Mathematical Studies Year 11 Semester 1 Outcomes

Mathematics Standard Year 11 Outcomes
Arithmetic sequences and series; sum of finite arithmetic series;
Geometric sequences and series; sum of finite and infinite series.
Sigma notation
Exponents and logarithms
Laws of exponents; laws of logarithms.
Change of base.
The binomial theorem: expansion of
Concept of function f : x
Composite functions f
Inverse function f
( a  b) n , n 
f ( x) :domain, range; image (value).
g ; identity function
The graph of a function; its equation y  f ( x)
Function graphing skills:
 Use of GDC to graph a variety of functions
 Investigation of key features of graph
 Solution of equations graphically
Transformations of graphs: translations; stretches; reflections in the
The graph of y  f ( x) as the reflection in the line y = x of the
graph of y  f ( x) .
The reciprocal function x
; x  0 : its graph; its self-inverse
Functions and Equations
The quadratic function x
(0, c).
ax2  bx  c ; its graph, y-intercept
The form x
a ( x  h) 2  k : vertex (h, k)
The form x
a( x  p)( x  q) : x-intercepts (p, 0) and (q, 0)
Axis of symmetry x  
The solution of ax  bx  c  0, a  0 .
The quadratic formula.
Use of the discriminant   b2  4ac .
ax , a  0 .
The inverse function: x
log a x, x  0 .
The function: x
Graphs of y  a and y  log a x .
Solution of a x  b using logarithms.
Circular Functions and
The exponential function x
ex .
The logarithmic function x
ln x, x  0 .
The circle: radian measures of angles; length of an arc; area of a
Definition of cos and sin  in terms of the unit circle.
sin 
cos 
cos2   sin 2   1 .
Definition of tan  as
The identity
Double angle formulae:
sin 2  2sin  cos
cos 2  cos2   sin 2 
Mathematics Standard Year 11 Outcomes
The circular functions sin x, cos x and tan x: their domains and
ranges; their periodic nature; and their graphs.
Composite functions of the form
f ( x)  a sin(b( x  c))  d .
Circular Functions and
Solutions of trigonometric equations in a finite interval.
Equations of the type a sin(b( x  c))  k.
Equations leading to quadratic equations in, for example, sin x.
Graphical interpretation of the above.
Solutions of triangles.
The sine rule:
sin A sin B sin C
The cosine rule:
c 2  a 2  b2  2ab cos(C ); cos(C ) 
The area of a triangle: A 
a 2  b2  c 2
ab sin(C )
Definition of a matrix: the terms “element”, “row”, “column” and
Algebra of matrices: equality; addition; subtraction; multiplication
by a scalar.
Multiplication of matrices.
Identity and zero matrices.
Determinant of a square matrix.
Calculation of a 2 X 2 and 3 X 3 determinants.
Inverse of a 2 X 2 matrix.
Conditions for the existence of the inverse of a matrix.
Solution of systems of linear equations using inverse matrices (a
maximum of three equations in three unknowns).
Statistics and Probability
Concepts of population, sample, random sample and frequency
distribution of discrete and continuous data.
(Elementary treatment only)
Presentation of data: frequency tables and diagrams, box and
whisker plots.
Treatment of both continuous and discrete data.
Grouped data, Mid-interval values, Interval width,
Upper and lower interval boundaries,
Frequency histograms using only equal class intervals
Mathematics Standard Year 11 Outcomes
Mean, median, mode; quartiles, percentiles.
Statistics and Probability
Awareness that the population mean,
and that the sample mean,
 , is generally unknown
x , serves as an estimate of this
Range; inter-quartile range; variance; standard deviation.
Awareness of the concept of dispersion and an understanding of
the significance of the numerical value of the standard deviation.
Using the GDC is expected
Awareness that the population standard deviation,
 , is generally
unknown, and that the standard deviation of the sample,
sn , serves
as an estimate of this quantity.
Cumulative frequency; cumulative frequency graphs; use graph to
find median, quartiles, percentiles.
Concepts of trial, outcome, equally likely outcomes, sample space
(U ) and event.
P  A 
The probability of an event
The complementary events
n  A
n U 
A );
P  A  P  A '   1
Combined events, the formula:
P  A  B   P  A  P  B   P  A  B  .
P  A  B  0
Use of
for mutually exclusive events.
P  A  B   P  A  P  B 
for mutually exclusive
Conditional Probability; the definition
P  A / B 
P  A  B
P  B
Independent events; the definition
P  A / B   P  A  P  A / B '  .
Use of Venn diagrams, tree diagrams and tables of outcomes to
solve problems.