PLATO’S THEORY OF FORMS Argument for the existence of the Forms: 1) 2) 3) If we have knowledge, then it must be either (a) of something permanent and unchanging, or (b) of something always changing. We cannot know anything which is always changing, (for knowledge requires that our truths correspond to something clearly definable, and only that which is not changing is clearly definable.) Therefore, if we have knowledge, then it must be only of things which are permanent and unchanging. four worlds to consider..... 4) 5) 6) 7) The world of appearances is a world of endless change. The material world is ever changing. The world of thought/human mind is always changing. But, the world of Forms is permanent. 8) 9) 10) Therefore, if we have knowledge, then it is of the world of Forms. We do have knowledge of some things. (mathematical objects) Therefore the world of Forms exists. Second argument for the existence of the Forms: 1) 2) 3) 4) Sense experience is never certain, since all sensations are in a state of endless change. Yet we have knowledge of unchanging realities (math). This knowledge is explainable only if some realm of Forms exists to produce it. Therefore, the Realm of Forms exists. Doctrine of Recollection: 1. ‘Knowing’ is a function of the soul. 2. If knowledge is not obtained from this present life of sensations in which we live, then it must be recalled or remembered from some previous state of existence of our souls. 3. This previous state is what we call “the Realm of Forms”, and it must be a realm of absolute, unchanging realities (the Forms) and of our disembodied souls which are able to understand and ‘know’ them. 1 4. This doctrine of knowing as ‘recollection’ requires the further doctrine of the ‘preexistence’ of the soul. 5. Plato believed this theory could account for the knowledge we do have, whereas empiricism cannot account for it. 6. Values: knowledge is possible here because there are Forms corresponding to values...morals and aesthetics. Plato’s DIVIDED LINE … to illustrate the levels of awareness for human beings, and the levels of reality which correspond to these awareness levels. 2