University of South Florida An Engaged University A survey to obtain information to support USF’s participation in the pilot project conducted by the Carnegie Foundation related to Community Engagement July 2006 OFFICE/CENTER ENGAGEMENT SURVEY USF was selected to participate in a documentation pilot project to qualify for recognition by Carnegie as an “engaged” university. This recognition will be very valuable to USF, its faculty and students. Each campus, college, and selected departments/offices are invited to provide documentation for this project. The purpose of our effort is to assemble the requisite information concerning USF’s engagement in community-based instruction, outreach, and applied research projects. Thank you for agreeing to help with this very important project. Directions Please complete this survey for your OFFICE OR CENTER. Responses should represent your OFFICE OR CENTER only, not the entire university. E-mail the completed survey to this address before August 1, 2006. Please send to: Please send any hard copy exhibits to: Planning & Analysis Office of Decision Support NEC 117 Office/Center Engagement Survey, ODS, ver 3 1 OFFICE OR CENTER Name: Humanities Institute___________________________ Survey respondents: (Please list the names of those persons who prepared this survey response.) William H. Scheuerle; Robin Bajkiewicz __________________________________________________ Part I - Identity and Culture Please respond to each item. Use relevant quotes and descriptions to document your responses these items. Please include web links to related documents. A. OFFICE OR CENTER Identity and Culture 1. Does the OFFICE OR CENTER indicate that community engagement is a priority in its mission statement (or vision)? _X__ Yes ___ No Quote the mission (vision) – include links if appropriate “The Institute will create a forum in which students, faculty, and members of the greater community can learn from and work with renowned scholars and contemporary thinkers who will encourage us to re-examine, re-evaluate, reform, or reaffirm our most basic assumptions about ourselves and our world….We believe that the community looks to the University to create and advance knowledge. The Humanities Institute will provide a valuable forum in which we can all ask the questions that will enable us to appreciate the past, accurately assess the present, and work toward a better future.” See the website: 2. Does the OFFICE OR CENTER formally recognize community engagement accomplishments through awards and celebrations? __X_ Yes ___ No Describe and include links if appropriate In 2006, the Institute inaugurated a “Distinguished Humanities Graduate Award.” This award was given to a USF humanities graduate who has OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT Level Engagement Survey, ODS, ver 3 2 received distinction in her/his career. A formal ceremony was held at which the recipient delivered an address and received recognition. Does the OFFICE OR CENTER have a system for assessing community perceptions about the effectiveness of the OFFICE OR CENTER’s engagement with community? ___Yes __x_ No The Institute is presently relying upon unsolicited letters and comments, attendance figures at events, and financial donations. At certain events, evaluation forms are distributed Describe the system and include links if appropriate Does the OFFICE OR CENTER use the assessment data? ___ Yes ___ No Describe how the data is used The Institute uses the above information for future planning 3. Is community engagement emphasized in the marketing materials (website, brochures, etc.) of the OFFICE OR CENTER? __X_ Yes ___ No Describe the materials Brochures available at all events Newsletters to community Letters sent to donors Newsletter advertisements B. Department Commitment 1. Does the OFFICE OR CENTER have a coordinating infrastructure (center, office, etc.) to support and advance community engagement? __X_ Yes ___ No Describe with purposes, staffing OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT Level Engagement Survey, ODS, ver 3 3 All planned events consider the interests of the students, faculty, and the general community. At the present time, the staffing consists of two people. Staffing will increase for 2006-2007. 2. Are there internal budgetary allocations dedicated to supporting OFFICE OR CENTER engagement with community? __X_ Yes ___ No Describe (% or $ amount) The College of Arts and Sciences covers the expenses/salaries for office and staff, approximately $100,000.00 per year. The Research Office of the University has for the past several years matched the annual funds raised through private donations. Is there external funding dedicated to supporting OFFICE OR CENTER engagement with community? __X_ Yes ___ No Describe specific funding The Institute has received external grants from state and local granting agencies for community centered events, e.g. the Florida Council for the Humanities and the Art Council of Hillsborough County. The majority of the events sponsored by the Institute, however, are financed by public donations (private community funds). Several events have also received competitive grants from the student organization and other university departments/centers. Is there OFFICE OR CENTER level fundraising directed to community engagement? __X_ Yes ___ No Describe fundraising activities As stated above, most of the events are funded by private donations solicited by the USF Foundation, the College of Arts and Sciences Development Office, and/or the Humanities Institute. These solicitations are to the general community and faculty/staff. 3. Are there systematic OFFICE OR CENTER -wide assessment or recording mechanisms to evaluate and/or track engagement in community? ___ Yes ___ No To some extent Describe Attendance figures are kept, and donation records track the list of donors to the Institute OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT Level Engagement Survey, ODS, ver 3 4 Does the OFFICE OR CENTER use the data from any of the tracking mechanisms? _X__ Yes ___ No Describe Attendance figures, for example, are used to plan future events. 3. Does the OFFICE OR CENTER provide professional development support for faculty and/or staff who engage with community? __X_ Yes ___ No Describe Since its inception in 2003, the Institute has awarded to faculty in the humanities, competitive summer research grants. For the summers of 2005 and 2006, for example, grants of $5000.00 each were awarded. Many of those grants involved faculty researching topics relevant to the Tampa Bay area and/or state of Florida 4. Does community have a “voice” or role in OFFICE OR CENTER planning for community engagement? __X_ Yes ___ No Describe For certain types of events, the Institute solicits topic ideas from the community participants. This solicitation is especially relevant to the “Great Books” series. Both of the topics for the Fall 2006 series were suggested by the community. Part II - Outreach and Partnerships Outreach and Partnerships focuses the application and provision of institutional resources for community use with benefits to both OFFICE OR CENTER and community. 1. Indicate which programs are developed for community: ___X_ learning centers ____ tutoring ____ non-credit courses ____ evaluation support ____ training programs ____ professional development centers ___X_ other Examples “” “ All of the programs are open “ to the community “ “ “ 2. Which institutional resources are shared with community? OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT Level Engagement Survey, ODS, ver 3 5 ____ co-curricular student service __X_cultural offerings ____ athletic offerings ____ library services ____ technology ____ faculty consultation Examples “ All of the programs are “ open to the community “ “ During the academic year 2005-2006, approximately 2,600 people attended the cultural offerings sponsored by the Humanities Institute. In addition, approximately 4000 people attended the Archbishop Desmond Tutu event on January 19, 2006 For a listing of all events sponsored by the Humanities Institute since Fall 2003, see Website cited above. OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT Level Engagement Survey, ODS, ver 3 6 Using the grid below, describe representative OFFICE OR CENTER partnerships that were in place during the most recent academic year. (maximum 5 partnerships) Partnership Name 1.One community/ One book Community Institutional Partner Partner Public Humanities Library of Institute Hillsborough County 2.Symposium of Public Art Cultural Affairs, City of Tampa; Cultural Affairs, Hills. Co.; Patel Center for the Performing Arts Humanities Institute and the College of Visual and Performing Art Office/Center Engagement Survey, ODS, ver 3 Purpose To stress reading, Books A day-long panel discussion on public art with artists and scholars. Q&A for public Length of # 0f Partnership Faculty Three All faculty years invited to any of the many lectures and discussions. Most events were at public libraries. Only one held on campus A semester 4 scholars participated # 0f Students All students invited to the many lectures and discussions Grant Funding Various agencies, Including the Humanities Institute Institution Impact Able to bring a novelist per year to campus; to assist the public library system At least 30 students were in the audience. City of A major Tampa; event for Hills. Co., the arts Arts Council of Hills. Co. Fla. Council Humanities; Hum. Inst.; College of Visual and Performing Arts 7 Commu Impac Hundred of peopl attended the lectu and discussi Over 15 people attended these w mainly commun people 3.Sci-Fi Symposium 4.Peace through Many public Diversity lecture: Arch- companies, bishop Desmond Tutu businesses, and individuals USF Library Humanities Institute To Two years emphasis Sci-Fi and to increase the donations to the Special Collections Department Humanities Emphasize One Institute, the theme semester academic “Peace departments Through Patel Diversity” Center, Univ. Lecture series, USF Foundation, etc. OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT Level Engagement Survey, ODS, ver 3 ? Approx. 30 none Increased Free donations cultural of papers, event etc. to Special Collections Over 4000 people in attendance [see previous comment] Private/univ. A major funding cultural event for USF 8 Major event for commun and universi 4. Does the OFFICE OR CENTER work to promote the mutuality and reciprocity of the partnerships? __X_ Yes ___ No Describe The Institute is in the planning stage for a second Arts symposium b. Are there mechanisms to systematically provide feedback and assessment to community partners? __X_ Yes ___ No Describe Written (and verbal) evaluations were submitted after the Art symposium and conveyed to the partners. Likewise, the Public library initiated the evaluations for the “One Community/One Book.” 5. Within in the past calendar year (2005), are there examples of faculty or staff engagement activities through applied research, grants, contracts, conference presentations, journal publications, etc? Please list significant engagement examples. Since its inception, the Humanities Institute has awarded a total 28 grants for approximately $100,000.00 for research in the Humanities. Many of these scholars have shared the results of their research in speaking engagements at national, regional, and local conferences and have recorded their research in journal publications and books. In that same period of time, twenty-six USF faculty, for example, have participated in events sponsored by the Humanities Institute that emphasized their research in the humanities Faculty who receive research grants through the Institute are required to submit reports and to be available to present their research through talks entitled “Research in the Humanities.” In 2005/6, talks included research/publications on 1. “A Biography of the Spirit: Zora Neale Hurston” [Articles] 2. “Sunshine in the Dark: Florida in the Movies.” [Book] 3. “The Paradox of Galicia: A Cultural Crossroads on the Edge of Europe” [Presentations] 4. “On Being Authentic” [Book] 5. Faculty led discussions on Freud, Dante, Shakespeare, Thucydides, Hemingway, and Emily Brontë, their research topics. The Institute also co-sponsored two conferences within the 2005 academic year: 1. Descartes and Pascal (Philosophy Department) Office/Center Engagement Survey, ODS, ver 3 9 2. Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory (Anthropology Department) For complete listing of all of the research grants awarded by the Humanities Institute for 2004, 2005, 2006 and presentations made, see website cited above. OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT Level Engagement Survey, ODS, ver 3 10