Chapter 4

Chapter 4
1. (a) The magnitude of r is
| r | (5.0 m) 2  (  3.0 m) 2  (2.0 m) 2  6.2 m.
(b) A sketch is shown. The coordinate values are in
6. To emphasize the fact that the velocity is a function of time, we adopt the notation v(t)
for dx / dt.
(a) Equation 4-10 leads to
v(t ) 
ˆ  (3.00 m/s)iˆ  (8.00t m/s) ˆj
(3.00tˆi  4.00t 2 ˆj + 2.00k)
ˆ m/s.
(b) Evaluating this result at t = 2.00 s produces v = (3.00iˆ  16.0j)
(c) The speed at t = 2.00 s is v  |v | (3.00 m/s) 2  ( 16.0 m/s) 2  16.3 m/s.
(d) The angle of v at that moment is
 16.0 m/s 
tan 1 
  79.4 or 101
 3.00 m/s 
where we choose the first possibility (79.4° measured clockwise from the +x direction, or
281° counterclockwise from +x) since the signs of the components imply the vector is in
the fourth quadrant.
7. Using Eq. 4-3 and Eq. 4-8, we have
vavg 
ˆ m  (5.0iˆ  6.0jˆ + 2.0k)
ˆ m
(  2.0iˆ + 8.0jˆ  2.0k)
ˆ m/s.
 (0.70iˆ +1.40jˆ  0.40k)
10 s
8. Our coordinate system has i pointed east and j pointed north. The first displacement
is r  (483 km)iˆ and the second is r  (966 km)ˆj.
(a) The net displacement is
rAC  rAB  rBC  (483 km)iˆ  (966 km)jˆ
which yields | rAC |  (483 km) 2  (  966 km) 2  1.08 103 km.
(b) The angle is given by
 966 km 
  tan 1 
  63.4.
 483 km 
We observe that the angle can be alternatively expressed as 63.4° south of east, or 26.6°
east of south.
(c) Dividing the magnitude of rAC by the total time (2.25 h) gives
vavg 
(483 km)iˆ  (966 km)jˆ
 (215 km/h)iˆ  (429 km/h)ˆj
2.25 h
with a magnitude | vavg |  (215 km/h) 2  (429 km/h) 2  480 km/h.
(d) The direction of vavg is 26.6° east of south, same as in part (b). In magnitude-angle
notation, we would have vavg  (480 km/h   63.4 ).
(e) Assuming the AB trip was a straight one, and similarly for the BC trip, then | rAB | is the
distance traveled during the AB trip, and | rBC | is the distance traveled during the BC trip.
Since the average speed is the total distance divided by the total time, it equals
483 km  966 km
 644 km/h.
2.25 h
15. Since the acceleration, a  ax ˆi  a y ˆj  ( 1.0 m/s 2 )iˆ  ( 0.50 m/s 2 )ˆj , is constant in
both x and y directions, we may use Table 2-1 for the motion along each direction. This
can be handled individually (for x and y) or together with the unit-vector notation (for
 r ).
The particle started at the origin, so the coordinates of the particle at any time t are given
 
 
by r  v 0 t  21 at 2 . The velocity of the particle at any time t is given by v  v0  at ,
where v0 is the initial velocity and a is the (constant) acceleration. Along the x-direction,
we have
x(t )  v0 xt  axt 2 , vx (t )  v0 x  axt
Similarly, along the y-direction, we get
y (t )  v0 y t  a y t 2 , v y (t )  v0 y  a y t
(a) Given that v0 x  3.0 m/s, v0 y  0, ax  1.0 m/s2 , ay  0.5 m/s 2 , the components
of the velocity are
vx (t )  v0 x  axt  (3.0 m/s)  (1.0 m/s 2 )t
v y (t )  v0 y  a y t  (0.50 m/s 2 )t
When the particle reaches its maximum x coordinate at t = tm, we must have vx = 0.
Therefore, 3.0 – 1.0tm = 0 or tm = 3.0 s. The y component of the velocity at this time is
vy (t  3.0 s)  (0.50 m/s2 )(3.0)  1.5 m/s
Thus, vm  ( 1.5 m/s)jˆ .
(b) At t = 3.0 s , the components of the position are
x(t  3.0 s)  v0 xt  axt 2  (3.0 m/s)(3.0 s)  (  1.0 m/s 2 )(3.0 s) 2  4.5 m
1 2
y (t  3.0 s)  v0 y t  a y t  0  ( 0.5 m/s )(3.0 s) 2   2.25 m
Using unit-vector notation, the results can be written as rm  (4.50 m) ˆi  (2.25 m) ˆj.
19. We make use of Eq. 4-16 and Eq. 4-10.
Using a  3t ˆi  4tˆj , we have (in m/s)
v (t )  v0   a dt  (5.00iˆ  2.00ˆj)   (3 t iˆ  4tˆj) dt   5.00  3t 2 / 2  iˆ   2.00  2t 2  ˆj
Integrating using Eq. 4-10 then yields (in meters)
ˆ dt
r (t )  r0   vdt  (20.0iˆ  40.0ˆj)   [(5.00  3t 2 / 2)iˆ  (2.00  2t 2 )j]
 (20.0iˆ  40.0ˆj)  (5.00t  t 3 / 2)iˆ  (2.00t  2t 3 /3)jˆ
 (20.0  5.00t  t 3 / 2)iˆ  (40.0  2.00t  2t 3 /3)jˆ
(a) At t  4.00 s , we have r (t  4.00 s)  (72.0 m)iˆ  (90.7 m)ˆj.
(b) v (t  4.00 s)  (29.0 m/s)iˆ  (34.0 m/s)ˆj . Thus, the angle between the direction of
travel and +x, measured counterclockwise, is   tan 1[(34.0 m/s) /(29.0 m/s)]  49.5 .
22. We adopt the positive direction choices used in the textbook so that equations such as
Eq. 4-22 are directly applicable.
(a) With the origin at the initial point (edge of table), the y coordinate of the ball is given
by y   21 gt 2 . If t is the time of flight and y = –1.20 m indicates the level at which the
ball hits the floor, then
2  1.20 m 
 0.495s.
9.80 m/s 2
(b) The initial (horizontal) velocity of the ball is v  v0 i . Since x = 1.52 m is the
horizontal position of its impact point with the floor, we have x = v0t. Thus,
v0 
x 1.52 m
 3.07 m/s.
t 0.495 s
26. We adopt the positive direction choices used in the textbook so that equations such as
Eq. 4-22 are directly applicable. The coordinate origin is the throwing point (the stone’s
initial position). The x component of its initial velocity is given by v0 x  v0 cos 0 and the
y component is given by v 0 y  v 0 sin  0 , where v0 = 20 m/s is the initial speed and 0 =
40.0° is the launch angle.
(a) At t = 1.10 s, its x coordinate is
gb g
x  v0t cos  0  20.0 m / s 110
. s cos 40.0  16.9 m
(b) Its y coordinate at that instant is
y  v0t sin  0 
1 2
gt   20.0m/s 1.10s  sin 40.0   9.80m/s 2  1.10s   8.21m.
gb g
. s cos 40.0  27.6 m.
(c) At t' = 1.80 s, its x coordinate is x  20.0 m / s 180
(d) Its y coordinate at t' is
y   20.0m/s 1.80s  sin 40.0 
9.80m/s 2  1.80s 2   7.26m.
(e) The stone hits the ground earlier than t = 5.0 s. To find the time when it hits the
ground solve y  v0t sin  0  21 gt 2  0 for t. We find
2 20.0 m / s
sin  0 
sin 40  2.62 s.
9.8 m / s2
Its x coordinate on landing is
x  v0t cos 0   20.0 m/s  2.62 s  cos 40  40.2 m.
(f) Assuming it stays where it lands, its vertical component at t = 5.00 s is y = 0.
33. We adopt the positive direction choices used in the textbook so that equations such as
Eq. 4-22 are directly applicable. The coordinate origin is at ground level directly below
the release point. We write 0 = –37.0° for the angle measured from +x, since the angle
0  53.0  given in the problem is measured from the –y direction. The initial setup of
the problem is shown in the figure below.
(a) The initial speed of the projectile is the plane’s speed at the moment of release. Given
that y0  730 m and y  0 at t  5.00 s , we use Eq. 4-22 to find v0:
y  y0  (v0 sin  0 ) t 
1 2
gt  0  730 m  v0 sin( 37.0)(5.00 s)  (9.80 m/s 2 )(5.00 s) 2
which yields v0 = 202 m/s.
(b) The horizontal distance traveled is
R  vxt  (v0 cos 0 )t  [(202 m/s) cos( 37.0 )](5.00 s)  806 m
(c) The x component of the velocity (just before impact) is
vx  v0 cos 0  (202 m/s) cos(37.0 )  161 m/s .
(d) The y component of the velocity (just before impact) is
vy  v0 sin 0  gt  (202 m/s)sin(37.0 )  (9.80 m/s 2 )(5.00 s)  171 m/s .
Note that in this projectile problem we analyzed the kinematics in the vertical and
horizontal directions separately since they do not affect each other. The x-component of
the velocity, vx  v0 cos 0 , remains unchanged throughout since there’s no horizontal
56. We apply Eq. 4-35 to solve for speed v and Eq. 4-34 to find acceleration a.
(a) Since the radius of Earth is 6.37  106 m, the radius of the satellite orbit is
r = (6.37  106 + 640  103 ) m = 7.01  106 m.
Therefore, the speed of the satellite is
2 7.01  106 m
 7.49  103 m / s.
98.0 min 60 s / min
(b) The magnitude of the acceleration is
h 8.00 m / s .
7.49  103 m / s
7.01  106 m
62. The magnitude of the acceleration is
g 4.0 m / s .
10 m / s
25 m
70. We use Eq. 4-44, noting that the upstream corresponds to the +iˆ direction.
(a) The subscript b is for the boat, w is for the water, and g is for the ground.
vbg  vbw  vwg  (14 km/h) ˆi  (9 km/h) ˆi  (5 km/h) i.
Thus, the magnitude is | vbg | 5 km/h.
(b) The direction of vbg is +x, or upstream.
(c) We use the subscript c for the child, and obtain
vc g  vc b  vb g  ( 6 km / h) i  (5 km / h) i  ( 1 km / h) i .
The magnitude is | vcg | 1 km/h.
(d) The direction of vcg is x, or downstream.