MATH 4412: Modern Algebra I Section: 8371 Fall 2010 12:30pm – 1:45pm, Monday and Wednesday in CWH 202 Instructor: Dr. Dongwen Qi Office: Crawford Wheatley Hall (CWH), Room 208 Office Phone: 229-931-7351 E-mail: Office Hours (August 17, 2010-December 2, 2010) : Monday, Wednesday: 1:50pm-3:20pm, Tuesday 9:00am-10:00am, and by appointment. The office hours for the final(s) week are all by appointment. Required Text: Joseph A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra. Sixth edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 2005. Web Resources: Web resources for the text, which include Java applets and true/false questions are available on the authors web site: or at the publisher’s site: Course Description: This course gives students an understanding of standard algebraic structures: groups, rings, ideals and fields, and their relationship to models from number theory and geometry. Objective: To give students a working knowledge of the basic elements of modern abstract algebra. Modern Algebra I focuses on group theory, and includes a review of elementary number theory, and then introduces finite groups and subgroups, cyclic groups, permutation groups, isomorphisms, cosets and Lagrange’s Theorem, external direct products, normal subgroups and factor groups, group homomorphisms, and the fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups. Modern Algebra II deals with other algebraic structures, including rings, ideals, integral domains, fields, and more advanced topics in group theory (Sylow Theorems, Finite Simple Groups), and an introduction to Galois theory. General Information: To be successful in MATH 4412, you should have a strong background in Discrete Mathematics 2. You must also attend class regularly, devote sufficient time to study, reading the textbook, working carefully on the homework and tests, and seeking help as the need arises. Grading/Attendance: Students should attend all the classes. You are responsible for all materials discussed in class even if you miss the class. There will be several homework assignments, with a total of 60 points. Late homework will not be accepted. There will be two take-home midterm tests (with each worth 40 points) and a comprehensive take-home final exam (worth 60 points). There will be no make up tests. A:90%-100%, B:80%-89%, C:70%-79%, D:60%-69%, F: below 59% 1 I allow 3 absences. After the third absence, I deduct 3% of your final course grade points for each additional absence. There is NO extra credit work. Academic Misconduct: Any violation of the GSW Policy on Academic Integrity will be treated very seriously. Any form of unauthorized assistance (such as notes, copying from another, etc) on graded work will result in a grade of zero and a report to the Academic Dean. A second offense will result a grade of F for the class and referral to the judicial system. You may find details of this policy in the GSW Bulletin online: Disabilities: A student requesting classroom accommodations or modifications due to a documented disability must notify me within the first two weeks of the semester. If the student has not already done so, he or she must contact the Office of Student Support Services located in room 304 of Sanford Hall. The phone number is 229-931-2294. The student's GSW e-mail account (Radar) is the official method of communication between them and the university, and that it is crucial that all the students check their accounts frequently. Policy on cell phones: Your cell phones should be OFF (or at least SILENT) during class. You are not to use it (for any purpose) during class. If your cell phone rings (or makes any sound) even once or if I see you using it (this includes ANY use of the device), you will be required to leave the class for the day. If this happens during an exam, I will take your exam and you will leave the class for the day. You will not be given a make-up exam. I will grade what you have completed. In fact, during exams, you may not LOOK at your cell phone. Last Day to Withdraw From Class Without Penalty: October 18, 2010 Please feel free to ask questions in class and to come by my office when you need extra help. My office hours are for you. Make use of them. If you want to see me at other times, let me know. NOTE: For privacy and security reasons, I cannot discuss grades over the phone or through email. Please bring questions about grades to me in person. At the end of the semester, I will submit your grades electronically, and they will be available through R.A.I.N. A tentative schedule of lectures and exams is attached. We will try to adhere to the schedule, but please remember that we are here to learn, not to rush. 2 Tentative Lecture and Test Schedule Note: For the Fall Semester 2010, the University will operate a Monday class schedule on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd. This is done to equalize the class minutes between MW and TTH classes. Week 1 8/18, Ch.0, Preliminaries Week 2 8/23, Ch.0 8/25, Ch.1, Introduction to Groups Week 3 8/30, Ch.1, Ch.2, Groups 9/1, Ch.2 Week 4 9/6, Class Will Not Meet 9/8, Ch.3, Finite Groups; Subgroups Week 5 9/13, Ch.3 9/15, Ch.4, Cyclic Groups Week 6 9/20, Ch.4 9/22, Ch.5, Permutation Groups Week 7 9/27, Ch. 5, Test 1 (Ch.0-5) distributed 9/29, Ch. 5 Week 8 10/4, Test 1 due, Ch.6, Isomorphisms 10/6, Ch.6 Week 9 10/11, Ch.6, Ch.7, Cosets and Lagrange’s Theorem 10/13, Ch.7 Week 10 10/18 Ch.7, Ch.8, Extended Direct Products 10/20 Ch.8 Week 11 10/25, Ch.8, Test 2 (Ch.5-8) distributed 10/27, Ch.8, Ch.9, Normal Subgroups and Factor Groups Week 12 11/1, Ch.9, Test 2 due 11/3, Ch.9 Week 13 11/8, Ch.9, Ch.10, Group Homomorphisms 11/10, Ch.10 Week 14 11/15, Ch.10 11/17, Ch.11, Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups 3 Week 15 11/22, Ch.11 11/23, Ch.11 (Monday Class Schedule) Week 16 11/29, Review, Take-home final distributed 12/1, Review, Discussion of what is in Modern Algebra II Final Exam: The take-home final exam is due in my office Monday, December 6, 2010, 2:30pm-3:00pm. 4