Online Real-time Classroom - FSU Computer Science Department

The Florida State University
College of Arts and Science
A Java Enterprise Application
-- Online Real-time Classroom
Yilei Wang
September, 2001
A master project submitted to the
Department of Computer Science
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of Master of Science
Major Professor: Dr. Robert A. van Engelen
Dr. Robert A. van Engelen
Major Professor
Dr. D. Schwartz
Committee Member
Dr. Hilbert Levitz
Committee Member
In this project, I designed an online real-time classroom with client-server application
model, and used Enterprise Java Technologies including Applet, Swing, JSP, JavaScript,
RMI, JDBC, JNDI, etc. plus Java Sound package to implement it.
This live instructor-led classroom website allows users to manager their own accounts,
schedule a class, view their classes as well as starting a class on the Internet. The online
classroom provides real-time voice, text and multimedia communications in a shared
workspace, and delivers a classroom experience that accelerates learning.
This application is mainly composed of two parts: class management and real-time
classroom. For the first part, I generated Java Server Pages to present HTML response to
the client requests in the web tier, while using JDBC to create connection with the
database and store information into tables in the database tier.
For the real-time classroom, three features are provided to allow communications
between teachers and students: shared files, a voice room, and a chat room. Two servers
are started up upon the teacher’s request at a remote machine to provide these services.
Java sockets and RMI are applied between the clients and the servers.
Table of Contents
Distance Learning
Web-based Education System
Online Classroom
Enterprise Java Technologies
Online Real-time Classroom Overview
Functions of Class Management Part
Functions of Classroom Part
Implementation Details
Class Management Part Implementation
Web Tier – JSPs and Servlets
Database Design
Classroom Part Implementation
More JSPs and Tables
Voice Room
Java Sound API
Server SoundSer
Chat Room
Web Server
Deployment Process
Access Online Classroom
1.1 Motivation
1.1.1 Distance Learning
Within a context of rapid technological change and shifting market conditions, the
American education system is challenged with providing increased educational
opportunities without increased budgets. Many educational institutions are answering this
challenge by developing distance education programs. At its most basic level, distance
education takes place when a teacher and student(s) are separated by physical distance,
and technology, often in concert with face-to-face communication, is used to bridge the
instructional gap.
A wide range of technological options are available to the distance educator. They fall
into four major categories:
Voice - Instructional audio tools include the interactive technologies of telephone,
audioconferencing, and short-wave radio.
Video - Instructional video tools include still images such as slides, pre-produced moving
images (e.g., film, videotape), and real-time moving images combined with
audioconferencing (one-way or two-way video with two-way audio).
Data - Computers send and receive information electronically. For this reason, the term
"data" is used to describe this broad category of instructional tools. Teaching strategies
based on computer applications are emerging that are more effective.
1.1.2 Web-based Education System
The WWW and Web browsers have made the Internet a more user-friendly environment,
and provide Internet users with a uniform and convenient means of accessing the wide
variety of resources (pictures, text, data, sound, video) available on the Internet. The
ability to integrate graphics, text, and sound into a single tool means that novice users do
not have to struggle with such a steep learning curve.
1.1.3 Online Classroom
However, for most teachers and students, web-based education still equals to visiting
class homepages, submitting homework through e-mails. This situation stimulated me to
think about designing and building interactive classrooms for teaching distant learners
using various technologies, which allow teachers and learners to interact over a variety of
telecommunications networks in a cost-effective manner.
A typical online classroom should allow a teacher to:
Teach a class entirely online.
Effectively manage students through an easy to use, unit-based framework.
Post class notes, presentations.
Administer online assessments.
Interact easily with your students.
1.2 Enterprise Java Technologies
Java is steadily becoming the language of choice for new enterprise-wide development
project, because it is portable and the standards defined by the enterprise Java
technologies reduce education cost.
Currently the main technologies being adopted by enterprise developers include JDBC
for database connectivity, the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) for accessing
services, and RMI for Java remote method invocation and distributed objects. On top of
this foundation are Servlets, JavaServer Pages, Enterprise Java Beans, Java Messaging
Service, and Transaction management. All of these combine into a feature-rich tool kit
for developing Java applications.
Creating an enterprise application involves combining these technologies to create a
complete solution to one’s business problems. The following are those technologies I
decided to apply into my project.
JDBC - The standard API for accessing relational data from a Java program.
Servlets – Servlets replace CGI I providing server-side processing for HTTP
requests. Servlets can extend dynamic Web pages using server-side includes or
JSPs. Servlets can be used to form a gateway between Web Clients and other
services such as databases, Enterprise JavaBeans, and JMS.
JavaServer Pages – JSPs are used to create dynamic Web pages using Java as a
scripting language. JSPs are primarily used in situations in which a Web page
changes with each request.
RMI and distributed objects – Many applications and libraries use RMI to form
their network connections. Other applications may rely on raw sockets or HTTP
connections to interact with servlets and Web Server. The goal of RMI is to
provide a transparent link between two Java applications.
JNDI – The standard API for accessing information in enterprise name and
directory services.
Online Real-time Classroom Overview
This application is composed of two portions: class management and real-time classroom.
2.1 Functions of Class Management Part
This part is designed especially for teachers to manage their classes, such as scheduling a
class, viewing their own classes, and updating the class information.
The following diagram displays the relationship between these web pages. There are four
function chains: register, schedule a class, view classes, and enter the classroom, which
are shown in different line styles.
Student Enter Classroom
Schedule a Class
View Classes
Update Students
Upcoming Class information
Summary and Confirm
Teacher Enter Classroom
Figure 1. The Relationship between web pages
Every returning user needs to login before he could take advantage of any features. For
any new user, he must create an account at the first step. He will be asked to provide the
name, e-mail address, password, and phone number, among which the e-mail address
must be different from those of other users.
Schedule a Class
It takes several steps to schedule a class. On the first page, the teacher needs to specify a
date/time and a length of this class, as well as its subject and a brief description. The
time must be in the future, otherwise an error message would be displayed. Then on the
next page, a list of students’ contact information is supposed to be added, including
students’ name, email address, and phone number. Finally, a scheduled class summary is
shown, which also contains a pin number for every student. The pin number is supposed
to be handed out by the teacher to each student, and later used by the student to enter this
classroom. The instructor can then choose to cancel or really schedule this class.
View Classes
A teacher can view his upcoming classes as well as past classes at any time. For past
classes, only instructor name, date/time, and subject are provided, while one can view
much more details of upcoming classes, and update the class information by clicking a
question mark icon in the same row. The instructor is allowed to change the class length,
subject, and description at the next page, even add or drop students if he feels like doing
so. There is always a door icon on each of these pages for the teacher to enter his
classroom. He is encouraged to enter his classroom and make some preparations such as
uploading a PowerPoint file before starting this class.
2.2 Functions of Classroom Part
The classroom implements three features to allow communications between teachers and
students: shared documents, a voice room, and a chat room. See figure 2.
Shared Documents
Before class, the instructor is encouraged to upload files from the local machine to the
remote server. Files could be *.txt, *.doc, *.ppt, *.bmp, or other kinds of files for
presentation in a class time. All the uploaded file names are displayed in a list at the
bottom right frame. When you highlight one of these files, and click “Open”, this file
would be displayed in the left big frame.
Before the teacher starts entering the voice room and the chat room, he should first click
a button “Start Class” at the upper right corner of the web page. This will start up two
remote servers for the purpose of supporting the voice room and the chat room.
Voice Room
This voice room is used for the teacher to give a speech and for the students to listen to
the teacher’s voice in a real time, exactly like students sitting in a classroom and hearing
a lecture. However, this only allows teacher to talk, and students to listen, not on the
contrary. At the instructor end, running the voice room as an applet requires the user to
set the permission of audio recording, thus needs a line:
Policy.url.3 =
appended to file <> under path:
C:/Program Files/JavaSoft/jre/lib/scurity/
Applet.policy is a policy file placed by me at the remote server, which is I am currently using. After entering the voice room, i.e. starting the
applet, the instruct clicks the “talk” button to speak, later click the “stop” button to end
Chat Room
The chat room is used for all teacher and students to communicate with each other by
typing texts. Simply type a sentence into “send message” text field, and hit Enter key,
the text would appear in the upper pane, seen by all other people.
The teacher should always click “End Class” button at the upper right corner before
exiting the classroom. This will allow other teachers to start a class.
Figure 2. Real-time Classroom Interface
The student’s classroom interface is almost the same as the teacher’s, except that he
doesn’t have the right to start or end a class, and he is only able to listen to the teacher’s
Implementation Details
3.1 Class Management Part Implementation
3.1.1 Web Tier – JSPs and Servlets
It was decided to generally use JSPs rather than servlets to implement the web tier.
Servlets are not very suitable here, because in this case the web tier is permitted to
change constantly, and this would require that we compile the program into byte code
every time a change is made. Besides, a bunch of dynamic html web pages are generated
upon users’ request, which makes servlets awkward to read. Therefore it is not easy to
maintain a web site by using servlets.
In the previous chapter, I pointed out that the main task of Class Management portion can
be divided into three parts: (1) register, (2) schedule a class, and (3) view classes. I
designed JSPs for each of these three parts. The following table lists the web page names
and the corresponding JSP file names.
Web Page Name
JSP File Name
Schedule a Class
Update Students
Summary and Confirm
View Classes
Upcoming Class Information
Figure 3. Web tier JSPs
The Java Server Pages specification [9] introduces on kind of application scenario for
JSP. This is illustrated in Figure 4. After the client sends a request to the server, it is
recommended “to have the initial JSP page to determine details about the request,
perhaps create and/or update some server-side objects, and then, if necessary, redirect the
request to a different JSP page”.
Redirect request
Figure 4. An Application Scenario of JSPs [9]
In the implementation of the web site, JSP files are responsible for determining the
client’s request, then either modify the current page, or redirect the request to another JSP
page, or update server-side objects, i.e. update tables in the database. As an example of
using JSP to perform these tasks, the following pieces of students.jsp code is given to
demonstrate the way of accessing data from the back-end tables and using the data to
present a response to the client.
if ( request.getParameter("schedule2Submitted") != null )
System.setProperty("jdbc.drivers", "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
String url = "";
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "yilewang", "yilewang");
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select NAME, EMAIL, PHONE, PIN from STUDENTS where
ID=" + Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("id")) );
while (
String info[]={rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getString(4)};
stat.executeUpdate("delete STUDENTS where ID=" + Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("id")) );
catch (SQLException e)
{ response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, "SQL error: " + e.getMessage()) ;
if ( request.getParameter("action").equals("Update Student List") )
String [] delete = request.getParameterValues("delete");
if ( delete != null )
for( int i=0; i<delete.length; i++ )
else if ( request.getParameter("action").equals("Add") )
if ( request.getParameter("name").equals("") )
<tr><td colspan=2 align="center"><font color="red">
You must enter a name. Please try again.</font></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor="#009999"><font color="white"><b>  Current Student
<tr><td colspan=2>
<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=3>
<tr align=left><th>Name</th><th>Email</th><th>Phone</th><th><center>Remove</th></tr>
for (int i=0; i< ((Vector)session.getAttribute("students")).size(); i++)
String info[] = (String [])((Vector)session.getAttribute("students")).get(i);
String name = info[0];
String email = info[1];
String phone = info[2];
out.println("<tr><td>" + name + "</td><td>" + email + "</td><td>" + phone +
"</td><td align=center><input type=checkbox name=delete value=" + i +
The first part of the above code accesses the database to retrieve student information from
a table, and saves it into the current session object for a later use. The remaining part
updates the student list based on the client’s request: Add/Remove. The following
picture is the screen rendered by this code.
Figure 5. The web page created by students.jsp
3.1.2 Database Design
Once the user creates a new account, his personal information will be stored in table
TEACHERS. The schema is as follows. The email address is used for the primary key,
thus must be different from others.
Field Name
Data Type
EMAIL ( primary key )
Not Null
Not Null
Not Null
Table 1. Schema of table TEACHERS
When the user clicks button “Schedule” to confirm scheduling a class, all class
information is saved in table CLASSES. This table includes a field EMAIL serving as a
foreign key in reference of that of an instructor, in order to ensure every class is bound to
one instructor. Meanwhile, the contact information of students who has been added to
this class is stored in table STUDENTS. The automatically generated random PIN
number is used as a primary key of this table. Foreign key ID is used to specify to which
class this student belong. Those schemas are as follows:
Field Name
Data Type
ID ( primary key )
Not Null
EMAIL ( foreign key references TEACHERS (EMAIL) ) Varchar
Not Null
Table 2. Schema of table CLASSES
Field Name
Data Type
PIN ( primary key )
Not Null
ID ( foreign key references CLASSES (ID) )
Not Null
Table 3. Schema of table STUDENTS
3.2 Classroom Part Implementation
More JSPs and Tables
In order to build the real-time classroom, it is necessary to write some other JSP, HTML
files and two more tables are required. As you can see from figure 2., the classroom page
is generated by file class.jsp, which consists of six frames. The corresponding files are
shown in the following table.
JSP, HTML File Name
Left Menu
Right Menu
Left Co-browser Panel
Voice Room Panel
beforeTalk.jsp, talk.jsp
Chat Room Panel
beforeChat.jsp, chat.jsp
Shared Documents Panel
Figure 6. JSP and HTML files for Classroom
There is a “Start Class” button on the right menu to start up two remote servers:
SoundSer and RmiServer. These two new processes are created from menu2.jsp. The
following piece of code excerpted from menu2.jsp is to launch server SoundSer. The
first line specifies a working directory. The next line executes the specified string
command “java SoundSer” in a separate process with the specified environment, which is
null, and working directory.
File dir = new File("../webapps/learning/talk/");
Process talk = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java SoundSer", null, dir);
Whenever a new class is successfully started, its class ID must be inserted into table
CLASSROOMS for reference.
Field Name
Data Type
ID ( primary key, foreign key references CLASSES (ID) )
Not Null
Table 4. Schema of table CLASSROOMS
Talk.jsp and chat.jsp respectively load a talk applet and a chat applet.
Document.jsp is used to upload files, and later display them in the left co-browser panel.
It includes a form as well as a JavaScript. The JavaScript function openWin(), when
“Upload” button clicked, opens a new window for file uploading. File uploading is
processed by servlet LoadFile.class. It takes advantage of multipart/form-data type of
the form encryption for transferring files, and save them under certain directory at the
server side.
Another table FILES is needed for keeping track of which file belongs to which class. So
class ID is associated with each file in this table. The following is its schema.
Field Name
Data Type
LOCATION ( primary key )
Not Null
Not Null
ID ( foreign key references CLASSES (ID) )
Not Null
Table 5. Schema of table FILES
3.2.2 Voice Room
This voice room is build with loaded applets at the client side, SoundStudent.class for
students, SoundTeacher.class for the teacher, a server SoundSer.class running at the
back-end responsible for receiving audio from the teacher and broadcasting it out to
every students. Java Sound API
Version 1.3 of the JavaTM 2 Platform includes a powerful new API for capturing,
processing, and playing back audio and MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
data. The JavaTM Sound API is a low-level API for effecting and controlling the input
and output of sound media. Within our component, package javax.sound.sampled, which
specifies interfaces for capture, mixing, and playback of digital (sampled) audio, is
Mixer and Line
Many APIs for sound make use of the notion of an audio device. A device is often a
software interface to a physical input/output device. In the Java Sound API, devices are
represented by Mixer objects. The purpose of a mixer is to handle one or more streams
of audio input and one or more streams of audio output. A line is an element of the
digital audio "pipeline"-that is, a path for moving audio into or out of the system. Usually
the line is a path into or out of a mixer (although technically the mixer itself is also a kind
of line).
The following diagram shows different types of lines in a simple audio-output system
that could be part of an implementation of the Java Sound API:
Figure 7. A Possible Configuration of Lines for Audio Output
In this example, an application program has gotten access to some available inputs of an
audio-input mixer: one or more clips and source data lines. A clip is a mixer input (a kind
of line) into which you can load audio data prior to playback; a source data line is a mixer
input that accepts a real-time stream of audio data. The application program preloads
audio data from a sound file into the clips. It then pushes other audio data into the source
data lines, a buffer at a time. The mixer reads data from all these lines, each of which
may have its own reverberation, gain, and pan controls, and mixes the dry audio signals
with the wet (reverberated) mix. The mixer delivers its final output to one or more output
ports, such as a speaker, a headphone jack, and a line-out jack.
A simple audio-input system might be similar:
Figure 8. A Possible Configuration of Lines for Audio Input
Here, data flows into the mixer from one or more input ports, commonly the microphone
or the line-in jack. Gain and pan are applied, and the mixer delivers the captured data to
an application program via the mixer's target data line.
Accessing Audio System Resources
Before one can use the resources, the first thing is always gaining access to those
available audio components on the computer.
My program only needs a certain kind of line; the details of the mixer don't matter. So I
use the AudioSystem method: static Line getLine(Line.Info info) to get a line directly
from the audioSystem. The following is a snapshot cut from as an
example to demonstrate the way of getting a source data line. First, it constructs a data
line's info object from a specified audio format. Then, if the system supports a line that
matches the specified Line.Info object, it goes on getting it, and finally opens it.
AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, rate, sampleSize, 1,
sampleSize/8, rate, true);
DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format);
if (!AudioSystem.isLineSupported(info))
System.err.println("Line matching " + info + " not supported.");
srcLine = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);, bufSize);
catch (LineUnavailableException ex)
System.err.println("Unable to open the line: " + ex);
Playing Back Audio
Playback is sometimes referred to as presentation or rendering. The essential feature is
that a sequence of data is delivered somewhere for eventual perception by a user. On the
student’s end, sound needs to be captured from the network socket, and played back
through a headphone or a speaker.
Here's an example of iterating through chunks of data that are read from a stream, writing
one chunk at a time to the SourceDataLine for playback, which is also taken from the drain() method of DataLine is invoked after writing the last
buffer's worth of data. This method blocks until all the data has been played. When
control returns to the program, the line is freed up.
byte[] data = new byte[srcLine.getBufferSize()/5];
int numBytesRead;
while ( (numBytesRead =, 0, data.length)) != -1)
srcLine.write(data, 0, numBytesRead);
if (StdPanel.stopped)
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("Error during playback: " + e);
srcLine = null;
Capturing Audio
Capturing refers to the process of obtaining a signal from outside the computer. A
common application of audio capture is recording, which is done at the instructor side.
The procedure is quite similar to that of playing back, except that the read() method is
invoked within a loop, until the instructor stops the speech, as in this example taken out
data = new byte[tgtLine.getBufferSize() / 5];
while (!TchPanel.stopped)
numBytesRead =, 0, data.length);
out.write(data, 0, numBytesRead);
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("Error during recording: " + e);
tgtLine = null; Server SoundSer
SoundSer is a multi-thread concurrent server that continues listening to the port, ready to
accept connection requests from any teacher or student. If a student tries to connect the
server, it adds this student if there's still a vacancy. The server is supposed to serve up to
100 students. All connecting students’ sockets are kept in a hashtable for later reference.
When a teacher tries to connect the server, the main process starts a new thread
This thread performs a task of continuously retrieving sound from the teacher and
broadcasting it to every student by executing a loop until the teacher clicks “Stop” button
to end speaking. Within this loop, for every connecting student in the hashtable, the
program first checks if he wants to stop listening. If so, it disconnects the student’s
socket and removes it from the hashtable, otherwise sends sound through his socket.
Chat Room
The chat room is also a client/server based application that uses RMI to form its network
The Remote Interface: RmiChat
This interface declares two methods that both client and server need to be awared of
through RMI. One is getMessages() which is to get every string from a Message vector;
the other is addMessage() which adds a new string into this vector.
The Remote Class Implementation: RmiChatImpl
This class implements those two methods in RmiChat interface.
Server: RmiServer
The server creates an internal Registry, creates an object of RmiChatImpl class, and binds
this object with the input port number:16666 in that registry. It also sets the codebase as for dynamic class loading, which allows the
client Java Virtual Machine transparently downloads the byte codes of stub class files
from a web server.
Client: ChatClient
The client is a class extending JApplet. In the method init(), it calls getcontentpane() to
load a GUI. When this JPanel starts to be constructed, it first creates a remote object by
looking up the remote registry specified by "rmi://",
then starts a new thread. This thread repeatedly calls the remote method getMessages()
to update the output text area every one second. When the user inputs a sentence at the
bottom text field, and hits “Enter” kdy, it calls the remote method addMessage() to add
this string into the Message vector.
4 Deployment
After I finish coding, it is still necessary to set up a web server and deploy the files onto
the server. This chapter introduces the server used in this project as well as the
deployment process.
4.1 Web Server
Standard Web Servers typically need some additional software to allow them to run
servlets and JSPs. Tomcat is the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet
and JavaServer Pages technologies. It can stand alone or be integrated into the Apache
Web server. For debugging of servlets and JSPs, it seems necessary to use a stand-alone
server, dedicated to the project I am developing. For this reason, I installed my own
Tomcat server on machine at port 8270.
4.2 Deployment Process
JSP and HTML Files
All JSP and HTML files should be deployed under the directory:
Sevlets and other associated Java files need to be compiled at first, and then be deployed
under the directory:
Compile,,, and
>javac *.java
>rmic RmiChatImpl
Place the stub and skeleton classes created by rmic command on the web site
as annotated with code-base.
RmiServer under $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/learning/chat/ for menu2.jsp to start.
Place ChatClient under $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/learning/chat/ too for chat.jsp to
load this applet.
Shared Files
Create folder “files” under path $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/learning/ in order to store
all the uploaded documents.
Voice Application
Compile,, and, and put them under
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/learning/talk/. Security file “applet.policy” needs to placed
in the same directory, because clients will be asked to adopt this file through the net.
4.3 Access Online Classroom
JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment v 1.3 or JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition v1.3
JavaTM Plug-in
Modify Security File
Append a line: Policy.url.3 =
to file:
C:/Program Files/JavaSoft/jre/lib/scurity/
 Visit the Website
Launch a web browser, type URL:, which leads
you directly to the home page of Online Real-time Classroom.
This is an initial attempt to design and build on online real-time classroom from the
perspective of a real world project, with a bunch of popular Java technologies adopted.
Through this project, I was exposed to as many enterprise Java technologies, and learned
to choose the right ones for the job, combine and apply them appropriately.
However, this is only a two-tier application. I considered using Enterprise JavaBeans,
but gave up due to short of familiarity. It would have made a great way to encapsulate
business rules and processes, and provide standard services that enterprise applications
require. This is the future work that might need to be done for my project.
[1] Core Java 2, by Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Sun Microsystems Press, 1999
[2] Developing Java Enterprise Applications, by Stephen Asbury and Scott R. Weiner,
Wiley, 1999
[3] Notes of course “Information Technology I, II”, by Geoffrey Fox and Bryan
Carpenter, 2000
[5] Core Servlets and Java Server Pages, by Marty Hall, Prentice Hall, 2000
[6] JSP specification, Sun Microsystems Press, 1999
[7] JavaScript Bible, 4th Edition, by Danny Goodman, Hungry Minds, 2001
[8] Java RMI, by Troy Bryan Downing, IDG books, 1998
First of all, I want to thank Dr. van Engelen for his guidance. I also appreciate the
support and encouragement from my committee members: Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Levitz.
Finally I would like to thank my friends, especially Xi Rao for kind assistance.