Campus Compact Dues and Fee Schedule Addendum This document is an addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement between that National Campus Compact office and its State/Multi-State (S/MS) Affiliates to further define and describe the Campus Compact membership and dues structure. I. Special Membership Situations A. A system office (of a group of higher education institutions) does not join as a member, but the CEO should be included on the mailing list at no charge. However, state/multi-state affiliate office governing boards may choose to charge a flat fee to the system office. B. A branch campus that does not have its own president/chancellor is not eligible for individual campus membership. Only the main campus with a president/chancellor can join and must do in its entirety, i.e., pays the dues for the cumulative undergraduate full-time equivalent (FTEs) for all branch campuses. All campuses are eligible to receive member services and can be listed as separate members on websites and in other materials. Any branch of the campus is eligible to receive grants and participate in network wide programs, as long as its FTE is included with the FTE of the main campus, and is reflected in the dues calculation. C. A branch campus that has a president/chancellor may join Campus Compact individually. D. Institutional membership that is not defined in one of the above situations, should work with the appropriate S/MS affiliate in conjunction with the National Campus Compact office to come to a mutual agreement for membership. II. III. Services to Members and Non-members: Institutions that join Campus Compact are eligible to receive services offered by state and national offices. Only members in good standing are eligible for services. Some services, such as conferences and workshops are open to non-members, usually for a higher fee. Grants, however, are usually only for member institutions. Funds raised by the states are governed by the policies of the state executive committee or board. There may be special situations where a funder, such as the legislature, might mandate that grant making must be made to member and non-member institutions. In this instance, where the state policy differs from the national policy, the state Compact will inform national. (Similarly, if a grantor requires national to serve non-members, states will be informed.) Dues and Fees A. Campus Compact operates on a fiscal year of July 1 through June 30. Membership dues are remitted annually by the S/MS affiliates. The national board will set NCC fees and propose any changes in fees for the following year at their October meeting. S/MS affiliates will submit an affiliation fee to the national office each year based on the number of presidents Campus Compact Dues and Fees Schedule, April 2010 Page 1 of 2 considered members of the S/MS affiliate and the size of their institutions (number of fulltime undergraduate equivalent). If the institution is primarily a graduate institution, then membership fees are based on the number of full-time graduate students. Fee Schedule for the Membership Year JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 Number of full-time undergraduate equivalents up to 3000 3001-7000 7001-13,000 13,001-20,000 20,001-30,000 30,001-40,000 40,001+ Fee/institution $338 $630 $928 $1221 $1519 $2053 $2651 B. Each fiscal year, the S/MS affiliates will submit a list of member schools through the national database including their respective full-time undergraduate equivalent (FTE) figures, and the appropriate affiliation fee to national. (Refer to Calculating FTE document on network only page for information on how to calculate FTE). Options for fee payments are: a) full payment on, or before, October 15 and an upward adjustment payment in April for any late renewals or new members during the year, or b) a half payment on, or before, October 15 and an adjusted payment based on actual membership numbers on, or before, April 1. The April payment will reflect any members joining between the October and April payments. For campuses that join after the start of the year, fees will be prorated to reflect the start date of their membership. C. Membership fees for individual S/MS affiliates vary and are determined by the board and/or executive committee of each S/MS affiliate; these are distinct from fees assessed by national for S/MS affiliation. D. NCC will pro-rate dues for an affiliate’s initial year. Upon formal affiliation, S/MS affiliates will be responsible for collecting fees from members in their states and submitting proper affiliation fees to the national office on their behalf. Campus Compact Dues and Fees Schedule, April 2010 Page 2 of 2