Anisotropy of the recoilless fractions in Fm3m crystals K. Ruebenbauer and U.D. Wdowik Mössbauer Spectroscopy Division, Institute of Physics, Pedagogical University PL-30-084 Cracow, ul. Podchorążych 2, Poland E-mail: Short title: Anisotropy of the recoilless fractions Keywords: anisotropy, recoilless fraction, quartic, sodium chloride Abstract A general formalism describing recoilless fraction in terms of spherical tensors conforming to the crystal symmetry is outlined. The above formalism has been already applied to describe successfully previously obtained data on the recoilless fractions in single crystals of sodium chloride. The original data were obtained by using Rayleigh scattering of the Mössbauer radiation. It was found that above the quantum region and at a temperature high enough to neglect anisotropy of the ionic form-factors there is some anisotropy of the thermal motion of the entirely quartic character. On the other hand, quadratic terms in the wave-vector transfer are completely quasi-harmonic. A departure from the Gaussian thermal distribution is quite significant for both cations and anions. The anisotropy tends to diminish at high temperatures. 1. Introduction Recoilless fractions are very good probes of the local atomic motions around the equilibrium positions in solids [1-3]. They could be measured either by using coherent methods, i.e., X-ray or neutron diffraction, or by incoherent methods like the Mössbauer spectroscopy. Incoherent methods do not suffer from the static disorder contributions, but they usually operate at the constant wave-number. On the other hand, coherent methods have generally low energy resolution resulting in the significant thermal diffusive contamination particularly at high temperatures. The exception is the Rayleigh scattering of the Mössbauer radiation either in the energy or time domain. It is characterized by the very good energy resolution. Nuclear methods seem superior as the scatterers are truly point-like. However, the standard nuclear neutron diffraction has generally poor energy resolution at the wave-number transfers required, while the Mössbauer spectroscopy operates at the constant wave-number and for the limited range of scatterers. One has to realize, that the nuclear (Mössbauer) forward or Bragg scattering of the synchrotron radiation is a two step process, and hence, it suffers from the constant wave-number restriction as well. The paper is aimed at the analysis of the recoilless fractions behavior in sodium chloride based on the data obtained by the Rayleigh scattering of the Mössbauer radiation from single crystals [4-5]. Very high intensity 183W Mössbauer sources (about 70 Ci at the termination of irradiation in the high flux reactor) called super-sources were used for the purpose [6]. Section 2 deals with the general formalism used to describe the recoilless fraction and its anisotropy. Particular attention is paid to the optimal parameterization involving the minimum number of parameters. This section is devoted to the reconstruction of the spatial distribution functions from the recoilless fractions as well. Section 3 is devoted to the application of the formalism to the NaCl data, and finally Section 4 summarizes results. 1 2. Parameterization of the recoilless fraction The recoilless fraction f (q ) is a smooth function of the wave-vector transfer q to the system and it satisfies the following conditions: 0 f (q ) 1 , f (q 0) 1 and lim [ f (q )] 0 . q (2.1) One can define symmetric, against the wave-vector transfer inversion, R (q ) and anti-symmetric X (q ) amplitudes, respectively, in the following way: R(q ) 12 [ f (q )]1/ 2 [ f (q )]1/ 2 and X (q ) 12 [ f (q )]1 / 2 [ f (q )]1 / 2 . (2.2) For a single "independent" point-like spherical "scatterer" one can obtain the spatial distribution amplitude A(r ) versus position r as: A(r ) d 3 q R(q ) cos( q r ) d 3 q X (q ) sin( q r ) , (2.3) and a corresponding spatial probability density function (r ) as: (r ) N A(r ) A (r ) with N d 3 r A(r ) A* (r ) . 1 * (2.4) The spatial probability density function could be defined in coordinates x centered on the average position r in the following way: x r r with r d 3 r r (r ) . (2.5) The resulting smooth function ( x ) obeys the following relationships: ( x ) 0 , d x ( x ) 1 and 3 - d x x (x) 0 3 - (2.6) with ( x) N A(x) being a pseudo wave-function. The function ( x ) is not a true wave function as it cannot be associated with a particular quantum state except the ground state at a temperature being close to null. On the other hand, the product (x) * (x' ) can be interpreted as a matrix element of the density matrix. The function ( x ) could be back-transformed into the recoilless fraction f (q ) by the following set of operations: 1 / 2 3 f (q ) d x R ( x ) cos( q x ) d 3 x X ( x ) sin( q x ) R ( x ) 12 [ ( x )]1 / 2 [ ( x )]1 / 2 and 2 3 d x R ( x ) , where X ( x ) 12 [ ( x )]1 / 2 [ ( x )]1 / 2 with x x d 3 x x [ ( x )]1 / 2 3 d x [ ( x )]1 / 2 . (2.7) 2 Hence, one can obtain the "thermal" spatial probability density function ( x) upon having measured corresponding "dynamical" recoilless fraction f (q ) . The recoilless fraction f (q ) could be expressed as: f (q ) exp[ W (q )] with W (q ) 0 , W (q 0) 0 and W (q ) q . (2.8) The smooth function W (q ) takes on the following form [7]: l l m (l ) (l ) W (q ) q l R (l ) bmk mk ( ) , l 2 m 0 k 0 (2.9) where q 0 stands for the wave-number transfer to the system, and stand for the polar and azimuthal angles of the wave-vector transfer to the system, respectively, and they are defined in the orthogonal right-handed Cartesian reference frame centered on the average position r and used to evaluate the recoilless fraction. Hence, the wave-vector transfer to the system q is defined as: sin cos q q sin sin . cos (2.10) Parameters R describe isotropic part of the recoilless fraction, while the (l ) parameters bmk describe anisotropy of the recoilless fraction. The latter parameters are usually required to satisfy the following condition: (l ) l l m 2 b d sin d m 0 k 0 (l ) mk (l ) mk 0 ( ) 0 . 0 (2.11) The above mentioned condition is "automatically" satisfied for all odd indices l , while for the even indices l it leads to the following constraint on the parameters b2( 2ml''2k2') : 2 l ' 2 2 l ' 2 2 m ' 2 m ' 0 2 k ' 0 ( 2 l ' 2 ) 2 m'2 k ' b 2 0 0 d sin d ( 2 l ' 2 ) 2 m'2 k ' ( ) 0 with l ' 2,3, ; m' 0,1, l '1; k ' 0,1, , l 'm'1 . (2.12) The above constraint "removes" one parameter from the even terms. (l ) ( ) take on the form: Functions mk l! (l ) (sin ) mk (cos )l mk (sin ) k (cos ) m . mk ( ) m! k! (l m k )! (2.13) Hence, the following relationships are obeyed: 2 d sin d (l ) mk 0 ( ) 0 0 (2.14) except for the all indices l , m and k being even. For the latter case one obtains: 3 2 d sin d (l ) mk 0 ( ) 0 2 l! (l m k 1) 2 (m 1) 2 (k 1) 2 , m! k! (l m k )! (l 3) 2 (2.15) where the symbol denotes the Euler-gamma function. In particular the function 00( 2l '2) ( ) obeys the following relationship in accordance with the expression (2.15): 2 4 ( 2l ' 2 ) d sin 0 0 d 00 ( ) 2l '1 . (2.16) The above outlined formalism allows to calculate spatial density function along the axis pointing in the ( ) direction and going through the average position r . Namely, the recoilless fraction f (q ) could be rewritten in the form f (q ) f (q | ) where: R(q | ) X (q | ) 1 2 1 2 [ f (q | )] [ f (q | )] 1/ 2 1/ 2 . [ f (q | , )]1 / 2 and [ f (q | , )] 1/ 2 (2.17) Therefore, the amplitude A(r | ) takes on the form: A(r | ) 2 dq R(q | ) cos( qr ) dq X (q | ) sin( qr ) , 0 0 (2.18) while the function (r | ) is expressed as: (r | ) N ( ) A(r | ) A (r | ) with N ( ) dr A(r | ) A* (r | ) . 1 * (2.19) The centered coordinate x follows from the expressions: x r r with r dr r (r | ) . (2.20) Hence, the spatial density function along the above axis ( x | ) satisfies the following conditions: ( x | ) 0 , dx (x | ) 1 and dx x (x | ) 0 (2.21) with ( x | ) N ( ) A( x | ) being a corresponding pseudo wave-function. This function has a similar meaning as the function ( x ) , however it is defined in a single dimension along the axis pointing in the ( ) direction. Hence, the function ( x | ) is the probability density function for finding a particle in the plane perpendicular to the above axis and being offset from the average position by x. One can again back-transform the function ( x | ) into the recoilless fraction in the direction ( ) by the following set of operations: 1 / 2 4 f (q | ) dx R ( x | ) cos( qx) dx X ( x | ) sin( qx) R ( x | ) 12 [ ( x | )]1/ 2 [ ( x | )]1/ 2 , 2 dx R ( x | ) with X ( x | ) 12 [ ( x | )]1/ 2 [ ( x | )]1/ 2 and x x dx x [ ( x | )]1/ 2 dx [ ( x | )]1/ 2 . (2.22) It is interesting to note, that the recoilless fraction f (q | ) described solely by terms with l 2 results in the following Gaussian ( x | ) function: (x | ) G(x | ) [( )]1/ 2 exp [x r ]2 [ ( )] , (2.23) where: 2 2 m ( 2) ( 2) ( ) R ( 2) bmk mk ( ) and ( ) 0 . m 0 k 0 (2.24) Hence, the following deviation function D ( x | ) is a good measure of the presence of the terms with l 2 : D( x | ) ( x | ) G ( x | ) with dx D(x | ) 0 . (2.25) For a purely Gaussian behavior r 0 and r 0 . If one neglects all terms with l 4 a cubic environment with the local inversion centre has r 0 and r 0 , and it is ( 4) described completely by: R ( 2) , R (3) , R ( 4) and b40 . The isotropic term R (3) is very small for a cubic environment exhibiting local inversion centre [8], and one is left with three ( 4) parameters: R ( 2) , R ( 4) and b40 in the coordinates coinciding with the main crystal axes (for a strict cumulant approximation odd isotropic terms always vanish). There are five independent components of the b̂ ( 2 ) tensor, ten independent components of the b̂ (3) tensor and fourteen independent components of the b̂ ( 4 ) tensor in the case of general symmetry. For the most general symmetry the bˆ ( l ) tensor has 12 (l 1)(l 2) independent components for odd l and 12 (l 1)(l 2) 1 such components for even l . The above mentioned cubic system has the following function W (q ) : ( 4) 5 (sin ) 2 [1 (sin ) 2{1 (sin ) 2 (sin ) 4 }] 1 . W (q ) q 2 R ( 2) q 4 R ( 4) b40 (2.26) The expression (2.26) follows from the general expressions [(2.9)-(2.15)] taking into account isotropic terms up to the quartic one with the exception of the cubic term, and considering solely quartic anisotropy with the following constraints due to the cubic symmetry and ( 4) ( 4) ( 4) ( 4) ( 4) ( 4) b04 b00 2b22 2b20 2b02 presence of the inversion centre: b40 ; remaining are zero. The above choice satisfies expression (2.11) and causes that the anisotropy is described ( 4) ( 4) by a single parameter b40 . Positive values of the b40 parameter cause the largest displacements to be along the main axes, while the negative values give the minimum displacements along the main axes. 5 The anisotropy is solely due to the quartic (and eventually higher even) terms. For a constant q maximum discrepancy occurs between directions pointing along the cube edge and ( 4) along the cube diagonal, respectively. The above discrepancy amounts to: 53 q 4 b40 . The next most likely to occur and allowed tensor is b̂ ( 6 ) . It has two non-trivial components for the (6) (6) above environment: b60 and b40 . The function: W (q ) q 2 R ( 2) q 4 R ( 4 ) (2.27) is plotted in Fig. 1 for 0 / 2 , 0 / 2 and various settings of the parameter ( 4) b40 / R ( 4 ) ranging here between (-1; 3/2). The function W (q ) is described here by the expression (2.26). Fig. 1 Possible shapes of the quartic anisotropy in the cubic system. See, expressions (2.26) ( 4) / R ( 4 ) 0 . and (2.27) for details. The anisotropy vanishes for b40 For a strictly spherical symmetry all bˆ ( l ) tensors vanish and one is left with isotropic parameters R (l ) solely. Usually, R ( 2) and R ( 4) parameters are dominant with R ( 2) being a sole parameter for a spherically symmetrical harmonic environment. For a general symmetry in a harmonic environment parameter R ( 2) and a tensor b̂ ( 2 ) survive solely. The presence of the bˆ ( l ) tensors with odd l is the indication of the absence of the local inversion centre. For such a case neither r 0 nor r 0 . One has to note, that R (l ) parameters and bˆ ( l ) tensors strongly depend upon the temperature. 6 The above parameterization applies to a single particle located at the relatively well defined position, and in the framework of the independent vibrational dynamics. Observed quantities are time averaged stationary observables. The particle itself is considered as a point-like spherical entity. It seems that currently available experimental methods are able to reach up to the quartic terms inclusive. The parameter R (3) is likely to be too small to be observed by currently available experimental methods within systems exhibiting local inversion centres [8]. The above outlined formalism could be easily extended to the cases with poorly localized and/or overlapping particles which are hard to distinguish one from another. Namely, for such cases the amplitude A(r ) has to be replaced by: A(r ) Ans r rs , ns (2.28) where Ans r rs stands for the amplitude of the n-th particle in the s-th site at the position r , while rs is the average position of the s-th site. The above substitution generally leads to a dependent dynamics. 3. Recoilless fractions in NaCl In order to illustrate the usefulness of the above outlined formalism recoilless fractions have been calculated versus temperature in the main axis and the chemical unit cell diagonal directions for the average sodium cation and chlorine anion, respectively, [9] basing upon the results published in the ref. [4], and for various Bragg reflections. The latter results have been derived from the Rayleigh scattering of the Mössbauer radiation (RSMR) measurements performed upon single crystals at various temperatures and for various Bragg reflections having wave-vector transfer either along the main crystal axis or along the cell diagonal. The former reflections had even Miller indices, while the latter had either even or odd indices. The 46.5 keV γ-ray line of 183W was used as the radiation source. Experimental details are described in ref. [4]. The energy resolution of the RSMR method assures that the intensity under the Bragg reflection is entirely due to the elastic component with the negligible thermal diffusive contribution. The lattice constant a(T) evolution with the temperature T has been approximated by the relationship [9]: 5 a(T) a 0 C k T k , k 1 (3.1) where the parameters a0 and Ck have been fitted to the data of the refs. [10-12]. The numerical results are summarized in Table I [9], while the lattice constant versus temperature is plotted in Fig. 2 including data of the refs. [10-12]. The function a(T) is further abbreviated by the symbol a. Hence, the "natural" units of length were used in further calculations, i.e., fractions of the lattice constant at a given temperature. Such an approach is possible in the cubic systems with the unique length scale. 7 Table I Coefficients of the lattice constant dependence upon temperature. a0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 5.5870(4) 1.7∙10-7 (68·10-7) 7.8(4)·10-7 -1.34(9)·10-9 1.25(9)·10-12 -4.5(4)·10-16 [Å] [Å/K] [Å/K2] [Å/K3] [Å/K4] [Å/K5] Interpolation valid between 50 K and 950 K. Note irrelevance of the linear term in agreement with the quantum mechanical expectations (error for the C1 parameter value is much bigger than the value itself, and hence the parameter becomes irrelevant). Fig. 2 Evolution of the lattice constant versus temperature at "zero" pressure. Calculated recoilless fractions have been fitted to the parameters: R ( 2) / a 2 , ( 4) / a 4 using expressions (2.26) and (2.8) separately for the average sodium R ( 4) / a 4 and b40 cation and chlorine anion versus temperature. The following temperature dependencies were found applying polynomial fits with the minimum number of parameters [9]: R ( 2 ) / a 2 A BT , R ( 4) / a 4 T 3 , ( 4) b40 / a 4 a bT cT 2 . (3.2) The numerical values of the parameters are listed in Table II [9]. Additionally, the ratio ( 4) b40 / R ( 4 ) was calculated versus temperature for sodium and chlorine. The functions: 8 ( 4) ( 4) / a 4 and b40 / R ( 4 ) are plotted versus temperature in Fig. 3 for R ( 2) / a 2 , R ( 4) / a 4 , b40 sodium and chlorine both [9]. Table II Parameters describing recoilless fractions versus temperature. A [-] B [1/K] α [-] β [1/K3] a [-] Na 1.14(9)·10-4 2.01(2)·10-6 -2.0(4)·10-9 6.51(5)·10-16 2.2(2)·10-8 Cl 5.6(4)·10-5 1.33(1)·10-6 0.0 6.46(3)·10-16 1.41(7)·10-8 b [1/K] c [1/K2] -1.38(9)·10-10 4.2(1)·10-13 -1.06(4)·10-10 3.50(5)·10-13 Temperature range covered: 300 K – 950 K for Na and 220 K – 950 K for Cl. Fig. 3 Parameters of the recoilless fractions plotted as functions of the temperature at "zero" pressure. 9 The biggest sources of the systematic experimental errors are the following: 1) extinction, 2) static disorder, and 3) non-local character of the scattering ionic amplitudes. It seems that neither extinction nor the static disorder have any meaning for the samples investigated [4]. Isotropic contributions to the non-local scattering amplitudes have been accounted for during the original data evaluation [4]. However, the anisotropic contributions due to the solid state effects cannot be accounted for reliably leading to the mixing between genuine recoilless fractions and the ionic scattering amplitudes (distributions of scattering electrons). This effect becomes stronger at low temperatures where the "thermal" motion is small, while the electronic distribution remains practically unaffected for the sodium chloride. It is particularly strong for light atoms with few almost unperturbed core electrons contributing to the scattering. Hence, the data could be treated as reliable above 220 K for chlorine and above 300 K for sodium. Fig. 4 Functions ( x | ) and D ( x | ) plotted versus x/a for sodium and chlorine at various temperatures and for the angles ( ) corresponding either to the <100> or <111> crystal directions. One has to note, that the above functions are dimensionless in the x/a coordinates. 10 Fig. 4 shows reconstructed functions ( x | ) and D ( x | ) plotted in the "natural" coordinates x/a for various temperatures and two crystal directions, i.e., <100> and <111>, both for sodium and chlorine [9]. Fig. 5 Potentials U ( x | ) plotted versus x/a for sodium and chlorine at various temperatures and for the angles ( ) corresponding either to the <100> or <111> crystal directions. Corresponding isotropic Gaussian potentials U G ( x | ) are shown for comparison. Pseudo wave-functions ( x | ) could be used to calculate the effective temperature dependent and time averaged scalar interaction potential between vibrating particle and the rest of the crystal. Such a potential (energy) calculated for ( ) direction versus x and gauged to zero for x = 0 takes on the following form for a single point-like spherical non-relativistic particle in accordance with the Schrödinger equation: 2 1 ( x | ) (d 2 / dx 2 ) ( x | ) 1 (0 | ) (d 2 / dx 2 ) ( x | ) x0 , U ( x | ) 2M (3.3) where M stands for the mass of the particle and for the Planck constant divided by 2π. The above potential approximates interaction between particle and the rest of the crystal in the 11 vicinity of the x = 0 point. For a purely Gaussian function (x | ) G(x | ) the above potential takes on a very simple form: 2 2 x . U G ( x | ) 2 2M ( ) (3.4) ( 2) The Gaussian potential is isotropic for cubic symmetries as ( ) R in such cases. Fig. 5 shows the above potentials plotted in the "natural" coordinates x/a. 4. Conclusions One can conclude that quadratic terms are isotropic as expected in the cubic environment. They are linear versus temperature above the quantum region and maybe the vicinity of the melting point provided they are plotted in the "natural" coordinates. Hence, they represent quasi-harmonic motion. Residua at zero temperature are small indicating a small static disorder at all temperatures within the range investigated. The crystal is strongly ionic, and hence, the static disorder is expected to be small. Isotropic quartic terms are practically the same for sodium and chlorine within the whole temperature range considered. Such a behavior indicates that these terms are due to collective motions, i.e., interaction between acoustic phonons. The anisotropy of the motion has the same character for both ions leading to bigger displacements along the main crystal axes in comparison with the displacements along the cell diagonals. However lighter ions exhibit bigger anisotropy. It seems that all phonons contribute to the anisotropy as it depends upon temperature in a more complex way than quartic isotropic terms. It has to be stressed that the entire anisotropy is of the quartic character. The motion becomes more isotropic at high temperatures. The data at very low temperatures cannot be reliably evaluated due to the admixture of the scattering amplitudes anisotropy. Departures from the Gaussian "thermal" distributions are quite significant at all temperatures accessible to the data evaluation. Distributions are flatter than Gaussians. This is an indication that bottoms of the potential wells are flatter than parabolic. The above flatness depends upon direction being the biggest in the main axes directions. Acknowledgments Professor James G. Mullen, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. and Dr. Carmen K. Shepard, Maysville Community College, Maysville, Kentucky, U.S.A. are warmly thanked for calling our attention to their experimental work, suggesting that we carry out a theoretical analysis, and giving unrestricted access to their experimental data [4]. Appendix Tensors bˆ ( l ) describing anisotropy of the recoilless fraction constitute a sub-set of the more general tensors describing material texture, i.e., a directional distribution of rigid bodies having arbitrary shape. A texture density distribution function T ( ) depends upon three Eulerian angles ( ) and obeys the following general rules: 12 T ( ) 0 ; 0 2 , 0 , 0 2 ; 2 2 1 d d sin d T ( ) 1 ; T ( ) N T0 ( ) ; T0 ( ) 0 ; 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 d d sin d T ( ) N 0 ; N 0 . (A.1) A particular body orientation could be described by two mutually orthogonal unit vectors and generated with the help of the Eulerian rotation operators as follows: cos sin 0 cos 0 sin cos sin 0 Rˆ sin cos 0 ; Rˆ 0 1 0 ; Rˆ sin cos 0 ; 0 sin 0 cos 0 0 1 0 1 0 sin cos 1 Rˆ Rˆ 0 sin sin 2 ; 1 cos 3 1 cos cos cos sin sin 1 Rˆ Rˆ Rˆ 0 cos sin cos cos sin 2 . 0 sin cos 3 (A.2) Subsequently one can use components of the above generating vectors to calculate angular distribution functions in term of the powers of their components. Such procedure leads to the following expressions: l! (l ) (sin ) mk (cos )l mk (sin ) k (cos ) m ; mk ( ) (l m k )! m! k! l 0,1,2, ; m 0,1,2,, l ; k 0,1,2,, (l m) ; ! ( sin cos ) ( ) ( ) ( )! ! ! (cos sin cos cos sin ) (cos cos cos sin sin ) ; 0,1,2, ; 0,1,2,, ; 0,1,2,, ( ) . (A.3) Finally, one can expand a texture function into angular functions using double upper index traceless spherical tensors cˆ (l ) components as the coupling coefficients obtaining the following expressions: l l m (l ) (l ) T0 ( ) exp cmk mk ( ) ( ) ( ) ; l 0 m 0 k 0 0 0 0 2 2 d d sin d 0 0 0 l l m c m 0 k 0 0 0 (l ) mk (l ) mk ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 . (A.4) Due to the fact that the recoilless fraction neither depends upon the third Eulerian angle nor upon the vector components, and taking into account the property that the scalar term could be factorized one obtains the following sub-set for the recoilless fraction anisotropy: 13 (l 0) l (l ) cmk 00 q bmk ; q 0 ; l 2 : remaining components are 0 . (A.5) One has to note, that single upper index tensors could be used for bodies having axial symmetry as for the latter bodies orientation dependence upon vector vanishes, and hence upper index could be dropped. Angles ( ) have the same meaning as the angles ( ) . References [1] [2] D.C. 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