Form and Approval Process

FAS and Graduate Division Interdivisional Teaching Approval Process
University of Toronto Undergraduate Course Development Fund
The Provost’s Undergraduate Course Development Fund (UCDF) creates opportunities for FAS to
develop long-term teaching relationships with faculty in “graduate-only” divisions1. These relationships
enhance the undergraduate experience, providing students with access to world-class researchers in
areas not available in FAS.
This document provides information on the FAS approval process for UCDF courses. Please consult with
Sandy Welsh, Special Advisor to the Dean, if you have questions about UCDF courses or contacting
graduate divisions.
All FAS units with undergraduate programs in collaboration with a graduate-only division.
Application supported by head of the FAS academic unit (department chair/college principal/EDU
standalone program director) and Dean of the graduate division.
Programs and courses covered by existing interdivisional teaching arrangements are not eligible.
Types of Courses and Enrolment
UCDF courses may take many forms, depending on the needs of an A&S unit. This includes
existing required and elective courses as well as new courses. 2
Proposed courses are expected to be half courses, though proposals for full courses may be
Course size should reflect the curricular needs of the units. Units also are advised to consider
resource implications (including TAs) as well as the undergraduate teaching experience of the
graduate division faculty member when determining course size. If TA resources are needed,
units are advised to consult with Sandy Welsh, Special Advisor to the Dean.
To qualify for the UCDF, courses must have a minimum enrolment of 20 students. 3 Those
courses with an enrolment of 50 or more will generate an in-year transfer of net revenue (15%)
from FAS to the graduate division.
Application Process
FAS units will need to fill in the attached proposal form for each course and forward to the Special Advisor
to the Dean to review. The application should be submitted by the head of the academic unit (department,
college, EDU, standalone program) sponsoring it. Applications related to college programs should be
submitted by the Principal. Upon final approval by the Dean, the unit and graduate-only division will be
notified and a UCDF agreement will be signed by the FAS Dean and the graduate division Dean.
Continued Funding: Each UCDF course will be reviewed by the Dean’s office before the two-year OTO
funding period ends. Undergraduate units/programs with UCDF course arrangements will be required to
provide a progress report to the Special Advisor to the Dean no later than April 30 th of the second year of
their UCDF arrangement.
For courses taught in 2012-13, UCDF applications must be submitted by December 5, 2011 to
ensure the name of the course and instructor will be listed in the Calendar. Applications must be
submitted by email as an attachment in Word format to: (Kafayat Matti,
Executive Secretary to the Special Advisor to the Dean). Based on our experience last year, it may
take some time to develop the course with the graduate division. Due to this, we will continue to accept
UCDF applications on an on-going basis after December 5, 2011. If submitting after December 5 and the
course is a new course for your unit, please contact the Special Advisor to the Dean.
”Graduate-only” or graduate divisions referred to here are divisions with primarily graduate/professional programs.
New courses (not currently in Calendar) must also be approved through FAS undergraduate new course governance procedures.
The usual deadline for submitting new courses is mid-October for courses to appear on the next year Calendar.
Enrolments will be determined as of 1 November or 1 February, as appropriate.
FAS and Graduate Division Interdivisional Teaching Approval Process Form
University of Toronto Undergraduate Course Development Fund
PART 1: Proposal Requirements for UCDF Courses
Please fill in spaces with your own words. Delete text if not applicable.
FAS Contact Person:
Contact Information:
Graduate Division:
Graduate Division Instructor:
Course Name (and Course Code if available):
Is this a new or existing course?
Mark an “X” in applicable box.
Total Course
[Enter #]
What type of course is this? Mark an “X” in applicable box.
Estimate of nonFAS students
[Enter #]
TAs required?
Special Topics
If yes, TA hours for
# of TAs for course.
[Enter #]
[Enter #]
a. UCDF course/curricular contribution:
Provide brief description of course; for existing courses, provide calendar entry.
ii. How does the course fit into program curriculum? Why is the graduate division and/or instructor a good fit for
this course?
b. Resource implications:
How does proposed UCDF course affect program and unit resources (cost/benefits)? Where necessary, discuss
how your unit will meet any resource requirements listed below.
Staffing: How is the proposed UDCF arrangement expected to free up staffing or financial resources? For
existing courses, how is course currently staffed?
ii. What is the anticipated impact of the proposed course on teaching/enrolments within the unit (all programs
offered) or within other units/programs? For new courses: Please discuss potential content overlap with
current courses offered by other departments or programs.
iii. TAs: Is the FAS unit or graduate-only division funding the TA? (Please note: FAS units funding TAs are
expected to do so through their existing resources ) Is the FAS unit or graduate-only division acting as the
hiring unit?
iv. Administrative/Space/Technology.
PART 2: Instructor Qualifications
Please attach the following:
a. CV of instructor(s) – if not clearly indicated on CV, may also include up to one page outlining
any relevant teaching experience, especially undergraduate teaching or other engagement with
undergraduate students
b. Teaching evaluations of instructor or equivalent evidence of quality of teaching for past two
years/two most recent years
PART 3: Confirmation from the following participants affirming interest and commitment:
Chair/College Principal/EDU Director*
* If your unit is proposing more than one course, please indicate a rank order for course preference on a
separate page.
Dean of the Graduate division.