Guidelines for SIGA Guidelines for SSEAYP International General Assembly Preface: SSEAYP International Secretariat has compiled a list of useful information on SIGA from past cases for the benefit of SSEAYP International and a host country. We are very pleased if this information would help the host country to enjoy effective and smooth preparations for SIGA. Therefore, this is presented to each alumni association only as an informational basis, not as rules and regulations. The basic idea of SIGA is stated in the Article 8 of SI Charter quoted below. SIGA shall be jeweled with uniqueness and originality of the host country in charge. Quotations from SI Charter: Article 8: SSEAYP INTERNATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY (SIGA) 8.1 SIGA shall be organized annually by member Alumni Associations for the following purposes: 8.1.1 To create opportunity for the reunion of former participants to promote lasting friendship, understanding and goodwill. 8.1.2 To exchange information on activities of respective Alumni Associations and the Secretariat of SSEAYP International. 8.1.3 The Secretary General shall inform Alumni Associations of the date, place and expenses for SIGA at least sixty days before the event. 8.2 The agenda for the annual SIGA shall include three parts as follows: PART I: Council of Presidents meeting PART II: Open Forum 1. SSEAYP International Secretary General’s Report 2. Alumni Association’s Report 3. Council of Presidents Meeting Report 4. Amendment of SSEAYP International Charter 5. Workshop and plenary session as proposed by the host country and endorsed by the COP. 6. Any other activity needed to promote the SSEAYP International’s objectives that will involve interaction with government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of the host country. PART III. Organized Tour / Homestay / Social Service Projects proposed by the host country. How to proceed with SIGA? 1. Organizing Committee: a. Hosts of SIGA is SSEAYP International and the host country in turn. b. The host country should form a SIGA Organizing Committee about 1 year before the event. Advised to announce a list of committee members with titles, contact person’s name, tel/fax, e-mail and homepage address in COP. 2. Date for holding SIGA: 1/5 Guidelines for SIGA a. The host country is advised to propose in COP a possible date(s) to hold SIGA, at least one year before. b. The final date should be approved in COP. c. The Secretary General of SI shall inform alumni associations of the date, place and expense for SIGA at least 60 days before the event (see SI Charter 8.1.3). 3. Accommodation: a. Information of accommodation: name, address, tel, fax, e-mail, homepage etc. b. Room rate per night for those who wish to arrive earlier or extend their stay. (Single/Twin/Triple, including breakfast? etc) c. It would be nice to have a brochure of accommodation at the time of COP. 4. Transportation: a. Transportation to and from the airport are supposed to be arranged by the host country. b. Those who wish to arrive earlier or extend their stay need to come to the venue of the convention on their own. What kind of arrangements the host country is able to provide, if any? 5. Program a. The host country needs to propose in COP the tentative schedule of SIGA. The agenda for the annual SIGA shall include three parts according to SI Charter 8.2. b. The timetable shall include starting time, venue, contents of each program, name of guests and speakers in welcome and farewell ceremony, attires and topics for workshops. c. Any gift exchange with guests of honor? 6. Workshops a. It is advisable to select topics related to SI common activities, such as 1) Computer Network, 2) SI Travel Network (SITNET) and 3) Cultural Exchange. b. Alumni associations are allowed to propose some topics. Some proposed topics in the past were “Business Round Table”, “Culture” and so on. c. According to SI Charter 8.2, topics of workshops should be approved in COP. d. Each alumni association is requested to register at least one representative per country for each topic. 7. Tour, Homestay, Sociail Service Project a. It is beneficial for ex-PYs and non ex-PYs to join tours, homestay or social service projects to experience the life style of local people aside from attending the conference. b. Participation fee, if any. 8. Convention fee and registration rules: 2/5 Guidelines for SIGA a. Early-bird registration fee for single/twin sharing and its deadline for submitting b. Normal registration fee for single/twin sharing and its deadline for submitting c. Registration fee for children d. Non-residential package fee. What is included in the package fee? (eg. Meals, transportation and accommodation) e. How to make payment? On-the spot? f. Accept on-the-spot registration or not? 9. Cancellation rule: a. Amount of cancellation fee b. Cancellation date c. Cancellation fee here does not include the flight cancellation fee. d. Heads of delegates are responsible for collecting and paying the cancellation fee e. When to submit fees? On-the-spot? 10. Registration form: a. Each AA is asked to collect registration forms and make a participants’ list. b. The host country should indicate when and where to send registration forms and a name of the participants’ list c. Web-site registration – make sure that all delegates register through the respective AAs. d. Items to be included in the registration form: 1. Personal information Country / Batch / Name / Gender / Nationality / Religion / Place of Birth / Date of Birth / Age / Civil Status / Passport No. / Home Address & Tel/Fax / Company Name, Address & Tel/Fax / Occupation / E-mail Address / Food Restriction and Allergies / Position in AA 2. Flight Details Arrival – Date / Flight Number / Arrival Time Departure – Date / Flight Number / Departure Time 3. Accommodation Room Usage (Single/Twin/Triple etc, if sharing, indicate name/batch/gender of partner) / Extension of Stay or Early Arrival (indicate arrival/departure date) / Transportation to and from the airport 4. Home Stay No. of stay / Until AM/PM/ Evening 5. Travel with Family Members / Friends / Relatives Number of accompanying members / Number of Adults & Children / Name, Age & Gender / Intention to join the sit-in-coach tour 6. Preference for a workshop 3/5 Guidelines for SIGA Indicate all the topics of the workshops so that the participant can choose the best one he/she would like to join. 7. Total Payment Participation fee / Extra payment for Accommodation and Accompanying Members / Total Payment 8. Signature Name of AA / Name of Endorsing Alumni Officer / Signature / Date 11. Items to be included in the participants’ list: a. It is advisable for all alumni associations to submit a list of their country’s participants to the Organizing Committee. The SIGA Organizing Committee is recommended to disseminate a copy of the SIGA participants’ list as a souvenir, so that all participants are able to contact among themselves after SIGA. b. Name of participant / Home address / Home phone & fax / E-mail / Gender / Batch / AA position / Occupation 12. COP meeting: a. According to SI Charter 9.1, the Secretary General shall inform member Alumni Associations of the agenda, date, place and expenses of the COP at least forty days before convening a COP meeting. b. Each AA should prepare and bring a country report to SIGA. c. It is helpful for COP to have a computer available. 13. SI Raffles: a. SI Raffles is implemented upon an agreement by COP as a fund raising project for SI. b. The host country is requested to conduct the raffles in its manner. c. SI Secretariat prepares raffles tickets. d. Each AA is requested to donate small souvenirs for SI Raffles 14. SI Award: a. SI Award takes place every 3 years. b. Each AA selects an awardee in accordance with the guideline of SI Award and informs the name of the person or the organization to SI Secretariat. Should also submit reasons why he or she is chosen and the citation in English within 200 words to be cited at the time of awarding ceremony. A scroll of citation will be presented to the awardees as well. c. Certificate should include: ・SI’s logo ・name and signature by presidents of AAs and SG of SI. d. SI Secretariat will prepare a Certificate. The host country is requested to prepare a token 4/5 Guidelines for SIGA of SI Award. If the host country cannot cover the cost, SI agreed to support the fee up to US$25 per one token (A quotation of tokens is necessary). e. If each AA would like to host an individual alumni award on the occasion of SIGA, the title of the award has to be approved in advance by COP. The name of the recipient does not need to be approved. (Items of b. c. d. and e. were agreed at the 19th COP. (19/2000)) 15. SIGA Report and Certificate: a. The host country should submit a SIGA report to member alumni associations and SI Secretariat. b. The host country is recommended to issue a certificate of participation to all participants upon the completion of the SIGA. Composed by SSEAYP International Secretariat February 2, 2001 5/5