CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE City Commission Workshop Monday, November 4, 2013 The City Commission met in formal session Monday, November 4, 2013 at 9:30 A.M. in the Alcazar Room at City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe Boles, and the following were present: 1. Roll Call: Joe Boles, Mayor/City Commissioner Nancy Sikes-Kline, Vice Mayor/City Commissioner Leanna S. A. Freeman, City Commissioner Roxanne Horvath, City Commissioner Don Crichlow, City Commissioner John Regan, City Manager Tim Burchfield, Assistant City Manager Ron Brown, City Attorney Alison Ratkovic, City Clerk Mark Knight, Director, Planning and Building Jim Piggott, General Services Director Mark Litzinger, Comptroller Paul K. Williamson, Director, Public Affairs Dana Ste. Claire, Development Director, 450th Commemoration Isabelle Lopez, Assistant City Attorney Loran Lueders, Police Chief Martha Graham, Director, Public Works Darlene Kirkland, Recording Secretary 2. St. Augustine Vision Planning Project 1995 – Historic Perspective. Greg Baker, former Mayor, 1992-1995, stated that the original process began because of his campaign promises. He said that a discovery trip to Charleston was made to gather information. He said one aspect of the trip was to view a parking garage. He stated that the group met with a number of community leaders, and the emphasis was to conduct a “grassroots” initiative, and over 200 individuals worked on the project. He said that a facilitator was hired to train individuals on the process of visioning, and the Chamber of Commerce also worked closely with the City to assist with the effort. He said that the Vision Plan was adopted by the Commission with the requirement that the Plan be updated once per year. He noted that approximately 50% was accomplished within the first year and nearly 80% was completed within the first three years. Mayor Boles questioned the ability to move forward considering the current Sunshine Law restrictions. Mr. Baker replied that the laws would make the process more difficult; however, during the previous process, public officials from the same entity were careful to not attend meetings and functions at the same time. He added that given the number of City Commission Workshop November 4, 2013 participants, he felt the laws were not difficult to abide by. chairperson and facilitator was chosen by the steering committee based on expertise and interest, and each was a member of the steering committee. Commissioner Sikes-Kline questioned whether the Commission’s role in the original process was considered in the beginning. Dr. William Abare, Ed.D., Member, Steering Committee, 1995, stated that during the discovery trip to Charleston the importance of public safety and parking in the downtown area was a main focus. He felt that the process was more strategic planning than visioning. He stated that one of the issues with the visioning process was the possibility of overlooking something that could be considered important. He said that one of the hallmarks of the planning process was having a clear focus on what the City should be like in ten years. He suggested determining one single strategy if only one could be completed, and establish a timeframe with measurable goals. Mr. Baker replied that the process evolved over time as he became more educated on the functions of the City Commission. Commissioner Horvath stated that there would be a steering committee that would be held under the Sunshine. Joe Gordy, Chairman, Vision Planning Project, 1995, stated that the process started with researching the most optimal way to proceed. He said that organization was important, and should include achievable clear goals. He explained that areas of interest were established and members were divided accordingly. He advised that each group included a chairperson and trained facilitator to assist in driving comprehensive discussions. He said the vision process should be structured similar to the strategic planning process. Commissioner Sikes-Kline stated that the original process seemed to include both visioning and strategic planning. Dr. Abare stated that it was important to clearly understand the terms, mission, planning, vision, strategy, goals, objectives and the right path to take. Commissioner Crichlow asked if the original Plan’s progress was rewarding, and the response was affirmative. Mayor Boles questioned the process that should be taken regarding public input and ideas. Mr. Gordy stated that funding would be an issue that should be considered when developing ideas. Dr. Abare replied that clear guidelines should be established in advance that would help facilitate ideas. Commissioner Horvath agreed and stated that both short and long term goals should be established. 3. Status project. Commissioner Sikes-Kline asked if private funds were used during the beginning of the original process. Mr. Gordy Commerce corporate individuals expenses. briefing on 1995 Vision John Regan stated that an update to the original Plan was completed during 1998 that outlined the portions of the Plan that had been accomplished. He said that the arts and culture portion of the Plan was being accomplished through the 450th Commemoration. He said that a number of annexation programs over the years assisted with economic development and replied that the Chamber of provided funding, in addition to sponsorship and some covered their own travel He said that each committee 2 City Commission Workshop November 4, 2013 would continue with the development of the Riberia Pointe and San Sebastian properties. He noted that the City lacked certain tools that would allow it to be more progressive with economic development. He noted other projects that had been completed over the years as follows: Governance: Historic Resources: Casa Monica Bridge of Lions Archaeology Center Improvements to the Historic Architectural Review Board Code Citizen participation in significant projects and improvements such as the Seawall Recent discussion with County regarding a possible joint fire station Mr. Regan provided a current list of departmental goals and objectives were established during the budget process.1 4. Updated discussion. Pedestrian and Vehicular systems: Grant funding Budget cuts Parking garage Wayfinding signage ADA Compliance Vision Statement Commissioner Horvath reviewed the suggested changes to the vision statement. Public Safety: Commissioner Freeman questioned the reason to change the statement. ISO rating improvement 800MHz System installation All bridges in the City but one were less than 15 years old Additional bicycle police Water plant renovations Commissioner Sikes-Kline agreed that the suggested changes were not substantive and felt that if it were changed, the changes should be community driven. Commissioner Crichlow stated that if any changes were made it should occur at the end of the process. Recreation and Leisure: Galimore Center improvements Joe Pomar Park Waterfront improvement emphasis Festival atmosphere with the upcoming 450th Commemoration Mayor Boles suggested each Commissioner establish their own view of what they would like to see occur over the next ten years. Tourism and Visitor management: Commissioner Sikes-Kline agreed and added that each view should include one top goal as recommended by Dr. Abare. Visitor Information Center upgrades University of Florida partnership Commitment to historic accuracy Spanish Quarter investment 5. Introduction of Constituency Input. Residents: Funding and Finance: Ray Palmer, Neighborhood Council, provided a summary of discussions held 3% decrease in the reliance of ad valorem taxes State revenue sharing 1 3 Attached to original minutes City Commission Workshop November 4, 2013 during council meetings that included its mission statement, community goals and recommendations.2 He stated that one improvement that was made was changing the expectation of how an issue should be handled by providing recommendations by the community. should view businesses as a whole and not by districts. He stated that consideration should be given to what would benefit both residents and businesses. Nancy Shaver stated that she had significant experience with strategic planning. She provided a recommended outline for the planning process.3 She said that the initiative should be fact based and a combined effort of the City and community. She felt that the process should be completed in a timely fashion. Commissioner Crichlow stated that one aspect of the process should be to establish the criteria of a livable city and potential conflicts. Commissioner Sikes-Kline felt that engaging citizens was most important. Ed Slavin suggested that the existing state parks and water management district land should be renamed as a National Historic Park and National Seashore. He stated that the visioning process had to comply with Sunshine Laws and include diversity. Businesses: Len Weeks, President, St. Augustine Historic Council, stated that he participated in the original 1995 process. He felt that it was important to bring people together to share ideas and goals for the future. He said that the business community desired a healthy environment with a balance between the resident’s, tourists and commercial needs. He said that most business owners recognize the value of tourism. He agreed with the importance for parking because the main mode of transportation was by automobile. He said that the desire was to have an environment that promoted healthy businesses through improved public safety and sufficient parking. He stated that the parking garage met the initial expectations for visitors; however, the issue was how to attract locals to support downtown businesses. He added that visitors come for numerous reasons not just Heritage Tourism. James Kelly expressed concern regarding issues not being addressed, which he noted as follows: 7. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:38 A.M.4 __________________________________ Joseph Boles, MAYOR 6. Public input. David Breezing stated that he had been involved in the community over the years and agreed that a clear reason for visioning should be established. He said that recent events and the 450th Commemoration put the City in a worldwide spotlight. He felt that the City __________________________________ Alison Ratkovic, CITY CLERK 3 2 Speeding Pedestrians not using crosswalks Lack of enforcement related to City Codes and laws No sidewalks on certain streets Maintenance of privately owned properties 4 Attached to original minutes 4 Attached to original minutes Transcribed by Darlene Kirkland