Fall 2016 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM APPLICATION PROCESS 1. You will need to complete two applications. (A) Your UNIVERSITY APPLICATION TO CSULA must be completed online. Go to www.csumentor.edu. Click on Graduate Admission Application and follow the instructions in completing the application. This application is separate from that to the MPA program and requires the submission of separate official transcripts. NOTE: The deadline for applying to the University and to the MPA Program may not be the same. (B) Your DEPARTMENT APPLICATION TO THE MPA PROGRAM must be mailed to: Graduate Coordinator/MPA Program Department of Political Science California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032-8226 Please send directly to the MPA Program an official transcript from all colleges and universities you attended. The deadline for applying for Fall 2016 admissions with a complete application is April 1. If April 1 falls on a weekend, the application is due the Friday preceding the weekend. A complete MPA program application includes: (1) The Official MPA Program Application form (2) A 2-page personal statement of interest (3) Two letters of recommendation on official letterhead and the signed waiver forms (4) A current resume (5) Unofficial transcripts from all colleges and universities attended including CSULA (official transcripts must be mailed to the University as part of the University application). A minimum GPA of 3.0 in the last 90 quarter or 60 semester units is required for admissions consideration. Letters of acceptance for Fall 2016 will be mailed out by June 2016. Page 1 California State University, Los Angeles Department of Political Science MPA Program Application, Fall 2016 Please TYPE or PRINT Date ________________________ Due by April 1, 2016 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Initial __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, and Zip Code __________________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address Tel.: Work __________________________ Best other number ____________________________________ Academic Education List all universities and colleges that you have attended. Send one official transcript from each of the institutions that you have attended to each of the following addresses. California State University, Los Angeles Office of Admissions Attn: Transcript Enclosed 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032-8530 MPA Program Graduate Coordinator Department of Political Science California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032-8226 Degree Earned University or College (list city & state, too) Major Date Conferred (month/year) ____________ _________________________________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ _________________________________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ _________________________________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ _________________________________________ __________________ ____________ Page 2 Applicant’s Name: Employment Present Employer____________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________ Title or position _____________________________________________________________________ Dates of Employment_______________________________ Hrs/per week ___________________ How did you hear about the MPA program? _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Please sign and initial below. _________________________________________ Signature of Applicant ________________________ Date Initial ________ I understand that this application, and documents submitted herein are confidential and become part of the Department of Political Science, California State University Los Angeles. Review of the contents is subject to expressed authorization as noted. If Program admission is denied, this application and supporting documents will be properly discarded one calendar year from application term/quarter. Page 3 LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION WAIVER FORM Instructions for Applicant Please complete the upper part of this form, sign it, and give the form to the person who will write the letter on your behalf. Provide the individual with a stamped envelope addressed to: MPA Program Graduate Coordinator Department of Political Science California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032-8226 Name of Applicant __________________________________________ (please print) Date: ________________ Waiver agreement: I do [ ] do not [ ] waive my right to read this letter of recommendation. _________________________________________ (Signature of applicant) ========================================================================================== Instructions for Reference The above applicant has applied to the Master of Public Administration program, California State University, Los Angeles. Please write an assessment of his/her potential for graduate study on your organization’s letterhead. Please include the context in which you know the applicant and for how long, an evaluation of his/her abilities and skills, and your judgment of personal qualities that would enable the applicant to be successful in graduate study. Please mail your letter and this form to the above address before the application deadline of April 1, 2016. Thank you for your cooperation. Name _________________________________________________________________ Organization: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Telephone: __________________________ Email: ____________________________________________ Page 4 LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION WAIVER FORM Instructions for Applicant Please complete the upper part of this form, sign it, and give the form to the person who will write the letter on your behalf. Provide the individual with a stamped envelope addressed to: MPA Program Graduate Coordinator Department of Political Science California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032-8226 Name of Applicant __________________________________________ (please print) Date: ________________ Waiver agreement: I do [ ] do not [ ] waive my right to read this letter of recommendation. _________________________________________ (Signature of applicant) ========================================================================================== Instructions for Reference The above applicant has applied to the Master of Public Administration program, California State University, Los Angeles. Please write an assessment of his/her potential for graduate study on your organization’s letterhead. Please include the context in which you know the applicant and for how long, an evaluation of his/her abilities and skills, and your judgment of personal qualities that would enable the applicant to be successful in graduate study. Please mail your letter and this form to the above address before the application deadline of April 1, 2016. Thank you for your cooperation. Name _________________________________________________________________ Organization: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Telephone: __________________________ Email: ____________________________________________ Page 5