VEIN MEDICAL HISTORY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WILL HELP YOUR PHYSICIAN PLAN YOUR CARE. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION: Male ____ Female ____ Height __________ Age __________ Weight __________ What problem are you seeking care for? ________________________________________________________________ How long have you had this problem? _________________________________________________________________ What symptoms do you have? _____________________________________________________________________ Have you had blood clots in your legs before? _____Yes Are you pregnant? _____Yes _____No _____No If yes, date of onset__________________ _____Unsure Date of last menstrual cycle? _____________________ Does anything improve your symptoms? ________________________________________________________________ What makes your symptoms worse? ___________________________________________________________________ Are you now or have you ever worn compression stockings? _____Yes _____No If yes, for how long?__________ When?___________________________________________ Have you ever had any procedures done for Varicose Veins or spider veins?____________________________________ Please rate the following on a scale of 0-5, with 0 being None and 5 being Severe Swelling Aching Burning Itching 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 Bleeding Phlebitis (blood clots) Heaviness Swelling 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 Please rate the following level of pain on a scale of 0-3, with 0 being “No Pain” and 3 being “Severe Pain” 0 – No Pain None 1 – Mild Pain Occasional pain or other discomfort, not restricting daily activities. 2 – Moderate Pain Daily pain or other discomfort, which interferes with, but does not prevent daily activities. 3 – Severe Daily pain or discomfort that limits most regular daily activities PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES OF FORM VC001 11/2013 In the past two weeks, have you had any problems with the following? - Fever, chills, night sweats, rapid weight loss _____Yes _____No Sight, Vision _____Yes _____No Runny nose, sore throat, or problems swallowing? _____Yes No_____ Cough or shortness of breath? _____Yes _____No Chest pain? _____Yes _____No Nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea? _____Yes _____No Burning with urination? _____Yes _____No Bleeding or bruising easily? _____Yes _____No Problems clotting easily? _____Yes _____No Moving your arms or legs? _____Yes _____No Itchy skin or rashes? _____Yes _____No Numbness or tingling in your hands or feet? _____Yes _____No Depression? _____Yes _____No Check and or list all illnesses/problems you have been treated for in the past and present: ____ none ____ heart attack ____angina ____ diverticulitis ____ heart murmur ____ mitral valve prolapse ____ high blood pressure ____ crohn’s disease ____ stroke ____ asthma ____ low blood pressure ____ ulcerative colitis ____ blood clots ____ stomach trouble/ulcer ____ bleeding disorder ____ hepatitis ____ COPD ____ emphysema ____ kidney problems ____ seizures ____ bladder ____ arthritis ____ diabetes ____ tuberculosis ____ cancer ____ depression ____ cirrohsis ____ other – explain below _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list any surgeries you have had: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does anyone in your family have problems with bleeding easily? _____Yes Does anyone in your family have problems with blood clots? _____Yes Do you smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs? _____Yes _____No _____No _____No _____Occasionally Please list your medication allergies:____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What medications are you currently taking:_______________________________________________________________ Email address: __________________________________________________________ How did you hear about us? _____Friend _____Brochure _____Website_____ _____Referred from my doctor _____Billboard _____Other (Please specify)_______________________________________________ PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES OF FORM VC001 11/2013