February 15 - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Raleigh
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Call to Order: President George Kapetanakis called the meeting to order at 10:04 am.
Father Paul led us in prayer.
Members Present: with Father Paul; John Fakiris, Nik Kamilaris, George Kapetanakis,
Frank Nixon, Frances Mathes, Joanna Biliouris, Harry Nicholos, Toula Capetanos and
George Pappas.
Members Absent: Meg Economy, Greg Delage, Connie Kledaras, Risa Poniros, Katerina
Knezevic and Sophia Myers.
Guests Present: Chris Pappas, Harry Costas (Building Committee)
Fall Fundraiser: Toula provided an update on the Fall Fundraiser which will be a movie
premiere of “Christmas with the Karountzoses” scheduled for September 6th. Presbytera
Mary will chair the event. Due to the expense of renting a movie theater, inquiries have
been made to local schools to use their facilities and Audio/Visual equipment to show the
movie. Profits from ticket sales will be split 50/50 with Robert Krantz and our church. We
will need to sell a minimum of 300 tickets for Mr. Krantz to attend. Prices for tickets are:
$25 adult, $20 student, $30 at the door. The church will keep 100% of the profits from
concession sales and sponsorships but will incur the cost of renting the venue for the event.
Ticket sales will begin in June.
Master Plan and Capital Campaign Update: George Pappas provided an update on the
master plan and a preview of the presentation he will present at the General Assembly
Meeting on February 16th. Below are highlights of the presentation:
• Update on recent meeting with the City of Raleigh and the NC Dept. of Transportation.
• Modified Master Plan Proposal to evaluate relocation of French Drive to allow more
flexibility for requirements regarding setback lines, permeable surface minimums and
ability to move the new church sanctuary to face east.
• Financial status of the Capital Campaign.
• Overview of next steps to obtain Requests for Proposal (RFPs) to begin evaluation of an
architect for the project.
There was significant discussion of the presentation to ensure the Parish Council had a clear
understanding of the modified plan and next steps so questions from parishioners at the
General Assembly Meeting could be addressed. John Fakiris presented an idea to close or
block French Drive instead of relocating it. Chris Pappas will take John’s idea to our current
Civil Engineer and obtain feedback on the idea.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the January 15, 2014 meeting were presented with
two typographical errors corrected and a correction to note that Chris Pappas obtained
estimates for sidewalk repairs. A motion to accept the minutes of the January 15, 2014
Parish Council Meeting with the above corrections noted was made by Nik and seconded by
Harry. All approved, motion carried.
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Treasurer’s Report: Harry presented the January 2014 Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss
Statement for January. There were no questions or items noted regarding the Treasurer’s
Report. Harry offered to set up a google group for all parish council members to share
information and log communications within the group. All were in favor of setting this up.
George Kapetanakis thanked everyone for their participation in the Parish Council Seminar
on February 8th. All agreed that the seminar was very informative and a great experience.
Spring Dance: Toula provided an update on the Spring Dance which was held on February
1st. Net income from the event was $2,056.99. 10% of the profits ($205) were designated
for donation to a mission priest. Toula made a motion to donate the $205 to Father Paul
Patitsas in the Philippines. Harry seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Bylaws: Frances provided an update on drafting of new Bylaws. Frances and Meg
reviewed the modifications recommended by His Eminence and have another meeting
scheduled to begin rewriting the Bylaws. Frances will provide an update at the next PC
Festival Update: Frances advised that a schedule of tasks has been created and committee
heads and booth chairs have been identified. Jason Kekas (Festival Chairman) will attend
the next PC meeting on March 18, 2014 to present an update. The 2014 Greek Festival will
be September 12-14 at a new location (Jim Graham Building). It was noted that the
International Festival is the following weekend on September 19-21.
Bulletin Builder: George Kapetanakis updated the PC regarding our new weekly bulletin
format which is sent out via email each week to those signed up for the ListServ.
Parish Business:
a) George Kapetanakis advised that the sidewalk repairs have been delayed due to
inclement weather. Repairs should begin soon as weather is improving.
b) George Kapetanakis updated the PC on the status of obtaining quotes for electrical
repairs as noted in the electrical inspection. Three comparable quotes have been
obtained with the highest quote being $22,000 to complete the repairs. Chris Pappas,
Jim Klemes and George Kapetanakis will review the quotes and choose the best option
to complete the repairs.
c) George Kapetanakis advised that gutter cleaning for the church has been scheduled and
will cost approximately $1,500.
d) George Kapetanakis advised that he has obtained one quote to clean the sanctuary walls
for $3,200. He will obtain more quotes.
e) George Kapetanakis requested that monies be moved from our Festival account to our
Facilities/Maintenance account to ensure we have enough funds to complete the needed
electrical repairs. The balance in the Facilities/Maintenance account is $30,000. Frank
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made a motion to move $22,000 from the Festival account to the Facilities/Maintenance
account. Nik seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
f) George Kapetanakis advised that Kelly Barton is the only person who has completed
ServSafe training which is required by the NC Health Department. A trained ServSafe
representative must be present at all cooking events at the church. All ministries/groups
using the kitchen should have a certified ServSafe representative. Parish Council
members who are a liaison to a ministry which uses the kitchen will request that they
identify a person to attend the ServSafe training.
g) Father Paul provided a schedule of all Lenten Activities and Holy Week Services along
with special duties required during Holy Week. At our next PC meeting on March 18,
2014 we will assign members to each activity and service. It was noted that those PC
members on duty on Easter (April 20th) would be excused from being on duty for the
entire Saturday evening service (April 19th).
New Business:
a) Toula advised that Elaine Fotiades’ one year memorial is scheduled for March 2nd. She
requested that the PC co-sponsor the coffee hour with Philoptochos. All agreed.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 12:30 pm by Nik.
Father Paul led us in closing prayer.
Next Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 18, 2014 at 7:00pm.
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