Minutes Houston Primary School Council Meeting Wednesday 19



Houston Primary School Council Meeting

Wednesday 19 November

Present :-

Parents - Nikki Barratt, Zoey Hillman, Cheryl Stewart, Joanne Thompson, Michelle Clark, Sam Ballantyne, Charlotte Taylor, Sabine

Burkhart, Joanne O’Brien, Eva Jaconelli, J Gaffney, Aileen Graham

Teachers - Joanne Craig, Kimberley Campbell, Simitra Stephanatos, Louise Dunn, Lorraine Wilson, J Murray, Diana Brooker


Lorna Nelson, Dawn Campbell, Elaine Rawson, Lesley Finn, S Walsh, Liz Quinn, Jane Kyle


Chairmans Report

Nikki attended the Renfrewshire Parents Forum meeting last week. Out of 66 schools there was only 6 parents who attended the meeting. Robert Nailor is desperate for more parents (not just chairpersons) to attend. Budget cuts and parents ratios were also discussed at this meeting.

Parents are delighted Mrs Murray has agree to act as Headteacher till summer 2015.

Thanks to Zoey Hillman and her team for a successful Halloween disco.

2. Events Committee Report

Halloween was a huge success with a great turnout. Thanks to Mrs Craig for dj-ing and others teaches and helpers attending. Any feedback is welcome.

Next event is the Christmas fair. Plans for this are going well and at least 10 business have booked stalls. Letters will be going out in children's school bags this week or start of next. It would be good if a text message is sent to parents a week before events as a reminder to parents … incase letters have been lost!!

Mrs Brooker suggested more games for children at the Spring Disco. Older children can get a bit bored for an hour and some can create havoc!! Halloween disco’s have the spooky corridor and costumes prizes etc which the spring disco doesn't have!

The events committee are always looking for parent helpers.

3. Treasurer Report

Halloween Disco made £1667 minus expenses of £543.68 which made a profit of £1124.20

Money raised form the school photographs is still to be calculated.

4. Headteachers Report

School role is at 496.

Nursery is at full capacity.

1 new pupil and 2 leaving this month.


Mrs Syme returned from maternity but is leaving at Christmas to go on her next maternity leave.

Mrs Johnstone will return as Depute Head on 5 December. She will have pastoral roles for P2 and P3. Mrs McPherson will continue to act as Depute Head covering Mrs Murrays role with P5 and P7 and will continue to cover the nursery as a new system was implemented which she was involved in.

Vicky McCann will stay in P2.

Mrs Hardgreaves will also remain in her role.

Mrs Murray will continue as acting Headteacher until summer 2015 which minimises impact on classes.

Miss Kendal has moved to Gryffe High which means her office will become a meeting room.


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Anne Anderson will leave as dining room assistant.

£800 has been spent on technology challenges.

The next phase of Ipads being purchased has been delayed.

Pupil Pay - Houston PS is a pilot for this scheme which has had a great response but not without teething problems. Office staff must input money/cash that is brought in by pupils and because the internet is so slow this can be problematic.

Macmillan Coffee Morning was a great success -

£1600 as raised.

Heyes Images photography fulfilled their commitment. All feedback has been positive. There wasn't as high a take up on the after school ‘family’ photographs as anticipated. It is though that people hadn't realised the whole family could join in.

Houston Primary are receiving tremendous NYCOS training with Go for Bronze. An expert from NYCOS has been coming to the school and will continue until Easter 2015.

P6 and P7 can receive brass and woodwind tuition form external teachers. There is a huge demand for this with limited spaces.

Louise Dunn continues with 3 days at Houston Primary and 2 as Development Officer for Modern Languages for Renfrewshire

Council. She took 4 P7’s to the Scottish Learning Festival at the SECC to describe their modern language experiences at Houston

PS. They were very well received by the Education Officer and the kids had a great day.

Gryffe High and St. Benedicts High pupils have being doing work experience in Houston Primary. It is so important for pupils to experience working in schools before they decide on their future.

Diana Brooker is self evaluating and the focus is on Health and Well Being. Letters will be going out to invite parents to the school in

Decemeber to discuss pupils health and safety and well being. It is a great opportunity for parents to have their say and raise any concerns etc.

Bikeability - The level that Houston PS is looking for is for cycling to be taught in the playground followed by teaching on the roads.

However parent volunteers are required as there needs to be a ratio of 1:8. More parents are needed for this to go ahead. Only 4 volunteers at present.

If teachers want any issues to be raised on the parent council facebook page they can let Cheryl Stewart know as it does get a good response from parents.

Teachers are continuing to put photographs on the class blogs.

With regard to an GIRFEC inspection P6 will take part in an online questionnaire. Parents will be sent letter informing them about this.

5. AOB

Parking remains a huge issue with weekly complaints to Mrs Murray. She has and recommends anyone else with issues to contact the police.

The new nursery drop off times are causing massive congestion in the staff car park. Parents should not park in the staff car park as it is meaning staff cannot park! Stickers have been made to place on cars to make drivers aware they cannot use the staff car park.

A parent in P5 has raised concern about child being removed from maths/language class.

School Lunches:- Disappointment across the board with new menu. Children need to have the opportunity to enjoy the social aspect of dining together. Grab ’n’ Go is felt to be a step backwards. It was felt there is limited options and fast food mentality which is not conducive to good learning.


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