Problem Set 6 Solutions: 1. Phillips curve Explain both in words and in equations the bizarre pattern of observations shown in Figure 13-3 (a very short answer to each is optimal). The strange pattern is driven by the distinction between actual inflation and expected inflation, and the ability of policymakers to move along the Phillips curve in the short run only. The Phillips curve represents a negative relationship between inflation and unemployment. t t 1 (ut u n ) t However, this relationship only holds in the short run while consumers’ expectations of inflation are stable. As policymakers target higher or lower inflation that would increase or decrease unemployment, consumers’ expectations soon adapt to the policy changes. t is not only determined by (ut un ) , but also by t 1 Et 1 t . As Et 1 t rises, it will cause the Phillips curve to shift up, so that for any given level of (ut un ) , inflation will be higher. When Et 1 t falls (after consumers adapt their expectations to the tighter monetary policy), inflation will be lower for any given level of (ut un ) , leading to the spiraling pattern. In the long run, there is no tradeoff between unemployment and inflation, as the classical model holds. 2. Fisher Equation Irving Fisher is thought to have proposed the “narrow Fisher theory.” This holds that the nominal interest rate equals a constant plus the rate of inflation. In the dynamic AD-AS model of Chapter 14, does this hold in: a. the short run? No. The “narrow Fisher theory” is closely analogous to the Monetary Policy Rule equation in the Dynamic AS-AD model: Narrow Fisher it t Monetary Policy it t ( t t* ) Y (Yt Yt ) In the dynamic model, there can be short run changes in t or Yt as a result of shocks, or there may be changes in t* as a result of monetary policy or Yt as a result of growth. Any of these changes would lead the dynamic model to differ from the Narrow Fisher model in the short run. b. the long run? Yes. Unlike the short run, in the dynamic model in the long run you have that: ( t t* ) Y (Yt Yt ) 0 So you are left with it t , which holds with the Narrow Fisher theory. 3. Economic Growth Consider a closed full-employment classical economy with an aggregate production function: Yt At K t.25 L.75 t Assume that labor grows at rate n and that capital does not depreciate. National income is all paid out to households, which are taxed at rate τ. Households consume 80 percent of disposable income. All of taxes are spent on consumption. a. Assume initially that there are no taxes. Derive the per capita production function, y = f(k), where k = K/L. We can rewrite this in the form of production per worker: Yt At K t.25 L.t75 Lt Lt yt At k t.25 b. Again, with no taxes, assume that technology is constant. Calculate the longrun value of k, y, and per capita consumption (c). In the long run, the economy will be in the steady state, which means that capital per worker will not be changing: k Saving ( n)k k (1 )(0.2) Ak .25 ( n)k Where the 0.2 represents the fraction of disposable income going to savings. Since there are no taxes and no depreciation, we can say: k (0.2) Ak .25 (n)k 0 (0.2) Ak .25 (n)k (0.2) A k .75 n So the long run value of k is: 1 4 (0.2) A .75 A 3 k* 0.11696 n n We can now find the long run value of y: y t Ak t.25 .25 (0.2) A .75 y* A n 4 1 4 3 A3 0.2 3 y* A 0.5848 1 n n3 And the long run value of c, consumption per worker: ct (0.8) yt 1 4 3 4 A3 0.2 3 c* (0.8) A 0.4678 1 n n3 c. Now assume that the tax rate goes to 20 percent of GDP. Derive the new longrun equilibrium for k, y, and c. Explain intuitively why things have changed between (b) and (c). Recall: k (1 )(0.2) Ak .25 ( n)k So, now we include taxes at 20%, which decreases disposable income available for savings: k (0.8)(0.2) Ak .25 (n)k 0 (0.16) Ak .25 (n)k (0.16) A k .75 n So the new long run value of k is: 1 4 (0.16) A .75 A 3 k* 0.08686 n n We can now find the new long run value of y: y t Ak t.25 .25 (0.16) A .75 y* A n 4 3 1 3 4 3 A 0.16 y* A 0.5429 1 n n3 And the long run value of c, consumption per worker: ct (1 )(0.8) yt 4 3 1 0.16 .3 c* (0.64) A n But if we treat all taxes as going to consumption, then we have: 4 3 1 0.16 .3 c* (0.64) A ( ) y * n 4 3 1 1 4 0.16 .3 0.16 .3 3 c* (0.64) A ( 0 . 2 ) A n n 4 3 1 4 A3 0.16 .3 c* (0.84) A 0.45602 1 n n3 The tax lowers disposable income, so there is less income for saving, which causes k* to decline. The lower steady state level of capital per worker leads to a lower y*. Even if the taxes are used directly for consumption, consumption per worker in the long run, c*, still falls in this case, due to the lower level of y*. 4. Dynamic AS-AD a. Derive the long-run equilibrium for the dynamic AD–AS model. Assume there are no shocks to demand or supply (εt = υt = 0) and inflation has stabilized (πt = πt-1), and then use the five equations to derive the value of each variable in the model. Be sure to show each step you follow. In order to derive the long run values of the endogenous variables in the dynamic AD-AS model, we must look at the five equations. We assume, by nature of being in the long run, that there are no shocks (εt = υt = 0) and inflation has stabilized (πt = πt-1). We know from one of the equations that the expected inflation for the current period is equal to the inflation in the prior period: Et 1 t t 1 So we can replace the expectation of inflation in the Phillips curve with the prior period’s inflation: t Et 1 t (Yt Yt ) t t t 1 (Yt Yt ) t And because inflation is stabile: t t (Yt Yt ) t And we know that t = 0, so: t t (Yt Yt ) And since > 0 we can infer that (Yt Yt ) = 0, so Yt Yt . We can now move to the demand for goods and services: Yt Yt (rt ) t Since Yt Yt and t = 0, we know that the real interest rate equals the natural interest rate: rt . Now, turning to the Fisher equation, we can show that the nominal interest rate is equal to the natural interest rate plus the current inflation rate. Since inflation is stabilized, we know that Et 1 t t 1 Et t 1 t and we just demonstrated that rt , so: rt it Et t 1 rt it t it rt t it t And, plugging these into the monetary policy equation, it must be true that current inflation equals the target inflation rate: it t ( t t* ) Y (Yt Yt ) it it ( t t* ) Y (0) 0 ( t t* ) t t* So we have: Yt Yt t t* rt it t* Et t 1 t* b. Assume that the central bank lowers its inflation target from π* to π** < π*. What will the new long-run values of each of the five key variables. The long run equilibrium we derived above shows that the central bank’s target rate t* only influences the nominal variables in the equations, including inflation t , expected inflation Et t 1 , and the nominal interest rate it . So long run inflation becomes t t** . From here we can solve the remaining equations. Yt Yt t t** rt it t** Et t 1 t** So inflation will go down, expected inflation will go down, and the nominal interest rate will go down, each by the number of percentage points that the target inflation rate goes down. c. Describe the transition path for output, nominal interest rates, and real interest rates that will be required to move from (a) to (b). It’s helpful to conceptualize the answer to this question by thinking in terms of time periods. Period 1: Initially output falls, nominal interest rates rise, and real interest rates rise. To see the change in the nominal and real interest rates, look at the Monetary Policy equation and the Fisher equation: it t ( t t* ) Y (Yt Yt ) rt it Et t 1 The lower ** t will lead to a higher nominal interest rate it . With the higher it , we can look to the Fisher equation to see that rt will also initially rise, since expected inflation has not yet changed. To see the movement of output, we should look at the Dynamic Aggregate Demand and Dynamic Aggregate Supply Curves. 1 * (DAD) Yt Yt ( t t ) t 1 Y 1 Y (DAS) t t 1 (Yt Yt ) t The change in t* to t** affects the DAD curve, and not the DAS curve. Assuming that our exogenous terms α, θπ, and θY don’t change, and that there are no shocks in the transition (εt = υt = 0), we can see that the DAD curve shifts down (to the left) because the target inflation rate is now lower, and so we will now be below the natural level of output. As output falls and the DAD curve shifts down, we move along the DAS curve. With lower output, we see that inflation must fall as well ( t t 1 ) . Period 2 and onward: After these initial changes in Period 1, we see that in Period 2 the DAS curve shifts down because expected inflation fell. Et t 1 ↓. This allows us to move along the new DAD curve, gradually increasing output Yt . Expected inflation continues to fall and output continues to climb until a new equilibrium is reached where Yt Yt at the new target inflation t** . After Period 1, the nominal interest rate and real interest rate gradually decline. The change in the nominal interest rate can be seen in the Monetary Policy Rule equation, as inflation falls, the difference between target inflation and actual inflation falls, and the difference between actual output and the natural level of output falls with each iteration, until t t** 0 and Yt Y 0 : it t ( t t* ) Y (Yt Yt ) The change in the real exchange rate is a bit more complicated. It also trends downward gradually, but at a slower rate than the nominal interest rate. This is because rt it Et t 1 and Et t 1 t , meaning that the real interest rate only declines by: Δ[ ( t t* ) Y (Yt Yt ) ] while the nominal interest rate declines by: Δ[ t ( t t* ) Y (Yt Yt ) ] For pictures diagramming the changes, see pages 430 and 431 in the textbook.