Fall 2014-2015 SHP GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DIRECTIONS Attention SHP Students: I am still getting questions regarding the myStar scholarship application system. Be advised it is not yet deployed for the School of Health Professions and clearly reads it is open for SOM students only. Please refer to our process for Fall 2014-2015 and follow as instructed. The SHP Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce the Fall 2014-2015 SHP Scholarships and Awards application process is now OPEN. INCOMING STUDENTS The SHP Scholarships incoming students may apply for are: Departmental nominations for Occupational Therapy, Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Respiratory Care Attention Physician Assistant Studies and Physical Therapy Students – note: this application and process is separate from what you were sent directly by your department recently as it related to SHP school-wide and university scholarships and you must apply separately. University-administered scholarships for which you may be eligible for nomination consideration RETURNING STUDENTS The SHP School-wide Scholarships returning SHP students may apply for are: The SHP Alumni Association Scholarship The A.J. Rodriguez Scholarship The University Federal Credit Union Scholarship The UTMB Retirees Scholarship Other university-administered scholarships for which you may be eligible for nomination consideration Departmental nominations for Occupational Therapy, Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Respiratory Care Attention Physician Assistant Studies and Physical Therapy Students – note: this application and process is separate from what you were sent directly by your department recently as it related to SHP school-wide and university scholarships and you must apply separately. Each of these scholarships is open to all eligible SHP students who are considered in good academic standing. All applicants must be returning or incoming students of UTMB School of Health Professions to be eligible. By submitting the following required documents, the student will be considered for all awards for which they are eligible including those listed on this application as well as departmental faculty nominated scholarships. By accurately completing these forms, the student will be considered for a variety of school, departmental and university-administered scholarships. Submission Process & Deadline Process begins Monday, May 5, 2014 for SHP Students Deadline for submissions will be 5pm Thursday, June 5, 2014 Submit to: shpschol@UTMB.EDU Attn: Michelle Conley, Office of Academic and Student Affairs Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered. No Exceptions. Financial Aid In order to demonstrate need, the student must complete the FAFSA. Need is calculated by subtracting the student (and parent if the student is considered dependent) estimated family contribution, as calculated on the FAFSA, from the student’s cost of attendance. Whether the student has a private loan is irrelevant. For more information please visit: http://www.utmb.edu/enrollmentservices/financialaid.asp Application: The SHP Scholarship and Awards Committee will consider overall UTMB grade point average, student involvement, commitment to leadership and service and an updated student profile sheet. Additional specific criteria for each award are outlined in the application below. There is one standard scholarship application form for SHP school-wide scholarships. Please note, this application and process is separate from what you may have been sent directly by your department recently as it related to SHP school-wide and university scholarships and you must apply separately. SHP Student Profile: One of the requirements is an SHP Student Profile. We now have a new online system that has replaced the old paper version and will allow you to actively update and maintain your student profile while you are a student. The new system gives you the ability to PDF your profile to submit upon request at any time, much like a resume. SHP Student Profiles are used to assess students' eligibility for awards. The SHP Student Profile should contain the students’ most up-to-date contact information along with student demographics. All students are encouraged to keep their student profile sheets up-to-date following each semester. Information related to awards and honors and other accomplishments should be documented on the Student Profile. Directions: First, review how to Add (create) student profile help form Next, the edit a student profile help form Link: SHP Student Profile System Essays: The standard essay word count is 500 words and no more than 1000. Reference Letters/Forms: Must be provided and submitted using the SHP Scholarship Reference Form and saved in PDF format. NOTES: The number of reference forms required depends on what you will be applying for. Therefore, it is important that you read the criteria for each scholarship carefully and ensure the points needed for the reference are covered. If you are completing scholarship application in general for nomination consideration and not applying for a specific SHP scholarship, we suggest two. Incoming students will not need reference letters. Also if you are not applying for a scholarship that requires a reference letter, then you don’t need one… It is preferred that reference forms be provided electronically via email and sent in PDF form with your scholarship application. If the person you have requested the reference from provides a hard copy to you, please scan it and make a PDF and then upload it. I would suggest that students request their references to provide them electronically in PDF form to ensure a complete application packet. SHP Reference Form can be downloaded at: http://shp.utmb.edu/scholarships/forms/SHP_Scholarship_Reference_Form_2014.doc revised 5.30.2014 - mac Application form is contained on the following pages. Fall 2014-2015 SHP GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Complete the Following: SID# (enter all 9 #’s) Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial Mailing Address Apt/Unit # E-mail address (UTMB only) Alt Phone (Area Code) City, State, Zip Date (00/00/2014) Primary Phone (Area Code) What is Your Residency Status? * Black Native American Other Male Texas In-State Resident American/Alaskan Hispanic Female Out of State Asian/Pacific Islander White * Residency Information: As a student at a Texas college or university, you’ll be classified as either a Texas resident or non-resident. Your residency status affects your eligibility for: Resident tuition at a Texas public college or university; and Financial aid at a Texas college or university. (Note: The information in this section is general. Specific information or advice on residency is available from the Office of Enrollment Services.) Cumulative GPA Current Hours Enrolled Hours Completed Other Are you currently (or were you ever) a UTMB SHP Scholarship recipient? Yes No If yes, what year? If yes, what was the name of the Scholarship(s)? Include all. ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THE NEXT FOUR QUESTIONS. 1. Why do you wish to be considered for a school of Health Professions scholarship and why do you feel you are a deserving candidate? 2. Describe any past accomplishments, employment, experiences, special skills, projects or hobbies which indicate your interest in Health Professions. 3. Briefly state your long and short-term career objectives in Health Professions. 4. When you become an alumni of the School of Health Professions, how might you promote the school? School of Health Professions Alumni Association Scholarship YOU MUST CHECK THE FOLLOWING No, I am not applying for this scholarship. OR Yes, I am applying for this scholarship and consider myself eligible based on the criteria listed below. Yes, I have supplied the required (2) letters of recommendation. This scholarship requires that students be in or past their second semester (completed at least one term) and have a GPA of 3.0 or above. The student is judged on academic achievement, service to the institution and community, leadership, extracurricular activities and on evidence of strong communication skills. No financial need requirement is stated. Award Criteria: To be eligible for this award the student applicants must: 1. Complete the SHP Scholarship Application and Student Profile. 2. Be a full time student enrolled in UTMB School of Health Professions at Galveston who have completed one year of study. 3. Have a minimum of 3.5 GPA. 4. Provide documentation of alumni or community service during the previous year. 5. Submit two letters of recommendation, at least one should be from an alumnus of the SHP Alumni Association (if possible, if not at least one from a SHP faculty member). A.J. Rodriguez Scholarship Fund YOU MUST CHECK THE FOLLOWING No, I am not applying for this scholarship. OR Yes, I am applying for this scholarship and consider myself eligible based on the criteria listed below. Yes, I have supplied the required essay and the required (2) letters of recommendation. This scholarship pays tribute to SHP alumnus A. J. Rodriguez, Jr. Following his death in an automobile accident, his friends and family decided to honor his memory with an award that would recognize future health care professionals for their commitment to leadership and service, as demonstrated through academic, community, and professional activities. Award Criteria: To be eligible for this award the student applicants must: 1. Complete the SHP Scholarship Application and Student Profile Sheet. 2. Be a full time student enrolled in the second year of their curriculum. 3. Be a second year students in good academic standing, minimum GPA 3.5. 4. Be a student with documented financial need confirmed by the UTMB Office of Financial Aid. 5. Be a student who demonstrates a commitment to community and/or professional service. 6. Provide two letters of reference from individuals who are able to describe your commitment to leadership and service. 7. Submit an ESSAY - Describing: “One or two significant personal experiences that either motivated you to perform service activities or resulted from your exercise in leadership. The essay will be judged on content and quality. Provide essay below University Federal Credit Union Scholarship YOU MUST CHECK THE FOLLOWING No, I am not applying for this scholarship. OR Yes, I am applying for this scholarship and consider myself eligible based on the criteria listed below Yes, I have supplied the required essay. Award Criteria: To be eligible for this award the student applicants must: 1. Complete the SHP Scholarship Application and Student Profile Sheet. 2. Be a “non – traditional student.” an essay describing how their situation meets one or more of the following criteria: 1) Parent of a dependent child, 2) Pursuing current program as a 2nd career, 3) 30 years of age or older and 4) In need of but ineligible for financial aid due to support from a spouse. 3. Be currently enrolled in an entry level program ( CLS, RC, OT, PAS, PT) and have completed at least 30 credit hours with a 3.25 GPA or higher at the SHP (a transcript or GPA is attached) 4. Either be a member of the UFCU or be willing to join if chosen as a recipient ($6.00 fee) & agree to have a photo in the UFCU Newsletter. 5. Submit an ESSAY - Entitled: “The Advantages of Being a Non-Traditional Student in a Professional Program of Study”. The essay will be judged on content and quality. Provide Essay below UTMB Retiree’s Association Scholarship YOU MUST CHECK THE FOLLOWING No, I am not applying for this scholarship OR Yes, I am applying for this scholarship and consider myself eligible based on the criteria listed below. Yes, I have supplied the required essay. This award is designed to benefit academically qualified students who attend one of the four UTMB schools. The award is provided annually among all four schools, the SOM, SON, GSBS and SHP each year. Award Criteria: To be eligible for this award the student applicants must: 1. Complete the SHP Scholarship Application and Student Profile Sheet. 2. Exhibit academic achievement above that of the average SHP student. 3. Be a student with documented financial need confirmed by the UTMB Office of Financial Aid. 4. Submit an ESSAY - That answers the following questions: "What led you to choose your profession?", "What circumstances facilitated you in getting to this point and what circumstances impeded you?" and "What personal goals and interests do you have in terms of your professional plans for the future?” The essay will be judged on content and quality. Provide essay below Electronic Signature Agreement. By selecting the "I Accept" button, you are signing this Application electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Application. I accept APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE DATE Typed Student Name (Acts as Document Signature) My signature above indicates that I authorize school officials to release the below information to the Scholarship Awards Committee for inclusion in my application for Scholarships for which I am eligible.