Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
If Av=λv with v nonzero, then λ is called an eigenvalue of A and v is called an
eigenvector of A corresponding to eigenvalue λ.
Agenda: Understand the action of A by seeing how it acts on eigenvectors.
(A-λI)v=0 system to be satisfied by λ and v
For a given λ, only solution is v=0 except if det(A-λI)=0; in that case a nonzero v that
satisfies (A-λI)v=0 is guaranteed to exist, and that v is an eigenvector.
det(A-λI) is a polynomial of degree n with leading term (-λ)n . This polynomial is called
the characteristic polynomial of the matrix A.
det(A-λI)=0 is called the characteristic equation of the matrix A
There will be n roots of the characteristic polynomial, these may or may not be distinct.
For each eigenvalue λ the corresponding eigenvectors satisfy (A-λI)v=0 ; the (nonzero)
solutions v are the eigenvectors, and these are the nonzero vectors in the null space of (AλI). For each eigenvalue, we calculate a basis for the null space of (A-λI) and these
represent the “corresponding eigenvectors”, with it being understood that any linear
combination of these vectors will produce another eigenvector corresponding to that λ.
We will see shortly that if λ is a nonrepeated root of the characteristic polynomial, then
the null space of (A-λI) has dimension one, so there is only one corresponding
eigenvector (that is, a basis of the null space has only one vector), which can be
multiplied by any nonzero scalar.
Observation: If λi is an eigenvalue of A with vi a corresponding eigenvector, then for any
λ, (doesn’t have to be an eigenvalue) we have (A-λI)vi=(λi-λ) vi
Fun facts about eigenvalues /eigenvectors:
1) Eigenvectors corresponding to different eigenvalues are linearly independent
2) If λ is a nonrepeated root of the characteristic polynomial, then there is exactly
one corresponding eigenvector (up to a scalar multiple); in other words the
dimension of the nullspace of (A-λI) is one.
3) If λ is a repeated root of the characteristic polynomial, with multiplicity m(λ) then
there at least one corresponding eigenvector and up to m(λ) independent
corresponding eigenvectors; in other words the dimension of the nullspace of (AλI) is between 1 and m(λ)
4) As a consequence of item 1) above, if the characteristic polynomial has n distinct
roots (where the degree of the polynomial is n) then there are n corresponding
independent eigenvectors, which in turn constitute a basis for Rn (or Cn if
5) When bad things happen to good matrices: deficient matrices. A matrix is said to
be deficient if it fails to have n independent eigenvectors. This can only happen if
(but not necessarily if) an eigenvalue has multiplicity greater than 1. However it is
always true that if an eigenvalue λ has multiplicity m then null(A- λI)m has
dimension m. The vectors in this null space are called generalized eigenvectors.
6) Complex eigenvalues: If A is real then complex eigenvalues/eigenvectors come in
complex conjugate pairs: If λ is an eigenvalue with eigenvector v then λ* is an
eigenvalue with eigenvector v*
7) If A is a triangular matrix, the eigenvalues are the diagonal entries
If A has a full set of eigenvectors (n linearly independent eigenvectors) and we put
them as columns in a matrix V, then AV=VΛ where Λ is a diagonal matrix with the
eigenvalues (corresponding to columns of V) down the diagonal.
Then V-1AV=Λ this is called diagonalizing A. Also, we have A=VΛV-1.
Calculating powers of A: Am=( VΛV-1)m= VΛmV-1
In general, if P is any invertible matrix then P-1AP is called a similarity
transformation of A. Diagonalizing A consists of finding a P for which the similarity
transformation gives a diagonal matrix. Of course we know that such a P would need
to be a matrix whose columns are a full set of eigenvectors.
A is diagonalizable if and only if there is a full set of eigenvectors.
Given any linearly independent set of n vectors, there is a matrix A that has these as
eigenvectors, namely A=VΛV-1 for any diagonal Λ we wish to specify; the diagonal
entries of Λ are the eigenvalues.
A similarity transformation can be considered as specifying the action of A in a
transformed coordinate system:
Given y=Ax as a transformation in Rn, if we transform the coordinates by x=Pu and
y=Pw (so that our new coordinate directions are the columns of P) then u and w are
related by w=( P-1AP)u so that P-1AP is the transformed action of A in the new
coordinate system, i.e. A is transformed to the new matrix P-1AP in the new
coordinate system.
If A doesn’t have a full set of eigenvectors then it cannot be diagonalized (why: if A
can be diagonalized then A=PΛP-1 , we have AP=PΛ and the columns of P are seen to
be of full set of eigenvectors) but you can always find a similarity transformation
P-1AP such that P-1AP has a special upper triangular form, called Jordan form. We
will not delve any further into this, however. Remember, however, we did note that a
square matrix A always has a full set of generalized eigenvectors even when A itself
is deficient.
Additional remark on similarity transformations: If P-1AP=B then A and B have the same
characteristic polynomial and the same eigenvalues and eigenvector structure in the sense
that if v is an (generalized) eigenvector of A then P-1v is an (generalized) eigenvector of
B. An algebraic way of seeing this is to note first that
P-1(A-λI )P= B-λI and P-1(A-λI)kP=( B-λI)k and
det(B-λI )=det (P-1(A-λI )P)= det(P-1)det(A-λI )det(P)=det(A-λI )
since 1=det(P-1P)= det(P-1) det(P)
It follows that:
(A-λI )v=0 implies P-1(A-λI )P P-1v=0 , (B-λI) (P-1v)=0
(A-λI)kv=0 implies P-1(A-λI )kP P-1v=0 , (B-λI)k (P-1v)=0
Symmetric matrices: AT=A
1) All eigenvalues are real
2) There is always a full set of eigenvectors
3) Eigenvectors from different eigenvalues are (automatically) orthogonal to
each other. So, in particular if all the eigenvalues are distinct, there is an
orthonormal basis of Rn consisting of eigenvectors of A. If the eigenvalues
have multiplicity greater than 1, you can always arrange for the corresponding
eigenvectors to be orthogonal to each other. (Gram-Schmidt process) So,
finally, you can always arrange for the orthogonal eigenvectors of A to have
magnitude 1 and thus construct a full set of orthonormal eigenvectors of A. If
V is the matrix whose columns are those eigenvectors, then we have VTV=I,
so that VT=V-1.
Application to quadratic forms:
By writing a quadratic form as xTAx where A is symmetric, the transformation x=Vu ,
where the columns of V are an orthonormal set of eigenvectors of A, gives new
coordinates u in which the quadratic form is xTAx= uTVTAVu= uTV-1AVu =uTΛu where
Λ is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues. This is called diagonalizing the quadratic form.
In terms of the new coordinates the quadratic form consists pure of a combination of
squares of the coordinates, with no “cross terms”.
In this example we have
>> A=[-5 .5 -3.5;.5 0 6.5;-3.5 6.5 2]
>> A
A =
>> [V,D]=eig(A)
V =
D =
>> V'*V %the columns of V are orthonormal vectors
ans =
So the new quadratic form is
xy+2z2-5x2-7xz+13yz =-8.1222u12-2.8892u22+8.0114 u32 where x=Vu
The new coordinate system is easily displayed within the original x-y-z coordinates. The
columns of V are the new coordinate vectors (shown as red, green, blue unit vectors,
respectively), corresponding to the vectors i,j,k in the standard coordinate system.