
Department Chairs, Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology
Dorothy Cantor, PsyD, President, American Psychological Foundation
Karen Maitland Schilling, PhD, Chair, Council of Graduate Departments of
Scholarships for Graduate Students
March 2, 2004
We are pleased to announce that this is the tenth year of the American Psychological
Foundation's (APF) Graduate Research Scholarship in Psychology program, which is cosponsored by the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP). Several
scholarships will be awarded for the 2004-2005 academic year, including the $2,000 Clarence J.
Rosecrans Scholarship, the $3,000 Ruth G. and Joseph D. Matarazzo Scholarship, and a number
of $1,000 scholarships. These scholarships represent APF's continuing commitment to promoting
awards, scholarships, and other activities to advance the science and the practice of psychology
for the understanding of behavior and the benefit of human welfare. The scholarships will be
given directly to individual graduate students enrolled in an interim master's or doctoral program.
If a student is currently enrolled in a terminal master’s program, the student must intend to enroll
in a PhD program. Several fellowships have been reserved for students who, at the time of
application, are within the first two years of graduate study in psychology. The purpose of the
scholarship program is to assist graduate students of psychology with research costs. The
primary focus of the review criteria will be related to the research proposal (see the Review
Criteria section of the enclosed flyer for further information). The American Psychological
Association (APA) Science Directorate will administer the granting of the scholarships.
Each graduate department of psychology that is a member of COGDOP may submit nominations
for the APF/COGDOP Research Graduate Scholarships. The number of candidates each
member department is allowed to nominate depends upon the total number of students enrolled in
the graduate program. Departments that have 100 or fewer students enrolled in their graduate
programs may nominate one (1) candidate. Departments that have 101-200 graduate students
enrolled may nominate up to two (2) candidates, and departments that have more than 200
graduate students enrolled may nominate up to three (3) candidates. We also encourage
nominations of students who are enrolled in an interim master's program. Please refer to the
enclosed flyer for details outlining the application process.
We look forward to receiving nominations from your department. Should you have any questions,
please contact staff in the APA Science Directorate at 202-336-6000 or
The American Psychological Foundation (APF) and the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology
(COGDOP) are jointly offering graduate research scholarships, including the $2,000 Clarence J. Rosecrans
Scholarship, the $3,000 Ruth G. and Joseph D. Matarazzo Scholarship, as well as a number of $1,000
scholarships. The scholarships will be given directly to the individual graduate students enrolled in an interim
master's program or doctoral program. If a student is currently enrolled in a terminal master’s program, the
student must intend to enroll in a PhD program. Several fellowships have been reserved for students who, at the
time of application, are within the first two years of graduate study in psychology. The purpose of the scholarship
program is to assist graduate students of psychology with research costs. The American Psychological
Association Science Directorate will administer the granting of the scholarships.
Each graduate department of psychology that is a member of COGDOP may submit nominations. The number of
candidates that each member department is allowed to nominate depends upon the total number of students
enrolled in the graduate program. Departments that have 100 or fewer students enrolled in their graduate
programs may nominate one (1) candidate; departments that have 101-200 graduate students enrolled may
nominate up to two (2) candidates; and departments that have more than 200 graduate students enrolled may
nominate up to three (3) candidates.
Each application must include five (5) collated sets of the following materials (please use 12 point font):
1. A completed application form (see next page). Additional copies of the form may be photocopied and are
also available on the COGDOP website (
2. A 3-page maximum letter of recommendation from the nominee's graduate research advisor, with original
signature. Please do not submit more than one letter of recommendation; only the letter of recommendation
from the nominee's graduate research advisor will be forwarded for review.
3. A 3-page maximum brief outline of the nominee's thesis or dissertation research project (even if in progress).
Outlines may be single or double-spaced.
4. A curriculum vitae and a transcript (an unofficial/student copy is acceptable) of all graduate coursework
completed by the nominee.
Review Criteria
The major criteria are related to the research proposal. Proposals will be rated on the description of the context
for the research (a brief literature review), the clarity and comprehensibility of the research question, the
appropriateness of the research design, the general importance (theoretical, applied) of the research, and the
use of requested funds (with preference given for funds to actually conduct the research as opposed to tuition,
travel, books, and journals). Secondary criteria are related to the student’s background, including previous
publications or presentations at conferences, awards won at the student’s institution, the letter of
recommendations from the major advisor, breadth of courses taken, and grades in courses.
All application materials must be delivered in one complete package on or before May 28, 2004.
Awardees will be notified in September. Five (5) collated sets of all application materials must be included in
each submission.
Please send complete applications to:
APA Science Directorate
APF/COGDOP Graduate Research Scholarships
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Ms. ____ Mr. ____ Name _______________________________________________________________________________
Preferred Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone Number(s) _______________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Social Security Number (U.S. only - for U.S. tax purposes) _____________________________________________________
Name of University/College ______________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address of University/College _______________________________________________________________________
Beginning in the fall of 2004, I will have completed ______ years in my: ___ master’s program ___ doctoral program
(Awards are made on the basis of merit, regardless of the program in which you are enrolled)
Have you completed a master’s degree or equivalent? Yes _____ No _____
If you are enrolled in a terminal master’s program, do you intend to enroll in a PhD program? Yes _____ No _____
Purpose for which funds will be used (please be as specific as possible):
NOMINEE'S SIGNATURE ________________________________________________________________________________
In addition to the required recommendation letter from the nominee's graduate research advisor, this application
form must be signed by the Department Chair or the Director of Graduate Studies.
Number of students enrolled in COGDOP member department ___________________________________________
Department Chair's Signature __________________________________________________________________________
Printed Name and Title
Complete applications must be received by the Science Directorate on or before May 28, 2004.
Direct applications and questions to: APA Science Directorate, APF/COGDOP Graduate Research
Scholarships, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242, Tel.: 202-336-6000. email:
PLEASE check to be certain that the required five (5) collated sets of application materials are enclosed
before mailing, and that all documents and their copies have signatures, where applicable. DO NOT
send letter of recommendation separately. Incomplete applications will not be considered.