Graduate Trainee PLACEMENT PLANNING Integrated Youth Support Services Workforce Development Programme Section A - PLACEMENT PLANNING A1. Introduction As per the requirements of the Bid, any graduate trainee placement on the Integrated Youth Support Services Workforce Development Programme needs to be within an IYSS setting to ensure a diverse and holistic experience of the wider workforce. The Integrated Youth Support Services comprises of the following: • Youth Workers (voluntary and statutory); • Connexions PAs; • School and college-based Learning Mentors; • Educational Welfare Officers and Attendance Workers; • Youth Offending Teams; • Various youth support workers and a wide range of other job roles in relation to substance misuse work and drugs rehabilitation, housing, health (including mental health) and emotional well-being; • Leaving Care workers; • Outdoor sports leaders; This is not an exhaustive list. In order to ensure that service areas get the most from each placement this form has been designed to support the planning and review processes. This should be completed by the potential Placement Co-ordinator returned to Jessica Wallis – Alternatively you can print it out and send it to Jessica Wallis, Young Persons Resourcing Team, North Yorkshire County Council, County Hall, Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 8AD. A2 - Important information: Graduates are free of charge to the placement host They will be given a bursary of £10,000 per year paid in monthly instalments to support their learning – this will pay for their basic living allowances. This amount comes from a central budget. The bursary of £10,000 will cover their travel from their home to university and from their home to their work placement base. Any travel in addition to this whilst undertaking aspects of their work placement will be paid for by the placement host. Graduate Placements These graduates will: hold a degree of a UK Higher Education Institution or recognised overseas equivalent have one years experience working with young people in a relevant setting. have a positive attitude to young people will be committed to equality of opportunity be willing to work in partnership to deliver improved services for young people be undertaking a postgraduate diploma which supports the Professional Youth Work Status with JNC qualification Over the two years, graduates can expect to: receive ongoing mentoring and support to maximise your learning and development become a confident and knowledgeable reflective practitioner have access to continued professional development opportunities across the Integrated Youth Support Services partners. The Placement Host will be expected to: manage the work of the graduates, ensuring they receive effective induction, mentoring, support and supervision allow the graduates time to attend formal CPD activities as laid out as part of the requirements of the funding 1 A3. Details of placement Name of placement host: Authority: Department: Location: Line manager whilst on placement: Placement title: Type of placement (Front-Line, Strategic, Support or other): Start and end date of placement: A4. Summary Please provide a brief summary of the placement detail and purpose 2 A5. Key objectives of the placement Please describe the key objectives of the placement including its relevance to departmental or corporate goals (where applicable) 3 A6. Targets and milestones Please describe the targets and associated milestones to be reached to represent progress in the placement A8. Capabilities NMT is expected to develop Please describe what capabilities the candidate is required/expected to develop during this placement 4 A9. Training and development required Please describe what training and development the candidate will require for this placement 5