ANNEX 5 UNIVERSITY OF EXETER UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS: STUDENT REPORT FORM Name of Student (in full): Student No: Programme of Study: Unsatisfactory module code numbers and title (where appropriate): Does this student hold a Tier 4 (General) Student visa?: Reporting College: Key College contact for any Queries: I wish to report the above-named student whose performance remains unsatisfactory. I have attached: (i.) (ii.) (iii.) (iv.) Initial warning(s) sent to the student (please specify by date); Final warning sent to the student (please specify by date); Correspondence with regard to the Dean of College’s* meeting with the student, including a summation of the discussion which took place in the meeting if the student attended; Any other pertinent information, including details of any other relevant meetings held with the student. Where the case is complex it is advisable to attach a brief chronology of events to aid the Dean of Faculty in their review of the case. I/We recommend that the following action be taken: I/We have notified the student that they has been reported to the Dean of the Faculty Date: Signature: ……………………………………. (Dean of College*) 1. Please also confirm approval of Dean of any other involved College e.g. for CH/ Service Teaching or Director of Flexible Combined Honours 2. If the student is studying under a partnership arrangement, e.g. as part of a Doctoral Training Partnership, please provide a brief outline of the agreed progress arrangements for the programme in question and confirmation that these have been followed to date. ________________________________________________________________ Action taken by the Dean Accept/ Reject recommendation (delete as applicable) If recommendation is rejected, please state reasons and next steps below Date: Signature:………………………………………….. Dean of the Faculty of ________________ *Dean of College or relevant Associate Dean of College or the Director of Postgraduate Research only When complete, this form should be sent to the Faculty Dean’s Office (Send hard copy papers to Room 16, the Old Library or email Taught Programmes:, Graduate Research Programmes: If you send papers by email please ensure you have scanned in a signed form or included email correspondence from the relevant authority in lieu of a signature. The Faculty Dean’s Office will inform the student in writing of any action to be taken, copied to the College concerned and will report to Faculty Board.