T14 Office Block Expression of Interest

Tender for the Design, Fabrication, Construction and finishing of T14 multi-storey Office
Block at Tigne’ Point, Tigne’, Sliema. Closing Date: Noon on 29th February 2012
Tigne’ Contracting Ltd, a subsidiary of Midi plc have issued an expression of interest, in
conjunction with their project for a proposed office block, to interested Consortia for the
Design, Fabrication, Construction and Finishing of T14 multi-storey Office Block at
Tigne’ Point, Tigne’, Sliema. Interested consortia are to submit their Expression of
Interest for the provision, under a single contract, for the following works
1. Design development including full and details architectural design
2. Structural/Civil Design and detailing
3. Design of M&E Services installations and details
4. Interior Design for public areas
5. Construction of Structural and Civil Works (Concrete/Steel)
6. External glazed Curtain Wall/Cladding to façade
7. Electrical, Mechanical, ELV, Fire and HVAC services installation throughout
8. Façade Architectural Lighting
9. Finishing of al public areas at all floors
10. Finishing of al office areas at all floors
11. Finishing of all service utility cores at each office floor
12. Hard/Soft Landscaping works
13. Manufacture and procurement of vertical transport system (Escalators/Lifts)
The project covers the construction of an eight-storey building over an already
constructed substructure. The project covers a total floor area of 16,000 square meters.
Interested consortia are to submit to this office the following details:1. Capability Statement of the respective members making up the consortium
2. Relationship between the respective members making up the consortium
3. Examples of past performance on large scale projects
Information to be submitted in sealed envelops marked:
“Expression of Interest Submission”
Tender for the Design, Fabrication, Construction and Finishing of T14 multistorey Office Block
At Tigne’ Pont, Tigne, Sliema
Addressed to:
Mr. Benjamin Muscat
Chief Executive Officer MIDI plc
North Shore
Manoel Island
Gzira, GZR 3016
or via email to: T14offices@midimalta.com