
October, 2005
Trustee News:
Trustees Dave Kalina and Ken Quiggle attended the Ohio Association of
Community Colleges 2005 Fall Conference, Changing Expectations, on October 11-12.
Morris also attended.
Trustees Ken Iwashita and his wife Susan; Bob Fountain and his wife, Sharon;
Kay Malec and her husband, George; Ray McGuinness and his wife, Susan; Ken Quiggle
and his wife Maureen; Jim Hackenberg and his wife, Betty Lou attended the Lake
Hospital Foundation’s Glitz on Saturday evening, October 22. Morris and Connie; Fred
Law, Executive Vice President and Provost and Dean of Faculty, and his wife, Edwina
also attended the Glitz.
President’s Office:
Morris met with:
Students from Associate Professor Alice Walker’s Human Services class on
October 3 to discuss Lakeland’s United Way Campaign and their fundraising ideas.
Dave Komjati, Brad Larson, Joe Lopez, Lisa Oliver, Poppie Parish, Joe Prcela,
and Ruth Zanick of Keybank and Veronica Dahlberg, Director of HOLA to discuss a
collaborative proposal. Wynette Barnard, Vice President Community and College
Relations, Mike Minnaugh, Director, Lakeland Foundation; Dennis Eckart, Director,
Lakeland Foundation; Francisco Porras, Vice President for Information Technology;
Marilyn Jones, Associate Provost for Student and Learning Support Services and Mary
Brown, Assistant Director for Development on October 3 also attended this meeting.
Officers of the Lakeland Faculty Association on Tuesday, October 4. Wynette
Barnard, Fred Law, Mike Mayher, Vice President for Administrative Affairs; Francisco
Porras and Mary Ann Blakeley, Executive Assistant to the President also attended the
Robert Aufuldish, Lake County Commissioner; Dave Gilmer, President of the
Community Improvement Corporation, and Cathy Haworth, Executive Director of the
Lake County Economic Development Center on Friday, October 7, to discuss initial plans
for developing an economic strategic plan for Lake County. Mary Ann Blakeley and
Sharon Blankenship, Manager of Special Projects also attended this meeting.
Charlie Lawrence, Executive Director of the Willoughby School of Fine Arts;
Laurie Principie, Director of Development; Sarah Tetzloff, Operations Outreach
Coordinator and Linda Wise, Director of Education on October 5 to discuss partnerships.
Wynette Barnard; Chuck Fye, Dean, Social Science and Public Service Technology
Division; Martin Friedman, Theatre Director and Teresa Hess, Associate Professor, Fine
Arts Department also attended this meeting.
Morris attended:
A Leadership Lake County Board meeting on Wednesday, October 5 at Lake Erie
The Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education’s Excellence in Teaching
luncheon at the University of Akron on Friday, October 7. Don Anthan, Dean,
Mathematics & Engineering Technologies Division; Fred Law; Jayne Magee, Assistant
Professor, Humanities Division; Patrick McLaughlin, Associate Professor, Humanities
Division and Mary Ann Blakeley also attended the luncheon. Dr. McLaughlin received
an Excellence in Teaching Award. Associate Professor, Mathematics, William
Armstrong also received an Excellence in Teaching Award.
A Higher Education Funding Study Council meeting in Columbus on October 12.
The Central Association of College and University Business Officers’ 2005
Annual Meeting, October 16-19 in Milwaukee, WI.
Morris also:
Hosted the President’s Coffee on Monday, October 10 to kick-off Lakeland’s
United Way Campaign. The college’s campaign ends at the next President’s Coffee on
November 16 at 2 pm.
Hosted an informal luncheon for new faculty members: Jim Dailey, Humanities
Division; Warren Duane, Science & Health Division; Matthew Hiner, Social Sciences
Division; Tom Hyland, Librarian; Katherine Kendall, Librarian and Derek O’Brien,
Humanities Division on Tuesday, October 4.
Hosted a luncheon on Thursday, October 6 with community business leaders: ;
Jim Clemens, Director, Catholic Charities; Marisol Colon, Assistant Director, Catholic
Charities; Marie Pucak, Director, Mentor Chamber of Commerce; David Rath,
Headmaster, The Andrews School and Ann Waldmuller, Manager, Human Resources,
Perfection Corporation to discuss The Lakeland Foundation. Wynette Barnard and Bob
Cahen, Executive Director of The Lakeland Foundation were also at the luncheon.
Presented “As I See Myself: Behavior Style Profile” at the Ohio Two-Year
College Placement Association’s Annual Conference at Mooreland on October 13.
Taught a Preconference seminar, “Balanced Leadership: The Role of Behavior
Styles and Emotional Intelligence” at the EDUCAUSE 2005 Annual Conference,
October 18-21 in Orlando, FL.
Morris will also attend:
Lakeland’s Pride Day on Saturday, October 22.
The Annual Economic Forum at the Eastlake Radisson on Tuesday, October 25.
The Forum will present national and local economic trends, challenges and forecasts.
KnowledgeWorks Foundation’s Career Center Superintendents/Community
College Presidents Collaborative Conference on October 27 in Columbus.
EnterpriseOhio Network’s 2005 Annual Convention on October 26-28 at Sawmill
Creek. Morris is the Keynote Speaker and he will discuss “Higher Education and Its
Response to Change.”
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for:
The Committee of the Whole meeting, Thursday, October 27 at 5 pm in A1044f.
The Board of Trustees meeting Thursday, November 3 at 5 pm in the Board Room at
Lakeland’s main campus.
Fast Track 50 Awards Dinner at LaMalfa Thursday, November 3 at 6 pm. Morris
will emcee this event.
Veteran’s Day on Friday, November 11. The College will be closed.
President’s Coffee on Wednesday, November 16 at 2pm in A2020d.
Committee of the Whole meeting on TUESDAY, November 22 at 5pm in A1044f.
Happy Thanksgiving! The College will be closed November 24-25.
Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday, December 1 at 5 pm in the Board Room
Holiday Party on Friday, December 9 at 7pm in Breakers.