21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education Nutrition & Foods 1 Human Services Family and Consumer Sciences Title: Nutrition & Foods 1 (0950) Standard Number: HS.S.NUTF1.1 Leadership, Citizenship and Teamwork Skills Students will demonstrate leadership, citizenship and teamwork skills required for success in the family, workplace and global community. What do 21st Century skills mean in the context of a family? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: assess factors involved in successful Determine what skills and traits are developed in the leadership skills, citizenship traits and family that impact citizenship and teamwork. teamwork traits. apply leadership, citizenship and teamwork Organize an FCCLA in class-chapter. Set-up skills as an integral part of classroom officers and standing committees. Brainstorm activities. project ideas to improve school, community, and home. Food Traditions and Trends Students will examine the impact of culture on food choices and practices. How can I create eating habits that will last a lifetime? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: examine factors that influence nutrition and Create an excel spreadsheet that identifies various wellness practices across the life span. times for specific food needs from birth to 75. Items could include food needed during infancy, toddler years, preschool years, school age, adolescence, young adult on your own, pregnant mother, feeding a family, diabetes (other health issues), weight loss, and declining appetite. summarize factors that influence food Have students survey family members and other choices. class members about how they make food choices. Have students brainstorm questions for the survey. Examples could include questions about point of purchase at grocery stores, sale foods, advertising 1 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.NUTF1.1.1 HS.O.NUTF1.1.2 Standard Number: HS.S.NUTF1.2 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.NUTF1.2.1 HS.O.NUTF1.2.2 on fast food, etc. Break students into teams and have each research a current technological development in food production. Have them include information about health concerns, cost, and taste. HS.O.NUTF1.2.3 illustrate how technological developments affect food choices. Standard Number: HS.S.NUTF1.3 Nutrition and Health Students will evaluate the nutritional needs of individuals and families in relation to health and wellness across the life span. How can I use nutritional information to create a healthy diet for myself and my family? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: summarize the effect of nutrients on health, Watch videos on nutrients and how they work in the appearance and peak performance. body. Have students create posters for various nutrients, specific vitamins, and minerals. Display these posters in the hallways or display cabinets so that other students can access the information. outline the relationship of nutrition and Using excel spreadsheet developed in wellness to individual and family health HS.O.NUTF1.2.1 – have students add information to throughout the life span. each category concerning nutrition standards at any given point during the life span. This could include information like needing folic acid during pregnancy or Vitamin D during early childhood. Have students provide reasons for these nutrition concerns. estimate the effects of food and diet fads, Create a graphic organizer describing 3-5 current food addictions and eating disorders on diets on the market. Have students include wellness. information on calories, foods included, and possible side effects. Break class into teams and give each group a different topic to research and present (power point, poster, pamphlet, etc…). Topics will include obesity, anorexia, bulimia, food addictions, and could even include food allergies. Have class discussions following each presentation. examine sources of food and nutrition Have students collect an assortment of food labels information, including food labels, related to and boxes. Create a variety of activities that will help health and wellness. students view labels – have teams put the labels in various categories – low-fat, high calorie, high fiber, etc…Have team exchange labels and provide a Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.NUTF1.3.1 HS.O.NUTF1.3.2 HS.O.NUTF1.3.3 HS.O.NUTF1.3.4 2 worksheet that asks specific questions about the label and how to find information. Have each student create a journal entry on how they could use labels to prepare more nutritious foods. Provide students with copies of dietary guidelines and have them prepare menus for themselves and then for specific groups – teen pregnancy, athletes, diabetics, or the elderly. Have students compare menus. HS.O.NUTF1.3.5 use various dietary guidelines in planning to meet nutrition and wellness needs. Standard Number: HS.S.NUTF1.4 Food Preparation Students will apply various dietary guidelines in planning to meet nutrition and wellness needs. demonstrate ability to select, store, prepare and serve nutritious and aesthetically pleasing foods. What skills do I need to be successful in the kitchen? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: design strategies that meet the health and Have students create a cookbook that can be utilized nutrition requirements of individuals and during the next two sections of the course. This families with special needs. could be in a notebook or online. First have students create a cover and table of contents for their cookbook. The first assignment will be to identify cooking methods that are healthy. These include steaming, broiling, grilling, and lo-fat cooking. Have students find recipes (online or in class cookbooks) that use these cooking techniques. Include recipes in student cookbooks. demonstrate measurement procedures, Have students create a measurements page for their equivalents and conversions. cookbook along with an equivalents chart. Demonstrate proper methods for measuring a variety of ingredients. Have students individually measure a liquid ingredients, dry ingredient, and packed ingredient. Provide opportunities for students to test their knowledge of equivalents (through quizzes and recipe conversion). interpret recipe terminology and directions. Have students identify parts of a recipe for their cookbook. Provide students with a list of terminology 3 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.NUTF1.4.1 HS.O.NUTF1.4.2 HS.O.NUTF1.4.3 and have them create a page using this information for their cookbooks. Have cooking teams select a variety of nutritious recipes that can be used in their cookbook and then prepared in class. Have a variety of labs – appetizers, sides, main dishes, salads, and desserts. Prepare healthy examples of each of these categories. Prepare a cooking lab rubric to remind students of critical care areas like sanitation and safety. HS.O.NUTF1.4.4 demonstrate ability to select, store and prepare nutritious and pleasing foods. Standard Number: HS.S.NUTF1.5 Meal Management Skills Students will explain the organization and management of kitchens and resources. establish a positive dining atmosphere. What are the steps needed to manage a kitchen successfully? How do I conduct myself in a professional manner during all meal services? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: manage money allocated for food. Provide students a budget for each lab they will be creating in the class. Have them use online shopping tools to find the prices for ingredients. Have students use costing formulas to find the exact cost of menu items created. explain work simplification principles. Have students collect pictures of their dream kitchens online or from a variety of magazines. Have teams of students analyze the kitchens for efficient use of space. Provide examples of the kitchen work triangle for student cookbooks. Have students develop time schedules for all labs and determine the most efficient ways to prepare food in the lab. examines conditions and practices that Have a county health sanitarian or serve safe promote safe food handling. professional present a food sanitation workshop to the class. Have students take the county food handler’s test and receive their card. demonstrates safety procedures and Have students use appropriate sanitation and safety sanitation practices. skills during every lab activity. Video or take digital pictures of issues during the lab. Show the pictures 4 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.NUTF1.5.1 HS.O.NUTF1.5.2 HS.O.NUTF1.5.3 HS.O.NUTF1.5.4 HS.O.NUTF1.5.5 utilizes kitchen equipment. HS.O.NUTF1.5.6 explain the organization of equipment in work centers. HS.O.NUTF1.5.7 analyze characteristics of appealing menus. HS.O.NUTF1.5.8 examines methods of meal service. HS.O.NUTF1.5.9 demonstrates table appointments. after each lab and discuss ways to improve. These areas could include dirty work areas, knives not stored properly, improper dish washing, etc… Have students create pages in their cookbook that identify basic kitchen equipment with a picture and a use of the item. Have students include equipment lists with all lab plans. Using the dream kitchen pictures from HS.O.NUTF1.5.2. Have students determine how they would organizer their kitchen space. Have groups evaluate space plan based on ease of use. Have student groups evaluate the space planning of the foods kitchen. Provide students with sample menu ideas and have them evaluate menu based on a variety of standards. Have students create a page of menu planning principles for their cookbooks. Information on variety, balance, cost, skill level of cooks, equipment available, and target eating audience. Provide students with descriptions of the various types of meal service including American, French, Russian, English, self-service, buffet, and family style. Provide students with sample menus and have them determine appropriate service for each menu. Have students develop a page describing these techniques for their cookbook. Share a variety of table setting appointments and discuss the use of each tool. Hold a table decorating contest where each student (or team) creates a table setting that includes placemat, plates, silverware, glasses, centerpiece, and napkin fold. Have students plan a theme for their design. Bring in guest judges for the event. Provide students copies of napkin folding directions. Practice these folds in class. Have students pick their favorite napkin folds and place directions in their cookbooks. Cookbook 5 pages could also include pictures of table settings, centerpieces, and other table decorating ideas. Have students create a power point presentation on etiquette for eating at home and eating out. Have students develop a list of questions that can be answered during the presentations. HS.O.NUTF1.5.10 exhibits appropriate etiquette. Standard Number: HS.S.NUTF1.6 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.NUTF1.6.1 Participating in the Student Organization Students will participate in a student organization. How can leadership skills strengthen an individual? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: identify the purposes and goals of the Complete the “Be a Part of It” webquest found at student/professional organization. http://www.fcclainc.org/assets/files/pdf/membership/2 008SteponeActivity.pdf explain the benefits and responsibilities of Discuss the value of the leadership and personal participation in student/professional/civic development activities of FCCLA. organization. demonstrate leadership skills through Complete a FCCLA project that addresses several participation in student/professional/civic standards in the course. organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects. Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Evidence of Culminating Activity Success 21C.O.9Student recognizes information Have students produce a Review the 12.1.LS1 needed for problem solving, brochure: brochures according can efficiently browse, search From ReadThinkWrite, to the assessment and navigate online to access use the lesson plan: criteria included in relevant information, evaluates “Brochure: Writing for the Assignment information based on credibility, Audience and Purpose “ Brochure. Students social, economic, political Author Deborah Dean can assess their and/or ethical issues, and Provo, Utah own work using the presents findings clearly and Complete instruction and Reflection persuasively using a range of activities plan is found at Questions. technology tools and media. http://www.readwritethink. org/lessons/lesson_view.a sp?id=1002. HS.O.NUTF1.6.2 HS.O.NUTF1.6.3 21st Century Skills Information and Communication Skills: 6 Thinking and Reasoning Skills: Personal, and Workplace, Skills: 21C.O.912.2.LS3 21C.O.912.3.LS3 Student engages in a problem solving process by formulating questions and applying complex strategies in order to independently solve problems. Students will engage in critical thinking as they analyze and evaluate information. Student demonstrates ownership of his/her learning by setting goals, monitoring and adjusting performance, extending learning, using what he/she has learned to adapt to new situations, and displaying perseverance and commitment to continued learning. Students will maintain a focus on the larger goal with the planning of appropriate steps, as they prepare their final product. Learning Skills & Technology Tools Entrepreneurship Skills: Culminating Assessment: A.01 Students will incorporate various elements of technology into focusing on long range goals while working effectively as a group. Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity Develop a product that would enhance family life. Students will use proper technology to find information. Student’s final product will show how the students applied technology tools for information analysis and content learning. Creating a final project by working as a group to organize, finalize and present product. Evidence of Success Complete the project. Culminating Assessment: Build Assessments anchored in authentic task by using GRASPS: G What is the Goal in the scenario? R What is the Role? A Who is the Audience? S What is your Situation (context)? P What is the Performance challenge? 7 S By what Standards will work be judged in the scenario? As a high school student, you plan to continue your education and enter a profession related to nutrition. You will research a selected career, utilizing a variety of resources and methods such as web searches, interviewing local professionals, etc. From your research, you will develop a display to enter in the FCCLA competitive event. You will be judged by the event rubric in the FCCLA Handbook. Links and Other Resources Links and Other Resources FCCLA INTEGRATION WITH WV FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES COURSES West Virginia FACS Courses FCCLA INTEGRATION (STAR and National Programs) Required Course Offerings 0901 Life Connections Dynamic Leadership, Families First, Power of 0902 Parenting & Child Development One: A Better You, Financial Fitness, 0903 Parenting & Strong Families Community Service STAR Events: Illustrated Talk, Career Investigation, Chapter Service Project, Interpersonal Communications, Applied Technology Electives Consumer & Family Resources 0911 Personal Resource Management Family & Human Development 0921 Adolescent Parent 0922 Life Basics 0928 HSDR (Human Services, Development, & Relationships) Dynamic Leadership, Power of One: A Better You, Take the Lead, Student Body, Financial Fitness, National Programs in Action, Job Interview STAR Events: Entrepreneurship, Illustrated Talk, Chapter Service Project, Interpersonal Communications, National Programs in Action, Hospitality, Applied Technology Dynamic Leadership, Families First, Power of One: Family Ties FACTS, Stop the Violence, Skills for Life, Community Service, Student Body 8 0929 LIFE (Learning for Independence, Family & Employment) Applied Design: House Interior & Furnishings 0941 Housing & Interior Design Textiles & Apparel 0961 Applied Design Nutrition & Food Science 0950 Food & Nutrition I 0951 Food Preparation 0952 Nutrition & Food Science 0953 Food & Nutrition II FCCLA Integration Appropriate for All FACS Courses STAR Events: Illustrated Talk, Chapter Service Project, Focus on Children, Interpersonal Communications, Applied Technology Financial Fitness, Power of One STAR Events: Illustrated Talk, Career Investigation, Interpersonal Communication, Entrepreneurship, Applied Technology, Job Interview, Chapter Showcase Student Body, Power of One STAR Events: Illustrated Talk, Career Investigation, Interpersonal Communication, Entrepreneurship, Applied Technology, Job Interview, Chapter Showcase Dynamic Leadership, Career Connections, Power of One, Working on Working STAR Events: Illustrated Talk, Career Investigation, Interpersonal Communication Food & Nutrition Eatiquette DNA For Dinner highly recommended Jefferson County Schools, TN Child Nutrition Family Foods & SocietyFinal Assessment White House Meal presentation BE AN INTERNATIONAL CHEF! Introduction Balanced Plate http://www.scribd.com/doc/378001/Balanced-Plate Calorie Counter - Free Online Diet Journal Career Search in Nutrition Introduction Childhood Nutrition Process excellent Chocolat! Dessert Cafe' Planning for a Dream Introduction restaurant development Cooking with Math Introduction DNA For Dinner 9 Fast Food Fanatics Making Healthier Choices Introduction Fast Food Nutrition Evaluation Free Nutrition Software GE Foods - Friend or Foe Healthy Choices for Children Learners Healthy Eating Introduction HEALTHY FOOD IS OUR FRIEND HOW TO BECOME A HEALTH CONSCIOUS COOK Introduction Learn To Be Healthy - Health Science Educational Activities Nations of Starvation - Malnutrition! Process excellent NutriKids from LunchByte Systems school lunch menu planning and child nutrition software. Nutrition and Food Software and Web Tools Nutrition Explorations Introduction Nutrition Introduction Nutrition Software Review 2006 NutritionData (Analysis) Out to Lunch Introduction ProQuest K-12 - ProQuest Platinum Teachable Moment Sports Nutrition Introduction The Dilemma of the Dangerous Meatloaf Virus or Bacteria Wanted Poster Process webquest ROMAN FOOD Who Wants to be a Nutritionist Introduction FCCLA “Be Part of It” webquest: http://www.fcclainc.org/assets/files/pdf/membership/2008SteponeActivity.pdf www.fcclainc.org www.wvfccla.googlepages.com Related Websites: Pathways to Success http://careertech.k12.wv.us/pathwaystosuccess/ U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century 10 http://www.dol.gov/ Advanced Distributed Learning www.adlnet.org America's Career InfoNet www.acinet.org America's Job Bank www.ajb.org America's Service Locator www.servicelocator.org CareerOneStop www.careeronestop.org Employment & Training Administration www.doleta.gov The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) http://www.jan.wvu.edu Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/indexL.htm#Labor force Occupational Information Network www.doleta.gov/programs/onet Office of Disability Employment Policy www.dol.gov/odep Career Voyages http://www.careervoyages.gov/index.cfm Workforce West Virginia https://www.workforcewv.org/ 11 West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE) http://www.wvtechprep.wvnet.edu/edge.htm West Virginia Career and Technical Education http://careertech.k12.wv.us/ Contacts: Contacts: CTE Teachers: See CTE Directory Human Services Cluster Coordinator: Donna Wilkes OCTI Assistant Executive Director: Donna Burge-Tetrick OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson 12