CONSTITUTION UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD ARTICLE I Name The name of this Organization is the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information National Advisory Board. ARTICLE II Purpose To advise the Dean and College as to how effectively promote the best interest and welfare of the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information: assist the college in its fund-raising efforts to support our students, faculty and staff; to fully acquaint all alumni and friends with the conditions, achievements, and needs of the College; develop closer bonds of fellowship among alumni and friends; implement and support programs and activities that recognize outstanding achievements by the students, faculty and staff of the college; support efforts to educate the public and enlist public support; have a positive impact on the quality of the College’s educational, research and outreach programs; and develop productive collaboration between units within the college and university as well as in the Commonwealth and country at large. ARTICLE III Governing Bodies A. National Advisory Board The Dean of the College of Communication and Information shall designate eligible individuals to serve as members of a National Advisory Board to plan, direct and carry out the purposes of the Organization. The Board shall also have a nominating and membership committee to help with the identification and recruitment of advisory board members. B. Standards for Selection Board membership should represent a broad selection of alumni and friends and should include professions which play a role in the economy of Kentucky and the nation, and should include broad representation of the College’s academic disciplines and interests. Board membership should represent the cultural, ethnic, gender and age diversity seen in the professional world. Candidates for membership must be interested in the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information. Candidates need not be an alumnus of the College or the University of Kentucky. Every effort will be made to ensure representation of all segments of society. Candidates should bring to the Board a combination of commitment and personal influence, special skills, contacts, the willingness to assist with fundraising and to work for the promotion of College of Communication and Information. ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS The Board will meet early in each academic fall and spring term or for specially called meeting at the instruction of the Dean or by majority vote of membership present at one of these two annual meetings. ARTICLE V: AMMENDMENTS This Constitution may be amended at any meeting of the Board by two-thirds of the members present provided that notice of said amendment is circulated at least fifteen (15) days prior to said meeting. BY-LAWS UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD ARTICLE I Members Section 1. National Advisory Board Members Candidates for membership must be interested in the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information. Candidates need not be an alumnus of the College or the University of Kentucky. Every effort will be made to ensure representation of all segments of society. Each eligible person shall have full and equal voting rights. Section 2. Number and Term The number of members of the National Advisory Board shall be set by the Dean of the College of Communication and Information and the Board. The National Advisory Board and the Dean shall evaluate the number of board members from time to time. Individuals appointed or elected to serve on the Advisory Board shall normally serve a term of three (3) years, which term can be renewed indefinitely. If a member does not attend at least one meeting per year without acceptable excuse, the Board may terminate the member’s term. Termination for any other reason must be recommended by the Dean and approved by a two-thirds majority of the Board at one of their official meetings. ARTICLE II Officers and Their Election Section 1. The Dean of the College of Communication and Information National Advisory Board shall serve as Chairperson (“Chair”). Section 2. The National Advisory Board shall elect a Chair from among its membership by a majority vote. The Board may designate a Chair-Elect who shall succeed the Chair when the term of office is completed or otherwise vacated. Section 3. The National Advisory Board may, with the direction of the Dean, establish various committees deemed to be needed to address the purpose of this body. Section 4. The term of office of the Chair and all offices shall be for two years. Terms shall begin on the date of election and shall continue until a successor is elected. Terms of all other officers including Committee Chairs shall be for one year. Section 5. In the event of the death, resignation, or removal of the Chair or Chair-Elect, the National Advisory Board shall elect another person to fulfill the unexpired term. Section 6. The duties of officers shall be those customary to each office. ARTICLE III Meetings Section 1. There shall be no more than two meetings per year of the National Advisory Board. The times and places for said meetings shall be set by the National Advisory Board Chair and the Dean of the College of Communication and Information. Section 2. The meetings of the National Advisory Board shall comply will all appropriate laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as well as the policies and procedures of the University of Kentucky and the College of Communication and Information. ARTICLE IV Attendance Section 1. Board members are expected to attend at least one (1) regular Board meeting per year. Any member failing to comply with this provision of the By-Laws will be interviewed by the Board Chair and/or Dean to determine the member’s continued interest and ability to serve. Section 2. In the event the Chair of the National Advisory Board cannot attend a regularly scheduled Board Meeting, the Chair-Elect or if no one has been elected to serve as the Chair-Elect then a person designated as his or her substitute by the Chair and/or Dean shall preside at the meeting. Section 3. Board members who rotate out of active participation will become Members Emeriti. They will be encouraged to attend future meetings and will receive all materials sent to Active Board members. ARTICLE V Organization Year Section 1. The fiscal year of the organization shall be the academic fiscal year. ARTICLE VI Amendment of By-Laws Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended from time to time by the National Advisory Board by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any regular meeting of the Board, provided that the proposed Amendment(s) be submitted by mail or e-mail to all National Advisory Board members at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting at which a vote on such is taken. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information National Advisory Board is to advise the Dean and College as to how effectively promote the best interest and welfare of the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information: assist the college in its fund-raising efforts to support our students, faculty and staff; to fully acquaint all alumni and friends with the conditions, achievements, and needs of the College; develop closer bonds of fellowship among alumni and friends; implement and support programs and activities that recognize outstanding achievements by the students, faculty and staff of the college; support efforts to educate the public and enlist public support; have a positive impact on the quality of the College’s educational, research and outreach programs; and develop productive collaboration between units within the college and university as well as in the Commonwealth and country at large. MEMBER EXPECTATIONS AND INVOLVEMENT Members of the Advisory Board have attained prominence in their respective careers and are chosen for their value in providing sound counsel to the Dean. Membership includes alumni, and non-alumni members, with an active interest in the College. The National Advisory Board should reflect a broad cross section of the industries and professions which play a role in the economy of Kentucky, the nation, the world, and should include broad representation of all disciplines. Membership should represent the cultural, ethnic, gender, and age diversity seen in the world. Every effort will be made to ensure representation of all segments of society. The College of Communication and Information will provide financial support to cover correspondence, reports and other materials, conference meeting rooms, refreshments and entertainment during National Advisory Board meetings. Each member is strongly encouraged to select and commit to one of the following committees for involvement: 1. 2. 3. Development and Stewardship Committee – Assist Dean, Directors, Chairs and development staff in the formulation of advancement efforts. Help to facilitate, increase and secure private support for the College, its students and programs. Ensure proper care and establishes protocol regarding donors to the College. Assist the College’s advancement staff with stewardship projects. External Relations Committee – Help establish relationships with foundations, corporations, businesses and other agencies or groups to further the mission of the College, its units, and our teaching and learning centers. Recruit, nominate and advise new members to the Advisory Board. Student Recruitment and Retention – Assist with planning activities and events to help with student recruitment and look at ways to help retain students at all levels. Make recommendations on ways to keep curricula and instruction current with industry practice. Help identify possible internship sponsors.