Regulations for Recruitment of Educators of Chang Jung University Revised and passed by the Extemporary School Affair Meeting of Academic Year 2002 (05 Dec. 2002) Article 1 The regulations are in accordance with “The Teachers Act”, “The Statute for Appointment of Educational Personnel”, and Article 12 of the “Regulations Governing the Establishment of Instructor Evaluation Committees (IEC).” Article 2 The hiring of instructors shall be based on principles of fairness, impartiality, and openness to ensure educators’ rights. Article 3 The following regulations govern the faculty recruitment of Chang Jung Christian University: I. Lecturers should meet at least one of the following qualifications: i. A master degree or equivalent with excellent grades; ii. A bachelor degree, having held the post of teaching assistant or researcher for at least 4 years with excellent performance, and published works; iii. A bachelor degree, has done researches or held a position in a field related to the study for at least 6 years, and published works; iv. A lecturer certificate issued by the Ministry of Education. II. Assistant professors should meet at least one of the following qualifications: i. A doctorate degree or equivalent with excellent performance, and ii. iii. iv. published works; A master's degree or equivalent, has done researches or held a position in a field related to the study for at least 4 years, and published works; A bachelor degree in medicine, Chinese medicine, or dentistry from a university, and minimum clinical experience of 9 years, four of which as an attending physician in a medical center with excellent performance, and has published works of value. A lecturer certificate issued by the Ministry of Education and having taught for at least 3 years as a lecturer with excellent performance, and published works, or has an assistant professor certificate issued by the Ministry of Education. III. Associate professors should meet at least one of the following qualifications: i. A bachelor degree, having held the post of teaching assistant or researcher for at least 4 years with excellent performance, and published works. ii. Assistant professor certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, having served as an assistant professor for a minimum of 3 years, and published specialized works of value. iii. Lecturer certificate before the Statute for Appointment of Educational Personnel coming to effect on 21st Mar. 1997, having served as a lecturer for at least 3 consecutive years, and has published specialized works of value, or has an associate professor certificate issued by the Ministry of Education. IV. Professors should meet at least one of the following qualifications: i. An assistant professor certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, having served as an assistant professor for at least 3 years with excellent performance, and has published specialized works of value. ii. An associate professor certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, having served as an associate professor for 3 at least years with excellent performance, and has published specialized works of value. Article 4 The following regulations govern the initial appointment, renewed appointment of faculties in Chang Jung University: I. Initial appointment: i. Each department and center applies for new appointments according to the department/center personnel quota for faculties supplied by the Office of Personnel with vacancies advertised in the media or in academic publications. ii. After reviews of curriculum vitae, specialization, instruction, research, characters, and proposed courses to be taught, departmental faculty iii. iv. evaluation committees recommend the prospective faculty. The departmental (or graduate institute) and center faculty evaluation committee will then review the candidate according to Article 4 of “Regulations Governing the Establishment of Faculty Evaluation Committees” and personal information and documents of the candidate will be submitted to college faculty evaluation committee for evaluation. College faculty evaluation committee will review according to Article 6 of “Regulations Governing the Establishment of Faculty Evaluation Committees” and the result is signed by the president and turned over to the university faculty evaluation committee for review. University faculty evaluation committee reviews the education, specialization, research and character of the candidate again according to Article 8 of the “Regulations Governing the Establishment of Instructor Evaluation Committees”. If an offer is made to the candidate, a contract is issued to be approved by the president and reported to the Ministry of Education for reference. II. Renewed appointment: After evaluations by all levels of faculty evaluation committees, contracts approved by the president will be issued. Article 5 Once the suspicion of plagiarism for works of a candidate is confirmed by the university faculty evaluation committee, the candidate will not be employed and the employment contract will be terminated immediately. Article 6 The employment contract should come to effect on the first day of the semester. Each department (or graduate institute) and center should complete the recommendation procedure one month before the beginning of each semester. Article 7 Important issues, such as recruitment, and recruitment period, require evaluations by all levels of faculty evaluation committee, and a contract is issued upon the approval by the president. Article 8 Faculty contract termination, contract suspension, and the denial of contract renewal due to major incidents require reviews by all levels of faculty evaluation committee and approval from the president. Article 9 Disputes regarding dismissal, suspension or rejection of renewal may appeal through a faculty appeals committee. Article 10 Faculty members acquiring a lecturer or teaching assistant certificate before the Statute for Appointment of Educational Personnel coming into effect (21st March 1997), and serving continuously may apply for promotion accordingly. Article 11 Matters not covered herein will be subject to relevant rules and regulations of CJCU. Article 12 The above regulations are enacted after being passed in the Governing Board Meeting of CJCU and approved by the President; amendments will be processed in the same manner.