Case Statement Draft v7 Case A - Student Outcomes 3/4/2011 at 8 am Page 1 The Case For Campus Compact Society’s most complex problems require thoughtful, educated, committed leaders who can work together to find meaningful and sustainable solutions. Higher education remains the most important engine within our culture that can generate these leaders. At its best, higher education achieves this by helping students develop the intellectual and professional capacities today’s challenges so desperately demand. This task is both urgent and long-term. Campus Compact envisions colleges and universities as vital agents and architects of a diverse democracy. We cannot afford to educate any generation that acquires knowledge without understanding how that knowledge can benefit society. We must teach the skills and values of democracy, creating numerous opportunities for students to practice and realize the results of their authentic, hard work and service, as they become the future caretakers of our democracy. “The need to resolve complex problems intelligently places an ever greater demand on higher education — a demand for graduates who have a profound understanding of what it means to be a citizen; graduates capable of an interest larger than self-interest; graduates capable of helping this country to be not simply a strong competitor but a responsible and effective leader in a complicated world.” – Frank Newman, former president, Education Commission of the United States, and Campus Compact co-founder. Who we are… Campus Compact is a national, nonprofit coalition of nearly 1,200 college and university presidents—representing some 6 million students—that for more than a quarter of a century has been committed to deepening the ability of colleges and universities to improve community life and educate students for democratic and social responsibility. Campus Compact membership represents public, private, two- and four-year institutions across the spectrum of higher education and across the country. What we do… Our passion at Campus Compact is to equip campuses nationwide with the resources and skill-building tools they need to help students become active participants in communities. We want to infuse students with the desire to find solutions to society’s most pressing issues and we challenge higher education to make this a priority. Case Statement Draft v7 Case A - Student Outcomes 3/4/2011 at 8 am Page 2 Providing each generation with the skills and knowledge to take on these responsibilities is our persistent pursuit. With this objective, we educate, support, provide resources to, and recognize members for: Improving the quality and increasing the quantity of educational experiences that cultivate the skills and habits of problem solving for our communities, Developing and strengthening collaborative partnerships among campuses and communities; and Advancing individual and post-secondary leadership to address society’s critical issues and strengthen our democracy. For example, with Campus Compact support, campuses have engaged students to: Tutor, mentor, and counsel local teens through Life Line at Morris Brown College in Georgia Students at Inver Hills Community College in Minnesota collaborated with their local Community Action Council and Neighborhood House in a project that built awareness and respect for the immigrant experience on campus, while encouraging the retention of the college's immigrant students. Students at the University of Pennsylvania work directly with local high school students to provide a comprehensive program of during-school and after-school internships, academic supports, career exposure and planning activities, and college preparation and application support, including college visits and parent workshops. Raise money to purchase mosquito netting that protects families from malaria in the Central African Republic through the “Nothing but Nets” project at Central Michigan University. University of San Diego students worked with youth from underrepresented minority groups to teach them that higher education was a viable option for them, as well as prepare them for the experience, through tutoring, mentoring and service projects. Assist several local small businesses with business plans, marketing plans, and website development at Kennebec Valley College in Maine. And participate in many more community-directed needs and programs across the nation. Case Statement Draft v7 Case A - Student Outcomes 3/4/2011 at 8 am Page 3 We are committed to helping produce more thoughtful, educated, and committed leaders who will become future caretakers of our democracy, builders of thriving communities, and enthusiastic problem-solvers. Next Steps… We have made remarkable progress over the past 25 years, but we need to do more. Each year, 33% of students at our member institutions actively engage and serve in their communities. Campus Compact’s objective is to continually increase this percentage by improving the quantity and quality of pathways along which students can acquire the skills to serve their communities. We need your help… You can support Campus Compact’s efforts in many ways: Through individual donations Through corporate gifts Through in-kind donations Through foundation support By hiring recent college graduates with service and service-learning experience, By encouraging your own alma mater to be a member of Campus Compact, and By helping to develop and strengthen collaborative partnerships between community organizations, campuses, businesses, and foundations. For more information please contact… Amy Smitter, Director of Institutional Development Campus Compact, 45 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111 T: 517-231-7081 E: Web: