2009 - 2010
Background: This course is designed to provide a solid foundation in the basic
principles of biology and represents a first year college level course. Within each unit,
major themes including hierarchy of organization, cellular basis of life, heritable
information, correlation between structure and function, ecology, unity in diversity,
evolution and scientific process are related to one another and compared to those of other
topics covered in the course. Students are expected to add specific detail to each topic
within each theme and correlate the concepts learned to the laboratory program, which
includes the 12 labs recommended by The College Board. By accomplishing these goals,
students reach a higher level of learning in preparation for the advanced placement exam
and post high school education.
Major Text(s) Used:
 Campbell, Reece Biology: 7th edition, Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2005
 Taylor, Student Study Guide for Campbell Reese Biology Seventh Edition,
Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2005
 The College Board Advanced Placement Program : Biology Lab Manual revised
Grade Level and Prerequisites: 11 & 12 ; successful completion of Biology and
Chemistry (86% minimum in Honors level, 92% minimum Academic level)
Hours: 7 class periods per 6 day cycle including 5 forty minute periods and one 80
minute block (double period) for laboratory work during the duration of the school year
(August to June, 180 days)
Summer work: Teacher created packets are distributed at the end of May. Packets
include reading comprehension questions, vocabulary, workbook assignments and
additional multiple choice questions for chapters 1 – 5. Students are expected to take
notes on each chapter in outline form. All summer work is due the first day of school;
the evaluation is given a 100 point value (test equivalent).
Lesson plans for each chapter: lecture incorporating overheads, animations and powerpoint available through Campbell/Reece media package. Teacher created review sheets
are given at the beginning of each class period to review/introduce material for the day.
Practice tests are also given following the presentation of each chapter; tests are designed
for students to answer as many multiple choice questions as possible in preparation for
the AP exam.
Laboratory activities: are designed to coordinate with textbook materials as covered;
lab time includes data analysis; analysis questions/graphing, etc… are often assigned and
then covered during the next class period. Evaluations of labs are based on accuracy of
interpretation of results and are usually in the 20- 25 point range.
Assignments: vary depending on the unit and needs of the students in understanding the
material; worksheets from the student study guide are often assigned or incorporated
during class; students are always expected to read each chapter carefully. Point values
vary, but are limited to make the primary focus of grades test scores.
Assessments: are usually given following each chapter (exception: independent study
chapters); occasionally students work on multiple choice questions in groups and at times
use their texts and notes; tests follow most chapters or unit and allow 45 seconds for each
multiple choice/matching question and about 20 minutes to complete a free response
(essay) question. Tests are graded based on 100 points and are the main determination of
student grade. Short quizzes are included throughout the course and vary depending on
material and the needs of the students.
Course Outline:
Unit One:
Chemical Basis of Living Systems Chapters 1-5
Describe the unifying themes of biology: evolution, cellular basis of life,
hierarchy of organization, structure and function, unity in diversity, heredity, and
scientific process of inquiry.
a. List and define the themes of biology.
b. Diagram the hierarchy of structure.
c. Describe emergent properties of life.
d. Outline scientific method and recognize each step/part in an example.
Develop a basic understanding of chemistry associated with organisms.
a. Describe the structure of an atom.
b. Define element and compound.
c. State how compounds are formed.
Identify water as a key compound to life based on its unique properties.
a. Describe the structure of water.
b. Define polarity.
c. State how polarity influences the association of water with other
d. Describe the buffer systems in organisms.
e. Describe water’s key properties for homeostasis.
Develop an understanding of basic organic chemistry.
a. Draw the structure of a carbon atom and the key role of 4 valence
b. List carbon’s unique characteristics and relate to living systems.
c. Define isomer.
d. Identify structural and geometric isomers and enantiomers.
e. Identify functional groups and their effects within molecules.
Describe the structure and function of macromolecules present in living systems
including nucleic acids, lipids, proteins and carbohydrates.
a. Explain how polymers are formed from monomers.
b. Diagram hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis.
c. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of each type of carbohydrate:
monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.
d. Define glycosidic linkage.
e. Describe lipids and distinguish each type: fatty acid, phospholipid, steroid
f. Describe proteins and distinguish between primary, secondary, tertiary and
quaternary structures.
g. Diagram an amino acid.
h. Explain how a peptide bond is formed.
i. Diagram a nucleic acid.
j. Summarize the function of nucleic acids.
k. Describe nucleotides and their functions.
1. Investigation of Scientific Method: Lab-Aids #100-A Scientific Method
Problem Solving Kit
Write a hypothesis regarding an indicator and identify unknown solutions based
on that hypothesis. Rewrite hypothesis as needed.
2 class periods
2. Identification of the 4 Classes of Macromolecules
Use indicators to identify simple and complex carbohydrates, protein, lipids and
nucleic acids.
2 – 3 class periods
3. College Board Lab #2: Enzyme Catalysis
Observe the use of the enzyme catalase and investigate its properties.
2-3 class periods
Time: approximately 3 cycles
include chapter worksheets from the student study guide, lab analysis, and
objective tests following each chapter. One major test with objective questions
and free-response follows this unit.
Unit Two:
Metabolism and Energy
Chapters 8, 9, 10
8. Develop an understanding of the metabolism of living systems.
l. Distinguish anabolic and catabolic pathways, kinetic and potential energy,
open and closed systems, entropy and enthalpy, exergonic and endergonic
m. State the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics.
n. Define free energy.
o. Describe the structure and function of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
p. Describe enzyme function in the role of metabolic pathway regulation and
relate to catalase used in lab.
q. Describe current enzyme use in the treatment of disease.
9. Outline and understand the process of cellular respiration.
a. Diagram energy flow in ecosystems.
b. Write the equation for respiration.
c. Describe the steps in respiration including enzyme control, reactants and
d. Distinguish between anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
e. Describe glycolysis.
f. Diagram the Krebs cycle.
g. Define phosphorylation and distinguish between oxidative and substratelevel.
h. Describe the electron transport chain.
i. Explain the process of chemiosmosis.
j. Summarize the amount of ATP produced through anaerobic and aerobic
k. Describe the structure of a mitochondrion and explain what occurs (step in
respiration) in each part of the mitochondrion.
l. Distinguish ATP production in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
10. Describe the process of photosynthesis and recognize its importance in the
continuity of energy on our planet.
a. Write the equation for photosynthesis and compare to respiration.
b. Identify examples as autotrophs or heterotrophs.
c. Explain the energy relationships/cycling between autotrophs and
d. Identify examples as chemosynthetic or photosynthetic.
e. Explain the process of chemosynthesis.
f. Calculate the absorption of certain plant pigments.
g. Trace the flow of electrons through each step of photosynthesis.
h. Describe the roles of ATP and NADPH .
i. Diagram the Calvin cycle.
j. Define photophosphorylation and compare to oxidative and substrate
k. Differentiate cyclic and noncyclic electron flow.
l. Define photorespiration and state its evolutionary ties.
m. Describe alternate pathways (C4 and CAM) for plants living in arid
1. College Board Lab #5: Cellular Respiration
Compare oxygen consumption in germinating vs. dry peas using a respirometer.
2 – 3 class periods
2. College Board Lab #4: Plants Pigments & Photosynthesis
Use chromatography to separate plant pigments and use a spec 20 to determine
2-3 class periods
Time: approximately 3 cycles
include chapter worksheets from the student study guide, lab analysis, and
objective tests following each chapter.
Unit Three: Cellular Biology
Chapters 6,7 11 &12
6. Describe the basic parts of the cell and their functions.
a. Describe techniques to study cells.
b. State the cell theory and its historical development.
c. Use a microscope to study cell types.
d. Distinguish cell types.
e. Relate surface area and volume to cell size.
f. Identify each cell organelle.
g. Describe each organelle’s function.
h. Identify and describe cell to cell communication.
7. Develop a basic understanding of the structure of the cell membrane and its
a. Describe the development of the current model of the cell membrane.
b. Define diffusion.
c. Investigate diffusion and osmosis.
d. Describe how osmosis affects homeostasis.
e. List and define the types of transport systems into and out of the cell.
11. Identify the need for cells to communicate within a living system.
a. Describe external signals received by cells.
b. Differentiate reception, transduction and response within the various types
of signal transduction pathways.
12. Recognize the importance of the cell cycle in reproduction and the role it plays in
a. Diagram the cell cycle.
b. Describe the controls of the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells.
c. Identify the phases of mitosis in root tips and whitefish blastula.
d. Differentiate mitosis, meiosis, and cytokinesis.
1. College Board Lab #1: Diffusion & Osmosis
Use a cell membrane model to observe diffusion and investigate the effects of
concentration on diffusion.
4 – 5 class periods
2. College Board Lab #3: Mitosis & Meiosis (Mitosis section)
Observe mitosis in animal and plant cells and calculate the amount of time
spent in each phase.
2 – 3 class periods
approximately 4 cycles
include chapter worksheets from the student study guide, lab analysis, and
objective tests following each chapter. Free responses on chapters 8 & 12.
Unit Four:
Chapters 13 – 21
13. Discuss the role of hereditary material in the continuity of life.
a. Explain how heredity is possible.
b. Describe the life cycles of animals, fungi and plants.
c. Recognize the phases of meiosis.
d. Explain the phases of meiosis.
e. Relate heredity to evolutionary mechanisms.
14. Develop an understanding of Mendelian genetics and apply Mendelian principles
to modern concepts in genetics.
a. Define the blending theory of inheritance and examine its flaws.
b. Discuss Mendel’s laws of inheritance: independent assortment,
dominance and segregation.
c. Calculate genotypes and phenotypes using Punnett squares (monhybrid
and dihybrid).
d. Use the rule of multiplication and addition to calculate probability of
inheritance of traits.
e. Describe several types of alleles and their effects on each other and other
f. Discuss screening of individuals for genetic abnormalities.
g. Review current research in the field of genetics.
15. Describe the application of Mendelian genetics to chromosomal theory.
a. State the chromosomal theory of inheritance.
b. Define linkage.
c. Explain crossing over.
d. Examine Drosophila melanogaster (slideviewer first, then live)
e. Understand gene mapping.
f. Describe sex determination in various organisms.
g. Distinguish among deletions, duplications, translocations, and inversions.
h. Describe the cause and symptoms of genetic abnormalities.
16. Discuss the structure of DNA.
a. List the components of DNA and the experimentation involved in
discovering DNA as the carrier of heredity.
b. State the history behind Watson and Crick’s discovery of DNA’s
c. Describe the process of replication including enzymes.
17. Explain how DNA directs the synthesis of organic molecules in organisms.
a. Describe the process of transcription in detail and compare in prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells.
b. Describe RNA processing in eukaryotic cells.
c. Describe translation in detail in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
d. Differentiate pre-mRNA, mRNA, rRNA, tRNA and their roles in protein
e. Differentiate codons and anticodons.
18. Investigate the structure of viruses and bacteria in the study of genetics.
a. Describe the structure of a virus and several key virus types.
b. Describe the patterns of viral replication.
c. Distinguish lytic and lysogenic cycles in viruses.
d. Describe various types of viruses including HIV.
e. Describe the structure of bacteria.
f. Describe various types of bacteria and distinguish between gram positive
and gram negative bacteria.
19. Describe the organization and control of eukaryotic genomes.
a. Describe the functioning and control of gene expression.
b. Describe the lac operon.
c. Describe the role of gene expression in cancer development.
20. Discuss cloning and practical applications of DNA technology.
a. Describe recombinant DNA.
b. Outline current trends in genetic recombination.
21. Describe the genetic basis of development of a single cell to a multicellular
a. Distinguish patterns of morphogenesis in plants and animals.
b. Describe the changes that occur to the genome during differentiation.
c. Describe how a cell is instructed to express genes at the appropriate time.
1. College Board Lab #3: Mitosis & Meiosis (meiosis section)
Observe meiosis and determine the rate of crossing over in ascospores of
Sordaria fimicola. Simulate meiosis using beads.
2-3 class periods
2. Sordaria Genetics
Extension of College Board Lab #3
1 class period
3. College Board Lab #7: Genetics of Organisms
Use living organisms to do genetic crosses; evaluate observed and expected
ratios using a Chi square.
5-6 class periods
4. College Board Lab #6: Molecular Biology
Separate and identify DNA fragments using electrophoresis.
2 – 3 class periods
4 – 5 cycles
include chapter worksheets from the student study guide, lab analysis, and
objective tests following each chapter. Free responses on chapter 13, 16 & 17.
Approximate time line: end of second marking period.
Unit Five:
Chapters 22-28
22. Develop an understanding of Darwin’s theory of evolution.
a. State Linnaeus’ contribution to evolutionary theory.
b. State the objectives in Darwin’s Origin of Species.
c. Explain the contributions of other scientists to the formation of Darwin’s
theory of evolution.
d. Explain descent with modification.
e. Distinguish artificial and natural selection.
f. Describe evidence supporting Darwin’s theory and natural selection.
g. Give specific examples of natural selection and variations within
23. Apply Darwinian theory to the modern concept of populations.
a. State the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium conditions.
b. Discuss the types of selection, which can occur in a population.
c. List the factors, which contribute to speciation.
d. Use the Hardy-Weinberg equation to calculate allele and genotype
frequencies in given populations.
24. Define the biological species concept.
a. Differentiate macroevolution and microevolution.
b. Distinguish and describe modes of speciation.
25. Develop an understanding of phylogeny.
a. Describe common ancestry and its evidence.
b. Define systematics in terms of phylogeny.
c. Connect the genome with an organism’s evolutionary history.
26. Organize geologic time and the development of life.
a. Define fossil and describe how fossils are studied.
b. Describe the processes, which are used to date fossils.
c. List the taxonomic groupings and relate different groups of organisms to
evolutionary history of emergence.
1. College Board Lab #8: Population Genetics and Evolution
Use Hardy-Weinberg’s genetic equilibrium equation to investigate the
relationship between evolution and allele frequencies.
2-3 class periods
Approximately 2 – 3 cycles
include chapter worksheets from the student study guide, lab analysis, and
objective tests following each chapter. One major test following unit. Free
response question on natural selection and Darwinian evolution.
Unit Seven:
Chapters 27 & 28
27. Examine prokaryotic characteristics of bacteria.
a. Discuss the development of satisfaction of nutritional requirements of
prokaryotic cells.
b. Connect the role of prokaryotes in the cycle of energy in an ecosystem.
c. Discuss the effects of prokaryotes in humans.
28. Describe the types of protists and their evolutionary adaptations.
a. Discuss the success of protists in diverse environments.
b. Describe the phyla of protists, state characteristics, examples and
environmental significance of each phylum and classes.
1. Protista: examination of live organisms
Observe living protists (sample vary year to year, but often include organisms
such as Euglena, Sarcodina, Sporozoa, Ciliophora, and algae phyla) under a
compound microscope.
2 class periods
2. College Board Lab #6 Molecular Biology: A Bacterial TransformationAmpicillin Resistance
Use plasmids to transform E. coli cells with ampicillin resistance.
2 – 3 class periods
1 cycle
include chapter worksheets from the student study guide, lab analysis, and
objective tests following each chapter.
Unit Six:
Diversity of Plants and Animals Chapters 32 – 49
(Chapters 32-34 & 40 – 49 deal with animals/systems; 29,30, 35-39 deal with plants)
32. Develop an understanding of what constitutes an animal.
a. Define parazoan.
b. Differentiate acoelomates, pseudocoelomates and coelomates.
c. Describe animal formation from zygote to blastula through gastrulation and
the formation of germ layers.
d. Describe the major features of Kingdom Animalia’s phylogenic tree.
33. Differentiate invertebrate diversity.
a. Discuss the origins of animal diversity.
b. List the distinguishing characteristics of the invertebrate phyla.
34. Describe the evolution of vertebrates and their diversity.
a. List the characteristics of chordates.
b. Describe and differentiate fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
c. Discuss the evolution of primates.
40. Relate animal form and function to the environment.
a. Describe how animals maintain homeostasis as they constantly interact with
their environment
b. Discuss the hierarchy of organization in cells, tissues, and organ systems.
c. Describe the major types of tissues.
d. Discuss metabolism and differentiate basal metabolic rate &standard
metabolic rate.
e. Differentiate conformers and regulators.
f. Discuss the role of the integumentary system in regulating heat in ectoderms
and endoderms.
g. Discuss evaporative cooling.
41. Discuss energy consumption in animals.
a. List and describe the main feeding mechanisms of animals.
b. Describe the structure and function of each organ in the mammalian digestive
c. Describe the requirements of adequate nutrition.
d. Describe evolution adaptations of vertebrate digestive systems based on food
42. Describe the processes of circulation and gas exchange in animals.
a. Differentiate open and closed circulatory systems.
b. Describe the structure and function of vertebrate cardiovascular system parts.
c. Discuss double circulation.
d. State the path of blood flow through a mammalian heart.
e. Describe the components of blood.
f. Discuss gas exchange in aquatic animals, insects, amphibians, mammals and
g. Define the role of respiratory pigments.
h. Describe adaptations unique to deep diving mammals.
43. Describe the immune system and its components.
a. Differentiate first and second lines of defense against pathogens.
b. Discuss the inflammatory response.
c. Explain acquired immunity.
d. Differentiate humoral and cell-mediated immunity.
e. Explain the body’s ability to distinguish self from nonself.
f. Discuss autoimmune diseases.
44. Define osmoregulation and excretion.
a. State the significance and primary mechanisms of osmoregulation.
b. Discuss the excretory systems of various animals, list their components and
describe their functions.
c. State the adaptations of excretory systems for various environmental
45. Define hormone and describe the endocrine system.
a. Discuss the regulation and release of hormones in mammals.
b. State the structure and function of the glands of the endocrine system.
c. Explain how hormones influence target areas.
d. Describe invertebrate regulatory systems.
46. Discuss animal reproduction.
a. Differentiate asexual and sexual reproduction in the animal kingdom and give
examples of each.
b. State the structure and function of reproductive organs in humans and other
47. Describe how animals develop from fertilization through birth.
c. Discuss fertilization and its mechanisms.
d. Explain cleavage, state and describe cleavage patterns and embryo
development in various organisms.
e. Define morphogenesis.
48. List and describe the structure and function of the components of the nervous
systems of various animals.
a. Define neuron.
b. Explain action potentials.
c. Describe cell to cell communications via synapses.
d. State the role of ions and ion channels in nerve impulses.
e. Describe the parts of the human brain and their functions.
f. Discuss the symptoms and causes of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s
49. Describe the sensory and motor mechanisms of various animals.
a. Define sensory receptor and explain how sensory receptors work.
b. Define mechanoreceptors and explain how hearing occurs in humans.
c. Discuss taste.
d. Explain how vision occurs, differentiate simple and compound eyes, and
describe the anatomy and physiology of the mammalian eye.
e. Explain the processing involved in the interpretation of vision.
f. Differentiate endoskeletons and exoskeletons.
g. Explain the role of skeletons in structural support.
h. Explain how a muscle contracts.
29. Discuss the colonization of land by the plant kingdom including structural
a. Describe the life cycles of mosses and ferns.
b. Differentiate nonvascular and seedless vascular plants.
30. Discuss the evolution of seed plants.
a. Define reduced gametophyte and state its significance.
b. Differentiate gymnosperms and angiosperms.
35. Describe the structure of plants.
a. List the characteristics of plant cells.
b. Explain the types of plant tissues.
c. Describe the basic structure and function of plant organs: stems, leaves and
36. Describe the mechanisms of water and food transport in plants.
a. Define transpiration.
b. Discuss water potential (revisit College Board Lab #1)
c. Define bulk flow.
d. Describe the path of water from roots to shoots.
37. Discuss the nutritional requirements of plants and their growth
a. Differentiate macro and micronutrients.
b. Discuss soil quality in plant growth.
c. Describe the effects of nitrogen on plants.
38. Explain reproduction in angiosperms and discuss developments in plant research.
a. Discuss pollination and its mechanisms.
b. Explain double fertlization.
c. Discuss seed germination.
39. Explain how plants respond to their environments.
a. Define tropism and list the different types.
b. Describe signal transduction pathways in plants and compare to those in
c. List the plant hormones and state their functions.
d. Discuss biological clocks and circadian rhythms.
1. College Board Lab #10: Physiology of the Circulatory System
Determine blood pressure of fellow students and determine the effects
of temperature on heart rate of Daphnia.
2 class periods
2. Dissection: lamprey
3. Dissection: turtle
4. Dissection: dogfish
5. Dissection: fetal pig
Dissections are designed to correlate with each phyla/class and/or
organ systems as the material is covered in class.
Approximately 5-6 class periods per organism
6. College Board Lab #9: Transpiration
Measure transpiration under different environmental conditions.
Study plant stem and leaf tissues/cells under the compound
2 class periods
7. Dissection: chrysanthemum and lily
Examine the structure of a typical flower and identify key parts and
their functions.
2 class periods
5 cycles
include chapter worksheets from the student study guide, lab analysis, and
objective tests following each chapter.
Unit Seven:
Chapter 31
Independent study examining unique characteristics of fungi and the
main phyla characteristics (focus on reproduction); packet
Unit Eight:
Chapters 50 –55
50. Outline the importance of ecology and effects on the ecosystem.
a. Define ecology.
b. State the subfields of ecology.
c. Explain how ecology is studied.
d. Discuss the distribution of species.
e. Differentiate abiotic and biotic factors and explain their significance to ecology.
f. List and describe aquatic biome types.
g. Discuss the effects of climate on population distribution.
h. List and describe terrestrial biomes.
51.Develop an understanding of behavioral biology.
a. Distinguish between proximate and ultimate causes of behavior and give examples of
b. Define ethology.
c. Discuss behavior in terms of genetic vs. environmental influences.
d. Describe how animal behavior evolves through natural selection.
e. Discuss mate selection and parental care.
52. Describe the principles of population ecology.
a. Discuss the influences on population density, dispersion and demography and define
each term
b. Differentiate exponential and logistic growth models.
c. Define life history.
d. Discuss human population growth.
e. Define carrying capacity.
53. Develop an understanding of community ecology.
a. Discuss interactions within a community.
b. Define keystone species and state its significance.
c. Discuss how environmental disturbances influence species diversity.
54. Develop a model of an ecosystem
a. Define ecosystem in terms of trophic relationships.
b. Discuss the energy requirements and exchanges of an ecosystem.
c. Discuss energy efficiency in ecosystems.
d. Describe cycling of carbon, water, nitrogen and phosphorus in ecosystems.
55.Develop an understanding of conservation biology and a plan of action.
a. Discuss how human activities are affecting biodiversity.
b. Differentiate endangered and threatened species.
c. List and describe the 4 major threats to biodiversity.
d. Explain the focus of population conservation and discuss several examples of resoration
1. College Board Lab #12: Dissolved Oxygen and Aquatic Primary
Measure and analyze the dissolved oxygen concentration of water at various
temperatures. Measure the productivity of lab cultures of water samples at
various depths (amount of light exposure varies).
2-3 class periods
The unit on ecology is done as an independent study starting in December. Students have 2 weeks
to complete each one-chapter packet. After all 6 packets are completed, a discussion will ensue
and a comprehensive unit test is given.
Grades are calculated by comparing the total points possible with the points the student
earns. Points are assigned for class work, homework, laboratory reports, quizzes and tests; point
value for each assignment varies based on the difficulty, length, preparation time, etc…. of the
assignment ( basic range 2 – 100 points). The majority of the quarter grade is based on quiz
and test scores. Tests are in AP format which includes an objective section consisting of multiple
choice and matching questions based on factual recall, comprehension and application and an
essay section which is based on free response questions.
Daniel Boone Grading Policy
92 – 100%
83 – 91%
74 – 82%
65 – 73%
needs improvement
64% or below
failing/ unsatisfactory
Sample Scoring Rubric (based on Modern Biology: Holt, Reinert and Winston)
Based on sample 5 point assignment
6. Experienced level: (5 points earned): Work is superior with no serious
inaccuracies; communication skills are exemplary
5. Competent level: (4 points earned): Work is effective with no serious
inaccuracies; content mastery is somewhat apparent; communication skills are
4. Intermediate level: (3 points earned): Work is satisfactory with few serious
inaccuracies; content mastery is marginally apparent; communication skills are
somewhat satisfactory
3. Beginning level: (2 points earned): Work is unsatisfactory with many serious
inaccuracies throughout; content mastery and communication skills are lacking.
2. Inexperienced level: (1 point earned): Work is poor with the majority having
serious inaccuracies; content mastery is not apparent at all and communication
skills have limited value.
1. Unacceptable level: (no points): No relevant responses are given.
AP Exam information:
The AP Biology exam is given in our library in May. It costs between 80 & 90 dollars. It
consists of 100 multiple choice/matching questions (90 minutes) and 4 free response
questions/essays (90 minutes). One of the free response questions is based on one of the required
labs. Lab info is also included in the objective portion of the exam. Prior to the AP exam, a
review day is conducted. Information on the exam is given throughout the year.
The AP exam content includes: Molecules & Cells (25%), Heredity & Evolution (25%)
and Organisms & Populations (50%). The major themes included in the exam are: Science as a
Process, Evolution, Energy Transfer, Continuity and Change, Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation, Interdependence in Nature and Science, Technology & Society. The exam
is designed to test your ability to explain, analyze and interpret biological processes and
Review book purchase: approximately $15 – 20.