From Market Transactions to Market Orientation:

Chapter Proposals Due: December 15, 2007
Full Chapters Due: April 15, 2008
Market Oriented?
The Metamorphosis of
Food and Agricultural Production and Marketing
A book edited by:
Prof., Dr. Adam Lindgreen, Hull University Business School
Dr. Martin Hingley, Harper Adams University College
Publisher: Gower Publishing
Overall objective of the book
There are tremendous challenges and opportunities, which arise from developing,
implementing, monitoring, and measuring market-orientation programmes (cf. Beverland &
Lindgreen, 2007). The overall objective of this book is to provide a comprehensive collection
of cutting-edge research on these challenges and opportunities in adopting a market
orientation, in particular with regard to consequences for food and agricultural businesses and
appropriate marketing strategy plans for these businesses. The book will consider a number
of different issues that define, challenge, and open up new markets, products, and services
resulting from a market-orientation perspective. The context will be international food and
agricultural production and marketing.
Target audiences
The book is targeted at a number of different people including: academics who teach or
research food and agricultural production and marketing; food scientists who teach or
research the marketing side of agriculture and food production; doctoral students within
marketing, as well as agriculture and food production; and, finally, business practitioners
who want to know more about changes in marketing strategy, especially in terms of
developing from being commodity driven to being market driven.
Representative topics include, but are not limited, to the following ones:
 A: Drivers for change from being commodity driven to market driven.
Topics, for example: market turbulence; consumer power and sophistication; retail buying
power; technological turbulence; product innovation; internationalisation; ethics; and
 B: Developing market-orientation strategies.
Topics, for example: learning about markets; acquisition of market knowledge; changing
of business processes; creation of customer value; local, regional, and global versions of
market orientation; role of senior leadership; and customer and competitor orientation.
 C: Implementing and monitoring market-orientation strategies.
Topics, for example: the use of information technology; adaptation of supply-chain
management; marketing communication (both internally and externally); change-process
model; organisational structure (including functional, product management, and market
management organisations); interfunctional coordination (both within the company and
between the company and its business partners); company culture; cooperation,
collaboration, and trust between business partners; governance structures; and functional
competencies and resource allocation.
 D: Measuring performance and controlling outcomes of market-orientation programmes.
Topics, for example: financial outcomes, including product price, sales, and revenues;
success of new product development; and consumer perceptions of the company and its
products, including customer satisfaction.
 E: Best practices in market orientation.
(a) Case studies examining what constitutes best practices in adopting a market
orientation. Case studies could be in different contexts, including agricultural production;
manufacturing; retailing; wholesaling; food service; and supply chain networks.
(b) A comprehensive literature review could be on whether a one-size-fit is appropriate in
all situations, or on how to balance market orientation with creativity and an
understanding of the organization's unique capabilities and objectives.
The book will be published in English. In order to produce an engaging text for the selected
market, the selected chapters should be in accessible style; that of Harvard Business Review
is ideal. It means that although the methodology should be described for empirical papers,
this should be less than for traditional academic papers. Also, papers of a strongly academic
nature, for example containing algebra / mathematics or written in highly conceptual terms,
should be avoided. The editors will be happy to discuss whether or not a particular paper is of
an appropriate style.
For all of the five representative topics, preference will be given to empirical papers, although
theoretical papers that examine key issues in adopting a market orientation or offer
comprehensive literature reviews are also welcomed. As the book will be read by an
academic and business audience, all papers should include implications for practitioners.
Submission process
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before December 15, 2007 a brief
two-five page paper proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of their proposed
paper. Papers submitted must not have been published, accepted for publication, or presently
be under consideration for publication. Proposals should be submitted via email Word
attachment (in one file including all materials) to both editors. The first page must contain the
title, author/s, and contact information for all the author/s. Please do adhere to these
requirements, as this will greatly facilitate the reviewing process.
It is anticipated that authors will be notified January 15, 2008 about the status of their
proposals and, if the proposal is approved, sent information regarding how to organise their
chapters. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by April 15, 2008 to both editors and will
then be sent out for a double-blind review; hence authors should not identify themselves in
the body of the chapter. Final submissions should be approximately 5,000 words in length;
however, case studies may be of 2,500 words.
The full chapters should be organised as follows (for consistency of the book please keep the
headings below):
 Abstract of 100 words.
 Introduction and background to the research. This part of the chapter should present your
perspective on the issues as they relate to theme and arguments supporting your position.
You should compare and contrast with what has been, or is currently being done, as it
relates to your specific topic and the main theme of the book.
 Main thrust of the chapter including literature review, (brief) methodology, findings, and
 Conclusions including contributions, managerial recommendations, and (brief) future
research avenues. This part should provide concluding remarks that are managerially
relevant. The conclusions should contain solid managerial implications; “prescriptive”
information is encouraged. You should address questions including “What should
marketers do?” and "How can this research be used to get the most out of market
orientation?" in the conclusions. You should also discuss future and emerging trends.
Provide insight about the book’s general theme from the perspective of your topic.
Viability of a paradigm, model, implementation issues of proposed programs, etc. may be
included in this section. If appropriate, suggest future research opportunities within the
domain of the topic.
 References that should be fully documented and organised strictly according to the
publisher’s guidelines.
 If necessary, acknowledgements and appendices.
Gower Publishing,, will publish "Market oriented? The Metamorphosis
of Food and Agricultural Production and Marketing". Gower Publishing is one of the world's
leading publishers in current best practice in business and management.
Beverland, M. and Lindgreen, A. (2007), "Implementing market orientation in industrial
firms: a multiple case study", Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 430442.
Please address questions to both editors:
Prof., Dr. Adam Lindgreen
Hull University Business School
Hull HU6 7RX
United Kingdom
Dr. Martin Hingley
Department of Business Management and Marketing
Harper Adams University College
Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB
United Kingdom