Advising Group (preliminary notes from the meeting)

FIPSE-CTDLC Project: Supporting Online Learners
E-Portfolio Meeting
March 12th, 2003
CTDLC Fleet Conference Room
Michael Kriscenski, CCC (advising)
Duncan Harris, MCC (advising)
Tom Donahue, NWCC (counselor)
Cathy Manly, MCC (project dir.)
Lisa Peck, TPU (advising)
Paul Rosenberg, TPU (project dir)
Kelli Pittman, Tunxis (advising)
Maryanne LeGrow, COSC (outcomes)
Sandra Valente, NVCC (project dir)
Diane Goldsmith, CTDLC
Evelyn Farbman (outcomes)
Marcia Jehnings, MCC (outcomes)
Ed Donato, SHU (project director)
Andre Blasczczynski TXCC
Patricia Farquharson TPU
John Wick, NVCC (advising)
Steve Goetchius, TRCC, (projectdirector)
Gayle Van Dikj (TPU)
Cindy Gallatin, QU (project director)
DUE DATE: By April 30, reports on the work of the committee are due to Diane
NEXT MEETING: May 7 at 1 PM, at Charter Oak for next e-portfolio meeting
 Diane will ask CTDLC tech folks to come to this meeting;
 We will be talking about the committee reports, so make sure you are talking
with the right folks at your institutions about how we envision these parts of
the portfolio, and bring that feedback to the meeting.
 Again, remember implementation is key here so the more you are talking with
people who will be using the portfolios at your institution, the easier
implementation should be across the institution
TASK FOR EACH PARTICIPANT: Each institution should try to identify a
career services person who is interested in this project and invite them to this next
BUDGET: Discussion of impact budget cuts may have on institutions – no one was
really sure about impact at this date.
FIPSE funding looks secure for the 3 years
Links – a small number will be possible per institution
i.e. to CC Banner Web for Students
HTML – html files will be okay, but if they include multiple files like images, those will
need to be zipped, or students can link to web pages on another server from within the eportfolio
REPORTS FROM SMALL GROUPS – note with the exception of the biography
group, these are preliminary notes, the final reports will be sent out before the next
Biography group (below is the report from Cindy’s group sent in after the meeting)
Personal Information
Name (Last, First, Middle)
Position within the university (Drop down menu - Faculty, Student, Staff)
School/Division: (Individual school drop down menu)
Major/Field of Study: (Individual school drop down menu)
URL for Homepage (optional field)
Personal Photo: (optional)
Information is not displayed but is retained in the resume section of the e-portfolio:
Permanent Mailing Address:
Apartment Number
Current Address if different from permanent address: (optional field)
E-mail Address
Date of Birth:
Education and Training:
Year of Graduation/Expected year of graduation
Degree of Study
Institution where degree was earned
(Multiple educational fields for multiple degrees)
Other Credentials or Certificates earned:
Honors Received:
Honor Name
Date of Award
Professional Experience/Research/Internships
Date of Prof Experience
Summary of Accomplishments
(Multiple fields for this area)
Co-Curricular Activities
Summary of Accomplishments
(Multiple fields for this area)
We discussed having this info flow into a resume template in Word, so students would
have a useable product as soon as they had completed the biography section.
Orientation group (this is preliminary from notes we took at the meeting)
Orientation to any electronic part of being a student
 Ongoing students and new students – both familiar with online and not
 Links to existing orientation sites , for example for WebCT, completely online
o Some campuses do an in-person orientation – could potentially include
dates for orientations at campuses in person
 Orientation to using course management systems – WebCT and Blackboard
o FAQs about distance learning – amount of time, motivation, contact
instructor, contact tech support
o Ask students what they think other students who are going to take a DL
course would want to know and compile this information
 Research issues
o How to conduct research on the internet – links to research sites
o Plagiarism issues – link to information, and potentially information about
consequences at different schools (maybe?)
o What represents a good website, copyright issues
o Look for information that exists elsewhere that can be moved to the eportfolio server
 Technology skills that are required to participate online - link to technology
literacy assessment and help for addressing deficiencies
 If complete tech literacy piece, orientation, research links – maybe an outcomesbased assessment at end of orientation would be helpful
 Maybe a section for distance students, but the orientation is primarily an
orientation to technology issues in today’s higher ed
Orientation to the actual e-portfolio would be a separate orientation
 How to use it, access it, guidelines for posting information
 It needs to be clear how students get help
 A visible portfolio sample that they could see
This can’t be an orientation to a specific institution
Start thinking about how you are going to initiate this project – institutions can use these
pieces differently and training of students will be an important piece of how this is used
at a given institution
Institutions needs to ask: What are pieces that are essential to our institution?
Nothing will be mandatory for every institution except probably some small amount of
biographical information. Schools can identify information they want as mandatory for
their students, but this would be institution-specific.
Advising Group (preliminary notes from the meeting)
What core information should be displayed first to students?
 Common advising principles (from NACADA)
 Glossary of key terms with definitions
 FAQs about advising
 Students would be asked to put in their advisor name and contact information
 Curriculum evaluation sheets – connecting to information on institutional sites (if
schools want to use that function)
o Advisor could complete what a student has completed and send that
information to the portfolio
o Student connects with advisor, sends something to advisor, allows advisor
to make corrections and send information back to student
o Share access to parts of the portfolio to allow advisors to upload
information to ensure accuracy?
o Creation of these sheets is an issue
o Potential of an electronic signature?
o Plan of study template in electronic portfolio but not data link to
information for individual students
 Advisors can also have their own portfolio to collect information about students
they work with
Some data will show up in multiple areas
Outcomes Group (preliminary report from notes at the meeting)
 Shells - Course, program, gen ed, degree, and educational goal (linked to other
 Piece relating to each shell
 Student could indicate formative/summative
 Piece of self-reflection
 Annotation or assessment done by a faculty member or advisor
 Student would have opportunity to put in work at each level
 Students should have opportunity to reflect on the portfolio itself and how it’s
helping them achieve their educational goals
 Faculty member and institution could also use this at those levels
 Faculty member could send students the course outcomes for a particular course
for them to post in that part of their portfolio
Committees will meet in person or electronically to work on reports
By April 30, committee reports should be sent by committee chairs to Diane
May 7 at 1 PM, at Charter Oak for next large group meeting
 Diane will ask CTDLC tech folks to come to this meeting;
 Each institution should try to identify a career services person and invite them to
this next meeting