Vintage Scrapbook Page: Easter & Sports Memories

By Lilian Moore
“Some cities seem to have more pigeons than
people, why do these birds like cities so much”
Connect To Your Life
Have you ever watched a group of
pigeons walking around?
What were they doing?
They eat bread that we throw to
Key To The Poem
With personification a poem can describe an
animal or object as if it were a person, you
may never think of pigeon in the same way
Personification is the description of an
animal or an object as if it were human or
had human qualities”
English -Indonesia
Pigeon, by : Lilian Moore
Burung Dara, oleh : Lilian Moore
Pigeon are city folk
To live with concrete
And cement
Burung dara seperti orang kota
Yang puas
Hidup dengan bangunan semen
They seldom
The sky
Mereka jarang
Mencoba pergi ke luar
A pigeon never sings
Of hill
And flowering hedge
But busily commutes
From sidewalk
To his ledge
Oh Pigeon what waste of wings!
Seekor burung dara tidak pernah menyanyi
Tentang gunung
Dan berbunga di antara semak-semak.
Tetapi sibuk berjalan
Dari pinggir jalan
Ke pinggiran
Oh burung dara, sayap yang sia-sia!
Lilian Moore
Think It Through
1. According to the poem, How are pigeons like city
“They commutes from sidewalk to the ledge of the city” (line 11- 13)”
2. What does the last line of the poem mean when it says “
What a waste of wings” ?
“Because they walk to the sidewalk to the ledge, they didn’t use their wings so
that’s why the poem write ‘what a waste of wings’ “
3. What message does this poem have for some people?
“Don’t waste your ability”
identify what is being compared to humans and tell how
it is like a human
The bridge stands still
with open arms while
Cars and trucks ride safely
through its path
answer : Bridge and arms
“ the bridge doesn’t have
any arms”
2. The tree outside my
house knocks quitely
At the window to let me
Know its awake
answer :Tree and knocks
“ The tree can’t knocks”
3. Strong winds whisper
a song of lost memories
And forgotten dreams in my ears
answer : Winds and whsiper
“The winds can’t whisper”
4. Chubs, my cat, bickers
With his friends about his days
as an alley cat.
answer : Cat, bickers, with his
friends about his days as
an alley cat
“Cat can’t argues with his
friend because of his days
as an alley cat”
B. Choose one of the following animals or objects.
Write a sentence about it, using a personification
car woods bear house television clock
Example sentence:
“ The clock shout on me and wake me up”