Minutes of Parent Council Meeting Monday 28th October 2013 Members Present Mrs E Philip Mrs M Shepherd Mrs A Baigrie Mrs J Thomas Mrs S Strachan Mrs E Strachan Miss J Rae Mrs M Finnie Mrs M Duncan Mrs T Garland Mrs L Wood Mr D Garland Mrs L McGee Mrs Thomas opened the meeting at 6.30pm by welcoming all to the meeting. Apologies were received from Mrs Ellington and Mrs G Rattray Minutes of previous meeting These were read out by Mrs Thomas and Proposed by Mrs S Strachan and Mrs J Rae Head Teacher Report School Refurbishment Mrs Shirley Dyson has joined Meethill School Staff as School Administrator and the office refurbishment is almost complete. A television to display school information, photographs etc. has been donated to the school and will be fitted shortly. The corridor display boards are also due to be fitted and this allow children’s work to be displayed in the corridor again. Staff Training Our first group of teachers have been trained in ‘Cooperative Learning’ techniques and found the training very useful. Our second group of teachers will be trained in November. Visit from Director of Education As part of Aberdeenshire Council’s ‘Back to the Floor Exercise’ Maria Walker, Director of Education will be in school on Tuesday 26 November to be involved in the work of the school. Tea Towel Update 250 tea towels were purchased at a cost of £387.50, 175 were ordered from pupils, and this has brought in £875.00 giving us a profit of £487.50. Profit will rise as we will sell the remaining tea towels at the Christmas Fayre and Christmas Concert. Christmas Fayre Tuesday 3rd December 2013 Mrs Thomas gave the parent council members a list of stalls already booked for the Christmas fayre. Ideas from the parent council e.g. Reindeer Food, Hook a duck, Pick a Lolly. Games can only go ahead if we have enough helpers on the night. A letter will go home to families asking for helpers or if any parent would like a stall. Stall Holders can set up in the hall from 5.30 pm. Entry to Fayre will cost £1 which will cover the cost of refreshments and mince pie or shortbread. Mrs McGee and Miss Rae will organise the supplies. Christmas Events Hampers – The Parent Council will donate items towards the large luxury Hamper and chocolate Hamper. Mrs Philip will ask teachers if they would like to donate an item for the hampers. A smaller Hamper has been kindly donated by a parent. All three Hampers will be raffled at a cost of 50p per ticket. Pupils will receive 10 raffle tickets home to purchase. Mrs McGee will organise the printing of tickets. The raffle will be drawn at our Christmas Fayre on Tuesday 3rd December. Helpers will be required to count money. Parties – These will take place the last week of school before the Christmas Break, Monday 16th – Friday 20th December. Party food will consist of ice cream, flake and jelly, a snowman biscuit which Mrs Thomas will order from Morrisons. Mrs Thomas will also order jelly from the kitchen. Mrs Finnie will order ice cream. The Children will also have bottles of flavoured water or plain bottled water to drink instead of cups of diluting juice. Selection boxes were agreed as gifts and Mrs McGee will organise this and supplies for parties. Mr and Mrs Garland will organise Christmas crackers. Mrs Thomas has organised Santa for nursery and P1 – P4 Parties. Helpers will be required and Mrs Thomas will email parent council members nearer the time. Concerts - The School concert will be held on 9th Dec AM/PM and the Nursery concert will be held on 11th December AM. Mrs Thomas will organise concerts to be filmed by Leander Ironside and confirm DVD price. Helpers will be required to count money. P7 Panto Trip is booked for Tuesday 18th December at His Majesty’s Theatre in Aberdeen at a cost of £234.00. Victoria Coaches has been booked to take children to Theatre. Christmas Trees - The Parent council bought a pre-lit tree for school entrance. Two trees are required for the Nursery and School. These will be ordered from Auchtydonald, Mintlaw. Trees will be delivered on Thursday 28th November. Helpers will be required on Friday 29th November to decorate the trees and dining hall. Any other business P1- P3 Football team donated £35 towards the Parent Council. Jewellery Recycling – raised £85.94 School Mug Information – Mrs Thomas and Mrs Garland went to North East Weekly shop to price mugs for the School’s 40th Year. A sample mug was shown at meeting. I t will cost £2.60 for the mug which will come in a plastic box. The mug will have the school logo and date on one side and a photograph of the school on the other side. They will be sold at a profit to staff and pupils after Christmas. Next Meeting Monday 3rd Feb 2014 with a provisional date for the Summer Carnival being Saturday 7th June 2014, the meeting was then closed.