STEP BY STEP: A SCHOOL FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN Admissions Policy Admissions Criteria All applicants will have a Statement of Special Educational Needs with a primary diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. We expect that applicants may also have one or more of the following associated conditions: speech and language difficulties specific learning difficulties dyslexia dyspraxia fine and gross motor difficulties motor planning and co-ordination problems sensory processing difficulties perceptual difficulties ADD / ADHD Priority is given to those children whose needs can be appropriately met through our highly individualised provision: autism specific school staff with highly specialised autism training intensive 1 to 1 teaching highly individualised teaching programs termly reviews that involve parents and a cross-functional team of specialists mix of group and individual teaching very small class size children with mixed abilities weekly group and direct 1 to 1 SALT and OT sessions use of visual support, including signing and PECS individualised and consistently implemented behaviour plan Consideration will be given to applications made by Local Authorities on behalf of children who, in the opinion of the School, will be able to benefit from the provision available. When applications for admission exceed the number of places available, the remaining places will be allocated to children who, in the opinion of the School Director and Teacher in Charge, will most benefit from the provision available. STEP BY STEP: A SCHOOL FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN Admissions Process Applications are normally made through the Local Education Authority in whose area the family resides. Step by Step currently admits children from approximately seven different LEAs. Pupils can be admitted to Step by Step following: A referral from their LEA, assessment of suitability of placement by the Teacher in Charge/Education Consultant/School Director, and the acceptance by the LEA of the placement offer and responsibility for the termly fees Or: A decision at a Tribunal that Step by Step School will provide for a child’s Special Educational Needs. Assessment process Referrals are usually made by the LEAs following their own assessments and where the agreed conclusion is that the child’s needs cannot be met within their maintained local mainstream, unit or special school provision. No charge is made to the LEA for assessment of pupils at Step by Step. Any assessment would normally be carried out no more than one year in advance of a potential placement. The referral process usually commences by the LEA sending all relevant papers to the school for consideration. Step by Step School offers unique provision based upon each of its pupils’ individual needs. Consequently, the procedure for assessing a potential pupil’s suitability for placement is flexible and conducted according to individual circumstances. However, the main focus of our assessment process is on determining the potential pupil’s needs and whether or not these could be met as a result of a placement at Step by Step. The process does not involve conducting standardised assessments but we do ask for any formal documentation providing professional opinions regarding the potential pupil and this is reviewed and considered. If having reviewed the relevant paperwork it is felt that, on principal, the child meets our criteria for a place at the school we conduct an observation of the child. This forms the main component of our assessment process and occurs either within the current school and/or home setting. Furthermore, on occasion, we request that the potential pupil spend some time being observed within the Step by Step environment. The nature of the provision at Step by Step means that a significant proportion of individual programs are dedicated to reducing barriers to learning; each pupil has an individualised Behaviour Plan, which forms an integral part of our daily teaching. The focus of the observation is to assess any behaviour that the child exhibits which may present as a barrier to learning or be potentially harmful to the child or another STEP BY STEP: A SCHOOL FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN individual. Any such behaviour is analysed, taking into consideration our approaches to behaviour management and teaching. During the observation, details are also recorded providing information about the potential pupil’s: general demeanour key skills which are of strength or weakness listening and attention abilities independence speech, language and communication skills social interaction skills sensory issues play skills self-help skills In addition to observing the potential pupil, discussions are held between Step by Step staff and other people present to ascertain relevant information. Main steps in the process: 1. Family History Questionnaire completed & submitted by parents/carers 2. Questionnaire & other relevant paperwork reviewed by Teacher in Charge/Education Consultant 3. If, after initial overview of information, pupil is considered a possible candidate for place, arrangements made to observe pupil 4. Observation carried out by Teacher in Charge/Education Consultant in pupil’s current setting (school or home) 5. Discussion held between Teacher in Charge/Education Consultant & others present during observation (parents/carers/Key worker/Class teacher/support worker, etc) 6. Details of observation recorded 7. Teacher in Charge, Education Consultant & School Director discuss pupil’s needs, areas of strength/weakness, etc in relation to provision available, taking into consideration pupil numbers & population, staffing, etc 8. Decision made and parents/LEA informed If the outcome of the assessment is positive and a place is offered to the LEA, this can begin as soon as is practically possible and beneficial for the child, and can be immediate where appropriate, subject to the school’s terms and conditions detailed below. At this point, a transition plan will be drawn up to assist the pupil’s transfer to Step by Step. The school will also consider papers sent in by parents in order to gauge the appropriateness of a potential placement at Step by Step and to assist them in deciding whether to pursue a formal request to their LEA. STEP BY STEP: A SCHOOL FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN Special Educational Needs Tribunals On those occasions when parents appeal to an SEN Tribunal over the issue of placement, the school will endeavour to assess the suitability of placement for the child at the request of parents who can provide evidence of the formal Appeal being in place. This will be done at no cost to the parents or to the LEA, and wherever possible will be done before the date of the Tribunal hearing in order to advise if a placement would be offered/is available. Step by Step seeks to co-operate fully with parents, LEAs and other agencies as appropriate to the welfare of the child, and to maintain a good working relationship with all involved Terms and conditions Offers of admission are made subject to: A signed funding agreement being received from the LEA accepting financial responsibility for the placement. Appropriate transport being in place, either as part of an arrangement with the LEA or other approved agency, or by parent, other family member or known associate of the family. All relevant documentation and paperwork being received by the school as soon as possible so that we are fully aware of a child’s history and needs, and have appropriate parental consent regarding school operations . The placement being reviewed annually or before if there is a significant cause for concern regarding the continued suitability of a child’s placement here. Updated May 2015 (DF/CC) Review due May 2017