OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA /CHAMPAIGN BYLAWS I. General The name of this organization shall be Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). II. Purpose OLLI is a membership organization designed to further the pursuit of lifelong learning by offering diverse and high quality educational programs that are affordable for the population over fifty (50) year of age living in Champaign and surrounding counties. OLLI shall provide a climate where members are encouraged to participate in planning, operating and evaluating programs offered. III. Membership OLLI is a member-driven organization. Membership is open to all persons age fifty (50) and over who pay the annual membership fee. Fee waivers and/or scholarships are available. The conditions for fee waiver/scholarship are determined by the OLLI Director. IV. Organization OLLI shall be governed by its own Board of Directors, which shall establish the organization’s bylaws, standing and other committees, priorities, policies and programs, in consideration of the guidelines of the Bernard Osher Foundation and subject to State of Illinois and University of Illinois policies. The chancellor shall appoint an OLLI director, who is a UIUC staff person and will be responsible to the OLLI Board of Directors and the Chancellor for ongoing operations and business management. A. Board Members 1. All Board and committee members and Board-appointed personnel must be full members of OLLI. Every effort will be made to recruit members from all segments of the community. 2. The Board of Directors shall have a membership not exceeding thirteen (13). Board members are recommended by the Nominating Committee to the membership for approval. 3. Board members shall have a term of two (2) years, renewable for a 2nd term, but cannot exceed a total of four (4) consecutive years on the Board. 4. The OLLI Director will serve as permanent ex-officio member of the Board. 5. Board vacancies occurring during the year will be filled by the OLLI Director, in consultation with the Nominating Committee and the Board. 6. A majority of the Board members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for conducting business. 7. The Board will meet a minimum of four times each year. 8. The Annual Meeting of the Membership shall occur in June, at which time the Nominating Committee will present a slate of Board members and officers to the membership for approval. 9. The slate of Board members and officers shall be sent to the membership 10 (ten) working days prior to the Annual Meeting. B. Officers The Officers shall be Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary. They shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Membership for two-year terms, renewable for a 2nd term, with no more than a total of four (4) consecutive years. 1. The Chair will conduct all Board and Annual Meetings in consultation with the OLLI Director, appoint chairs of committees, serve as ex-officio member of all standing committees, and serve as advisor to the OLLI Director. 2. The Vice Chair will assist the Board Chair and OLLI Director as appropriate and conduct Board and Annual Meetings in the absence of the Board Chair, or shall serve as an ex-officio member of a standing committee in place of the Chair at the Chair’s discretion. 3. The Secretary will record minutes of all Board and Annual Meetings and arrange for distribution to the membership. C. Standing Committees OLLI shall have 5 (five) standing committees. From time to time the Board may appoint ad hoc committees to study issues which come before the organization. 1. Chairs of committees will be appointed by the Board Chair in consultation with the Board and will serve for one (1) year, renewable for a single additional term. 2. Committee members will be appointed by the OLLI Director, in consultation with the committee chairs, and will serve for one (1) year, renewable for a single additional term. The Chair of the Board and the Director of OLLI shall be ex-officio members of all standing committees. 3. Below, each of the standing committees is named and its purpose is described. Within the parameters of its purpose, the OLLI Director and the Board will define each committee’s specific duties and responsibilities. The standing committees may be supplemented as needed with working groups for special projects adopted by the Board of Directors, as recommended by the OLLI Director. a. Nominating. To identify and recommend the members and officers of the Board for approval at the Annual Meeting of the Membership. The committee shall consist of no less than three (3) OLLI members. b. Curriculum. To develop and evaluate a well-balanced and high quality schedule of courses and peer-led discussion groups, and to recommend curriculum policy to the Board. c. Membership. To plan, implement, and evaluate activities and marketing strategies for the recruitment and retention of a diverse membership. d. Administration and Budget. In consultation with the Director of OLLI, to develop annual and long-range financial plans, policies, reports and recommendations for the Board and the Office of the Chancellor. e. Volunteerism. To identify meaningful, community and campus volunteer service opportunities for OLLI members, to make them known to the membership. V. Amendments By-laws may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the Board. Approved by the Board of Directors on October 15, 2008