable the volunteer to work to her/his full potential, develop new skills and gain a feeling of
satisfaction and belonging. The following are suggested ways in which this might be accomplished:
Be sensitive to what the volunteer brings, her/his potential, and her/his need for support. Watch
for clues as to the volunteer’s interests, hopes and expectations.
Seek and utilize opportunities to involve appropriate volunteers in providing support, stimulation
and recognition to other volunteers.
Plan with the volunteer in terms of how her/his needs for training and support can best be
supplied: his/her time available, willingness or ability to do “homework”, reading, etc.
Develop sensitivity to the kind of experience or training to which the individual volunteer will
best respond.
Be selective and well-focused on providing any training, reading matter, etc., to insure good use
of the volunteer’s time.
Be alert for opportunities for genuine and purposeful recognition, related to the individual’s needs
and aspirations.
Adapt your own share of a team job to use the volunteer’s strengths and enable him/her to grow.
In planning with the volunteer, allow for the loss of learning and momentum in part-time work.
Insure that the volunteers understand essential technical terminology, professional "mores”, etc.
Encourage volunteer initiative and experimentation.
Look at the volunteer’s performance in terms of her/her “contract” and determine with the
volunteer what the reasons are for any failures to fulfill commitments and plan accordingly.
- 45 -
There are many areas in which volunteers will benefit greatly from training sessions. Following there
general orientation program, volunteers may wish to learn skills that will help them work with
children who can benefit from small-group instruction or individualized help.
Periodic in-service workshops throughout the year are helpful for the volunteers who wish to increase
their knowledge and skills. Because many volunteer jobs are very specific, the supervising teacher
may wish to provide special training her/himself.
Workshops might include:
Reading skills
Math skills
Library skills
Audio-Visual equipment
Materials preparation
“You and the Child”—a meeting with guidance and personnel.
Techniques for working with the Handicapped.
Techniques for working with the Learning Disabled.
Techniques for working with the Gifted/Talented.
In developing the training program, the following suggestions can prove useful.
Keep the training practical & specific (no educational jargon).
Find out from the volunteers what they need and want in training. Gear the training to
these suggestions.
Use a variety of techniques: role playing, buzz session, reports, etc. Keep lecturing to a
Involve local specialists.
Prepare good visual aids and written materials.
Use experienced volunteers to help train new volunteers.
Have a training manual for volunteers, if possible.
Teach in small groups so there can be stimulating discussion.
Plan additional training after volunteers have been working a month or two. It’s hard to
grasp everything before you’ve really worked on the job.
- 46 -
Suggested Agenda
NOTE: These first meetings are usually help the third or fourth week of September, but may take
place anytime at the discretion of the principal and the coordinator.
- To acquaint school volunteers with general policy and rule of the school.
- Principal may supply coordinator with school floor plans.
- Coordinator may advise volunteers on availability of teachers’ lounge, locations
of rest rooms, procedures of remaining for lunch, fire drills, dress, school hour,
parking, and use of phone.
- To provide get acquainted period for teachers and their volunteers.
- To discuss volunteer assignments and readjust schedules.
PRESENT: Principal, Coordinator(s), School Volunteers
TIME: About ½ hour
Welcome by the coordinator
Welcome by the Principal. Ask your Principal to say a few words.
Introduce co-coordinator if you have one.
Explain what a coordinator does; give brief outline of volunteer program in you school.
Emphasize that coordinator’s main function is to coordinator program and support the
volunteers. Ask volunteers to call you if they have any questions or are unhappy with
their placement. It is usually easy to make adjustments.
Explain signing in and out procedures and where to do the same; also where to pick-up
Identification Name Badge located near time sheets. Return badge when signing
out.(Show Badge)
Explain why volunteers are asked to sign in and out:
- It is easy to identify who is in the school by glancing at time sheet.
- Hours are totaled for entire school volunteer program in order to recognize the
contributions of volunteers to the schools.
- Signing in serves a proof of volunteer service for charitable contributions,
references, etc.
- This process protects against unauthorized visitors.
- An accurate record of those in the school is useful should anyone need to be
notified in case of emergency and can be used in case of emergency evacuation.
Explain procedure to follow if volunteer is going to be absent.
Mention liability insurance for volunteers.
Encourage volunteers to read School Volunteer Handbook.
Ask volunteers to notify coordinator if any change occurs in their schedules as the year
Ask volunteers for corrections or changes in assignments.
- 47 -
SECOND HALF OF MEETING: (Follows the first half after a short interval, usually as soon as
possible after school is dismissed. Teachers should be included.)
PRESENT: Teachers who have requested volunteers, and other interested teachers; coordinator;
principal if she/he wishes; school volunteers.
1. Ask teachers to wear stick-on nametags.
2. Distribute copies of teacher-volunteer schedules to teachers’ assigned volunteers.
3. Introduce yourself as Coordinator. Explain your function. Emphasize to teachers that if
they have any problems regarding their volunteers, assignments, or the program in
general, they should contact the Principal and/or the coordinator. Adjustments can be
4. Explain why school volunteers record their time and wear badges.
5. Announce that meeting will end with school volunteers and teachers breaking up into
small groups to get acquainted and to discuss goals. You may suggest here that teachers
may take there to their classrooms if they wish.
6. Ask teachers to check their teacher-volunteer schedules for possible corrections or
changes and to inform you after the meeting.
7. Explain here that all teachers who asked for volunteers may not have one assigned at
present but that an attempt will be made to fill all requests.
8. Meeting adjourns to small groups of teachers and their school volunteer. One of the best
ways to pair-off teachers with their volunteer is to ask each teacher/volunteer pair to raise
his/her and has you call his/her name.
The following guidelines should be passed along to teachers at a separate meeting, preferably held
before the volunteer/teacher orientation outlined above. A few minutes may be set aside during a staff
meeting for the principal to introduce the volunteer coordinator and allow the opportunity for her/him
to briefly discuss the volunteer program and include the remarks below.
- Encourage teachers to read “Suggested Guidelines for Teachers: in the ONGOING
PROGRAM MANAGEMENT section of this handbook.
- Busy volunteers are usually happy ones. School volunteers are dedicated group and
expect to work. They genuinely want to help the teacher and children by doing
something meaningful.
- Teachers should plan in advance for the volunteer!
- Volunteers are not professionals, but should have received a basic orientation and have
professional attitudes toward their assignments.
- Volunteers are not expected to discipline a child. If a school volunteer cannot handle a
situation she/he should be instructed to return the child or children to the teacher.
- Volunteers do not take over for the teacher and should not be left in charge of an entire
classroom or the playground.
- As time goes by, the teacher will discover those particulars talents or skills the volunteer
has which will benefit the student in her/his room.
- The teacher should discuss volunteer related problems with the SVP coordinator and/or
- The volunteer should be informed if she/he will not be needed because the class will be
away on a field trip or involved in another activity.
- Recruiting help is welcomed from teacher. Teacher may give name of prospects to the
- 48 -
Before beginning your volunteer service, please complete the following checklist to insure that you
are properly prepared for you new assignment.
_____ I have completed an application form.
_____ I have been interviewed for my volunteer position.
_____ I have participated in an orientation session.
_____ I know where I am to report for work.
_____ I know the hours the school is open.
_____ I have met the school principal.
_____ I have had a conference with teacher/school coordinator of volunteers.
_____ I am familiar with the school plant.
_____ I know where to park
_____ I know where the sign-in sheet is located.
_____ I know the school fire drill procedures.
_____ I know the school safety rules.
_____ I know what to do in case of emergency.
_____ I know the discipline policy in the school.
_____ I have been provided a specific place to volunteer.
_____ I have any needed background information on the students with whom I will work.
_____ I have been shown where the needed materials are located.
_____ I have received additional in-service training.
- 49 -
Paperwork has long been the bane of many an administrator’s existence. Yet record keeping and the
use of forms are essential to the well-run school volunteer program.
Any form should be simple, concise and easy to fill out as possible. It should elicit all information
that is or may be needed at a particular SVP or school and not ask for information that is not
necessary. Although there is much similarity in the information needed by most communities, forms
should be adapted by each program for its own individual circumstances.
These questions should be considered when developing a form:
Why do we need this form?
Why did we select this format?
How often is this form used?
Who completes this form? Do they know how?
What happens to the completed form?
Where and how often do we store this information?
How often do we need to refer to the data?
Who else needs access to this information? How often?
How ell does this form mesh with the rest of our record keeping system?
Does this form do what we want it to?
For each individual volunteer, the following records are recommended:
Volunteer Application
Volunteer (or Student Volunteer) Registration Form
Volunteer Service Record
Each volunteer should:
Fill out:
Be given:
A Volunteer Registration
An Application Form
An Evaluation of the SVP
A School Volunteer Placement Form
A Volunteer Identification Card/Name Tag
Teachers need to:
Fill out:
A Teacher Request for Volunteers
An Evaluation of the volunteer and SVP
A Placement Form informing them of volunteer assigned to them
A Parent Permission Form to parents whose children are tutored
A Daily Assignment Sheet and Progress Report for each volunteer.
The Principal should:
Fill out:
An Evaluation of the SVP
- 50 -
The Volunteer Program needs to maintain and prepare:
A Master Volunteer Log
An up-to-date Budget
Evaluations of the program
An Annual Report to local authorities and NH Partners in Education
An application for the Blue Ribbon School Achievement Award
All individual volunteer records should be confidential.
The following information refers to a variety of forms that may be useful to a SVP. Samples of those
forms can be found in the SAMPLE FORMS section
Most schools request that volunteers wear a name card identifying them as school volunteers while
they are in the school. This identification legitimizes their presence as they move about in the school
and also enables students and teachers to address them by name.
It is advisable to keep a record of which volunteers are in the school when, which teacher(s) they are
working with, and how long they volunteer. This information is necessary to make accurate reports
to the school, superintendent, school board and NH Partners in Education regarding community
participation and contribution to the school. An accurate list of volunteers present in the building
would also be invaluable in ensuring complete evacuation in care of fire.
Several methods of signing-in have proven successful. Many SVPs use a sign-in book that volunteers
sign each time they come to school. This has the advantages of ease of signing, availability of
information and ease in reporting service by time periods. Disadvantages include more complicated
compilation of individual volunteer records by coordinator.
Sometimes weekly or monthly sign-in sheets eliciting the above information are used instead of a
Other school use individual record sheets for each volunteer with space for an entire year’s service.
Individual records are easily kept this way. It is also very useful for volunteers working at home or
during vacation periods.
An increasing number of volunteer program or computerizing their record though programs they have
developed. Whatever form of record keeping is used, volunteers must be encouraged to record all
time donated, including time spent at orientation, in-service training sessions, time spent at home
preparing or making materials and school volunteer work in addition to their regular assignment.
Information from sign up sheets should be transferred to the cumulative record of each individual
volunteer and to the master volunteer records for the SVP.
- 51 -
When it is anticipated that a volunteer will be working with a student on a long-term basis as a tutor
or mentor, teachers should notify the student’s parents. Notification should include a description of
the program. The parent’s written permission for the child to participate is usually requested.
Volunteers often arrive for their assignment when the teacher is busy. A book or sheet giving the
assignment for the day allows the volunteer to start working without disturbing the class. Written
assignment also leaves no question about details of the assignment and allows a place for the written
comments of the volunteer. This can be valuable if there is not sufficient time for teacher and
volunteer to discuss the day’s activities fully and acts as a permanent record of assignments and
volunteer observations.
Some teachers use a notebook for each volunteer, especially if they volunteer works each time with
the same student(s). This cuts down the amount of writing necessary each session when compared to
individual record sheets. It also serves as a record of areas covered student progress, volunteer
observations, etc.
If individual sheets are used, they should be kept in a folder for each volunteer and /or student.
Cumulative records of the assignments, service donated, and length of service should be maintained
for each volunteer. This can be very useful in determining future assignments, evaluation,
recognition, and in providing educational and employment references for volunteers.
This form should also include information on the volunteer’s address and telephone number.
Volunteer needing a reference for a paid position or for certification credit often request a record of
service contributed and training sessions attended. Such information should be readily available.
Each program should maintain a comprehensive list of all volunteers, where they are assigned, the
type of job that they are doing, volunteer hours contributed, and other pertinent information. The
Master Volunteer Log may be organized by school, specialized program, or by the total school
volunteer program. The master log enables the school volunteer program to easily calculate total
numbers of volunteer, hours donated, jobs filled, etc.
- 52 -
From their first contact with the program, school volunteers gain a feeling of belonging, which
increases their desire to participate. The backbone of any school volunteer program is a group of
satisfied, motivated volunteers who return year after year. This core group is also the best source for
recruiting additional volunteers.
For school volunteers, their “pay” is often the welcoming smile of a child, a scribbled note from a
second-grader, a picture drawn just for them or a sincere “I’m glad you’re here” from a teacher. The
primary reward however is the high degree of satisfaction that they derive from their volunteer
The following are other ways in which volunteers may be rewarded.
A Positive School Climate.
Volunteers are asked to do an important job, which deserves to be taken seriously, but the
volunteer experience can also be a source of pleasure and joy. Through the cooperative efforts of
administration, staff and students, a positive school climate can be established in which the volunteer
will feel comfortable.
Frequent Acknowledgement.
Adults, like children, enjoy knowing how they are doing and that what they are doing is
worthwhile. A word of thanks, a nod of approval, a gentle touch on the shoulder, a smile or a simple
“thank you” will go a long way in the life of a volunteer. Annual recognition programs are important,
but day-to-day recognition gives the volunteers a sense of gratification and the feeling that their
services are truly appreciated.
Specific Praise.
Changes in children as a result of individual attention by the volunteer are subtle and not
easily perceived. Volunteers however are rewarded by hearing such comments as, “Johnny seems to
be having fewer fights on the play ground since you’ve been giving him some individual attention” or
“since you took over the cook corner more and more children seem to be using it with obvious
Concern for the Volunteer’s Creature Comforts.
The volunteer who is comfortable in her/her surrounding will be more satisfied and more willing to
continue in her/his volunteer role.
 The volunteer should have received and orientation to familiarize her/his with
her/his assignment, etc.
 A volunteer feels that she/he has made a contribution if the teacher is prepared or
there is work to be done, thus her/his time has been well spent.
 The volunteer should have a comfortable place to work.
 Adjustments should be made for any physical limitations the volunteer might
have (especially older volunteers).
 Arrangements should be made for coffee breaks, rest room breaks, etc.
 An occasional treat for the volunteer is always welcome.
- 53 -
New ways to recognize volunteer services are constantly being developed and sought. The following
are but a few of the ways in which a school might reward its volunteers.
Awards which identify them as part of the school volunteer program, such as pins, badges
or wallet cards.
Thank you letters or postcards written by the students, teachers, administration or
Certificates, with our without ribbons and gold seals, diplomas, plaques, trophies or
distinguishing pins indicating the number of hours served or the type of volunteer
services performed.
Picnic lunches or Family Fun Day with invitations to a volunteer’s family members.
Publicity through the school newsletter, fliers, or letters to parents.
Press releases to neighborhood papers telling of a unique or unusual individual or
volunteer accomplishment.
“Child-made” awards. In the form of individualized bookmarks, certificates.
Small plants grown by the children.
Coffee klatches, Holiday parties, annual recognition day.
Bulletin boards displaying pictures of volunteers and their contributions—display at the
school or local community places such as banks, stores, and libraries.
Brunch, lunch with the “boss”, a classroom party, dinner with teachers, a faculty party,
auditorium programs or movies.
However, for the volunteer, the greatest reward of all is the satisfaction she/he feels in knowing that
she/he has made the difference in the life of a child. Therefore, is it essential to communicate to the
volunteer that while she/he is meeting new friends and also learning new skills (such as parenting,
clerical or social), she/he is also:
Helping children.
Helping teachers.
Improving the school and community.
Giving more meaning to life.
- 54 -
NEW HAMPSHIRE SCHOOL VOLUNTEER WEEK, celebrated each year in May, is a time set
aside to officially recognize the enormous contributions of school volunteers, to thank them for the
efforts and to increase public recognition of the challenge and fulfillment offered through volunteer
Since each coordinator knows her community resources, volunteer program and people best, we
encourage her/him to publicize the week in the manner she/he feels is appropriate. Here are “tried &
true” suggestions from New Hampshire School volunteer coordinators.
Make it an Event!
Sponsor a school assembly to recognize volunteers. Invite your mayor or legislator, read a list of
volunteer’s name, a give certificate of appreciation.
Food festivities are always fun – a Thank-You Breakfast or Valentines Day Party. Teachersponsored luncheon. Tea with concert by children. Buffet appreciation-night with wine and
music. Punch party. Box lunch. Citywide recognition event. A “brown bag” luncheon in the
cafeteria with children. A coffee with silver service and fancy doilies.
Offer training workshops
Sponsor a “guess the hours” contest-volunteers, teachers, and students guess number of volunteer
hours contributed to date. Give a small prize to winners.
Honor an outstanding local volunteer, or tow or three top-hour givers, most creative, most
flexible, youngest, etc.
Present a slide show of “volunteers at work”.
Have students present a play or sing songs.
Sponsor a trip of volunteers to local attraction, a theater party, a sporting event, a museum, a
shopping trip.
Create an Atmosphere!
Wear heart-shaped SVP ID tags saying “March 0-0 is School Volunteer Week” or “We love
school volunteers” (for teacher, students). “We love being School Volunteers” (for volunteers)
Have children create cards, posters, etc. Give them to volunteers, hand in school corridors,
individual classrooms, etc. Sponsor a poster contest on “What School Volunteers Do” or on
“Thank you, School Volunteers”.
Place and SVP Honor Roll list in lobby of school, call it “---------- School’s Special Valentines”.
Plan a special bulletin board, honoring school volunteers – in the hall, library, office—put school
volunteer names and jobs in star shaped or heart shaped cutouts.
Fill a display case with student work honoring volunteers.
Have children decorate a sheet with praise, use as table clothe at tea or other event.
Encourage individual teacher and classes to show appreciation to “their” volunteer with folders,
“love letters from kids”.
- 55 -
Let the Public Know!
Write a news article for local paper or shopper’s news. Include black & which photos from school
volunteers in action.
Contact shopping malls, stores & theaters about using the slogan “we Salute School Volunteers”,
“We Love School Volunteer”, Valentines for Volunteers” or such on their marquee during the
week of March --.
Arrange a window display in banks, stores, libraries, etc. (perhaps use children’s drawing of
Radio interview or talk program with coordinator, volunteer, or anyone who strongly supports
school volunteer programs.
Mention in club & church bulletin and/or newsletter.
Record a public service announcement on radio.
Contact merchants about mentioning SCHOOL VOLUNTEER WEEK in their ads.
The Blue Ribbon School Achievement Awards are presented each year by NH Partners in Education
to those schools in New Hampshire that have volunteer programs meeting the criteria outlined on the
application. These include the number of hours of volunteer serve, notable achievements, training
and orientation for volunteers and teachers/staff, recognition, etc. The awards are presented each
The latest version of the Blue Ribbon School Achievement Award application and criteria can be
downloaded directly from our web site
A Gold Circle Partnership celebrates relationships between businesses and schools that are mutually
beneficial. The Gold Circle Achievement Award is a non-competitive award and is offered to both
public and private schools. All school partnerships that meet the application criteria will be presented
with the award at a special ceremony held in their honor. Schools may submit more than one
application if they have multiple partnerships. The awards are presented each September.
The latest version of the Gold Circle Partnership Award application and criteria can be downloaded
directly from our web site
- 56 -
Why Is The
Blue Ribbon School Achievement Award
Important To My School?
The Blue Ribbon School Achievement Award recognizes those schools with outstanding volunteer
programs. Schools wishing to earn the award must meet various, all-inclusive criteria for effective
program management. Some of the many BENEFITS of receiving the award are as follows:
The award is useful in bringing recognition to your school and to your volunteers. The
time and commitment tendered by the volunteers is essential for the program to meet all of
the criteria, thus every volunteer plays a vital role in earning the award.
The award may be used in local community publicity efforts, to create a greater awareness
of the program and its success. The award also recognizes the high level of community
involvement in education and can be used as the basis for a community-wide celebration.
Publicity about receiving the award in turn helps in the recruiting process. Increased
awareness and a positive image encourage greater participation.
The award fosters positive relations between school and community. It creates a more
favorable climate toward education and school-related issues, as well as manifesting
support for teachers, administration, and school boards.
Community involvement in education creates a more informed electorate for voting on
school issues.
Recognition is useful if seeking funding or grant monies and helps to justify the program’s
The award facilitates statewide publicity for your school and community through media
coverage generated by NH Partners.
Statewide recognition of the school volunteer program helps promote the community to
new businesses and new homeowners who are concerned about the quality of education
within the community.
Receipt of the award sends a positive message to everyone involved (the school board,
administration, volunteer coordinators, volunteers, parents, students and the community at
large) and recognizes their efforts and participation.
Lastly, the clear message this award sends to the students is two-fold. First is the value of
education. The award is earned through a high level of parent and community involvement,
showing the students that education is viewed as important. Second is an awareness of
giving back to the community. A student is more likely to become involved in community
service, early on or as an adult, if they have witnessed firsthand such volunteerism.
- 57 -
The evaluation process is very important to the success of the SVP. It enable the coordinator to gain
input from all involved, better examine the program and the quality of services being provided,
determine if goals are being meet and establish direction for the future.
Many of the results of a good school volunteer program cannot be measured – the change in a child’s
attitude towards learning, improvement in the student’s self-image, the warmth of the volunteer-child
relationship. But all of the participants in a school volunteer program should be asked to evaluate the
program from their various points of view.
From the coordinator’s point of view, evaluation is a constant and ongoing process. It means keeping
her/his eyes and ears open, being available and building relationships that encourage volunteers and
teachers to trust the coordinator and feel comfortable sharing information and concerns. Evaluation
may also be in a form of a call to a volunteer after a couple of weeks in a new volunteer assignment,
an informal meeting with a teacher or a conversation with a student. Often, however, evaluation takes
place through the use of a written form.
The type of questions asked on evaluations can be either open-ended or multiple choice. Good openended questions are more demanding in terms of time and deliberation on the part of the respondents
and are often postponed or only particularly answered. They also can elicit a great mass of
unorganized material, which is hard to quantify and interpret objectively. Providing a range of
predictable responses for easy checking with a space for additional comments, i.e. a combination of
multiple choice and open-ended questions will usually produce a workable survey instrument.
The coordinator should use these results to determine if goals and objective of the program have been
met, and assess needs for the upcoming year. Information gathered will also aid the coordinator in
reporting to the principal, superintendent and school board on the progress and activities of the
program. Further, information can be sent to the local newspaper as publicity for the school’s
volunteer program, either in from of an article or as a Letter to the Editor, and statistics can be used
for publicity and recruitment purposes.
Last, but certainly not least, results of the evaluation process may be reported to NH Partners in
Education in Education. Feedback provided by local programs gives NH Partners in Education a
better understanding of the school volunteer activities currently underway and around the state and
enable the NH Partner’s office to better support those activities by providing needed training,
workshops and support materials. Such information also makes it possible for NH Partners in
Education to publicize the activities of local programs and tabulate this information for inclusion in
its annual report to the NH Department of Education.
Volunteers should be given the opportunity to evaluate their experiences as a volunteer. Areas that
maybe asked to evaluate include the operation of the SVP as a whole, coordinator’s assistance,
teacher’s use of volunteers, training, placement, their personal reaction to their assignment, and future
plans for volunteering. The type of information would determine exact questions needed the
individual SVP and they way in which will use this information.
Student volunteers (college, high school, elementary) should also be asked to evaluate their volunteer
- 58 -
Teacher evaluations can be of two sorts:
1. An evaluation of the operation of the school volunteer program and how is applies to the
2. An evaluation of the performance of an individual volunteer, based on how the program
prepared and trained him/her for the job.
Most evaluations fall into the first category with a few questions about the performances of
volunteers, but without evaluating individuals.
Teachers may be given the option of not signing their names to the evaluation. While this may
increase the number of replies, it does not allow the SVP leadership to attempt to correct any
problems to follow up on requests for volunteer help.
Evaluation of an individual volunteer’s performance is often necessary for students volunteering as a
class assignment and is helpful for volunteers who wish to use their volunteer experience as a
reference for a paid position.
Remember that the results of the individual evaluations should always be treated confidentially.
Principals are usually asked to evaluate to the volunteer program as a whole and how it affects the
educational climate in the building. Although it is hoped that communication among the SVP, and
building coordinator and the principal will be abundant throughout the year, the principal should have
a place to formally express his/her opinions.
Students are less often asked to evaluate volunteers and the volunteer program. But because the
ultimate objective of every volunteer program is to help improve the education of our children, it is
sometimes very helpful to learn how students actually feel about working with volunteers or having
them in their classrooms.
Even very young children can be asked to mark expressions on a series of faces, which may be used
to interpret how they feel about volunteers in their classroom.
Children may give the most spontaneous and truthful evaluations of all. However, before asking
children to evaluate volunteers, be certain that they realize who the volunteers are and what they do,
and try to have them focus on the idea of having volunteer in the classroom, not on their feelings
about particular individuals. Children often think of paid aides, kitchen help, playground supervisors,
art teachers, etc. as volunteers. Conversely, many children believe volunteers are part of the paid
As the person responsible for the over all operation of the School Volunteer Program, as the
Coordinator needs to evaluate the program as a hole, as previously indicated in this section, however,
the coordinator should also evaluate her/his leadership role and performance.
- 59 -
Sample Forms
- 60 -
Grade______ Department/Subject________________________ Phone_______________
TYPE OF VOLUNTEER HELP NEEDED (please check areas and describe job briefly):
 Classroom helpers
Job description ________________________
Number of volunteers needed ________
Days needed _____________________
Hours needed ____________________
 Help children individually
Job description _______________________
Number of volunteers needed ________
Days needed _____________________
Hours needed ____________________
 Library volunteers
Job description _______________________
Number of volunteers needed ________
Days needed _____________________
Hours needed _____________________
 Art, science, music, drama
Number of volunteers needed ________
Days needed _____________________
Hours needed _____________________
Job description ________________________
 Clerical
Job description ________________________
Number of volunteers needed ________
Days needed _____________________
Hours needed _____________________
 Other
Job description ______________________
Number of volunteers needed _____
Days needed ___________________
Hours needed __________________
- Older adults
- Parents
- Bilingual
- Community
- College students
- High School Students
- Business persons
- Other
Transportation available near school ________________________________________________
What training or skills would you like your volunteers to have? ___________________________
Can you help train volunteers? ________ Please list areas of training you can provide:
- 61 -
The School Volunteer Program at your school invites you to an informal coffee on
________________________ in ___________________________ at _______________.
Let’s get together to meet new friends and neighbors and to hear what SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS
do at ____(name of school)___________. The School Volunteer Program will be explained. An
opportunity to sign up will be available but no one is obligated to volunteer.
Join us for goodies, juice and coffee and hear about the many, many ways you can help improve
education and enrich learning experiences at your school.
Let us know if we will see you there.
School Volunteer Coordinator
At your school
Phone Number _____________
(NOTE TO TEACHERS: You may wish to send out
these invitations personally, signing your name
but using the coordinators phone number.)
- 62 -
DATE _______________
School _______________________________________ Principal _________________________
Mr. __________________________________________ Room No. ________ Grade _________
(Teacher’s name – please print)
1. If you would like a School Volunteer to help you in the classroom, please indicate when you would
like this help.
Day (s) __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Time __________ a.m. to __________ a.m. __________ p.m. to __________ p.m.
Please describe the class. (Regular, educationally handicapped, EMH, gifted. This information will
help select the right School Volunteer to fit the need.)
2. Would you like volunteer assistance in any of the following activities?
One-to-one or small group guidance in reading __________, Library __________,
Making teaching aids or materials __________, Storytelling __________, Art _________,
Music __________, Kindergarten __________, Clerical __________, Math __________,
ESL __________, General Assistance __________.
If you have checked any of the above, please describe the kind of assistance you have in mind.
3. If you have a particular need other than the specified areas in which volunteer assistance would be
helpful to you, please indicate below.
Please return to your Principal or School Volunteer Program Coordinator
- 63 -
YES? This year we will be continuing and expanding our School Volunteer Program. As in the past,
our teachers have expressed an overwhelming desire to have volunteer assistance, whether it is on a
weekly basis to help in a classroom or on a specific occasion to share a particular skill or experience.
No special qualifications are necessary!
If you are willing to share a little of your time with our children, please fill out the following
questionnaire and drop it off or mail it to any of the school offices or to either of the Volunteer
Program Coordinators whose names are at the end of this form.
1. Are you interested in being a school volunteer? Yes _____ No _____
2. If yes,
_____ On a regular, weekly basis
_____ On specific occasions to share a particular skill, hobby, travel
experience or information about a profession, etc.
3. If on a regular basis, please indicate in which of the following areas you are interested.
Check as many as you wish.
_____ Reading
_____ Grammar and related skills
_____ Math
_____ Penmanship
_____ Foreign language
_____ Science
_____ Geography
_____ Arts and crafts
_____ Gym
_____ Helping with older students with homework
_____ Library
_____ Lunch and recess duty
If only on specific occasions, please indicate the topics with which you wish to deal.
Hobby ________________________________________________
Skill _________________________________________________
Travel experience _______________________________________
Profession _____________________________________________
Other _________________________________________________
4. Age group with which you are willing to work. Check as many as you wish.
_____ Grades 1 and 2
_____ Grades 3 and 4
_____ High School
_____ Grades 5 and 6
_____ Grades 7 and 8
5. What days are you available?
_____ Monday _____ Tuesday
_____ Wednesday
_____ Thursday
_____ Friday
6. How many hours per day? _____
7. Additional Comments: ________________________________________________________
Name _____________________________________ Phone Number ______________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
For further information, please contact Volunteer Program Coordinators:
Name _______________________________ Name ____________________________
Address/Phone ________________________ Address/Phone ____________________
- 64 -
----------------- SCHOOL PARENTS
-----------------, Principal
-----------------, Volunteer Coordinator
-----------------, Teacher Representative
September --, 20—
Volunteer Program
Our School Volunteer Program for the school year is organizing its efforts and we need your help.
A school volunteer should:
Like working with children
Have sympathy for special students
Be kind and responsible.
Enjoy new experiences.
Be dependable.
Respect confidential information.
Know and follow school regulations.
Work under the direction of school personnel.
REMEMBER- Previous training or a degree is not required because a volunteer work under the direct
supervision of certified teachers.
Please indicate on the form below your area of interest and leave it with your child’s teacher.
_____ Chaperone Field Trips
_____ Book Talks
_____ Special Occasions
_____ Individual Tutoring
_____ Drama
_____ Cooking
_____ Story Telling
_____ Clerical Work
_____ Learning Centers
_____ Arts & Crafts
_____ Room Mother
_____ Library
_____ Tape Educational Program
_____ Making Classroom Games
_____ Home Projects
_____ Lunchroom Helpers ( No Supervision )
_____ Crossing Guards
_____ Other ( Please Specify )
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________________
Days available: _________________________________________________________________
Time available: _________________________________________________________________
Grade Level Preference: __________________________________________________________
- 65 -
School Volunteer Program
Parents and Friends:
WE NEED YOUR HELP AND TALENTS. Ideally every child should have the individual
attention necessary to achieve success, but with only one teacher for a whole classroom of children, that’s
almost impossible. With your help – that “extra pair of hands and ears”- more children can receive the
individual attention they may need.
Please check that area of your interest listed below. We will help you prepare for what you want
to do. All you need is a desire to help enrich the school curriculum and willingness to donate an hour a
week or participation a short-term project.
____________________________, Coordinator
Classroom Assistance:
Reading _____
Art _____
Math _____
Music _____
Learning disabilities _____
General Aid _____
Typing _____
Classroom Assistance:
Reading _____
Art _____
Math _____
Science _____
Phys.Ed / Sports _____
After School _____
Classroom Assistance:
Reading _____
Art _____
Math _____
Music _____
French _____
Science _____
Spanish _____
Phys.Ed./ Sports _____
After School _____
LIBRARY: Elementary _____
High School _____
ROOM PARENT: Elementary _____ Middle _____
High School _____
NATURE WALKS __________________
NURSE’S AID: Clerical _____ Clinical _____
COMMUNITY RESOURCE PERSON: Sharing special interest(s) in a single visit or series of visits. If
you have hobbies or collections, have visited places of interests and have slides or movies, if you would
be willing to share career or professional information with our students, please sign below.
I would share (subject) ________________________________________________________
(You will be contacted for more specific information)
NAME__________________________________________ Phone ________________________
ADDRESS_______________________________________ Please return to school.
QUESTIONS?: PHONE________________________, Coordinator at ____-_______
- 66 -
Dear Parents, Grandparents and Friends:
Can you be a School Volunteer this year?
Volunteers usually spend one hour or more a week after school. There are many ways in which
you can help. If you are interested, please send this form to the school. A member of the school
volunteer program will contact you soon.
I am interested in:
_____ Working with one child or a small group in:
_____ Reading
_____ Math
_____ Spelling
_____ Other
_____ Helping in a classroom
_____ Running off papers/copying
_____ Typing
_____ Making materials
_____ Helping nurse
_____ Library work
_____ Working with adults in Adult Basic Education
_____ I may be able to give a resource program on ______________________
(Resource people are needed in all areas- to talk about all kinds of jobs,
hobbies, crafts, other nations, regions of the U.S., etc.)
_____ I’m not sure what I can do but would like more information.
_____ I volunteered last year.
_____ This is my first year as school volunteer.
Name _____________________________ School Preferred _______________________
Address __________________________________________ Phone ________________
- 67 -
Parents and other adults in the community:
School programs in many towns have been enriched by the willingness of citizens to contribute
their special talents, skills, or interests from time to time in supplement the work of the classroom teacher
in a particular area. We are certain that in our community there are many such citizens, if we know where
to find them! Please help us by filling in the enclosed questionnaire.
Signed by Principal & SVP Coordinator or Community/School Coordinator
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name ________________________________________ Phone __________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
1. What collections do you have?__________________________________________________
(Stamps, autographs, dolls, butterflies, records, etc.)
2. What special talents do you have? _______________________________________________
(Singing, dancing, acting, a musical instrument, magic, etc.)
3. What hobbies do you have? ____________________________________________________
(Photography, woodcarving, leather craft, gardening, etc.)
4. Do you have special knowledge of the customs, food, culture of foreign countries?_________
Please specify country.________________________________________________________
Please list any movies or slides you have of foreign countries of places of interests in the
United States. _______________________________________________________________
6. Your occupation may be of interest to children or to those investigating careers.
Please specify occupation ______________________________________________________
7. Do you have a factory or other place of business that might be possible for children to visit?
Please specify. _______________________________________________________________
8. Are you in government service? _____ If so, what branch? ___________________________
9. What other talents, skills, or interests not covered by this questionnaire do you have?
10. May we call on you occasionally to contribute your time and talent to enrich the education
of children? ________
Days when you are available ______________________
Time of day when you are available ________________
By special arrangement __________________________
11. Please list friends or neighbors who might be interested in similar service.
ADDRESS _______________________________________________
PHONE _________________________________________________
- 68 -
The Career Awareness Program and the School Volunteer Program are studying various ways of
enriching the educational program of the schools. One way to widen the student's educational
opportunities, particularly in learning work skills, is to use the resources of the community.
Would you be willing to have this questionnaire kept on file at the Community Resource Bank so that in
the event of a particular need or interest, you might be contacted?
Yes _____ No _____
NAME: ________________________________________ TELEPHONE: __________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________
FIELD OF INTEREST (cite occupation or industry, arts and crafts, science, public service business, trade
union, etc.)
Hands on training
Occasional lecture or demonstration
Career Awareness
Mentor for Shadowing Program
Student tours of your business
Career Day participation
Sponsor awards
Donate recyclable materials
Resource person
Classroom participation
Tutor (subject: ________________)
Share hobbies or special interests
COMMENTS: __________________________________________________________________
What learning levels would you like to work with?
Size of group you prefer working with:
_____(1 on 1)
I understand that this information is merely exploratory and does not bind me in any way. If there is a
need for, or interest in, my services, I shall be contacted and further arrangements will be made.
Signed _________________________________
Please return to:
Coordinator of Community Resources
- 69 -
Name of school: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone number: _________________________________________________________________
Principal’s name:________________________________________________________________
Teacher’s name: ________________________________________________________________
Room number: _________________________________________________________________
Your volunteer day(s) and hours: ___________________________________________________
Your duties: ____________________________________________________________________
Person to contact if you are ill: ____________________________________________________
Name of volunteer coordinator: ____________________________________________________
Location and hours of the volunteer center: ___________________________________________
School begins: __________________________________________________________________
School ends: ___________________________________________________________________
Important dates to remember:______________________________________________________
Other information: ______________________________________________________________
- 70 -
Name:_________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________
Address: ___________________________________________________ Zip: _______________
Your school is: __________________________________ School Location: _________________
Your Principal is:_________________________________ School Phone: __________________
Teacher(s) working with you: ______________________________________________________
Teacher’s grade:__________________________________ Room number: __________________
Your volunteer assignment is: _____________________________________________________
Job description: _________________________________________________________________
Schedule: Day(s): _________________________________ Hours: ________________________
Your in-school supervisor is: ______________________________________________________
Your School Volunteer Program contact is: ___________________ Telephone: ______________
1.Dress code:__________________________
6. Restrooms: _____________________
2. Parking: ____________________________
7. Eating/smoking in building:
3. Sign-in procedures: ___________________
4. Coat: ______________________________
8. Use of telephone: ________________
5. Teacher’s lounge: _____________________
9. Fire drill: ______________________
1. Maintain a professional attitude while volunteering. Please be patient, discreet and tactful. Above all
enjoy your volunteer service!
2. If you know in advance that you cannot be present, let ____________________know. If an
emergency arises and you cannot be present, call the school office and leave a message.
3. Use the proper channels of communication. If you have a question concerning classroom work, ask
the teacher.
4. If your volunteer assignment is not satisfactory or if you and your teacher are not compatible please
let you SVP coordinator know immediately and other arrangements will be made. The teacher has
the same prerogative.
- 71 -
Teacher’s Name _____________________________________________ Grade ______________
School ____________________________________________________ Room Number _______
The following volunteer(s) have been assigned to you. Your request and time schedule has been matched
as closely as possible with the volunteers available and their interest and time available for volunteering.
If you have any questions please call ______________________________ Telephone _________
Volunteers Name ______________________________________________ Telephone ________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
Assignment ____________________________________________________________________
Job Description __________________________________________________________
Day(s) ______________________________________________ Hours _____________
Volunteers Name ____________________________________________ Telephone __________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
Assignment ____________________________________________________________________
Job Description __________________________________________________________
Day(s) _______________________________________________ Hours _____________
If you and your volunteer(s) are not compatible, please let you SVP coordinator know immediately and
other arrangements will be made. The volunteer also has the same prerogative.
Hours: _________________
TB Test: ________________
- 72 -
NAME ____________________________________________________ DATE _____________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________ PHONE ____________
NUMBER OF CHILDREN _____ SCHOOL ATTENDING _________________ AGES ______
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY NOTIFY: __________________________ PHONE ___________
HOBBIES-SKILLS-TRAVELS: ___________________________________________________
SCHOOL PREFERENCE: ________________________________________________________
_____ Read aloud to students
_____ Tape record stories for student listening.
_____ Act as tutor, working with a student on a single skill.
_____ Handwriting _____ Vocabulary _____ Reading Skills _____ Writing Skills
_____ Subject-Verb Agreement _____Spelling Usage (to, two, too - I saw, not I seen)
_____ Work with poor spellers.
_____ Work in library helping people who are working on research papers. Help them locate
_____ Work with special interest group on creative writing activities.
_____ Give spelling tests.
_____ Work with good spellers who are exempt from spelling test on alternative activities.
_____ Help groups who are planning skits or presentations.
_____ Be a research person – find materials and background information on authors, poets, and books
etc. related to study unit.
_____ Be a game designer – work with special students to develop games (on language skills) to
use in the classroom.
_____ Develop learning centers or mini-units.
_____ Help supervise lab work.
_____ Work with students who are ahead of class on special projects.
_____ Supervise science projects.
_____ Help students develop things for science fairs.
- 73 -
_____ Prepare materials for lab use.
_____ Help administer tests.
_____ Help with slow reading students.
_____ Help students with research
_____ Work with current events group.
_____ Give extra help with particular skills or concepts.
_____ Help on a one-to-one basis or small group with basic facts.
_____ Help with special projects.
_____ Make audiovisuals.
_____ Inventory
_____Help students on short term projects or act as Resource Person in the following:
_____ clothing _____ foods _____ crafts _____ childcare
_____ Assist in preparation of materials
_____ Help in extra practice sessions.
_____ Help set up for performances.
_____ Accompany choir.
_____ Work with special groups
_____ Work with foreign students who don’t speak English well.
_____ Work with students on forming good study habits.
_____ Explain assignments to those who have been absent, helping chronic absentees get
caught up.
_____ Be an artistic person-develop visual aids such as posters, bulletin boards, displays, etc. on
curriculum units.
_____ Line up speakers on curriculum units.
_____ Grade papers
_____ Record grades
_____ Type
_____ Duplicate materials
_____ File
Would you be able to substitute for another volunteer if needed? _____Yes _____ No
If yes, what days?___________________________________________________
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Date _____________________
Name ______________________________________________ Phone _____________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
Your resource volunteer assignment:
Subject _________________________________________________________________
School _______________________________________ Room # ___________________
Location ________________________________________________________________
Teacher ______________________________________ Grade _____________________
Equipment arrangements __________________________________________________
Day _________________________________________ Time _____________________
If you cannot serve as a resource volunteer at this time please contact:
Date _____________________
Teacher Name ________________________________________ School ___________________
Your request for a resource volunteer will be filled by:
Resource Volunteer____________________________________ Phone ____________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
Topic _________________________________________________________________________
Day, Date ___________________________________________ Time _____________________
Special equipment needed _________________________________________________________
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School Volunteer Program
Resource Volunteers – An Enrichment Program
For School Children
Name _____________________________________________________ Date _______________
Address ___________________________________________________ Phone ______________
Business Address ___________________________________________ Phone ______________
*Subject of Program:
Method of Presentation:
Grade Levels (Please check those with which you are willing to work and for which you feel your
program may be appropriate.)
____ 1-3 ____ 4-6 ____ 7-8 ____ Jr.High ____ High School ____ Any Grade
Group Size (Please check size for which your program will be appropriate.)
_____ A small group: 10 for example
_____ A class: usually 25-30
_____ A large group: 2 or 3 classes combined
_____ I can be flexible
Length of Program. The approximate time needed for my program is:
_____ One session of _____ minutes.
_____ More than one session. (Please indicate # needed.) _____
_____ I can vary the length of time according to the needs of the class.
Convenient times for me to present are: Day(s) of the week ______________________________
Time of day ___________________________________
I would like at least _____1, _____ 2, _____ 3 weeks notice before my program is scheduled.
I will need to have the following school equipment or supplies available:
_____ TV/VCR, _____ Projector, _____ Screen, _____ Art or craft supplies (please specify)
_____ Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
_____ I will operate the equipment.
_____ I will need someone to operate equipment.
*Some volunteers prefer to plan a fairly specific program or series of programs. However, you may say
something as simple as “I’m willing to teach a group of children to knit,” or “I have an antique doll
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This year we are fortunate to have volunteer helpers assisting in the classroom. They will be working
under the direction of the teacher at all times.
Your child _______________________ has been selected to work with a volunteer tutor. The volunteer
will be helping your child in the following subject area(s).
We would like your permission to have your child receive tutoring aid from a school volunteer.
If you have any questions please contact me.
Teacher’s name
I give my permission for my child _________________________ to receive tutoring help
through the _____________________________ School Volunteer Program.
Please return bottom portion of form to teacher.
- 77 -
Date of Interview _____________________
Volunteer Area Desired __________________________________________________________
Teacher/Staff Person Contacted ____________________________________________________
Orientation Date ______________________
Training Workshops Attended _____________________________________________________
TB Test Results ______________________
Starting Date ________________________ Withdrawal Date ____________________________
Reason for Withdrawal ___________________________________________________________
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ID #:
Year TB Test Sept Oct
Nov Dec Jan
- 79 -
May June Total
(To be kept in folder for volunteer)
NAME OF VOLUNTEER __________________________________ DATE ________________
NAME OF TEACHER ____________________________________ GRADE LEVEL ________
NAME (S) OF STUDENT (S) ____________________________________________________
TIME BLOCK _________________________________________________________________
MATERIALS TO BE USED ______________________________________________________
LOCATION OF MATERIALS ____________________________________________________
PROCEDURES _________________________________________________________________
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REMARKS: (e.g. Will not travel out of his own community…Needs car for transportation of equipment,
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Ways to Give Recognition to
Continuously, but always inclusively, the subject of recognition of discussed by directors and
coordinators of volunteer programs. There is great agreement as to its importance but greatly diversity in
its implementation.
Listed below are 101 possibilities gathered from hither and yon. The duplication at 1 and 101 is for
emphasis. The blank is at 102 is for the beginning of your own list. I think it is important to remember
that recognition is not so much something that you do as it is something that you are. It is sensitivity to
others as person, not a strategy for discharging obligations
Put up a volunteer suggestion box.
Treat to a soda
Reimburse assignment-related expenses.
Ask for a report.
Send a birthday card.
Arrange for discounts.
Give service stripes.
Maintain a coffee bar.
Plan annual ceremonial occasions.
Invite to staff meeting.
Recognize personal needs and problems.
Accommodate personal needs.
Be pleasant.
Use in an emergency situation.
Provide a babysitter.
Post Honor Roll in reception area.
Respect their wishes.
Give informal teas.
Keep challenging them.
Send a Thanksgiving Day card to the
volunteer’s family.
Provide nursery.
Say “Good Morning”.
Greet by name.
Provide good pre-service training.
Help develop self-confidence.
Award plaques to sponsoring group.
Take time to explain fully.
Be verbal.
Motivate agency VIPs to converse with
- 83 -
Hold chat sessions
Give additional responsibility.
Afford participation if team planning.
Respect sensitivities.
Enable to grow on the job.
Enable to grow out of the job.
Send newsworthy information to media.
Have wine and cheese tasting parties.
Ask client-patient to evaluate their workservice.
Say “Good Afternoon”.
Honor their preferences.
Create pleasant surroundings.
Welcome to staff coffee breaks.
Enlist to train other volunteers.
Have a public reception.
Take time to talk.
Defend against hostile or negative staff.
Make good plans.
Commend to supervisory staff.
Send a valentine.
Make thorough pre-arrangements.
Persuade “personnel” to equate volunteer
experience with work experience.
Admit to partnership with paid staff.
Recommend to prospective employer.
Provide scholarships to volunteer
conferences or workshops.
Offer advocacy roles.
Utilized as consultants.
Write them thanks you notes.
Invite participation in policy information.
60. Surprise with coffee and cake.
62. Nominate for volunteer awards.
63. Have a “Presidents Day” for new presidents
of sponsoring groups.
64. Carefully match volunteers with job.
65. Provide substantive in-service training.
66. Provide useful tools in good working
67. Say “Good Night”
68. Plan staff and volunteer social events.
69. Be a REAL person.
70. Rent billboard space for public laudation.
71. Accept their individuality.
72. Provide opportunities for conferences and
73. Identify age groups.
74. Maintain meaningful file.
75. Send impromptu fun cards.
76. Plan occasional extravaganzas.
77. Instigate client-planned surprises.
78. Utilize purchased newspaper space.
79. Promote a “Volunteer-of – the – Month”
80. Send letter of appreciation to employer.
81. Plan a “Recognition Edition” of the agency
82. Color code name tags to indicate particular
achievements (hours, years, unit, etc.).
83. Send commendatory letters to prominent
public figures.
84. Say, “We missed you”.
85. Praise the sponsoring group or club.
86. Promote staff smiles.
87. Facilitate personal maturation.
88. Distinguish between groups and individuals
in the group.
89. Maintain safe working conditions.
90. Adequately orient.
91. Award special citations for extraordinary
92. Fully indoctrinate regarding the agency.
93. Send Christmas cards.
94. Be familiar with details of assignments.
95. Conduct community-wide, cooperative,
interagency recognition events.
96. Plan a theater party.
97. Attend a sports event.
98. Have a picnic.
99. Say “thank you”
61. Celebrate Outstanding achievements
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With grateful thoughts
Of many qualities
That makes you so special…
For giving your time and effort
To warm and brighten
The lives of others…
For sharing and caring
So much for so many…
And doing all you do
With a smile and unforgettable kindness.
You’re appreciated far more
Than you’ll ever know…
Anytown, New Hampshire
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Our teachers have but two hands
And only two ears to hear,
There are so many of us,
We’re glad there are volunteers.
They help us with our work
And do for the teachers, too,
If we didn’t have volunteers,
What in the world would we do?
We’re here to say a big thank you
For the help and things you do;
For the hands and ears you lend us,
And all that you do for us, too.
By Kathy Peterson
In grateful appreciation for volunteer services rendered to assist and support the school
in __________________________________________________________
School Year
Coordinator of Volunteers
Superintendent of Schools
- 86 -
Name ____________________________________________________ Date ________________
School ___________________________________________________ Teacher ______________
Approximate number of volunteer hours served this year ________________________________
1. What type of volunteer work did you perform:
_____ Tutoring
_____ Resource
_____ Classroom help
_____ Clerical
_____ Other (specify) _________________________________________________________
2. Briefly describe what you did: __________________________________________________
3. Did your orientation adequately prepare you to begin volunteer work? _____ Adequate
_____ Inadequate (explain) _________________________________________________
4. Was your placement as a volunteer satisfactory? _____ Yes
_____ Yes, except ________________________________________________________
_____ No, explain ________________________________________________________
5. Did the teacher make use of your interests and abilities? _____ Yes _____ No
_____ Yes, but ___________________________________________________________
6. Did the teacher give you as much supervision as you felt needed? _____ Yes
_____ No
7. Based on your experience, do you have ideas for school programs which might be
implemented through the volunteer program?______________________________________
8. Briefly describe your most satisfactory experience as a school volunteer: ________________
8. Briefly describe your least satisfactory experience as a school volunteer: ________________
10. Do you plan to be a school volunteer next year? _____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Uncertain
11.If your answer was yes to #10, in which of the following areas would you like more
training or information?
_____ Techniques and games for tutoring reading
_____ Techniques and games for tutoring math
_____ Techniques for giving a good resource program.
_____ Understanding of children’s behavior and how to motivate them.
_____ Other (please specify) _______________________________________________
12. Have you any other comments or suggestions? _____________________________________
- 87 -
It is important, both to you and to us, that we know how you feel about your volunteer work this past
year, your interests and opinions. So won’t you please fill in this evaluation questionnaire and send it
along to us quickly as possible. THANK YOU!
Length of service as volunteer __________ Approximate number of hours per week __________
Area of service:
Classroom assistance _____
Library _____
Clerical _____
Curriculum Enrichment _____
Individual help: reading ___ math ____
Other (please specify) _______________________________________________
Do you feel an important part of the staff at your school? Yes _____ No _____
Is there someone you can talk with when there are problems? Yes _____ No _____
Have the goals for your work as a volunteer been clearly defined? Yes _____ No _____
Do you communicate on a regular basis with the staff member you work with? Yes ____ No____
In what manner?
_____ Person to person contact at school
_____ By telephone
_____ Written messages
_____ Other (please specify) _________________________________________
Which of these best describes the relationship of staff to you?
_____ Made me feel my help was needed and appreciated
_____ Made good use of my time.
_____ Lacked information about what volunteers are supposed to do.
_____ Was too busy to give me enough directions.
_____ Didn’t care whether I came or not.
_____ Other (please specify) _________________________________________
Do you read the volunteer newsletter? _____ Yes _____ No Comments: ____________________
Which of the following did you attend? _____ Orientation _____ Training sessions
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
For the next year I would like more information on: (check all that apply)
_____ The role of the volunteer
_____ How to help students read better
_____ How to help students in math
_____ Understanding personality and behavior problems of my student
_____ Other (please specify) _________________________________________
What is the most important thing that has happened to you as a volunteer?___________________
- 88 -
What positive outcomes have you observed in the students with whom you work?_____________
The most frustrating thing or things about being a volunteer is/are:
_____ It was not frustrating
_____ Not seeing progress
_____ Not feeling needed
_____ Not enough help from the teacher
_____ My lack of knowledge and skill to help a student
_____ Other (please specify) _________________________________________
What change(s) would you suggest that might improve the program?_______________________
Will you be a volunteer next year? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Unsure
If yes, please check one:
_____ I would like to return to the same job.
_____ I am willing to volunteer in the same school but would prefer to work in a
different area. (please specify) __________________________________
_____ I would prefer to be placed in another school: _______________________
(school name)
School where you volunteered this year
Grade Level
Your Name (optional)
Please return to:
School Volunteer Program
(You may return evaluation form via school delivery by dropping it off at your school office.)
- 89 -
Name ___________________________________________________ Date _________________
School __________________________________________________ Grade ________________
Have you used the services of the __________________________ SVP this year?
_____ Regularly
_____ Occasionally
_____ Not at all
_____ None available
Please describe your volunteer’s duties ______________________________________________
How many volunteers work with you as some time during the year? _______________________
Would you like volunteer help next year? _____ Yes, regularly
_____ Yes, with this provision ______________________________________________
_____ Yes, occasionally
_____ Uncertain
_____ No
If you had volunteer help this year, would you like the same volunteer next year if she/he is available?
_____ Yes
_____ Yes, with this provision ______________________________________________
_____ No, please specify why _______________________________________________
What change have you seen in students as a result of their contact with volunteers? ___________
What aspects of the Volunteer Program should be improved next year?
_____ Clearer explanation of program to teachers
_____ Better training of volunteers for jobs
_____ More opportunity for teacher and volunteer to consult
_____ Better program coordination
_____ More supervision of volunteers
_____ Improved Resource Program
_____ Other, Explain ______________________________________________________
Based on your experience, do you have ideas for school programs, which might be implemented through
the volunteer program? ____________________________________________________
Evaluate your volunteer(s)
Rapport with students
Relationship with faculty
Thank You!
- 90 -
Name of Volunteer ___________________________________ Subject ____________________
Teacher _____________________________________ Date ____________ Grade ___________
School _____________________________________________ No. of classes _______________
Number of students attending ___________________________ Length of program ___________
Presentation of subject
Knowledge of subject
Communication with students
Adjustment to situation
Understanding or empathy for students
Vocabulary for grade level*
Children’s rating of volunteer
Would you recommend keeping this presentation in our resource file? ______________________
Teacher’s comments: (Please be specific)
*If vocabulary was too difficult, can you remember some of the words children couldn’t understand?
This information should be specific so volunteer can be informed.
Please return form to the School Volunteer Office immediately following the volunteer’s visit.
- 91 -
DATE: ___________________
Teacher or staff member ________________________________ School ___________________
Name of volunteer being evaluated _________________________________________________
1. Does the volunteer have goo rapport with children and adults? Yes _____ No _____
2. Do you feel that the climate for learning has been improved by this volunteer’s service?
Yes _____ No _____
Comment: __________________________________________________________________
3. Has there been any evidence of change in your pupils as a result of this volunteer’s service?
Yes _____ No _____
Comment: __________________________________________________________________
4. Has the volunteer increased your efficiency as a teacher relating to your:
a. Planning? Yes _____ No _____ How? __________________________________________
b. Teaching? Yes _____ No _____ How? __________________________________________
c. Professional growth? Yes _____ No _____ How?_________________________________
5. Has the volunteer shown initiative in helping the classroom? Yes _____ No _____
How? ______________________________________________________________________
6. Do you feel that the volunteer got adequate training before assigned? Yes _____ No _____
Comment: __________________________________________________________________
7. Has the on-the-job training of the volunteer proved satisfactory? Yes _____ No _____
Comment: __________________________________________________________________
8. In what areas was the volunteer most helpful? ______________________________________
9. What skills of the volunteer were most helpful? ____________________________________
10. What additional skills would enhance the volunteer’s value to you? ____________________
11. What suggestions do you have to improve the training or efficiency of the volunteer? ______
12. Has the on-the-job supervision of the volunteer been satisfactory? Yes _____ No _____
13. Should the volunteer be encouraged to continue in the program? Yes _____ No _____
Why? _____________________________________________________________________
- 92 -
Principal/Administrator __________________________________________ Date ____________
School ________________________________________________________________________
1. Which volunteer services have been most helpful in your building?
_____ tutoring _____ classroom help _____ clerical help _____ resource programs
_____ other (please specify) ____________________________________________________
2. Do you feel your have:
_____ too many volunteers
_____ not enough volunteers
_____ an adequate number to meet teachers’ and students needs
3.What is your general reaction to the school volunteers who have worked in your building?
4. How would you evaluate volunteer-teacher relationships?
_____ Good
_____ Fair
_____ Poor
5. Has the liaison between you and the SVP been satisfactory?
_____ Good
_____ Fair
_____ Poor
6. How would you rate the following aspects of the SVP during the past year?
Training of volunteers for their jobs
Orientation of volunteers to the school
Preparation of teachers for use of volunteers
Supervision of program by volunteer coordinator
7. Do you have any suggestion for improving the training or efficiency of volunteers? ________
8. What influence has the SVP had on school-community relations? ______________________
9. Would you like to have a volunteer program at your school next year? _____ Yes _____ No
_____ Yes, with this provision __________________________________________________
10. Are there any new services you would like to have volunteers provide? __________________
11. What are your recommendations for the future operation of the volunteer program? _______
- 93 -
1. The volunteer program at my school this year was, on the whole…
_____ less than satisfactory
_____ satisfactory
______ unusually good
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
2. Teacher reaction to volunteers on the whole seems to be…
_____ negative _____ neutral _____ positive _____ very positive
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
3. Volunteer recruitment for my school this year…
_____ was not as extensive as it should have been
_____ was adequate
_____ exceeded school needs
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
4. I would like the volunteer program in my school to…
_____ be discontinued
_____ stay about the same
_____ grow
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
5. The volunteer orientation meeting in the fall…
_____ was useless
_____ could be improved
_____ was adequate
_____ thoroughly prepared the volunteers
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
6. The Volunteer Director’s short talk with my staff in January or February on the use of the school
volunteers was…
_____ a waste of time
_____ okay
_____ instructive and helpful
7. Teacher training in the management of volunteer…
_____ is unnecessary _____ should be offered
_____ should be mandatory
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
- 94 -
Name _____________________________________________________ Date _______________
School ____________________________________________________ Grade ______________
Please help us to evaluate the School Volunteer Program by answering the questions below.
1. How much did the volunteer help you?
_____ a great deal
_____ quite a lot
_____ only a little
_____ not at all
2. Check with of these ways of volunteer assistance worked best for you.
_____ Working with me and some other pupils in the classroom
_____ Working alone with me in the classroom
_____ Working alone with me outside the classroom
_____ Freeing the teacher so that the teacher could work with me
_____ Putting on something special for the whole class or school
_____ Other (please explain) ___________________________________________________
3. Check those activities that help you learn with the volunteer.
_____ Doing practice exercises
_____ Playing educational games
_____ Helping me correct my paper and do assignments
_____ Other (please explain) ___________________________________________________
4. How could the volunteer help you more?
_____ Work with me over a longer period of time
_____ Work with me more often
_____ Give me clearer directions or instructions
_____ Other (explain) _________________________________________________________
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