NHS College Student Council`s Undergraduate Student Leadership

NHS College Student Council’s Undergraduate Student Leadership Award
This award honors a student leader in the College of Natural and Health Sciences who has contributed
significantly to the quality of campus life and the university community.
Award: $250 (Funds will be awarded through a gift card for the University Center stores.)
Please complete all sections of the application. The deadline for application submission is February 22, 2013
at 5:00 PM in Gunter 1000.
Qualifications The applicant must demonstrate a significant leadership contribution to student life, student
volunteerism, and/or the UNC community through involvement in at least two of the following areas for a
minimum of one year.*
 Volunteer student representation (e.g. organized NHS, UNC, and/or community events as a UNC rep)
 Committee involvement (e.g. student representative on an NHS or UNC committee)
 Student organization leadership (e.g. NHS Ambassador, student club or Senate officer)
 Residence hall leadership (e.g. organized residence hall activity)
 Athletic leadership (e.g. team captain for UNC sports or cheerleaders)
 Event planning and implementation (e.g. Convocation, Friends and Family Weekend)
 Leadership and/or involvement in an intiative that had university-wide impact (e.g. Adopt-A-Spot)
 Other form of leadership not listed
*Only ONE of your selected leadership involvments may be part of a paid position. To use one paid
position as part of this application, you must explain how your leadership role exceeded the expectation of the
job for which you were paid.
Eligibility Current members of the NHS College Student Council are not eligible to receive this award.
The applicant must meet the following criteria to be an eligible:
Full-time undergraduate degree-seeking student in the College of the Natural and Health Sciences
Cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
Must not have been found in violation of any University policy within the past year
May receive this award only once
Must be able to attend the annual Undergraduate Academic Scholar Awards Ceremony on Sunday,
March 25, 2012 at 2:00 PM in the UC Ballrooms
Nominations can be made by UNC students, faculty, admministrators, or staff. Individuals or organizations
may nominate more than one person.
Submitting your application To be considered for the award, please submit the following:
1. Completed application form including typed responses as requested. (hard copy required)
2. Relationship information and signature of the nominator (original signature on the hard copy
Please direct any questions to Malia Cable (NHS College Student Council President) cabl1183@bears.unco.edu.
NHS College Student Council’s Undergraduate Student Leadership Award
 Are you a full-time UNC Student?
(Circle One) Yes / No
 What is your major? (must be in the College of NHS)
 Current cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale (must be at least 3.0)
 Any documented violations of UNC policy within the past year?
(Circle One)
Yes / No
 Have you previously received this award? (eligible only once)
(Circle one)
Yes / No
Full Name:
(last name)
(first name)
Primary Phone Number:
Bear Number:
(middle initial)
Local Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Use the list below to complete the application table*:
 Volunteer student representation (e.g. organized NHS, UNC, and/or community events as a UNC rep)
 Committee involvement (e.g. student representative on an NHS or UNC committee)
 Student organization leadership (e.g. NHS Ambassador, student club or Senate officer)
 Residence hall leadership (e.g. organized residence hall activities)
 Athletic leadership (e.g. team captain for UNC sports, cheerleaders, etc.)
 Event planning and implementation (e.g. Convocation, Friends and Family Weekend)
 Leadership and/or involvement in an intiative that had university-wide impact (e.g. Adopt-A-Spot)
 Other form of leadership not listed
*Only ONE of your selected leadership involvments may be part of a paid position. To use one paid
position as part of this application, you must explain how your leadership role exceeded the expectation of the
job for which you were paid.
Activity from List
(Continued on back)
Leadership Role
(officer, coordinator,
team captain, etc)
Dates of
Yes or No
(name and title of individual who
can attest to your involvement)
On a separate sheet of paper, TYPE your responses to the statements below and attach your typed responses to
your application:
1. Explain how your participation in the activities identified in the table above demonstrates a significant level of
leadership and contribution to the UNC community.
2. In 300 words or less, describe what leadership means to you.
Print Student’s Name:
Student’s Signature:
Print Nominator’s Name:
Nominator’s Relationship to Applicant:
Nominator’s Signature:
Deliver the completed application to:
NHS College Student Council
c/o Beckie Croissant
NHS Dean’s Office, Campus Box 134
Gunter Hall room 1000
DUE DATE: February 22, 2013, 5:00 PM