Loddon Mallee Region Numeracy and Mathematics Strategy P-12

Loddon Mallee Region
Numeracy and Mathematics Strategy
P – 12
2009 - 2012
Created on April 2009
Loddon Mallee Region Strategy – Numeracy and Mathematics
An outline of the elements of the Strategy document:
Part 1 Introduction
o Definition of Numeracy
o The Numeracy and Mathematics strategy using The Breakthrough Model from Moral Purpose and the principles: Precision, Personalisation and Professional
Learning (Fullan, Hill & Crevola, 2006)
Part 2 Breakthrough Modal Categories- Responsibilities Framework- Region, Network, School
o Whole School Approach
o Building Leadership Capacity
o Building Teacher Capacity
o Effective use of data
o Student Intervention
o Partnerships for Schools and Communities
Part 3 The role of the Numeracy/Mathematics Coordinator
Part 4 A Planning Template for School Leadership, Co-ordinators and Teachers
Part 5 An Implementation Guide using the Breakthrough Model with reference to the Effective Schools Model- DEECD
Part 6 Modules- Region support  Explicit support noted in AIP plans in Networks Plans
 Knowledge and Understanding of Mathematical Concepts
 Direct Instruction and E5
 Questioning Strategies
 Using mathematical language
Created on April 2009
The Numeracy and Mathematics Loddon Mallee Regional Office Framework for improving Numeracy and Mathematics in the region comprises four sections. The first
section provides an overview of the research understandings for parts two and three, and the importance of numeracy and mathematics from both the National and Victorian
government perspectives. The second section outlines a framework of responsibility components for the region, the network leaders and the schools. The third section
provides ideas for an implementation plan for building student capacity in numeracy and mathematics. The fourth section indicates professional learning module topics
which will be developed,
The following extract from Numeracy in Practice: Numeracy Teaching in Victorian Schools [draft] sets the scene for the framework:
Mathematics and the capacity to be numerate, that is the ability to effectively apply mathematics in everyday, recreational, work and civic life is vital to the
quality of participation in society (p4 )
It is important to understand that numeracy is not the same as mathematics, nor is it an alternative to mathematics (Steen, 2001). There are parallels between the two but each is
distinct and different. It is essential, however, that numeracy “should be embedded and specifically identified within the mathematics curriculum”(National Mathematics
Curriculum: Framing paper, 2008, p. 1) and across the VELS domains (www.education.vic.gov.au).
Students’ mathematical achievement requires an understanding of a blend of mathematical concepts, skills and processes, plus contextual and strategic know-how (Draft
Numeracy in Practice: Teaching and Learning in Victorian Schools Paper, No. 16, Oct., 2008). Likewise with numeracy the acquisition by all students of appropriate
numeracy skills is critical to their ability to participate successfully in life beyond school, in providing access to further study or training, to personal pursuits and to
participation in the world of work in the wider community. As stated in the Draft Numeracy in Practice: Teaching and Learning in Victorian Schools Paper, (No. 16, Oct.,
2007) improving teaching and learning in numeracy (and mathematics) requires more than knowledge of concepts and procedures alone. As stated in this draft report
All numeracy builds upon mathematics, hence what mathematics is taught and how it is taught, has an important
bearing on the development of young people’s numeracy What is taught in school probably plays a greater role in the
development of numeracy than in the case of literacy. Many out of school situations can help foster language literacy,
but many important but abstract mathematical ideas are not easy to acquire without the assistance of a teacher or a
parent who can assist young people to acquire and use these ideas. (p. 4)
It is imperative that there is a shared responsibility approach across all sectors in building student capacity.
Created on April 2009
The underlying value of their model is that the learner is at the centre which is represented by the term
‘moral purpose’. Note in the diagram the six elements under which high quality teaching and learning takes place
when they are collectively implemented and require proactive distributive leadership support.
Schools and
The Numeracy and Mathematics Framework draws also on Fullan, Hill and Crevola’s work (Breakthrough, 2006).
These researchers base good practice around the core components of personalisation, precision, and professional
learning, which need to be dynamically connected.
Effective use of
Student Data
Part 2
Loddon Mallee Region Framework for Improving Numeracy and Mathematics Outcomes- Responsibilities 2009-2012
Whole School Approach
Embed into school accountability and
improvement framework
Build Leadership Capacity
Professional Learning on leading Numeracy
Mathematics improvement for Principals and
school Numeracy/Mathematics coordinators
Build Teacher Capacity
Provide and support high quality teaching and
Provide Professional Learning for all
leadership and teachers
Source high quality evidence-based
Created on April 2009
Regional Responsibilities
Regional management to articulate
clearly the Regional Numeracy
Framework expectations of
networks, schools and school
Promote the concept of all students
as numeracy/mathematics learners
and capable of achieving success
Promote the understanding that all
teachers are teachers of Numeracy
Regional budgets reflect numeracy
Support the promotion of
information and communications
technology [ICT] as a key enabler to
personalising learning
Network Responsibilities
Responsible for identifying focus
Responsible for improving
numeracy/mathematics through
school leadership
Promote the concept of all students
as numeracy/mathematics learners
and capable of achieving success
Promote the understanding that all
teachers are teachers of numeracy
Promote information and
communications technology [ICT] as
key enabler to personalising learning
Develop professional learning
modules for Numeracy/Mathematics
Identify exemplary practice in
numeracy in schools P-12 to
promote collaboration around best
Respond to and promote DEECD
Numeracy/Mathematics initiatives
and resources
Provide ‘Core Understanding’
Modules around best practice in
teaching and learning in
Respond to school/network requests
around Numeracy/Mathematics
teaching and learning
Support the promotion information
and communications technology
Promote and direct numeracy
professional learning for principals
and staff
Identify exemplary practice in
numeracy in schools P-12 to
promote collaboration around best
practice for school numeracy
Promote DEECD Numeracy
resources and assessment tools with
Principals and Numeracy Leadership
in schools
Initiate the utilisation of regional
modules and DEECD initiatives
Promote regional modules and
DEECD initiatives with school
Access region expertise in
Numeracy/Mathematics for building
teacher capacity
Conduct beginning teacher forums,
School Responsibilities
Set standards and targets that are
explicit and are linked to school
strategic plan, principal and teacher
performance plans
Promote the concept of all students
as numeracy/mathematics learners
and capable of achieving success
Support the development of teacher
capacity as teachers of mathematics
and numeracy
Promote numeracy awareness of all
teachers across all curriculum areas
Support innovations around ICT-rich
learning environment
Embed information and
communications technology [ICT] as
a key enabler to personalising
learning in teaching practice and
Appoint and support
Numeracy/Mathematics coordinators
in all schools
Identify best practice in numeracy
and promote collaboration
Respond to DEECD initiatives
Source and promote the DEECD
Numeracy resources and assessment
Principals promote, implement and
support DEECD initiatives
Utilise region expertise in
Numeracy/Mathematics for building
teacher capacity
Support attendance for beginning
teacher forums, twice year to
promote effective
Numeracy/Mathematics teaching and
curriculum and assessment needs
[ICT] as key enabler to personalising
Effective Use of Data
Use data to inform teaching for student
improvement and understanding
Monitor and track student progress within
classrooms and P-12
Use numeracy data to ascertain
support and resources required by
networks and schools to build
student capacity
Monitor and track student progress
within classrooms and P-12
Provide consultancy support to
ensure a shared understanding of
interpreting data to support student
Student Intervention
Targeted small group intervention
Regional personnel (for example
coaches) identified to support
schools to implement intervention
twice a year to promote effective
Numeracy/Mathematics teaching and
Promote the implementation of,
information and communications
technology [ICT].
Regional Network Leaders to
determine numeracy/mathematics
support needed in their network
Regional Network Leaders to ensure
that the schools are monitoring and
tracking student progress
Regional Network Leaders to initiate
the utilisation of regional
consultancy support
Regional Network Leaders to track
the impact of coaches in their
network schools
Regional Network Leaders to
identify and ensure schools have
systems in place to track student
Differentiated instruction
Partnerships for Schools and Communities
Created on April 2009
Promote active interaction between
all educational stakeholders
Continue to work to support
professional organisation eg: VIT
Partnerships between home, school
and community are promoted
Close links with pre-schools and
schools are developed to promote
effective numeracy and mathematics
Embed information and
communications technology [ICT]
within teaching practice as key
enabler to personalising learning in
teaching practice and programs
Principals promote and support all
teachers to use data to inform
teaching and learning
All teachers use data to inform
teaching for student improvement
and understanding
Assessment as, of and for used in all
Principals ensure that systems are in
place to track student progress
Students who require additional
assistance are identified , tracked and
Principals to ensure that intervention
is embedded and linked to classroom
ICT is embedded
Acknowledge parents and carers in
numeracy learning
Strong partnerships between home,
school and community
Close links with pre-schools and
schools promote numeracy and
mathematics routines
Part 3 School Numeracy and Mathematics Coordinators
The purpose of the Loddon Mallee Region Numeracy and Mathematics Strategy is to support and guide the teaching and learning in Numeracy and Mathematics in all schools
in the region and to improve student outcomes in Numeracy and Mathematics.
The suggested role of a Numeracy/Mathematics Coordinator is to:
Lead staff in teaching and learning in numeracy/mathematics across the school
Audit current numeracy/mathematics curriculum and practices
Lead the development and implementation of a whole school 2-4 year Numeracy/Mathematics Plan to improve student success
Liaise with department teams to review and manage multiple sources of data/feedback to measure progress
Promote and lead professional learning around current best in numeracy/ mathematics
Facilitate staff involvement in classroom observation and coaching
Attend Regional and Network Coordinator numeracy/mathematics workshops
Network with other Numeracy/Mathematics Coordinators
Created on April 2009
Template - Numeracy and Mathematics Plan
Created on April 2009
Plan for Improving Numeracy/Mathematics Outcomes-2009-2012
Whole School Approach
 Establishing and continually refining
a culture conducive to school
Numeracy and Mathematics
 Effective use of school resources
 Organisational structures and
processes must be aligned:
performance plans, professional
learning, mathematical elements
Building Leadership Capacity
Effective leaders identify crucial
elements to school success: how we
teach and what we teach
Alignment of numeracy and
mathematics leadership: state, region,
network, principal,
numeracy/mathematics coordinator,
Principals support numeracy and
mathematics improvement through
prioritising professional learning,
allocate sufficient time to numeracy
and mathematics coordination
Leaders act as mentors, coaches and
lead learners
Created on April 2009
Focus [Prioritised]
Action; What [prioritised]
Resources/ Who/Budgets
How, When?
Success Measures
Part 5 Loddon Mallee Numeracy and Mathematics - Implementation Guide for Building Student Capacity
Building Teacher Capacity
All teachers have
 detailed understanding of how
children learn
 well developed classroom routines,
structure and management
 the ability to motivate and engage
students using a range of numeracy
and mathematics practices and
evidence based curriculum and
Effective use of Student Data
Standards and targets are clearly
understood and defined
Data is used to inform teaching
Assessment as, of, for
Monitoring and tracking student
progress at multiple levels.
Student Intervention
 Targeted small group intervention
 Effective use and training of support
 Intensive individual assistance for
short periods of time.
Partnerships with Schools and
 Linking school, home and community
Forming partnerships with educational
Created on April 2009
Key Components
Whole School Approach
Building Leadership Capacity
Building Teacher Capacity
Could be demonstrated by:
[Reference: DEECD- The Effective Schools Model]
 A shared vision and set of goals which articulates why numeracy and mathematics is important for all students
 A co-ordinated whole school approach to numeracy and mathematics intervention
 Providing evidence of numeracy in an interdisciplinary context
 Providing evidence that there is understanding of the nature of mathematics, in order to determine what is taught, and to ensure that
exclusion of some students does not occur
 Provision of resources and professional learning in order to support purposeful teaching contexts, team teaching and collaborative
opportunities to report on student progress
Questions for school leaders:
 How can you assist the school community to formulate an appropriate vision and set of goals in order to improve numeracy and mathematics
for students?
 How can numeracy and mathematics intervention most effectively embedded in the school programs?
Questions for teachers:
 What opportunities can I create to help develop a vision and set of goals that focus on improving numeracy and mathematics outcomes for
 Having leadership teams which promote curriculum planning that is designed to improve student numeracy and mathematics
 Ensuring leadership involvement in and knowledge of what is happening in classrooms
 Evidence of high expectations for students and attributes of high quality teaching
Questions for school leaders:
 How is your staff’s professional learning which focuses on numeracy and mathematics addressed in the Strategic Plan [and Annual
Implementation Plan]?
 What professional learning teams need to be established in the school to strengthen understanding to support numeracy and mathematics?
 What professional learning support will contribute to a teachers’ learning and student achievement in numeracy and mathematics?
Questions for teachers:
 What teaching can I share with colleagues to improve their understanding about effective numeracy and mathematics teaching and learning?
 What do I need to know more about to build my capacity to support teachers’ numeracy and mathematics teaching and learning?
 Teachers having classroom structures, routines and tools to deliver differentiated instruction and focussed daily teaching
 Teachers knowing, in a precise way the strengths and weaknesses of each student at the point of instruction through accurate
formative assessment
 Providing opportunities for all staff to develop knowledge and skills in using multiple data sets to plan for purposeful teaching of
Questions for school leaders:
 What arrangements need to be made to enable effective intervention support in numeracy and mathematics to occur?
 Is consideration given to the need for the teaching of numeracy and the needs of the students?
Questions for teachers:
 How important is my own attitude towards numeracy and mathematics in building student capacity?
 What do we need to know about students’ numeracy practices to scaffold students’ numeracy and mathematics learning?
 What might focussed, structured and sequenced sessions look like for my students in numeracy and mathematics
 How can I embed ICT into my teaching practice?
Created on April 2009
Effective use of data
Student Intervention
Interpretation and use of data to inform instruction through assessment for and of learning.
A differentiated curriculum that is the responsibility of all staff.
Questions for school leaders:
 How can we share data with staff in a meaningful way?
 To what extent do the school’s policies and practices emphasise the importance of improving numeracy and mathematics outcomes through
the use of data?
Questions for teachers:
 What data is informative, and how do I interpret and use the data to improve my instruction?
 How can I effectively use ‘student voice’ and data to inform and evaluate my teaching practice?
 Evidence of teachers knowing the appropriate instructional responses and in particular which instructional strategies to use, and
 Evidence of differentiated curriculum
 Evidence of students applying mathematical knowledge to solve problems
 Evidence that students are challenged at an appropriate level of readiness, interests and learning profiles
Questions for school leaders:
 How can numeracy and mathematics intervention support, be best coordinated in our school?
 Is regular and sustained support and feedback provided to teachers and students?
 Are approaches to assessment and evaluation of students’ work for purposes of building student capacity regularly reviewed?
Questions for teachers:
 What strategies do I use to support and challenge?
 What types of questions can I use as a mechanism for scaffolding instruction and endeavour in numeracy and mathematics?
Partnerships for Schools and
Created on April 2009
 Involving parents with shared responsibility of the student Numeracy program
Ensuring that strategies are in place for to become familiar with students’ prior school experience and significant life events
Questions for school leaders:
 How can we work with staff, parents and students to develop a shared language and common understanding for talking about, monitoring
and evaluating students’ progress in Numeracy and Mathematics?
 What is the shared language that you and your teaching colleagues have about numeracy and mathematics learning?
 What strategies do you use to ensure that your students take responsibility for working and articulating mathematically?