Measuring Industrial Energy Savings


Measuring Industrial Energy Savings

J. Kelly Kissock and Carl Eger *

University of Dayton, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,

300 College Park, Dayton, Ohio 45469-0238 USA


Accurate measurement of energy savings from industrial energy efficiency projects can reduce uncertainty about the efficacy of the projects, guide the selection of future projects, improve future estimates of expected savings, promote financing of energy efficiency projects through shared-savings agreements, and improve utilization of capital resources. Many efforts to measure industrial energy savings, or simply track progress toward efficiency goals, have had difficulty incorporating changing weather and production, which are frequently major drivers of plant energy use. This paper presents a general method for measuring plant-wide industrial energy savings that takes into account changing weather and production between the pre and post-retrofit periods. In addition, the method can disaggregate savings into components, which provides additional resolution for understanding the effectiveness of individual projects when several projects are implemented together. The method uses multivariable piece-wise regression models to characterize baseline energy use, and disaggregates savings by taking the total derivative of the energy use equation. Although the method incorporates search techniques, multi-variable least-squares regression and calculus, it is easily

Corresponding Author. Tel.: +1-937-229-2852; fax: +1-937-229-4766

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(J.K. Kissock)


implemented using data analysis software, and can use readily available temperature, production and utility billing data. This is important, since more complicated methods may be too complex for widespread use. The method is demonstrated using case studies of actual energy assessments. The case studies demonstrate the importance of adjusting for weather and production between the pre- and post-retrofit periods, how plant-wide savings can be disaggregated to evaluate the effectiveness of individual retrofits, how the method can identify the time-dependence of savings, and limitations of engineering models when used to estimate future savings.

Keywords: Measuring, Manufacturing, Industrial, Retrofit, Energy, Savings


The decision to spend money to reduce energy expenditures frequently depends on the expected savings. Decision makers must then weigh the expected savings with several other issues. These issues include the availability of capital, competing investments, the synergy of the proposed retrofit with other strategic initiatives, and, not insignificantly, the certainty that the expected savings will be realized.

This uncertainty about whether the expected savings will be realized depends largely on the type of retrofit. In some cases, it is relatively easy to verify expected savings; for example, expected energy savings from a lighting upgrade can be easily verified by measuring the power draw of lighting fixtures before and after a lighting upgrade. A history of verified savings reduces the uncertainty about future


lighting recommendations and encourages this type of energy efficiency retrofit. In other cases, however, the retrofit may occur on a component of a larger system, and the energy use of the component may be difficult or impossible to meter.

Moreover, the energy use may also be a function of weather and/or production, which frequently changes between the pre- and post retrofit periods. In these cases, it is more difficult to measure energy savings and, as a consequence, savings are seldom verified.

This lack of verification hurts the effort to maximize industrial energy efficiency. In some cases, retrofit measures which would realize the expected savings are not implemented since there is no history of successful verification. In other cases, retrofits that do not achieve the expected savings get implemented, which wastes resources that may have been directed to more effective measures. Both of these problems could be minimized by systematically measuring savings, and comparing expected and measured savings. The information could guide the selection of future retrofits, improve methods to calculate expected savings, promote financing of energy efficiency through shared-savings agreements and improve utilization of capital resources.

Several studies confirm that uncertainty in expected savings reduces implementation of energy reduction measures. [1, 2] Moreover, the lack of reliable estimates of savings increases the subjectivity of the evaluation of savings initiatives, which weakens arguments for addition initiatives. For example,

Ramesohl et al. [3] report

“in quite some cases the quantitative saving effect of a


conservation measure is not exactly known by the companies due to insufficient monitoring and measuring. Even in cases where cost savings are perceived to be significant and relevant to the decision, reliable data is rarely obtainable, leaving the assessment open to personal judgment. This lack of objective decision parameters underlines the subjective character of profitability assessments.”

Because of the importance of measuring savings, numerous efforts have been made to develop standard protocols for measuring savings. For example, the

National Association of Energy Service Contractors developed protocols for the measurement of retrofit savings in 1992. In 1994, the US Department of Energy initiated an effort that resulted in publication of the North American Energy

Measurement and Verification Protocols [4] and, later, the International

Performance, Measurement and Verification Protocols [5]. The U.S. Federal

Energy Management Program developed their own set of Measurement and

Verification Guidelines for Federal Energy Projects. [6] ASHRAE published its guideline, Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings, in 2002. [7]

A principle method for measuring savings included in all of the aforementioned protocols relies on regression modeling. The regression method of measuring savings has been widely used in the residential and commercial building sectors.

[8,9] This paper describes an extension of the method to measure savings in the industrial sector, in which both weather and production are frequently strong drivers of energy use, and synergisms between manufacturing operations negate the efficacy of measuring savings by submetering individual pieces of equipment.


The paper begins with a brief review of the regression method for measuring savings, discusses the extension of the method to measure industrial energy savings, and demonstrates the method with case studies.



Perhaps the simplest method of measuring retrofit energy savings is to directly compare energy consumption in the pre- and post-retrofit periods. This method implicitly assumes that the change in energy consumption between the pre-retrofit and post-retrofit periods is caused solely by the retrofit. However, energy consumption in most industrial facilities is frequently influenced by weather conditions and the quantity of production

—both of which may change between the pre- and post-retrofit periods. If these changes are not accounted for, savings determined by this simple method will be erroneous. Because direct comparison of pre- and post-retrofit energy consumption does not attempt to adjust the preretrofit model to account for these changes, savings measured using this method are called “unadjusted” savings.

One way to account for these changes is to develop a weather and productiondependent regression model of pre-retrofit energy use. The savings can then be calculated as the difference between the post-retrofit energy consumption predicted by the pre-retrofit model

Pr e and measured energy consumption during the post-retrofit period E . The procedure to calculate savings is summarized

Meas by:



 j m 



Pr e , j


Meas , j

) where m is the number of post-retrofit measurements.


The pre-retrofit model,

Pr e

, is called the baseline model. Savings measured using a baseline model, are called “adjusted” savings when the baseline model is adjusted to account for the weather and production conditions in the post retrofit period. Adjusted savings are more accurate than unadjusted savings, and should be used whenever the energy use data used to measure savings is weather and/or production dependent. Two types of baseline regression models that are appropriate for measuring industrial energy savings are described below.



In most industrial facilities, the weather dependence of energy use can be accurately described using a three-parameter change-point model. Threeparameter change-point models describe the common situation when cooling

(heating) begins when the air temperature is more (less) than some balance-point temperature. For example, consider the common situation where electricity is used for both air conditioning and production-related tasks such as lighting and air compression. During cold weather, no air conditioning is necessary, but electricity is still used for process purposes. As the air temperature increases above some balance-point temperature, air conditioning electricity use increases as the outside air temperature increases (Figure 1a). The regression coefficient




non-weather dependent electricity use, and the regression coefficient


describes the rate of increase of electricity use with increasing temperature, and the regression coefficient


describes the change-point temperature where weatherdependent electricity use begins. This type of model is called a three-parameter cooling (3PC) change point model. Similarly, when fuel is used from space heating and production-related tasks, fuel use can be modeled by a threeparameter heating (3PH) change point model (Figure 1b). In the statistical literature, these types of models are known as piecewise linear or spline models.

In buildings, the largest components of weather-induced heating and cooling loads are conduction through the building envelope and air infiltration/ventilation, both of which vary linearly with outdoor air temperature. This linearity is even more pronounced in industrial facilities and processes, where high ventilation, combustion air and process infiltration loads, which are completely linear with air temperature, are dominant. Thus, the choice of a linear relationship between heating and cooling energy and outdoor temperature is mandated by the physics of building and process energy use. Similarly, the choice of a spline fit over a polynomial to describe the onset of heating and cooling derives from the type of control used in virtually all buildings, a thermostat. Because thermostats initiate heating and cooling at fixed temperatures, and because heating and cooling loads are essentially linear with outdoor air temperature, piecewise fits such as the 3PC and 3PH models described here, provide a better representation than polynomials


for the relationship between heating and cooling energy use and outdoor air temperature. [10]

These basic change-point models can be easily extended to include the dependence of energy use on the quantity of production by adding an additional regression coefficient. The functional forms for best-fit multi-variable threeparameter change-point models for cooling energy use, E c

, (3PC-MVR) and heating energy use, E h

, (3PH-MVR), respectively, are:



 


 



 


   


P (2)



 


 


 



   


P (3) where

1 is the constant term,

2 is the temperature-dependent slope term,

3 is the temperature change-point, and

4 is the production dependent term. T is outdoor air temperature and P is the quantity of production. The superscript + notation indicates that the value of the parenthetic term is zero when the value of the term enclosed by the parenthesis is negative.

The use of a single regression coefficient,


4 , and a single metric of production, P, is arbitrary; additional terms can be added to account for multiple products. The number of production variables needed to characterize plant energy use depends on the plant and process. In many plants, such as auto assembly plants or foundries, the relationship between energy use and production is accurately


characterized by a singe variable. In other plants with a heterogeneous product mix, multiple variables for the most energy-intensive products may be needed. In this paper, the method is demonstrated using one production variable; however, the methodology is unchanged with addition production variables.

In Equations 2 and 3, the

1 term represents energy use that is independent of both weather and production, such as lighting energy use in plants with limited daylighting. The




) + or

– 


·( 

3-T) + term represents outdoor air temperaturedependent energy use. Because several studies have shown that outdoor air temperature is the single most important weather variable for influencing energy use in most buildings, we refer to this as weather-dependent energy use. [8,9] In cases for which the weather dependent term represents space-conditioning energy use, the coefficient,


, represents the overall building load coefficient, UA, divided by the efficiency of the space conditioning equipment,

. When considering cases where space cooling is present, this efficiency term is the efficiency of the space cooling equipment (i.e. chillers, cooling towers, etc.). Alternatively, when considering cases where spacing heating is present, this efficiency term represents the efficiency of the space heating equipment (i.e. boiler system, directfire make-up air unit, unit heat, etc.) The coefficient,



, represents the balancepoint temperature, which is the outdoor air temperature below which heating energy is used or above which cooling energy is used. The


·P term represents production-dependent energy use. Using these terms, these simple regression equations can statistically disaggregate whole-plant energy use into independent,


weather-dependent and production-dependent components. The interpretation and use of this disaggregation technique is called Lean Energy Analysis, and is useful for identifying energy saving opportunities, measuring energy effects of productivity changes, and developing energy budgets. [11,12,13]

Several algorithms have been proposed for determining the best-fit coefficients in piecewise regressions such as Equations 2 and 3. The simple and robust method proposed here uses a two-stage grid search. The first step is to identify minimum and maximum values of T, and to divide the interval defined by these values into ten increments of width dx. Next, the minimum value of T is selected as the initial value of


and the model is regressed against the data to find







RMSE. The value of


is then incremented by dx and the regression is repeated until


has traversed the entire range of possible T values. The value of


that results in the lowest RMSE is selected as the initial best-fit change-point. This method is then repeated using a finer grid of width 2

 dx, centered about the initial best-fit value of


. [14] For discussions of the uncertainty of savings determined using regression models see Kissock et al. [15] and Reddy et al. [16].

This method has been incorporated in several software tools for measuring savings. One tool is the ASHRAE Inverse Modeling Toolkit [17,18], which supports

ASHRAE Guideline 2002-14. Another tool is ETracker [19,20], which is free software used to support the EPA Energy Star Buildings program [21]. Another tool is Energy Explorer, which is used in the analysis that follows. [22]




Multi-variable variable-base degree-day (VBDD-MVR) models can also be developed that yield similar results. The use of VBDD models to measure savings traces its origin to the PRInceton Scorekeeping Method (PRISM), which has been widely used in the evaluation of residential energy conservation programs.

[8,23,24] Sonderegger extended the method to include additional variables, such as production. [25,26]

The forms of multi-variable VBDD models of cooling energy use, E c

, and heating energy use, E h

, are shown below:



 


 



 


 


P (4)



 


 



 


 


P (5) where

1 is the constant term,

2 is the slope term, HDD(


) and CDD(


) are the number of heating and cooling degree-days, respectively, in each energy data period calculated with base temperature


, and


is the production-dependent term. P is the quantity of production. The number of cooling and heating degreedays in each energy data period of n days is:


 


 i n 


(T i

 





 


 i n 




T i




where T i

is the average daily temperature. To use this method, the balance point temperature which gives the best-fit to the data must be estimated or determined by a search algorithm.

A simpler method uses degree days with a fixed 18 °C base temperature.



 


 




18 C

 





 


 




18 C

 





The loss in accuracy of the 18 °C degree-day method compared to the variablebase degree-day method depends on the deviation between the assumed 18 °C balance-point temperature and the actual balance-point temperature of the facility.



Other models and statistical techniques have also been used to describe facility energy use. For example, neural network models have been shown to accurately capture non-linear relationships and cross correlation among multiple independent variables. [27,28,29] Principal component analysis has been used to handle multicollinearity associated with time series data. [30,31] Other examples of empirical modeling of industrial energy use include the application of a productivity index to the container glass sector to understand productivity, efficiency and environmental performance. [32] In addition, Boyd applied a variation of best-fit multivariable regression modeling techniques to identify best practices in industrial sectors. [33] Although these methods all have appropriate applications, they were


not selected for this approach for two reasons. First, the goal of this research is to describe a transparent method for measuring industrial energy savings, which still accounts for major sources of error associated with unadjusted savings, and can be applied by the industrial community. Unfortunately, the complexity of applying and interpreting many of the models described above generally inhibits their widespread use. In addition, the model coefficients in the proposed method have physically meaningful interpretations, which enhance the usefulness of the method, and enables savings to be disaggregated into meaningful components.

Because of these reasons, these more complicated methods will not be further discussed.



To calculate adjusted savings, the appropriate baseline model (Equation 2, 3, 8 or

9) is used as the pre-retrofit model

Pr e

in Equation 1. The total adjusted savings during the post-retrofit period is the summation of the difference between the values of energy use predicted by the pre-retrofit model, which has been adjusted to account for weather and production during the post-retrofit period, and the actual energy use in the post-retrofit period.



One of the strengths of this method is that the 3PC-MVR or 3PH-MVR pre and post-retrofit models lend insight into how energy is used in a facility. As indicated above, regression coefficients






correspond to energy use


independent of weather and production, the weather-dependent energy use coefficient, the facility balance-point temperature, and the production-dependent energy use coefficient, respectively. Thus, graphical comparison of the pre and post retrofit models, or direct comparison of the pre and post-retrofit coefficients, yields much insight into the nature of the savings. For example, an energy efficient lighting retrofit should decrease in


, weather and production-independent energy use, between the pre and post retrofit periods. Adding insulation to the building envelope should decrease


, the weather-dependent energy use coefficient.

Decreasing the thermostat set-point temperature in winter should decrease


, the facility balance point temperature. And improving the energy efficiency of production related equipment should decrease

4, the production-dependent energy use coefficient.

These insights can be quantified by noting that savings, S, is the change in energy use, dE, and can be estimated by taking the total derivative of the energy use equation (Equation 2 or 3).


Pr e



 dE



 


 d




 


 d




 


 d




 


 d



Following Equation 10, the total savings can be disaggregated into independent, weather-dependent, production-dependent, and interior-temperature dependent components (Table 1).


The multiple equations required for balance point temperature –dependent savings are due to the discontinuous nature of the change-point equations.



The first case study demonstrates the use of the method to measure adjusted savings and disaggregate savings into components. The savings opportunities were identified during an energy assessment by the University of Dayton Industrial

Assessment Center (UD-IAC). The UD-IAC is one of twenty-six Industrial

Assessment Centers at universities throughout the United States. [34] Each center is funded by the United States Department of Energy Industrial

Technologies Program to perform about 25 energy assessments per year for midsized industries, at no cost to the industrial client. Each assessment identifies energy, waste, and productivity cost saving opportunities, and quantifies the expected savings, implementation cost and simple payback of each opportunity.

This information is delivered to the client in a report summarizing current energy and production practices and the savings opportunities identified during the assessment. About one year after each assessment, the client is contacted to collect implementation results.

The use of this method to measure savings is demonstrated by analyzing fuel data before and after an energy assessment of the Staco Energy Products Company in

Dayton, Ohio on February 2, 2004. [35] Staco employed about 80 people and occupied an 11,334 m 2 (122,000 ft 2 ) facility. The facility operated about 2,000


hours per year and produced variable transformers, industrial voltage regulators, uninterruptible power supply systems and other power management equipment.

During the year from July, 2002 to June, 2003, the facility used 967,061 kWh of electricity, 6,209 GJ of diesel fuel and 3,067 GJ of natural gas. The diesel fuel was used in a 6.7 GJ/hr hot-water boiler dedicated solely to space heating. Natural gas was used in three drying and curing ovens, rated at 0.52 GJ/hr, 1.1 GJ/hr and 0.58

GJ/hr. Total annual energy expenditures were $140,702.

The assessment generated 17 recommendations addressing electricity, fuel, waste and productivity savings opportunities. These recommendations identified a total of about $97,629 per year in potential savings with a total implementation cost of about $21,121. This total includes non-energy related savings opportunities from improving productivity and reducing waste. The estimated simple payback for all recommendations was about 3 months.

On July 25, 2005, Staco was contacted to find out which recommendations had been implemented, and to collect recent utility billing data for measuring savings.

According to management, 13 of the 17 recommendations had been implemented.

Of the 13 implemented recommendations, six were specific to fuel consumption.

The estimated savings and implementation cost of each recommendation are shown in Table 2. Total expected fuel savings were 2,845 GJ per year.




Data used for this case study are monthly fuel use, average outdoor air temperature, and monthly sales. The fuel use data were compiled from utility bills, and represent the total energy from both natural gas and diesel fuels. Note that the boiler was operated using diesel fuel in the pre-retrofit period and natural gas in the post-retrofit period. No energy using equipment was added or removed between the pre and post-retrofit periods. Due to the variety of products produced, sales data were the best metric of production available. The sales data were lagged by one month, since sales in one month influenced production during the next month when production restocked depleted inventory. The average outdoor air temperature for each period was calculated using average daily temperatures from the UD/EPA Average Daily Temperature Archive, which posts average daily temperatures for 324 cities around the world from 1995 to present. [33]

Unadjusted savings are calculated as the difference between pre- and post-retrofit energy use. The time-trends of monthly fuel use from the pre- and post-retrofit periods are shown in Figure 2. The time trends clearly show decreased fuel use during the winter. The mean fuel consumption during the pre-retrofit period was

25.52 GJ per day, and is indicated by the top horizontal line. The mean fuel consumption during the post-retrofit period was 21.07 GJ per day, and is indicated by the lower horizontal line. Using the mean energy use from the pre-retrofit period as a baseline model, the unadjusted fuel savings are calculated from

Equation 1 to be about 4.45 GJ per day. Annual unadjusted savings are 1,624 GJ per year.




A quick inspection of Figure 2 shows that fuel use peaks in the winter months, which indicates the strong weather dependence of fuel use. Thus, the effect of changing weather must be accounted for to accurately measure savings. To do so, a weather-dependent model of pre-retrofit fuel use is developed.

Figure 3 shows three-parameter heating (3PH) models of fuel use as functions of outdoor air temperature. The top (blue) model shows pre-retrofit fuel use and the bottom (red) model shows post-retrofit fuel use. Both models show that space heating fuel use increases linearly as outdoor air temperature decreases. The outdoor air temperature at which space heating begins is 18 °C in the pre-retrofit period and 16.5 °C in the post-retrofit period. Both models have good fits to the data; the R 2 and CV-RMSE of the pre-retrofit model are 0.93 and 21.3%, and the

R 2 and CV-RMSE of the post-retrofit model are 0.99 and 7.2%.

To adjust the baseline model for possible changes in production, as well as weather, an additional regression coefficient for production can be added to the pre-retrofit model (Equation 3). In this case, lagged sales data were the best indicator of production available. The R 2 and CV-RMSE of the weather and production-dependent pre-retrofit model are 0.93 and 20.6% and the R 2 and CV-

RMSE of the post-retrofit model are 0.99 and 7.2% (Figure 3). Thus, the addition of lagged sales data as an independent variable added almost no information to the models. Hence, for simplicity and clarity, the weather-dependent model


(Equation 17), rather than the weather and production-dependent model (Equation

3), will be used as the basis for calculating savings. The best-fit coefficients of the pre and post-retrofit models are shown in Table 3.


GJ day

 


GJ day

 


GJ day

 



 

T oa

  


The fuel use savings are the sum of the differences between the actual energy use in post-retrofit period and the energy use predicted by the pre-retrofit period for the same weather conditions. Fuel use savings can be visualized as the difference between the model lines in Figure 3. Fuel use savings can also be visualized by projecting the weather-adjusted baseline model onto the post-retrofit period (Figure

4). The weather-adjusted baseline model shows the energy use that would have occurred if the retrofits had not taken place given the actual weather conditions in the post-retrofit period. The savings are calculated using Equation 1 to be about

3.0 GJ per day. Annual weather-adjusted savings are 1,095 GJ per year.




Total expected savings from implementing all six recommendations was 2,845 GJ per year (Table 2). Unadjusted savings were 1,624 GJ per year, and weatheradjusted savings were 1,095 GJ per year. Many important lessons can be learned from comparing these results.


First, the dramatic difference between expected and measured savings shows the importance of measuring savings. In this case, measured savings were only 34% of expected savings. This difference illustrates the limitations of engineering modeling to predict the long term behavior of complicated systems. Some of these limitations are functions of the assumptions and simplifications used to create workable engineering models. The limitations may also include actual errors in the engineering models. Finally, the recommendations may not be implemented in exact accordance with recommendation specifications.

Second, the importance of weather adjustment when measuring savings is also clear. Weather-adjusted savings were only 67% of unadjusted savings. The large difference between unadjusted and weather-adjusted savings may not be apparent from a casual inspection of the weather data. For example, the average annual temperatures were 10.6 °C and 10.9 °C during the pre- and post-retrofit periods, and average temperatures during the heating season (October through May), were

1.6 °C and 3.6 °C during the pre- and post-retrofit periods. Intuition may not conclude that such small temperature differences could lead to such a large change in measured savings. This suggests that the best way to account for changes in weather is to employ weather-adjusted models, rather than by simple inspection of weather data.




Inspection of the pre and post-retrofit models lends insight into the nature of the savings and how much energy was saved by each type of retrofit. For example, visual inspection of Figure 3 shows that:

Weather-independent fuel use increased

The balance-point temperature of the facility decreased

The slope of the fuel use versus temperature line decreased.

This indicates that:

Negative savings resulted from non-weather dependent retrofits.

Some savings resulted from decreasing the set point temperature

Some savings resulted from increasing the efficiency of the boiler

The observations can be quantified using Equation 10. Applying Equations 11, 13 and 15 to this case study, gives the disaggregated savings shown in Table 4. The savings expected from each type of retrofit can then be compared to the disaggregated savings to show the measured savings associated with each type of recommendation.

For example, the recommendation

“Reduce Air Flow Through Dispatch and

Jensen Ovens” should reduce fuel use in these production-related ovens. Fuel use in these ovens is relatively insensitive to outdoor air temperature since the ovens use indoor air for ventilation and combustion, and all parts enter the ovens


at the indoor air temperature of the plant. Thus, the energy savings from this recommendation should reduce the weather-independent energy use, as measured by


, in the regression models. The total expected fuel savings from this recommendation was 345 GJ/year (Table 2). However, applying Equation 12 to the data from the post-retrofit period indicates that weather-independent fuel use actually increased by 181 GJ/year. Thus, no savings from this recommendation could be measured. In part, the lack of measurable savings results from the lack of production data in the model. In addition, the standard error of the


regression coefficients is greater than the value of the coefficient.

Thus, in this case, this data set does not have enough resolution to identify savings from these measures.

In comparison, the impact of the recommendation

“Reduce Night Setback

Temp erature from 65 F to 60 F” is clearly apparent in the models, as the shift in the change-point temperature from 18

°C (64.4 °F) to 16.5 °C (61.7 °F) (Figure 3).

Applying Equation 13 to the data from the post-retrofit period indicates that the measured savings from reducing the night setback temperature are 779 GJ/year, compared to the expected savings of 950 GJ/yr. Thus, this retrofit produced significant and measurable savings.

The recommendations

, “Run Boiler in Modulation Mode” and “Reduce Excess

Combu stion Air in Boiler” recommend measures that improve the efficiency of the boiler. The recommendation , “Reduce Air Flow Through Dispatch and Jensen

Ovens” would reduce space heating use by reducing infiltration into the plant. The


impact of these recommendations is apparent in the models as the reduced slope of the post-retrofit model (Figure 3). The slope in these models represents the building load coefficient divided by the efficiency of the heating source. Thus, the effect of increasing the efficiency of the boilers and reducing infiltration is measurable as reduction in slopes,


, from -2.108 to -1.921 GJ/day°C (Equation

10). Applying Equation 14 to the data from the post-retrofit period indicates the measured savings from improving boiler efficiency are 550 GJ/year, compared to the expected savings of 1,444 GJ/yr. In subsequent work, the model for estimating savings by switching to modulation mode was refined after field calibration showed that stack losses with on/off control were less than originally predicted. Thus, the expected savings used in the refined model are about 75% of the previous estimate. [37]

In summary, the recommendations to reduce the building set point temperature at night and to improve the efficiency of the boilers produced significant and measurable savings. The effect of the recommendations to improve the efficiency of the production ovens could not be measured with the available data.



The second case study demonstrates measuring adjusted savings and how the method provides insight into the time dependence of savings. In this case study, a tile manufacturer began to turn excess kiln burners off in February 2005 to reduce energy use, but was forced to turn some burners back on in February 2006 due to


product quality issues. A time trend of normalized plant fuel use, with mean models of pre and post-retrofit fuel use, is shown in Figure 5 The unadjusted fuel savings, calculated by comparing the mean fuel use in the pre and post-retrofit periods, is 2.2 units/month.

However, fuel use is correlated with both outdoor air temperature and production.

To account for these effects, 3PH-MVR models of normalized fuel use as a function of outdoor air temperature and normalized production during the pre and post retrofit periods are constructed (Equation 3). The model coefficients and standard errors are shown in Table 5.

Pre and post-retrofit normalized fuel use, with a projection of the pre-retrofit model during the post-retrofit period, is shown in Figure 6. The adjusted savings, which accounts for changes in outdoor air temperature and production between the pre and post-retrofit period, is 2.8 units/month. This is an increase of about 27% over the unadjusted savings. In addition, close inspection of Figure 6 shows that savings were not measurable at the start of the post-retrofit period, but gradually increased as more burners were turned off. Further, Figure 6 shows that no savings were apparent beginning in about February 2006 after burners were turned back on for production quality purposes. This type of time-resolution can help energy managers measure the persistence of savings over time, and possibly act in a timely manner to correct problems.


Comparison of the coefficients in Table 5 shows that weather and productionindependent fuel use actually increased slightly during the post retrofit period while production-dependent fuel use decreased as expected. Applying Equations 11,

13, 15 and 16 to this case study gives the disaggregated savings, which are shown in Table 6. The results indicate that, as expected, the greatest savings are from reducing production-dependent fuel use. The results also show that weather and production-independent fuel use increased during the post-retrofit period, which decreased the total savings. The increase in independent fuel use may be attributable to other fuel using equipment in the plant or may be caused during periods of reduced production when kiln burners are left on even when no tile is being fired in the kiln. If so, the production-related savings associated with decreasing the number of burners, is even greater than the total savings suggest.


This paper presents a general method for measuring industrial energy savings and demonstrates the method using case studies from actual industrial energy assessments and energy efficiency projects. The method takes into account changes in weather and production, and can use sub-metered data or whole plant utility billing data. In addition to calculating overall savings, the method is able to disaggregate savings into weather-dependent, production-dependent and independent components. This disaggregation provides additional insight into the nature and effectiveness of the individual savings measures. Although the method


incorporates search techniques and multi-variable least-squares regression, it is easily implemented using data analysis software and readily available energy, production and outdoor air temperature data. Use of the method to measure savings can lead to greater industrial energy efficiency by identifying energy conservation retrofits which do not perform up to expectations, providing data to refine engineering methods for estimating savings, and redirecting resources to retrofits that consistently produce the best results.

Although this method seeks to extract as much information about savings as possible from easily obtainable utility billing, production and temperature data, the extractable information is limited by the information in the data set, which is sparse in the both the system and time domains. The most important limitation is in the system domain, where the method attempts to determine savings from individual subsystems using whole-plant energy use. One of the advantages of the use of whole-plant energy use data is that the method may be able to capture the net effect of synergisms, if present, between sub-subsystems. However, use of wholeplant energy use necessitates the assumption that energy use from the nonretrofitted systems is unchanged between the pre and post-retrofit periods. While the method accounts for changes in overall production and weather, which are two of the biggest factors influencing energy use, it cannot account for non-production and non-weather related changes in other subsystems. Thus, the user must determine if the energy use of non-retrofitted equipment changes between the pre and post retrofit periods, and must adjust for these changes if substantial.


The sparseness of data in the time domain is less problematic for those interested in the long term energy savings, say, on the order of the retrofit’s payback period.

However, use of monthly data makes changes with time-intervals of less than onemonth invisible. For example, this method could provide no information about whether energy savings were occurring on both weekdays and weekends. The fact that multiple retrofits rarely are completed at the same time is more a problem of lack of system resolution than time resolution; with greater subsystem resolution, specific pre and post retrofit periods could be applied to each retrofit.

While the limitations noted above are real, they are attributable to the data set and not inherent to the method. When the method is used with short time-interval or sub-metered data, the limitations mentioned above are reduced or negated.

A second caution for the use of this method is also important; the conclusions drawn from this analysis should be measured against the statistical uncertainty of the results. The uncertainty of savings measured using regression modeling is discussed in detail in Kissock et al, 1993; Reddy et al., 1998; and Kissock et al.,

1998. [15,16,9] Although the savings estimated by this method are based on

‘best-fit’ models, and are thus the ‘best’ estimate of savings available using this method and data set, the uncertainty of the savings is often large. In these cases, it is recommended that decisions derived from this estimate of savings include a sensitivity analysis that reflects the reported uncertainty. In addition, as in all regression, the uncertainty with which the individual model coefficients are known is greater than the uncertainty of the overall model prediction. Thus, estimates of


disaggregated savings, which are based on the regression coefficients, are inherently large. In cases where the standard error of the regression coefficient is larger than the absolute value of the coefficient, no inferences based on this coefficient should be attempted.

With these limitations in mind, future work will focus on improving understanding of inter-correlations between the components of disaggregated savings, and on improving understanding of interpretation of the uncertainty of the results.


We are grateful for support of this work from the U.S. Department of Energy

Industrial Technology Program, through the Industrial Assessment Center program. We would like to thank Staco Energy Products Company, and especially to Dan Sweda and Ed Kwiatkowski, for allowing us to publish these results, and for the help and assistance provided throughout the assessment and analysis processes. We are also grateful to Daltile Corporation and Jesse Hamiltion for providing the data and information used in the second case study.


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Table 1. Disaggregation of Savings Into Components

Table 2. Estimated savings and implementation cost of the six implemented fuelrelated recommendations.

Table 3. Regression coefficients and standard errors for 3PH models of pre- and post retrofit fuel use.

Table 4. Disaggregated savings from Case Study 1.

Table 5. Model coefficients and standard errors for 3PH-MVR models of pre and post-retrofit fuel use.

Table 6. Disaggregated savings from Case Study 2.

Figure 1. a) 3P-cooing and b) 3P-heating regression models.

Figure 2. Time trend of pre- and post-retrofit fuel use with mean models of energy use during both periods. The bold solid line represent pre-retrofit fuel use and the bold dashed line represents post-retrofit fuel use.

Figure 3. Pre- and post-retrofit fuel use plotted against outdoor air temperature with 3PH models through each data set. The solid line (upper) model represents pre-retrofit fuel use and the dashed line (lower) model represents post-retrofit fuel use.

Figure 4. Time trends of pre- and post-retrofit energy use, with a projection of the weather-adjusted baseline model (light dashed line) during the post-retrofit period.

Savings are the difference between the adjusted baseline (light dashed line) and actual post retrofit energy use (bold dashed line).

Figure 5. Time trend of pre- and post-retrofit fuel use with mean models of energy use during both periods. The bold solid line represents pre-retrofit fuel use and the bold dashed line represents post retrofit fuel use.

Figure 6. Time trends of pre- and post-retrofit energy use, with a projection of the adjusted baseline model (bold dashed line) during the post-retrofit period. Savings are the difference between the adjusted baseline (bold dashed line) and actual post retrofit energy use (light dashed line).


Table 1

Disaggregation of Savings Into Components

Weather and productionindependent energy use

Weatherdependent cooling energy use

Weatherdependent heating energy use

Cooling balance temperaturedependent energy use

Heating balance temperaturedependent energy use

Productiondependent energy use


 

1 d


 

1 , Pr e

 

1 , Post


 

2 d



 

2 d


 



 

3 , Pr e

 

1 , Pr e

 

1 , Post

 

3 , Pr e



 

1 , Pr e

 

1 , Post


 



 



 



 

3 d

3 d

3 d

3 d


  

2 , Pr e



 

3 , Pr e

 

2 , Pr e

3 , Pr e

 

2 , Pr e

3 , Pr e

 

2 , Pr e

3 , Pr e

3 , Post

3 , Post




 

4 d




4 , Pr e

 

4 , Post


Post when

 

3 , Post


Post when

 

3 , Post


Post when

 

3 , Post


Post when

 

3 , Post








Table 2

Estimated savings and implementation cost of the six implemented fuel-related recommendations.

Assessment Recommendation

Expected Annual


Fuel (GJ) Dollars





AR 1: Run Boiler in Modulation Rather Than

On/Off Mode

AR 2: Reduce Thermostat Setpoint from 65 F to 60 F on Nights and Weekends

AR 3: Reduce Excess Air Flow Through

Dispatch and Jensen Ovens

AR 4: Turn Off Exhaust Fans on IR Oven

When Not in Use

AR 5: Shut Off Boiler at the Beginning of May

AR 6: Reduce Excess Combustion Air in Boiler























Table 3

Regression coefficients and standard errors for 3PH models of pre- and post retrofit fuel use.









Pre-retrofit Post-retrofit

6.9954 ± 2.2544 7.492 ± 0.6302

-2.108 ± 0.1841 -1.921 ± 0.0637

18.01 ± 0.0061 16.49 ± 0.005




1 month





Table 4

Disaggregated savings from Case Study 1.

Weather-independent savings

Temperature set point or internal load savings

-181 GJ/year

779 GJ/year

Heating efficiency or building loss coefficient savings 550 GJ/year

R 2

Table 5

Model coefficients and standard errors for 3PH-MVR models of pre and postretrofit fuel use.

Pre-retrofit Post-retrofit model model

0.72 0.84



(independent fuel-use)

8.2 5.2

Units/day 11.37 + 13.70 13.98 + 8.567


(temperature-dependence) Units/day°C -0.2786 + 0.2515 -0.3928 + 0.1562


(balance-point temperature)





27.38 + 0.0042

0.8270 + 0.1574

29.84 + 0.0042

0.7452 + 0.0978

Table 6.

Disaggregated savings from Case Study 2.

Weather and production-independent savings -2.61 units/month

Balance temperature dependent savings -0.82 units/month

Weather-dependent savings

Production-dependent savings

-0.69 units/month

6.57 units/month


Figure 1. a) 3P-cooing and b) 3P-heating regression models.









Pre-retrofit Average

Post-retrofit Average


8/20/2002 3/8/2003 9/24/2003 4/11/2004 10/28/2004 5/16/2005 12/2/2005


Figure 2. Time trend of pre- and post-retrofit fuel use with mean models of energy use during both periods. The bold solid line represent pre-retrofit fuel use and the bold dashed line represents post-retrofit fuel use.










-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Temperature (C)

Figure 3. Pre- and post-retrofit fuel use plotted against outdoor air temperature with 3PH models through each data set. The solid line (upper) model represents pre-retrofit fuel use and the dashed line (lower) model represents post-retrofit fuel use.








8/20/2002 3/8/2003 9/24/2003 4/11/2004 10/28/2004 5/16/2005 12/2/2005


Figure 4. Time trends of pre- and post-retrofit energy use, with a projection of the weather-adjusted baseline model (light dashed line) during the post-retrofit period.

Savings are the difference between the adjusted baseline (light dashed line) and actual post retrofit energy use (bold dashed line).











Pre-retrofit Average

Post-retrofit Average


1/4/2004 7/22/2004 2/7/2005


8/26/2005 3/14/2006

Figure 5. Time trend of pre- and post-retrofit fuel use with mean models of energy use during both periods. The bold solid line represents pre-retrofit fuel use and the bold dashed line represents post retrofit fuel use.









1/4/2004 7/22/2004 2/7/2005


8/26/2005 3/14/2006

Figure 6. Time trends of pre- and post-retrofit energy use, with a projection of the adjusted baseline model (bold dashed line) during the post-retrofit period. Savings are the difference between the adjusted baseline (bold dashed line) and actual post retrofit energy use (light dashed line).

