SAFARI Project Tuition Calculation Business Process Guide October 2003 SAFARI Project (Process Name Here) Process Table of Contents Tuition Calculation Overview......................................................................................................................... 1 Before You Begin .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Prerequisites and Assumptions ............................................................................................................. 1 Other Materials Needed ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.0 Tuition Calculation................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Tuition Calc for an Individual Student ....................................................................................... 2 1.2 Tuition Calc for a Group of Students ......................................................................................... 4 i (Process Name Here) Process SAFARI Project Tuition Calculation Overview Tuition calculation is the method used to charge students for the courses for which they are enrolled. At CWU, it is based on the student’s Career (Undergrad, Post Bac, or Graduate) and Residency (Washington State Resident or Non-Resident). We also account for reduced tuition waivers such as the Staff, Washington State Employee, National Guard and Senior Citizen waivers, and Running Start students. Tuition calculation involves a large number of setup tables including, but not limited to Adjustment Calendars, Billing and Due Calendars, Class Fees, Course Fees, Criteria, Equations, Optional Fees, Term Fees, Transactions Fees, and Tuition Groups. Before You Begin Prerequisites and Assumptions Before you can successfully perform the Tuition Calculation process, it is assumed that each of the following conditions has been met: All tuition calc setup tables are properly defined The student is registered for the courses in the term being calculated Other Materials Needed To carry out the [Name] process correctly, you may need to refer to the following documents: [List other documents needed] [List other documents needed] 687313162 Page 1 of 7 (Process Name Here) Process SAFARI Project 1.0 Tuition Calculation Tuition can be calculated for an individual student or a group of students. CWU is using the option to automatically calculate a student when their Customer Account is accessed but this only calculates if the student has made changes to their schedule. If a change is made to setup, a manual calculate will need to be performed. 1.1 Tuition Calc for an Individual Student Following is the procedures for calculating an individual student. Navigation: Home > Manage Student Financials > Calculate Tuition and Fees > Use > Tuition Calculation Navigate to the Tuition Calc page using the path above. Enter the ID # or use the search capabilities to find the desired student. Only students that have the potential to have the calculation performed will display (enrolled students). The tuition calculation page displays various information about the student including name, ID#, Career, Term, Tuition Group, etc. The most recent term with enrollment activity will display first. Use the arrow keys or “View All” link to find the appropriate term and Career. 687313162 Page 2 of 7 (Process Name Here) Process SAFARI Project The “Tuition Calc Required” checkbox will be turned “on” if the student has enrollment activity or waiver activity for the term. If there has been set up changes, this flag will not be checked even though tuition calc is required. Verify the correct term is displayed and click the button. After tuition has been calculated, “Tuition Group” and “Tuition Calc Date Time” will be updated and the “Tuition Calc Required” box will be cleared. Use the “Display Tuition and Fees” hyperlink to view the tuition charges. This page shows all charges that the student may be charged for based on his Tuition Group. T&F tabs 1-4 show various information regarding the charges such as Fee Code, Due Date Code, Adjustment Code, Refund Percentage etc. 687313162 Page 3 of 7 (Process Name Here) Process SAFARI Project You can view the Student’s Account and Academic Information from the Tuition Calc page by clicking the appropriate hyperlinks. The override following boxes should not be used: Override Billing Units Override Init Enrl Fee Projected Billing Units Override Init Add Fee These relate to setup that CWU in not currently using. 1.2 Tuition Calc for a Group of Students Following is the procedures for calculating an individual student. Navigation: Home > Manage Student Financials > Calculate Tuition and Fees > Process > Tuition for Multiple Students Navigate to the “Tuition for Multiple Students” page using the path above. Select the desired Run Control or create a new one if necessary. 687313162 Page 4 of 7 (Process Name Here) Process SAFARI Project The Tuition Calc Run Control has several options to select. Business Unit: always “CWUID” Run Option: There are 7 different run options. This process can calculation tuition, post tuition, and calculate waivers or variations of these three options. In most cases, the “Calc and Post Tuition, Waivers” should be selected. Calculating Tuition or Waivers only will not post the changes to the student’s account. Select Option: You may calculate based on “All Students” or “Required Only”. The “All Students” option calculates tuition for all students regardless of when their tuition was last calculated. This option should be used at the beginning of the quarter, on the last day of add/drop, before late fees are posted, before statements are sent, when a setup change is made, before students are dropped for nonpayment, or whenever some event occurs that makes it reasonable to calculate all students. The “Required Only” option Calculates tuition for students who meet the criteria in the page and for whom the tuition calculation required flag is set to yes. This option will be used for most tuition calc processing except as noted above. Academic Career: Enter the Academic Career for which tuition should be calculated. CWU currently uses GRAD, PBAC, and UGRD. Normally, all careers should be calculated. Add rows as needed to include the appropriate Academic Careers. 687313162 Page 5 of 7 (Process Name Here) Process SAFARI Project Term: Select an optional term for which you want to calculate tuition and fees. Leave this field blank to calculate tuition and fees for all eligible students in all terms limited by the run option and select option settings. More than one term can be calculated but normally this will be the current term only. Insert additional rows when necessary. Academic Program: Tuition can be calculated for a specific Academic Program however CWU normally would not use this option so it should remain blank. After all the criteria have been selected, use the button to run the process. Use the “Display Details” hyperlink to view the students calculated in the batch. 687313162 Page 6 of 7 (Process Name Here) Process SAFARI Project Using the “Display Details” hyperlink will transfer you to the Inquire – Fees After Calculation (Batch) page. The fee calculation information for each student resulting from batch tuition calculation is identical to information resulting from tuition calculation for a single student. Detail is displayed for all students calculated. Use the arrows to navigate through the report. The keys are used to move in “chunks” or large groups of students. In the below example, there are 419 total students in the batch but only 50 are displayed in a “chunk.” Using these arrows will move to the next chunk of 50 students. The Fees After Calculation (Batch) shows the same information as the calc for a single student. 687313162 Page 7 of 7