PROCESS FOR THE REVIEW OF PROPOSALS FOR NEW GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMS 1. Consult the Dean of the Graduate Division for initial proposal guidance and consultation. The department or interdepartmental committee prepares the proposal according to the Format for Proposal for Graduate Degree Programs in the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs Handbook. The faculty and staff liaisons for the department should be identified. 2. New graduate degree programs must be added to the campus five year planning perspective. Please contact the Graduate Academic Programs Manager, Kate Triglia, for details at 3. The proposal must be sent to the academic dean(s) for an analysis and review of the academic merit of the proposed program. The dean must submit a statement addressing resources required and the dean's priority for funding the proposed program. The dean's statement must be appended to the proposal. The proposal will not be accepted without this statement. In the case of an interdisciplinary proposal, a letter of support addressing resources is required from the deans of all participating schools. A reporting dean should be identified, and can be either a school dean or the dean of the Graduate Division; the reporting dean must submit a letter of support agreeing to this responsibility. 4. The department must conduct a faculty vote. The process for the faculty review of the proposal, the vote date, and the faculty vote should be stated in the proposal. If the proposal is for an interdisciplinary program, a faculty vote is not necessary. Instead, please provide letters (a short email will suffice) from all core faculty stating their intent to participate. 5. If additional resources are required, the proposal needs to be sent to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost for a letter of support. In the case of self-supporting and professional degree programs, a plan for funding, including projected start-up costs, should be clearly stated in the proposal. Contact the budget office for assistance in preparing the plan for funding. Please contact the School Dean—for enrollment planning—as additional enrollments must be confirmed prior to submission of the proposal. New programs that will be self-supporting or charge professional degree supplemental tuition (PDST) are required to submit additional budget documents for review. These documents should be filled out in consultation with the School Dean’s Office and the Office of Planning & Budget. 6. The following supplemental documentation must be appended to the proposal: a. Program Summary b. Catalogue Copy c. Website Copy d. Revised or new Course Inventory Management information and sample syllabi e. Letter from the Library indicating support to provide resources for the proposed program f. A list of the chairs (or program directors) of comparable UC programs to whom the proposal was sent, a sample of the cover letter, and any feedback received from those chairs g. A list of potential internal and external reviewers h. Bylaws (if the program will be interdisciplinary) In addition to the main document outlined above, many proposals contain appendices, offering supporting detail, e.g., some or all of the following: the complete CVs of the principal faculty administering and teaching in the new program; documentation of market surveys or other evidence of demand for the degree; letters of support from local industry or other potential employers or sponsors of potential students; budget spreadsheets; listing of comparable degree programs. Please note that there may be additional requirements for proposals with special circumstances, including new degree titles, degrees to be offered as interdepartmental programs or with participation from other institutions. 7. A draft of the proposal should be submitted to the Graduate Academic Affairs Manager, Kate Triglia, and the Graduate Council Analyst, Adriana Collins, for preliminary review at least three weeks prior to the scheduled Graduate Council meeting date. This is to allow ample time for the Academic Senate and Graduate Division to review the proposal and for the proposers to provide any missing documents and to respond to any possible concerns. If the proposal is complete and all required materials are included, the Council Analyst will send a copy of the complete dossier to the Graduate Division and the Academic Senate divisional chair who will distribute the proposal to the relevant Senate agencies. NOTE: A meeting may be scheduled with the principal authors of the document in order to clarify information or request additional information prior to the formal submission of the proposal. Proposals will not be put on the Graduate Council agenda until it has been thoroughly vetted by the Graduate Academic Programs Manager and the Graduate Council Analyst. 8. Proposals must be deemed complete at least one week prior to the next regularly scheduled Graduate Council meeting in order to be considered for the agenda. Availability of space on the agenda may affect the review date and proposals will be given priority based on when they were submitted. 9. The formal review process begins with the appointment of a lead reviewer(s) to review and evaluate the academic merits of the proposal. The Graduate Division and the Council on Planning and Budget (CPB) will be asked to provide an analysis of the proposal. CPB will review the proposal simultaneously with Graduate Council and will be asked to consider FTE planning, space requirements, and funding resources such as TAships, research grants, RAships. A budgetary and resource analysis will be provided to the Graduate Council for its final deliberation. 10. After the response from Graduate Division on graduate student support and CPB’s budgetary analysis are received, the proposal is discussed by the Graduate Council at which time the lead reviewer presents a report. If revisions are required, the Graduate Council will send a memo outlining the suggested changes to the originating unit. If major revision is required, revised copies of the proposal are provided. For this reason, it is not a good idea to wait until the last minute to submit a proposal for review; the review process takes time, and clarifications may be required before Graduate Council makes a decision. Allowing ample time to review your proposal is important. 11. If Graduate Council approves the proposal, the next steps will be followed: It is for new programs leading to existing authorized degrees (e.g., MA, MS, PhD) or graduate-level Certificates at UCI: 12. The Chair of Graduate Council notifies the Chair of the Academic Senate of the action. If approved, the proposal is reviewed for endorsement by the Academic Senate Cabinet. 13. If approved by the Cabinet, a copy of the approved proposal and an approval letter are sent to the Executive Vice Chancellor for his/her recommendation letter to the President. 14. When the Executive Vice Chancellor's letter is received in the Graduate Council office, the Graduate Council Analyst sends the letter of transmittal and a copy of the proposal dossier to the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA). It is for new programs leading to new degree designations or graduate-level Certificates at UCI: 12. The Chair of Graduate Council notifies the Chair of the Academic Senate of the action. If approved, the proposal is reviewed for endorsement by the Academic Senate Cabinet. 13. If approved by the Senate Cabinet, a copy of the approved proposal and an approval letter are sent to the Divisional Senate Assembly for review. 14. A copy of the approved proposal and approval letter are sent to the Executive Vice Chancellor for his/her recommendation letter for the President. Simultaneously, the Executive Vice Chancellor's letter and approved proposal are forwarded to the Office of the President. 15. If approved, and when the Executive Vice Chancellor's letter is received in the Graduate Council office, the Graduate Council Analyst sends the letter of transmittal and a copy of the proposal dossier to the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA). Simultaneously, the Executive Vice Chancellor's letter and approved proposal are forwarded to the Office of the President. NOTE: Since CCGA approval is not the last stage of the review-and-approval process, announcements including websites, admission of students, or premature steps to implement the program are prohibited by statewide regulations until after notification of final approval from the President to the Chancellor is received in the Graduate Council Office. Kate Triglia Graduate Academic Programs Manager Graduate Division (949) 824-9031 Zot code: 3180 Contact Information Adriana Collins Graduate Council Analyst Academic Senate (949) 824-5205 Zot code: 1325