University of Colorado Directory and Registry Schema – July 20, 2001 -1 - University of Colorado Directory and Registry Schema Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1. General person attributes ....................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 General person attributes: Identifiers, access-related attributes, general identification ....................................... 4 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 1.1.10 1.1.11 1.2 General person attributes: General personal and organizational identification ................................................... 7 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.3 Mailing Address (homePostalAddress) ..................................................................................................................... 12 Street .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Locale (l) .................................................................................................................................................................... 12 State (st) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Zip Code (postalCode) ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Office Location (roomNumber) ................................................................................................................................. 13 Delivery Location (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) .................................................................................................... 13 Office Address (postalAddress) ................................................................................................................................. 14 General person attributes: Telephony ................................................................................................................ 14 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.5 1.6.6 1.7 Email Address (mail) ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Email Alias................................................................................................................................................................. 11 EMail Home ............................................................................................................................................................... 11 EMail Rewrite ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 Text Pager .................................................................................................................................................................. 12 General person attributes: Physical Mail and Delivery Addresses .................................................................... 12 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8 1.6 Common name (cn) ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Last name (sn) ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 First name (givenName) ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Display Name ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Nickname ................................................................................................................................................................... 11 General person attributes: Electronic Mail ........................................................................................................ 11 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.5 CU Affiliation (description) ......................................................................................................................................... 7 CU Campus Affiliation ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Higher Ed Affiliation (eduPersonAffiliation) .............................................................................................................. 7 Primary Affiliation ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Primary Campus ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 Top level organization (o) ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Institution distinguished name (eduPersonOrgDN) ..................................................................................................... 9 General person attributes: Names ........................................................................................................................ 9 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.4 Universal unique identifier (uuid) ................................................................................................................................ 4 Social Security Number (ssn) ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Student ID (cuEduPersonSID) ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Employee Number ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Uniquid ID ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Student Privacy flag indicator (cuEduPersonPrivacy) ................................................................................................. 5 User account name (uid) .............................................................................................................................................. 5 EduPerson Principal name ........................................................................................................................................... 5 ISO ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6 User Certificate ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 User Password ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Home Phone ............................................................................................................................................................... 14 Public Office Telephone Number (telephoneNumber) .............................................................................................. 14 Private Office Telephone Number (privateOfficePhone) ........................................................................................... 15 Office Facsimile Telephone Number ......................................................................................................................... 15 Cell Phone (mobile) ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Pager .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 General person attributes: General ..................................................................................................................... 15 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4 1.7.5 Home Page URL (labeledURI) .................................................................................................................................. 15 Photo (jpegPhoto) ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 See Also ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Contact/notification preferences (preferredDeliveryMethod) .................................................................................... 16 Activities, Affiliations, Clubs .................................................................................................................................... 16 -2 - 2. Student-related attributes..................................................................................................................................... 17 2.1 Student major(s) .................................................................................................................................................. 17 2.2 Student minor(s).................................................................................................................................................. 17 2.3 Student major option(s)....................................................................................................................................... 17 2.4 Student classification (cuEduPersonClass) ......................................................................................................... 18 2.5 School/College(s)................................................................................................................................................ 18 2.6 Student Academic Unit ....................................................................................................................................... 18 2.7 Student Fees Payment Indicator .......................................................................................................................... 18 3. Faculty/Staff-related attributes ............................................................................................................................ 19 3.1 Department Name (ou) ....................................................................................................................................... 19 3.2 Department Number............................................................................................................................................ 19 3.3 Home Department ............................................................................................................................................... 19 3.4 Department distinguished name (eduPersonOrgUnitDN) .................................................................................. 19 3.5 Faculty/Staff Official Title (eduPersonJobClassification) .................................................................................. 20 3.6 Faculty/Staff Functional Title (title) ................................................................................................................... 20 3.7 Research Interest ................................................................................................................................................. 20 3.8 Areas of Expertise ............................................................................................................................................... 20 3.9 Highest Degree.................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.10 Degree Institution................................................................................................................................................ 21 3.11 Degree Year ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 3.12 Original Hire Date............................................................................................................................................... 21 3.13 Alternate Contact ................................................................................................................................................ 21 3.14 Employee Type ................................................................................................................................................... 21 3.15 Percent Time ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 4. Registry-only attributes (attributes for identity reconciliation, selection, and directory build) .................... 22 4.1 Date of birth (dob) .............................................................................................................................................. 22 4.2 Gender ................................................................................................................................................................. 22 4.3 Student Enrollment Status................................................................................................................................... 22 4.4 Student Withdraw Status..................................................................................................................................... 22 4.5 Student Registration Type................................................................................................................................... 22 4.6 Current Term....................................................................................................................................................... 22 4.7 Expected Return .................................................................................................................................................. 22 4.8 Previous SID ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 4.9 Employee Status.................................................................................................................................................. 22 4.10 Employee Status Codes....................................................................................................................................... 22 4.11 Employment Type ............................................................................................................................................... 23 4.12 Regular/Temporary Employee Code .................................................................................................................. 23 4.13 Prior Name .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 4.14 Update source & date fields (registry only) ........................................................................................................ 23 4.15 Affiliate sponsorship fields (registry only) ......................................................................................................... 23 5. Other attributes to consider ................................................................................................................................. 23 6. Glossary .................................................................................................................................................................. 23 6.1 Index ................................................................................................................................................................... 23 6.2 Syntax ................................................................................................................................................................. 24 -3 - Overview Objectclass: cuEduPerson (OID = An entry in this object class represents a person with an affiliation with the University of Colorado (CU) including (but not limited to) students, faculty, staff, CU Foundation, CU Regents. The directory object class structure for people within CU is: objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: organizationalPerson objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass: eduPerson objectclass: cuEduPerson objectclass: coloradoeduPerson where cuEduPerson reflects CU-unique attributes and coloradoEduPerson reflects CU-Boulder-unique attributes. Within this structure, the only required attributes are cn, sn, eduPersonOrgDN and cuEduPersonUUID. Each campus within CU (cudenver, uccs, ushsc and cusys) may also add its own campus-specific objectclass. 1. General person attributes 1.1 General person attributes: Identifiers, access-related attributes, general identification 1.1.1 Universal unique identifier (uuid) Unique identifier assigned to every entry in the directory. uuid characteristics: irrevocable, not reassignable, opaque, permanent Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Access: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonUUID Integer{9} (only as dn) Syntax: int yes MultiValued: no not visible to anonymous queries; control via authorization to nonanonymous queries. system-assigned by registry logic when a new record is imported from SIS, HR or Uniquid identifier; foreign key or primary key in most of the registry tables 1231231239 1.1.2 Social Security Number (ssn) An identifier from many source systems and upon which many related systems depend. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonSSN DirectoryString{9} eq Syntax: string no MultiValued: no HR SSN, SIS SID (if not 9…, 8…, 000…), Uniquid cuid (if not 9…, 8…, 000…) identifier mapping, various applications 1231234321 1.1.3 Student ID (cuEduPersonSID) Identifier assigned to each entry in the Student Information System. This value can change for an individual. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonSID DirectoryString{11} eq Syntax: string no MultiValued: no SIS: SID; Uniquid cuid (if 9…, 8…, 000…) various apps, identifier mapping (may map to SSN if SID does not start with 000, 8 or 9) 123119999 -4 - 1.1.4 Employee Number Identifier assigned to each entry in the Human Resources System. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): employeeNumber 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.3 DirectoryString{11} eq Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no HR: EMPLOYEE_ID identifier mapping, various applications 100006 1.1.5 Uniquid ID CU Identifier assigned to each entry in the Boulder Campus Unix Uniquid account system. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonUniquidID DirectoryString{10} eq Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no Uniquid: CUID identifier mapping for email handling purposes a111223333 1.1.6 Student Privacy flag indicator (cuEduPersonPrivacy) Flag indicating whether or not the student has requested privacy. Flag values include: “P” (withhold information per FERPA); “S” (directory data not to be released to general sources); “D” (deceased); null (no restrictions). Only students with a null value in this attribute should have their data displayed via the white pages or anonymous directory queries. However, all but “D”-flagged students should be accessible to authorized services (such as email handling). Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonPrivacy DirectoryString{1} none Syntax: no MultiValued: SIS: INFO_RELSE_FLAG access control P ces no 1.1.7 User account name (uid) User account name (also known as user ID, net ID, login), typically associated with a unix-based email account. Assigned automatically to new incoming housing students, assigned upon request to other students (graduate students and transfer students) and to faculty and staff. Many LDAP-enabled products expect this attribute. uid in combination with the person's domain name provides a unique identifier string. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): uid 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 DirectoryString{100} pres, eq Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes per inetOrgPerson; no at UCB if we use identikey uniquid database for Boulder campus mail, various apps, white pages, Directory of Directories vaughan 1.1.8 EduPerson Principal name Principal name is proposed by eduPerson as a net ID-like identifier to be used for inter-institutional authentication. In the form of, the user should be able to authenticate locally as this identity. Although EPPN may appear to be the same as the user’s published email address, they have different purposes (authentication vs. mail handling) and there is no requirement that they remain the same. Per eduPerson: “EPPN would be used as follows: a resource owner, "A", would look at "B"'s directory entry to discover "B"'s EPPN. "A" would then tell the local authorization -5 - system that "B"'s EPPN is allowed to use the resource. When "B" tries to access the resource, the application (or access control infrastructure) would validate "B"'s identity, check with the local authorization system to ensure that "B" has been granted the appropriate access privileges, and then either grant or deny access." EPPNs should not be shared. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): eduPersonPrincipalName DirectoryString{15} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no (for Boulder campus) interinstitutional authentication ("Shibboleth"), Directory of Directories, H323 video, etc 1.1.9 ISO ISO number associated with individual's identification card. Can be unique by campus. Attribute name: OID: Format: Source: Indexing: Required: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonISO DirectoryString{16} text extract from Diebold/BoldImage (source for Boulder campus only) eq Syntax: no MultiValued: no identifier mapping, various applications 9014235000390115 1.1.10 User Certificate Base 64 encoded certificate; one attribute per certificate. A user's X.509 certificate. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): userCertificate PKCSxx form of a user’s X.509v3 certificate. Per RFC 2256: the attribute is to be stored and requested in binary form as 'userCertificate; binary' None Syntax: bin no MultiValued: yes pki, email clients, jstor_oclc_dlf, controlling access to resources 1.1.11 User Password Hidden. Used in ldap bind. The bind operation must be done over SSL to avoid sending clear text passwords. Attribute value defines encryption method and encrypted password. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): userPassword {encryption method}encrypted password None Syntax: bin no MultiValued: yes access -6 - 1.2 General person attributes: General personal and organizational identification 1.2.1 CU Affiliation (description) Category(ies) describing the nature of a person's relationship with the University such as faculty, staff, student. Values within this attribute are also mapped to eduPerson's controlled vocabulary to populate eduPersonAffiliation. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): description DirectoryString{60} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes If person is in SIS then description = Student If person is in HR and if any active appointment's JB_CODE begins with alpha or 2 or 3 then description = “Staff ” begins with 1 then description = “Faculty” begins with 4 then description = “Student Employee” begins with 5 or = 6107 or 6108 then description = “Retiree” begins with 6 and not 6107, 6108 then description = “Staff” If person is only in Uniquid then description = “Sponsored” white pages, Directory of Directories Staff, Student 1.2.2 CU Campus Affiliation Campus (or campuses) with which the person is affiliated. Relationship between affiliation(s) and campus is maintained in the Registry's affiliation table. Only that information appropriate to a particular campus will be posted to the specific campus directory. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonCampus DirectoryString{40} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes If person is in SIS and if AU begins with B, then cuEduPersonCampus = “Boulder Campus” C, then cuEduPersonCampus = “Colorado Springs Campus” D, then cuEduPersonCampus = “Denver Campus” H, then cuEduPersonCampus = “Health Sciences Center” If person is in HR and if JOB_DEPT_ID begins with 1 then cuEduPersonCampus = “Boulder Campus” 2 then cuEduPersonCampus = “Health Sciences Center” 3 then cuEduPersonCampus = “Denver Campus” 4 then cuEduPersonCampus = “Colorado Springs Campus” 5 then cuEduPersonCampus = “CU System Office” If person is in Uniquid then cuEduPersonCampus = Boulder Campus white pages Boulder, CU System Office 1.2.3 Higher Ed Affiliation (eduPersonAffiliation) A broad category (or categories) describing the nature of a person's relationship with the University (i.e., faculty, staff, student). Because this attribute will be used on an inter-institutional basis, values within this attribute should conform to eduPerson's controlled vocabulary. According to eduPerson, “member” is intended to include faculty, staff, student, and other persons with a basic set of privileges that go with membership in the university community (e.g., library privileges). It might be thought of as “member in good standing of the university community.” “Affiliate” is intended to apply to people with whom the university has dealings, but to whom no general set of “community membership” privileges are extended. If the person's relationship with the University falls outside the scope of the controlled vocabulary (still in the process of being defined by eduPerson), do not populate this attribute. -7 - Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Controlled Vocab: Source: Usage: Example(s): eduPersonAffiliation DirectoryString{60} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes Faculty, Staff, Student, Alum, Member, Employee, Affiliate If description = Student then eduPersonAffiliation = “Student” If description = Student Employee then eduPersonAffiliation = “Employer” If description contains Staff, then eduPersonAffiliation = “Staff” If description contains Faculty, then eduPersonAffiliation = “Faculty” If description contains Retiree, then eduPersonAffiliation = “Member” If description contains Sponsored then eduPersonAffiliation = “Member” white pages, Directory of Directories, authorization Staff, Student 1.2.4 Primary Affiliation Primary affiliation should be thought of as the affiliation one would put on a name tag when at a university-wide gathering. The value in Primary Affiliation should also be in the string of values within Affiliation from a universitywide perspective, but may not be in the campus-specific string of affiliations. (for example, a full-time staff member at one campus may also be a part-time student at another campus. Their primary affiliation, from a university-wide perspective would be "staff.") To conform with EduPerson's efforts, Primary Affiliation values should stay within the controlled vocabulary recommended by EduPerson. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation DirectoryString{60} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no If person is in SIS only, then Primary Affiliation = “Student” If person is in HR only and if person has only one active appointment, then if JB_CODE begins with alpha or 2, 3, 4 or 6 and not 6107, 6108 then Primary Affiliation = Staff if JB_CODE begins with 1 Primary Affiliation = “Faculty” if JB_CODE begins with 5 or equals 6107, 6108 then Primary Affiliation = “Retiree” if JB_CODE is null, then Primary Affiliation = “Affiliate” If person is in HR only and if person has more than one active appointment, then if >=1 active appointment JB_CODE beginning with 1, Primary Affiliation = “Faculty” if no active JB_CODE 1… and if >=1 active JB_CODE = 5…, 6107, 6108 then Primary Affiliation = “Retiree” otherwise, if active JB_CODE is not null, then Primary Affiliation = “Staff” if JB_CODE is null, then Primary Affiliation = “Affiliate” If person is in HR and if person is in SIS then if each HR JB_CODE begins with 4 or 6 then Primary Affiliation = “Student” else use the logic for affiliation determination from HR only. If person is in Uniquid only, then Primary Affiliation = “Affiliate” If person is self-entered only, then Primary Affiliation = “Affiliate” white pages, Directory of Directories, authorization Staff 1.2.5 Primary Campus The campus associated with the person’s Primary Affiliation. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: cuEduPersonPrimaryCampus DirectoryString{40}. Controlled vocabulary: “Boulder Campus”, “Denver Campus”, “Health Sciences Center”, “Colorado Springs Campus”, “CU System Office” none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no -8 - Source: Usage: Example(s): If person is in SIS only and if HOME_AU begins with B then Primary Campus = “Boulder Campus C then Primary Campus = “Colorado Springs Campus” D then Primary Campus = “Denver Campus” H then Primary Campus = “Health Sciences Center” If person is in HR only then check HOME_DEPT_ID. If HOME_DEPT_ID begins with 1 then Primary Campus = “Boulder Campus” 2 then Primary Campus = “Health Sciences Center” 3 then Primary Campus = “Denver Campus” 4 then Primary Campus = “Colorado Springs Campus” 5 then Primary Campus = “CU System Office” If person is in HR and if person is in SIS then if each HR JB_CODE begins with 4 or 6 then follow logic for Student Primary Campus else use the logic for HR primary campus. If person is in Uniquid only then Primary Campus = “Boulder Campus” If person is self-update only then Primary Campus = “University of Colorado” white pages Boulder Campus 1.2.6 Top level organization (o) Politically correct name of the institution or university system. Here: University of Colorado Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): o DirectoryString{64} none Syntax: no MultiValued: always University of Colorado white pages, Directory of Directories University of Colorado cis no 1.2.7 Institution distinguished name (eduPersonOrgDN) The distinguished name of the directory entry representing the institution with which the person is associated. (In this case, the DN representing the University of Colorado.) Required in eduPerson. If system-wide, this should be If campus-specific then, Boulder =,, Colorado Springs =, health sciences center =, central = Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Semantics: Source: Usage: Example(s): 1.3 eduPersonOrgDN DN none Syntax: cis yes MultiValued: no The directory entry pointed to by this dn should be represented in the X.500 “organization” object class. (eduPerson recommendation) always = (if not campus-specific) Directory of Directories; search, white pages o=???UCB???, dc=colorado, dc=edu ??? General person attributes: Names 1.3.1 Common name (cn) Typically the person's formal full name, and variations of the name, associated with the individual. Common name is the only attribute universally used by LDAP applications for name lookup. While common name may contain variations on the name that a person is known by, it must contain the givenName and sn attribute values. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: cn DirectoryString{50} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis -9 - Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): yes (in person oc) MultiValued: yes SIS NAME; HR NAME.; Uniquid user login name (if uniquid is the only source) If the individual is in both SIS and HR, and if name value is not equal between the two systems, post the values from each system, as well as corresponding variations. First name+middle+Last name; First name+Last name; First name only; Last name only. where: Last name is the full string preceding the first comma, first and middle names follow the comma (in both SIS and HR). If person entry has data from both SIS and HR, the value to be posted first in cn is the full name associated with HR NAME. NOTE: this does not conform with the LDAP Recipe’s recommendation to rely on search filter capabilities vs. storing name variations NOTE 2: the registry will maintain a corresponding "source" attribute for each cn value. White pages, search, Directory of Directories Paula J. Vaughan, Paula, Vaughan, Paula Vaughan 1.3.2 Last name (sn) The legal last name of the person (i.e., surname). Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): sn DirectoryString{30} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis yes (in person oc) MultiValued: yes SIS derive from NAME (string immediately preceding the first comma); HR LAST_NAME_SRCH. UNIQUID user login name (if uniquid is the only source) If the individual is in both SIS and HR, and if last name value (case independent) is not equal between the two systems, post the values from each system If the person has a multi-part last name (hyphenated or not), store the entire last name as well as each individual part as a separate value to facilitate client-flexible searching. NOTE: the registry will maintain a corresponding "source" attribute for each sn value. White pages, search, Directory of Directories Vaughan-Miller, Vaughan, Miller 1.3.3 First name (givenName) The first name of the person. Per rfc 2256: “the givenName attribute is used to hold the part of a person’s name which is not their surname nor middle name.” Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): givenName DirectoryString{30} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes SIS derive from NAME (string immediately following the first comma); HR FIRST_NAME_SRCH. If the individual is in both SIS and HR, and if first name value is not equal between the two systems, post the values from each system NOTE: the registry will maintain a corresponding "source" attribute for each cn value. White pages, search, Directory of Directories Paula 1.3.4 Display Name Person’s preferred name, to be displayed on white pages. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: displayName 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241 DirectoryString{50} none Syntax: no MultiValued: cis no - 10 - Source: Usage: Example(s): Populate this attribute with the largest value in cn. If this ever becomes a self-updated attribute, populate cn with values entered for displayName in order to facilitate searching. White pages, Directory of Directories, configurable email clients Paula J. Vaughan 1.3.5 Nickname Person’s preferred nickname (“the informal name by which a person is accustomed to being hailed”). Useful for user-friendly name searches. Neither full name nor display name. Not to be confused with email aliases. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): eduPersonNickName DirectoryString{15} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes in eduPerson; no per CU procedure Allow this value to be updated directly by the authenticated user. White pages, search, Directory of Directories pj for Paula J. Vaughan; Woodie for Elwood 1.4 General person attributes: Electronic Mail Email attributes are maintained in the Registry by campus and are pushed from the Registry to campus-specific directories. 1.4.1 Email Address (mail) Preferred address for the ‘to’ field of email to be sent to this person. This is not the final delivery address. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): mail 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 username@hostname pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes in ldap & registry; no in campus directory uniquid for ucb; can vary by campus Mail, White pages (with hyperlink), Directory of Directories, email client 1.4.2 Email Alias Aliases (alternate email addresses) associated with the CUID; each makes up a separate, unique entry in uniquid. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonEMailAlias Directory String eq Syntax: no MultiValued: uniquid for ucb; can vary by campus Mail, White pages cis yes (UCB uniquid allows a max of three per cuid) 1.4.3 EMail Home The ultimate destination of incoming mail. Not required for the cuEduPerson; it is required for mail handling. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonEMailHome username@hostname eq Syntax: no MultiValued: uniquid for ucb; can vary by campus Mail cis yes in ldap & registry; no in campus directory - 11 - 1.4.4 EMail Rewrite The "from" address as it will appear in the person's outgoing mail. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonEMailRewrite username@hostname eq Syntax: no MultiValued: uniquid for ucb; can vary by campus Mail cis no 1.4.5 Text Pager Text (email) pager address (faculty/staff member) Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): 1.5 cuEduPersonTextPager Directory String none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no Allow this value to be updated directly by the authenticated user. white pages General person attributes: Physical Mail and Delivery Addresses 1.5.1 Mailing Address (homePostalAddress) The person’s home mailing address (street, city, state, zip, country). This field is intended to include multiple lines, but each line should be separated by a dollar sign ($). Note: Colorado State Law states that faculty/staff home address is not public information. Therefore, this attribute will be populated for students only. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): homePostalAddress 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.39 Per RFC 1274: up to 6 lines, 30 characters each none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes SIS: MAIL-STREET-1, MAIL-STREET-2, MAIL-STREET-3, MAIL-STREET-4$ MAIL-CITY$ MAIL-STATE$ MAIL-ZIP-CODE$ MAIL-COUNTRY (if not US) white pages, Directory of Directories 123 Main Street, Apt. 7$Boulder$CO$80303-1234 1.5.2 Street Student's local street address. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): street DirectoryString{128} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes SIS: MAIL-STREET-1, MAIL-STREET-2, MAIL-STREET-3, MAIL-STREET-4 white pages, applications, Directory of Directories 123 Main Street, Apt. 7 1.5.3 Locale (l) The city associated with the local address for the person (student). Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: l DirectoryString{48} none Syntax: cis - 12 - Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): no MultiValued: yes in orgPerson, no per CU registry process SIS: MAIL-CITY white pages, applications, Directory of Directories Boulder 1.5.4 State (st) State associated with the student’s local address. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): st standard US Postal Service two-letter state codes none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes in orgPerson, no per CU registry process SIS: MAIL-STATE white pages, applications, Directory of Directories CO 1.5.5 Zip Code (postalCode) Zip code associated with the student's local address. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): postalCode DirectoryString{40} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes in LDAP, no per CU registry process for students: SIS: MAIL-ZIP-CODE white pages, applications, Directory of Directories 80303-1234 1.5.6 Office Location (roomNumber) The physical location (Building and Room) of the person’s (staff/faculty) university office. This can vary by campus and will be maintained by campus with the registry's campus-specific table. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): roomNumber 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.6 DirectoryString{256} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no for UCB only: from HR/PHONE, go to Telecomm System, TEL.EQUIP for BLDG and ROOM. For BLDG, go to TEL.BUILDING for DESC. Build the value using building description followed by one space followed by room. Note1: telephone number in HR may be the public number. Therefore, the derived room would be the 'public' room (likely the secretary or receptionist's office number.) Note2: Of the Boulder campus employees in HR, 7,366 do not have a telephone number in their HR record. Without telephone number, we cannot get the room number. white pages Computing Center 120 1.5.7 Delivery Location (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) Person’s (faculty/staff) physical location delivery address for private couriers or university’s distribution services. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): physicalDeliveryOfficeName DirectoryString{128} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no For UCB: Using HR/PHONE go to Telecomm system, TEL.911 file, address fields. white pages 3645 Marine St., Boulder, CO - 13 - 1.5.8 Office Address (postalAddress) Campus office address associated with faculty/staff-affiliated persons. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): 1.6 postalAddress per inetOrgPerson: PostalAddress{255} (This represents a postal address as six lines maximum with a maximum of 30 characters each. The lines can be a string of characters with end-of-line delimited by “$”.) However, for CU, this would be a campus box number or campus mailing address which is defined as a 20 character field. none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes in orgPerson, no per CU registry process HR: PS_PERSONAL_DATA CAMPUS_BOX_CU white pages, applications, Directory of Directories 455 UCB General person attributes: Telephony 1.6.1 Home Phone Person’s home phone. Note: Per Colorado State Law faculty/staff home phone is not public information. An ACL will be applied to the attribute to prohibit anonymous query access to home phone for affiliations not equal to student. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): homePhone 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.20 TelephoneNumber{30} cc-nnn-nnn-nnnn none Syntax: tel no MultiValued: yes in ldap, no in CU registry process SIS: MAIL-PHONE; HR: HOME_PHONE white pages (exclude if primary affiliation not equal student) +1 303 555-1234 1.6.2 Public Office Telephone Number (telephoneNumber) Person’s (faculty/staff) office phone. This phone number is the published directory phone number. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): telephoneNumber TelephoneNumber{30} cc-nnn-nnn-nnnn eq, pres, sub Syntax: tel no MultiValued: yes in ldap, no in CU registry process Default: PS PERSONAL_PHONE with PHONE_TYPE=CMP1 Allow authorized user to update directly with a departmental public phone number. (At UCB, this authorized user may be the Telecom Liaison for the person.) Note: PS carries 3 campus phones/person. Should we consider one public and another private? (That does not appear to be how they are being used - there are no records in pay.master where phone1 is not equal phone2 if phone2 is not null.) white pages, Directory of Directories +1 303 492-8172 - 14 - 1.6.3 Private Office Telephone Number (privateOfficePhone) Person’s (faculty/staff) private office phone number. This attribute is available in the event the faculty/staff member wishes to publicize only a general office number for themselves (telephoneNumber) and keep their desktop phone number private. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonPrivateOfficePhone TelephoneNumber{30} cc-nnn-nnn-nnnn none Syntax: tel no MultiValued: yes in ldap, no in CU registry process HR PS PERSONAL_PHONE with PHONE_TYPE=CMP1 available to authorized queries +1 303 492-4536 1.6.4 Office Facsimile Telephone Number Person’s (faculty/staff) office facsimile phone number. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): facsimileTelephoneNumber TelephoneNumber{30} cc-nnn-nnn-nnnn none Syntax: tel no MultiValued: no Allow this value to be updated directly by the authenticated user. white pages, Directory of Directories +1 303 492-4198 1.6.5 Cell Phone (mobile) Cell Phone number (faculty/staff member) Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): mobile 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.41 TelephoneNumber{30} none Syntax: tel no MultiValued: yes in ldap, no in CU registry process Allow this value to be updated directly by the authenticated user. white pages, Directory of Directories +1 303-555-4536 1.6.6 Pager Pager number (faculty/staff member) Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): 1.7 pager 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.42 TelephoneNumber{32} none Syntax: tel no MultiValued: yes in ldap, no in CU registry process Allow this value to be updated directly by the authenticated user. white pages +1 303-555-1111 General person attributes: General 1.7.1 Home Page URL (labeledURI) URL for the person’s home page. Set up as hot link from white pages Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: labeledURI encoded URL none no Syntax: MultiValued: cis yes in ldap, no in CU registry process - 15 - Source: Usage: Example(s): automated process which scans web page hosts (spot, stripe, ucsu, ucsub, rintintin) for urls. Match on uid and cuid (sid, ssn). Manual entry of urls by authorized users. white pages, Directory of Directories 1.7.2 Photo (jpegPhoto) A smallish jpeg photo of the person. Note: The CU Registrar does not consider this to be “public” information. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): jpegPhoto 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.60 jpeg file interchange format none Syntax: no MultiValued: Diebold/BoldImage (ucb only?) white pages, Directory of Directories bin yes per inetOrgPerson; only 1 photo/person at UCB 1.7.3 See Also See Also references distinguished names of other directory server entries for information related to this entry. If affiliated to more than one campus, use this attribute to point to other campus directories for the person. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): seeAlso dn none Syntax: no MultiValued: directory/registry white pages, Directory of Directories ???? dc=uccs, dc=edu ? yes 1.7.4 Contact/notification preferences (preferredDeliveryMethod) Preferred method for contact or message delivery Attribute name: OID: Format: Controlled vocab: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): preferredDeliveryMethod DirectoryString{15} phone, email, pager, text pager, cell phone, in person, campus mail none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no Allow this value to be updated directly by the authenticated user. white pages email 1.7.5 Activities, Affiliations, Clubs Various activities the person participates in. This will be implemented in a later phase. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonActivities DirectoryString{256} none Syntax: no MultiValued: yes Self-update. white pages Boulder Road Runners, Martin Acres Neighborhood Association - 16 - 2. Student-related attributes 2.1 Student major(s) Student’s declared primary and secondary major areas of study. A student may have up to two primary and two secondary majors (2/school-college). Maintained by academic unit in the registry. A separate attribute is created for each of these majors in order to distinguish between primary and secondary majors and to associate major option codes with the appropriate majors. Attribute name: OID: Attribute name: OID: Attribute name: OID: Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonPrimaryMajor1 cuEduPersonPrimaryMajor2 cuEduPersonSecondaryMajor1 cuEduPersonSecondaryMajor2 DirectoryString{60} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no SIS: PRIM-MAJ1, PRIM-MAJ2, SECOND-MAJ1, SECOND-MAJ2 (translate to full description using MAJORS table). white pages Communication 2.2 Student minor(s) Student’s declared minor area of study. One minor allowed per school/college per CU student. Maintained by academic unit in the registry. Attribute name: OID: Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonPrimaryMinor cuEduPersonSecondaryMinor DirectoryString{30} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no SIS: PRIM-MINOR, SECOND-MINOR (translate to full description using MAJORS table). white pages Master of Business Administration 2.3 Student major option(s) Student’s declared option of their major area of study. Each major may have an option associated with it. Maintained by academic unit in the registry. Attribute name: OID: Attribute name: OID: Attribute name: OID: Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonPrimaryMajor1Option cuEduPersonPrimaryMajor2Option cuEduPersonSecondaryMajor1Option cuEduPersonSecondaryMajor2Option DirectoryString{40} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no SIS: PRIM-MJ1-OPTN, PRIM-MJ2-OPTN, SECOND-MJ1-OPTN, SECOND-MJ2-OPTN (translate to full description using MAJOR_OPTION table). white pages High Tech Org Option - 17 - 2.4 Student classification (cuEduPersonClass) The class level of the student (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate) Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonClass DirectoryString{30} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no SIS: CLASS (translate to full description using Class table) white pages Doctoral Candidate 2.5 School/College(s) The school or college in which the student is enrolled. CU allows up to two schools/colleges per student. Maintained by term and academic unit in the registry. Attribute name: OID: Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonSchoolCollegeName cuEduPersonSchoolCollegeName2 DirectoryString{60} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no SIS: RT-COLL, RT-COLL-2 (translate to full description using COLLEGES table) white pages, Directory of Directories, various applications Communication 2.6 Student Academic Unit The campus with which the student is associated (Boulder-"B", Denver-"D", Colorado Springs-"C" or Health Sciences Center-"H") - and within these, either the main campus ("1") or Credit Continuing Education ("2") or NonCredit Continuing Ed ("3"). Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): 2.7 cuEduPersonAcademicUnit DirectoryString{2} none Syntax: no MultiValued: SIS: AU affiliation logic; applications B1 ces yes Student Fees Payment Indicator Fees indicator indicating level of fees paid (if any). Maintained by term and academic unit in the registry. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonFeesIndicator DirectoryString{4} none Syntax: no MultiValued: no Logic used for iVote and Wardenburg applications applications "full" - 18 - 3. Faculty/Staff-related attributes 3.1 Department Name (ou) Name of each department with which the person (faculty/staff) is currently associated. Based upon the department ID associated with each of the active HR appointments for the person. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): ou DirectoryString{64} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes HR warehouse, JOB_DEPT_ID to GL_ORG_TBL for DEPT_DESC White pages, Directory of Directories ITS-Administration, Computer Science-Admin 3.2 Department Number The identifier/number of each department with which the person (faculty/staff) is currently associated (one department per each job). The name associated with each of these values should appear in the ou attribute. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): departmentNumber 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.2 DirectoryString{??} none Syntax: no MultiValued: HR warehouse, JOB_DEPT_ID White pages, access 10051, 10344 cis yes 3.3 Home Department The name associated with the person's home department (faculty/staff). This value should also appear in the ou attribute. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): 3.4 cuEduPersonHomeDepartment DirectoryString{30} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no HR warehouse, HOME_DEPT_ID to GL_ORG_TBL for DEPT_DESC White pages, access. Note: queries should be against ou ITS-Administration Department distinguished name (eduPersonOrgUnitDN) The distinguished name associated with the faculty/staff member’s department(s). Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Semantics: Source: Usage: Example(s): eduPersonOrgUnitDN DN none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes The directory entry pointed to by this dn should be represented in the “organizational unit” object class. (eduPerson recommendation) how do we get orgUnitDN from job department? Directory of Directories; search, white pages ou=registrar, o=ucb, dc=colorado, dc=edu - 19 - 3.5 Faculty/Staff Official Title (eduPersonJobClassification) The person's university-assigned title (state job class title, professional exempt title or unclassified title) based on the job class code associated with the employee’s active appointments. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): 3.6 Faculty/Staff Functional Title (title) The person's functional (“business”) title. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): 3.7 Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonResearch DirectoryString{50} pres, eq, sub Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes Faculty Information System, FAC_RESEARCH_INTEREST/RESEARCH_CODE and retrieve FAC_KEYWORD/KEYWORD_DESC. white pages Worker Attitudes and Technology, Multimedia/Interactive Communications Technology Areas of Expertise Areas in which faculty or staff members have expert knowledge or skills Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): 3.9 title DirectoryString{50} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no HR warehouse: EMPLOYMENT_TITLE_DESC (business_title in PeopleSoft). Note: This data appears to be only minimally informational in HR white pages Project Manager Research Interest Research interest as reported by the faculty member. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: 3.8 cuEduPersonJobClassification DirectoryString{50} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes HR warehouse: JOB_JB_CODE used to retrieve JOB_DESC white pages, search IT Professional IV cuEduPersonExpertise DirectoryString{256} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes Allow this value to be updated directly by the authenticated user. white pages Systems analysis, Project management Highest Degree Highest degree awarded to the faculty member. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: cuEduPersonHighestDegree DirectoryString{30} none Syntax: no MultiValued: cis yes - 20 - Source: Usage: Example(s): Faculty Information System: FAC_DEGREE/DEGREE_NAME white pages Ph.D. 3.10 Degree Institution Institution from which the faculty member received their highest degree Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonDegreeInstitution DirectoryString{50} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes FIS: FAC_DEGREE/INSTITUTION_CODE to FAC_INSTITUTION/INSTITUTION_NAME white pages Michigan State University 3.11 Degree Year Year in which the faculty member received their highest degree Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonDegreeYear DirectoryString{4} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: yes Faculty Information System: FAC_DEGREE/DEGREE_YEAR white pages 1973 3.12 Original Hire Date Original date of hire at CU Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonOriginalHireDate I1. Directory String none Syntax: no MultiValued: no HR: PERSONAL_DATA/orig_hire_dt white pages 05-01-1980 3.13 Alternate Contact Alternate contact person for the employee. Free form text field to allow name, phone, email, etc. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): cuEduPersonAlternateContact DirectoryString{60} none Syntax: no MultiValued: self-entered white pages Bob Fryberger, 555-2222 cis no 3.14 Employee Type inetorgperson suggests using this to indicate temp, contractor, intern, full-time, etc. Undetermined use at CU. Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: employeeType 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.4 DirectoryString{??} none Syntax: cis - 21 - Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): no MultiValued: no CU will not populate this for the initial implementation. ?? ?? 3.15 Percent Time Percent of time a person is employed by the institution (should typically be > 0 and <= 100). Attribute name: OID: Format: Indexing: Required: Source: Usage: Example(s): 4. 4.1 cuEduPersonPercentTime DirectoryString{7} none Syntax: cis no MultiValued: no HR, sum of job percentages per each job record. applications 98.7 Registry-only attributes (attributes for identity reconciliation, selection, and directory build) Date of birth (dob) SIS BIRTH-DT; HR BIRTHDATE Use for identity reconciliation. 4.2 Gender SIS SEX; HR SEX Use for identity reconciliation. 4.3 Student Enrollment Status SIS ENROLLMENT_STATUS_CODE (Note: continuing students are rolled over to the next semester with a null enrollment status code. When the student initiates a new semester transaction, the enrollment status is appropriately set. Students who remain with a null enrollment status code are taken out of the new semester data.) E=enrolled ; N=not currently enrolled; X=disenrolled/cancelled 4.4 Student Withdraw Status SIS withdraw status should be null for selected students 4.5 Student Registration Type SIS RT-REGISTR-TYPE 4.6 Current Term SIS: STF-CTERM, yyyyn - translated from code to semester or quarter descriptions. Term with which the current extract of academic information is associated. Will be maintained in the registry and used to insure that only current term students (or students on active time out – see “expected return”) are posted to the white pages. 4.7 Expected Return SIS: PLAN_RET_TERM, yyyyn - translated from code to semester or quarter descriptions. Term that a "time out" student is expected to return. Services and university affiliation are maintained during the time out period (period between active enrollment and expected return term). Maintained by term and academic unit in the registry. 4.8 Previous SID SIS: PREV-SID, use for identity reconciliation 4.9 Employee Status HR warehouse EMPLOYEE_STATUS_YESNO E=employee; N=nonemployee (not paid by CU but assoc with CU e.g. UPI, Foundation – aka “directory entries”) 4.10 Employee Status Codes HR: JOB/empl_status - 22 - A=Active; D=Deceased; L=LOA; P=Leave w/ Pay; Q=Retired w/ Pay; R=Retired; S=Suspended; T=Terminated; U=Terminated w/ Pay; V=Terminated Pension Pay Out; W=Short Work Break; X=Retired-Pension Admin 4.11 Employment Type HR: JOB/empl_type . Capture data in registry. Not currently used/needed by directory. E=Exception Hourly; H=Hourly; N=Not applicable; S=Salaried 4.12 Regular/Temporary Employee Code HR: JOB/reg_temp_code R=Regular (permanent) T=Six month temporary (should not be in printed phone book) 4.13 Prior Name Currently, unknown source. However, ultimately, to be used for identity reconciliation. Kept as a separate attribute in the registry; used to populate cn in the directory to facilitate searching. 4.14 Update source & date fields (registry only) sis_update:........... most recent update date from SIS extract hr_update: ........... most recent update date from HR extract uniquid_update:... most recent update date from uniquid extract self_update: ......... most recent update date from self-entry 4.15 Affiliate sponsorship fields (registry only) Used to track person entries not created from a traditional (HR, SIS) source system. Sponsorship is maintained in the registry's affiliation table. For UCB, this data will primarily come from uniquid. sponsored_by: ..... person authorizing/sponsoring the affiliated person (varchar2(50)) expiration_date:... date the affiliation expires (and that services/affiliation recognition should be removed). Will be stored in the registry affiliation and email tables. 5. Other attributes to consider Standard inetOrgPerson and Person attributes that we will define in our structure but do not expect to use. preferredLanguage (inetOrgPerson) postOfficeBox (orgPerson) initials (inetOrgPerson) manager (inetOrgPerson) Best source indicator for name, date of birth and SSN for the person. 6. Glossary 6.1 Index Directory server can maintain six index types approx ........................... Approximate Index. Used only for string values such as commonName or givenName. Improves phonetic or “sounds-like” searching. Browse .......................... Browsing Index. This index is used to enhance the browsing speed of the Directory Server Console. eq ................................... Equality Index. Improves searches for entries that contain an attribute that is set to a specific value. - 23 - Matching rule ................ International Index. Allows for searches that return entries sorted according to a specified collation order. pres ................................ Presence Index. Improves searches for entries that contain the indexed attribute. sub ................................. Substring Index. Improves searches for entries that contain a specified substring. 6.2 Syntax bin ................................. arbitrary binary data; byte-by-byte comparisons ces ................................. text string; case of letter is significant during comparisons; leading, trailing and multiple spaces are ignored cis .................................. text string; case of letters and leading, trailing, and multiple spaces are ignored during comparisons dn .................................. directory names (a pointer to another entry); comparisons follow special rules for comparing distinguished names (DNs) int .................................. integer numbers; comparisons follow rules for comparing integers tel .................................. text string that represents a phone number; like cis except space and hyphen characters are also ignored during comparisons - 24 -