(Provided in Microsoft Word to enable Boards to modify)
Boards may use the following implementation planning form to guide their planning for Mentoring based on requirements
outlined in Section 3 of the guideline.
Part I: Board Information
Name of District School Board/School Authority/Provincial Schools Authority:
Mentoring Lead:
Steering Committee Members:
Part II: System Goals for Mentoring
A) Mentoring Implementation Goals
What are the board goals for advancing implementation of Mentoring based on the implementation continuum outlined in Part III below?
B) Board Improvement Plan Goals
Which 2-3 key priorities of your Board Improvement Plan will provide a focus for Mentoring in your board this year?
Literacy and numeracy
Parent engagement
Student success/Learning to 18
Aboriginal education
Assessment and evaluation strategies
Other (provide details):
Safe and healthy schools
C) Leadership Development Plan Goals
If the board does not have a leadership development plan, a goal for the year may be to develop a plan that includes Mentoring.
If the board has a leadership development plan, how will Mentoring be integrated and enhance this plan based on the areas outlined
Succession Planning/Identification of Aspiring Leaders (encouraging, identifying, supporting development of potential new leaders).
Provide details:
Induction Supports (orientation, other professional learning opportunities) related to early stages of leadership. Provide details :
Ongoing Professional Growth (continued professional learning, job shadowing, ongoing support through learning communities.
Provide details :
Part III: Mentoring Implementation Continuum
The continuum below enables boards to identify their current stage of implementation, and begin to set goals for future stages.
Note: The first year of implementation in 2008/09 is a development year and boards will be at different stages during the year. Boards
that were part of the Mentoring Pilot in 2007-2008 may be further along the continuum than boards that are beginning their
implementation during the 2008-2009 year.
Mentoring for Newly Appointed Principals and Vice-Principals Implementation Continuum
Early Implementation
Building Capacity
Board has identified eligible
mentee participants for 2008/09
Board has communicated with
eligible mentee participants to
invite them to participate in
(2) Lead
Director of Education has
identified a Lead for Mentoring
Lead is informed of his or her key
(3) Steering
Director of Education and
Mentoring Lead have identified
members of the Steering
Steering committee understands
Mentoring requirements and
resources available to support
Steering committees establishing
processes and procedures for
Mentoring implementation based on
the Mentoring guideline
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff confirms system goals for
System goals for Mentoring are
understood by mentors and
(1) Offering
Mentoring to all
Eligible Newly
Appointed School
Board has identified eligible mentee
participants for 2009/10 (extending
participation to current first year
mentees, identifying new first year
mentees to participate in the
following year)
Lead chairs Steering committee and
has a lead oversight role in planning
and implementation
Note: Mentoring may be included
(4) System Goals
in the mandate of an existing
central board committee
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff is beginning to consider
system goals for Mentoring, based
on key board priorities and the
leadership development plan
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff is beginning to consider ways
in which they will monitor
implementation of Mentoring to
determine whether goals are being
Sustaining Capacity
Board has communicated with
eligible mentee participants to
invite them to participate in
Lead takes a system-perspective on
ongoing implementation and
alignment of Mentoring with other
board/ministry initiatives
Steering committees overseeing
the implementation of Mentoring,
actively monitoring and measuring
progress, and making adjustments
where needed
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff is actively monitoring
implementation of Mentoring to
determine whether goals are being
met, and making adjustments
where needed (this may include
adjusting goals)
Mentoring for Newly Appointed Principals and Vice-Principals Implementation Continuum
(6) Recruiting
and Selecting
(7) Assessing
Mentee Learning
(8) Matching
Mentors and
Early Implementation
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff begins to identify
implementation parameters based
on geography, demographics,
number of newly appointed school
leaders and number of mentors
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff confirms implementation
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff begins to develop a plan for
selecting mentors
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff selects mentors, taking into
account suggested criteria from
Mentoring guideline
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff considers how the learning
needs of their newly appointed
principals and vice-principals
(mentees) will be assessed
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff establishes a process for
assessing mentee learning needs,
including timelines (includes
preliminary learning assessment
to inform matching process; indepth learning assessment when
Mentoring begins)
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff ensures that needs
assessments are actively taking
place and are being used for the
purposes intended (e.g. matching,
focus of mentoring work)
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff confirms the process for
matching mentors with newly
appointed principals and viceprincipals.
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff has an organized, systemic
matching process in place that is
understood by all participants
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff considers a process for
matching mentors with newly
appointed principals and viceprincipals
Building Capacity
Implementation parameters are
understood by mentors and
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff is beginning to consider ways
in which they will monitor
implementation of Mentoring to
determine effectiveness
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff informs mentors of their role
and expectations (see Preparation of
Mentors below)
Sustaining Capacity
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff is actively monitoring
implementation of Mentoring to
determine effectiveness, and
making adjustments where needed
(this may include adjusting goals)
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff develops a process for
ongoing recruitment and selection
of mentors
Mentor and mentees are
reassessing mentee learning needs
on an ongoing basis and making
adjustments to their work as
needed to address changes in
learning needs
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff revisits the learning needs
assessment process and timelines,
and modifies as needed to ensure
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff revisits the matching process
and modifies as needed to ensure
Mentoring for Newly Appointed Principals and Vice-Principals Implementation Continuum
(9) Exit Process
(10) Preparation
of Mentors and
Orientation of
(11) Mentee
Learning Plan
Early Implementation
Building Capacity
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff is exploring the development
of an exit process in the case of
an unsuccessful mentor/mentee
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff has a clear understanding of
the concept of mentoring and
acquires the information and
resources needed to orient and
prepare mentors and mentees
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff confirms the exit process
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff has an organized, systemic exit
process in place that is understood
by all participants
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff revisits the exit process and
modifies as needed to ensure
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff establishes a plan to orient
and prepare mentors and
mentees, for example:
 arranging logistics of board
 making plans for mentors to
engage in programs offered
through the Ontario Principals’
Council, the Catholic
Principals’ Council of Ontario,
and the Association directions
et directions adjointes des
écoles franco-ontariennes
 purchasing or developing
resources to support
mentees/mentors in their
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
 identifies the learning plan
form that will be used in the
 incorporates information
about the learning plan in the
plans for orientation and
preparation of
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
 provides orientation and
preparation of mentors and
 provides ongoing support for
mentors to succeed in their role,
and for mentees to understand
the Mentoring process
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
 is actively monitoring the
effectiveness of mentor
preparation and mentee
orientation, and making
adjustments as needed
 is developing plans for orienting
and preparing mentors and
mentees in the following year
Mentors and mentees understand
their roles in developing the learning
plan (through orientation and
preparation) and are actively using
the learning plan to guide their
Mentoring work
Mentor and mentees are
continually referring to the learning
plan and making changes as
needed to ensure mentee learning
needs are being met
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff has a clear understanding of
how the learning plan works as an
integral component of mentoring,
and the roles and responsibilities
of mentors and mentees in
developing the plan
Sustaining Capacity
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
 monitor the use of the learning
plan as an effective form of
guiding mentee learning and
modifies as needed to ensure
Mentoring for Newly Appointed Principals and Vice-Principals Implementation Continuum
Early Implementation
(12) Monitoring
and Evaluation
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff begin to develop a strategy
for monitoring and evaluation
based on the board
implementation plan and system
goals for Mentoring
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff establish a monitoring and
evaluation strategy based on the
board implementation plan and
system goals for Mentoring,
 outcomes and performance
 what type of data is needed,
how and when it will be
Building Capacity
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
staff actively monitor and evaluate
Sustaining Capacity
Lead, with support of Steering
committee and appropriate board
Identify, through monitoring and
evaluation results:
 effective practices to share with
other boards
 barriers or issues that need to
be addressed
Take quick action to address
challenges or inefficiencies and
make adjustments as needed
Part IV: Financial Planning and Tracking (Sample Template)
What are the anticipated expenditures for Mentoring, up to March 31, 2009, and between April 1, 2009 and July 6, 2009 based on the list
of eligible expenditures outlined below?
Budget Item (based
on eligible
expenditures listed in
Section 5.2 above)
Expenditures up to
March 31, 2009
Estimated Expenditures
between April 1 and
July 6, 2009
(Note: should be equal to
base funding and 75% of
proportional funding)
(Note: should be equal to
remaining 25% of
proportional funding)
Total Expenditures
Potential Variance from
Board Allocation (Base
and Proportional, to be
reported in November)
Implementation planning and
goal-setting for Mentoring
(e.g. participation in training,
purchase of books or other
resources, seeking consulting
services of OPC, CPCO, ADFO)
Preparation of mentors and
orientation of mentees (e.g.
training provided by the board,
attending external professional
training, or bringing an
external expert into the board
to provide training)
Purchase and/or development
of resources (e.g. development
of a board resource, purchase
of external resources)
Supply coverage to participate
in mentoring, attend training,
and/or board workshops
Meeting costs including travel
and accommodations, in
accordance with the Ontario
Management Board of Cabinet
Travel, Meal and Hospitality
Expense Directive
Other expenditures
Note: See section 5.2 of the guideline for funding allocation model and eligible expenses