One Church - Campus Constants The following apply to all Christ Journey Campuses. Purpose Statement To help people find & follow Christ. Strategic Statement To help people find and follow Christ by cultivating relevant environments toward Christcentered living. Vision Statement: Win as many as possible as soon as possible by the most effective means possible. Values: The Gospel, Life Change, Community, Relevance, Serving, Mission, Family Operating Principles (Matt. 18) Dynamic Team Training New Vocabulary - Broadcast Campus (CG), Local Campus, Church Online, Worship Experience, Host Stations, Connection Tables, Campus-wide, Campus-specific. Executive Business All campuses will: be self-sustaining after year two and will be operating by 80/10/10 within three years; operating 80%, central services 10%, new campus expansion, 5%, missions 5%. utilize local Deacons for weekend worship responsiblilities, senior adult care, hospital visitation, events, nominations and disaster relief. nominate centrally for central committee seats. Nominating Committee will contact Campus Pastors for submission of committee nominees. will require Deacons to participate in central meeting each month. Communications All campuses will: have a Communications point person to work with Christ Journey Central Communications. use CC request process and collaborate on events and promotions through GroupHub. abide by brand standards, language protocol and communication strategies. utilize central handouts, print, web, social networks, templates and local campus-specific templates. have access to online training. utilize the same environment names and environment branding/thematic pieces. Operations All campuses will: have one centralized process or system for administrative services, including banking, staffing, payroll, benefits, capital expenditures, lease agreements, offering counting, etc. utilize a central database, system for check-in and standard technology provide attendance numbers for vital signs and church metrics (including membership reporting). Membership statuses will be changed centrally by the Church Clerk. adhere to the same volunteer enlistment protocol and central screening process. Costs for background checks will be the responsibility of each campus. utilize central Serve@ChristJourney handouts and training content but with local responsibility for handout input, training delivery, ongoing recruitment, and ministry placement Worship Arts Worship Planning: All weekend worship experiences will be planned centrally with Campus Worship Director input. Worship order at each campus should be predictably unpredictable, in alignment to brand standards. Weekend worship experiences will be programmed to a length of 65 minutes. The actual experience will not exceed 70 minutes. This is a “Zero” fail policy. An offering will be collected during weekend experiences at each campus. Creative Elements: Creative elements such as the message, bumper, music charts, Month@Christ Journey, dramas and Christ Journey Church-wide announcements will be produced centrally and used across all campuses. Each Campus Pastor will have 3 minutes (180) for welcome and greeting. Welcome elements will include the connect card, guest packet, message notes and the You Version app. Pastors can use the remaining time at their discretion. Campus Pastors will have 2 minutes (120) for wrap up and any local campus announcements. Elements shall be held as constant as possible across all campuses. It will be determined whether they are done live or via video playback per the Worship Director of each individual campus. Campus Worship Directors may adjust music selection according to the make-up of the artists or campus congregation for the greatest success of local campus participation. Production: Each Campus Production Associate will be responsible for audio, visual and lighting needs. This includes programming, any physical set-up and operation to be aligned with central as much as possible. Each campus will be responsible for stage design to be congruent with central design. The Campus Production Associates have discretion in audio, visual and lighting design according to the environment. Scheduling of Artists and Volunteers: Each Campus Worship Director and Production Associate will be responsible for scheduling weekend volunteers for their campus in coordination with central worship staff. All credentialed artists and volunteers will be kept in a central Planning Center Online pool for scheduling. Teaching Pastors The central teaching team will set the teaching schedule and serve as the regular teaching communicators. Language Translation/Radio Distribution: No language translation will be provided at other campuses unless requested by the Campus Pastor. Sermon Duplication: No sermon duplication will be provided at other campuses until requested by the Campus Pastor. Guest Services: Refreshment Services: Each campus will be responsible to determine and secure refreshments that are appropriate for their environment. Membership/Attendance: Baptisms and Start Up classes will be managed by each Campus Pastor, Ministry Assistant, and Adult Life Staff or Volunteers. Campus Pastor Ministry Assistants in coordination with the Campus Pastor will provide attendance numbers for Vital Signs and Church Metrics including baptisms, salvations, children’s and student attendance. The Christ Journey Executive Director of Business Administration will enter giving for each campus in Church Metrics weekly. All Church Metric numbers will be entered by Monday, 12:00 noon. Membership statuses will be reported to and changed centrally by the Church Clerk. Frontline: Christ Journey-branded letters and surveys to first time guests will be the responsibility of the Campus Pastor. Connect Cards: Each Campus Pastor and Ministry Assistant will be responsible for follow up to decisions noted on connect cards. (Salvation, recommitment, membership, baptism, groups, prayer and serve). Family Ministry All campuses will: utilize the same environment names and environment branding/thematic pieces. express our Christ Journey Family Value by putting the Orange Philosophy and Elements into action. utilize the same curriculum for Preschool and Elementary with resources being packaged centrally and distributed to local sites. maintain the same missions emphasis with site specific projects. adhere to the same children’s check-in, security protocols and volunteer credentialing. Family Ministry will oversee the kiosk check-in for Preschool, Elementary and Middle School across campuses. utilize central content of New Christian process for Elementary and Preschool with local site delivery of both. track group and Family Room attendances and report to central weekly. manage campus-wide Family Ministry events centrally and promote locally. manage and promote campus-specific Family Ministry events locally. Student All campuses will: utilize the same environment names & environment branding/thematic pieces. express our Christ Journey Family Value by putting into action our Orange Philosophy and Elements. facilitate students serving on weekends. share the same scope and sequence for Core Essentials of teaching in environments and groups. track group and Family Room attendances and report to central weekly. The Campus Worship Arts Director and Campus Production Associate will be responsible for weekly production and programming of Roots/Tribe. determine the best time to meet weekly for Family Room environments and groups through the Campus Pastor. adhere to the same children’s/teens check-in and security protocols. Family Ministry will oversee the kiosk check-in for Preschool, Elementary and Middle School across campuses. manage campus-wide student events centrally and promote locally. manage and promote campus-specific student events locally. Adult Life All campuses will: utilize the same environment names & environment branding/thematic pieces. track group and Family Room attendances and report to central quarterly. maintain the central Groups strategy. manage curriculum purchases locally. facilitate initial and On-Going Training (OGT) locally. Adult/Care/Deacon Family Rooms Will: be hosted centrally and promoted/registered locally with participation by all campuses, i.e. MarriedYou LIVE, Breathe, Basecamp, Circle of Friends, Thanksgiving Day Breakfast, Senior Banquet and All-Church Picnic. Care All counseling and referrals will be handled centrally. Campus Pastors will work with Care Ministry to schedule Care Intensives. Life Plus AD, Financial Intensives and Married Intensives will be scheduled through Care Ministry and Campus Pastors. Intensives scheduled for weeknights (Wednesday) at the Gables Campus can be attended by individuals from other campuses. Care Ministry will train WRT, Life Plus Coaches and Marriage Mentors centrally who will then be deployed locally. Missions Will be directed centrally. All campuses will: adhere to the centrally established missions guidelines and protocols. require online training for all Global Mission participants. be able to participate in centrally directed local and global missions projects. Manage, in coordination with central Missions Staff, one local project during City Serve with sole participation of local site. refer all benevolence requests to Gables Campus and extend benevolence eligibility to any Christ Journey member regardless of site attendance. send all Global Team Leaders will be trained centrally at our Gables Campus. participate in Give Global and Give Local giving initiatives. implement Feed Miami/Food Pantry as managed centrally and promoted locally. request any new projects or potential partnerships through Central Missions.