For Information: Sue Pondrom News Bureau Itlanager ( 6 1 9) 5 s 4 - 8 1 3 3 I M M E D ] A T ER E L E A S E #033189-13 RESEARCEINSTITUTE OF SCRIPPS CLINIC AI{ARDED $I3 MILLION FOR BLOOD CLOT STUDY LA JOLLA, CA March 31, f nstitute of from the the Scr ipps National formation and Scientists at the Research (RISC) have been awarded $13 mil-lion Cl-inic Heart, t9B9 Lung and Blood Institute breakdown of bl-ood to clots investigate in the human ci rcul-at ion. The grant began in is a five-year 1984, and is Research rnstitute decade did factors heart doubt in about not the patients. Griffin made even attacks. harmful cl-ots this field, by the according to the ph.D., of the John H. Griffin, explained, blood clots Now, of role of "many scientists were particularly course, clots; and preventing there is important no longer many lives them from and are any being recurring in " added safer Griffin think saved by dissolving coronary in ever received Immunology. d9or" physicians studies investigator RISC Department of 'A NIH grant the largest for principal study's renewal of a research program which that and "we bel-ieve more effective MORE these if treatments more is could be known about PAGE2 _- R]SC RECEIVES $13 IVlILLION part RISC is of private, largest the purpose of our basic That is thrombosis. dedicated Scripps biomedical patient to Clinic and Research Foundation, institute care, research program. " in biomedical the United research the States, and continuing medica] educat ion . The new $13 million separate l-aboratories, thrombosis, projects events or involved and one bl-ood pressure, Based design on cardiovascul-ar In Luskutoff, both addition A. normal the aspect of the clotting and the detecting individual-s these of cl-ot proteins effects of on clotting. RISC investigators for of molecular regulation of platelets, the strategies into seven and hope to and controlling in pat ients with disease. Ful-cher, Ph.D., Laurence and insight and turbulence knowl-edge, work of The common goal interaction blood the a particular including the and with this in greater thrornbosis, flow-rate, new tests bl-ood clots gain breakdown, another support process. clotting in will each investigating be to will formation with the grant to Griffin, the It{ark H. Ginsberg, Harker, Ph.D., M.D., and Zaverio project incl-ude Carol M.D., Stephen R. Hanson, Ph.D., Richard Houghten, M. Ruggeri, ++# leaders M.D. Ph.D., David J.