Radial, In-Track, and Cross-Track Variations Due to Perturbations in the Initial Conditions of Near Circular Orbits ASEN 3200 4/15/02 George H. Born Introduction It is often of interest to determine how two orbits differ because of small perturbations in the initial conditions. We will develop the expressions for the first order radial, in-track, and cross-track (RIC) variations with time between two near-circular, two-body orbits, given differences in their initial values of a, e, i, , , and . Variations in the Radial Direction, R Variations in r, the satellite geocentric radius, can be determined from r a 1 e cos EA , (1) where EA is the eccentric anomaly. Differentiating Eq. (1) using the chain rule yields dr r r r da de dEA . a e EA (2) Let the differential assume a small but finite magnitude so that, for example, dr r , then r a 1 e cos EA ae cos EA aeEA sin EA . (3) We will assume a near circular orbit and generally ignore terms of O(e) and O( i j ) , where is a variation in any of the orbit elements. We have retained a few of the larger terms proportional to e . This is because a perturbation in a changes the mean motion which introduces a secular change in true anomaly, . It can be shown that (Roy, 1965) EA O(e). (4) Hence, in Eq. (3) we can use EA , and EA . 1 (5) The expression for is derived in the section on variations in the in-track direction and is given by Eq. (17) i.e., (6) 0 n(t t0 ) where we have dropped the term, 2ecosM, and n is given by Eq(16). The first term in Eq. (6) represents a perturbation in the initial value of and the second term is due to a perturbation in a which will cause a change in mean motion and hence a change in . Equation (3) becomes r a 1 e cos ae cos ae sin . Hence, a small change in a yields r a 1 e cos aen(t t0 )sin . (7) r ae cos ae sin , (8) A variation in e yields where the last term is included because a variation in e causes a variation in which is given by (see appendix A) 2e sin . (9) Substituting Eq. (9) into Eq. (8) yields, r ae cos 2aee sin 2 . (10) In summary, Eqs. (7) and (10) plus the contribution of 0 yield the dominant variation in the radial direction, i.e., R a 1 e cos aen(t t0 )sin ae cos 2aee sin 2 0ae sin . (11) There is a second order contribution to R caused by a variation in true anomaly as shown in the sketch below. rp r* Here r* is the reference radius and rp is the perturbed radius. The projection of the perturbed radius on r* is rcos. Hence, there is a contribution to R given by 2 R r 1 cos . Because a perturbation in a causes a secular change in , this term becomes more important with time. We will ignore the contribution of 0 and due to e here since they are small. We can write the equation for R by using Eq. (6) for , i.e., R r 1 cos n t t0 , (12) where n is given by Eq (16) and the reference orbit radius is used in Eq. (12). Note that perturbations in i, , and to first order do not contribute to R. Variations in the In-Track Direction, I Perturbations in the argument of latitude, u , will cause in-track variations in the orbit. Variations in u will be caused by direct perturbations in or at the epoch time or by perturbations in a and/or e which will cause subsequent variations in the argument of latitude since they influence . The value of I, the in-track variation, is given by orbit r I r u u a 1 e cos M u equator (13) where, u . If we ignore terms of O(e) we can write 0 M 0 . (14) Also M 2e sin M . So 1 2e cos M M . Using 3 (15) M M 0 n t t0 yields M M 0 n t t0 where n 1/ 2 a3/ 2 and n n 3 / 2 a. a (16) Hence, using Eqs. (14), (15) and (16) 1 2e cos M 0 n t t0 (17) Also, a perturbation in e affects (see Appendix A) and 2e sin. (18) Substituting Eqs. (14), (17), and (18) into Eq. (13) and including the contribution of yields, I r 1 2e cos M 0 n t t0 2e sin . (19) Note that r 1 2e cos M a 1 e cos M 1 2e cos M a 1 e cos M Hence, I r 2e sin a 1 e cos M 0 n t t0 (20) In addition, a perturbation in the right ascension of the ascending node, , causes both an in-track and a cross-track variation as seen in the sketch below. I C i i Reference orbit Perturbed orbit 4 I C From spherical trig: sin C sin sin i. Using the small angle approximation, C sin i. This will be the cross-track error at the equator. However, C will vary with argument of latitude and a positive value for will produce a negative value of C at the equator. Hence, C r C cos u C r sin i cos u (21) Also, for the right spherical triangle cos i tan I cot , or tan I cos i . cot (22) Using the small angle approximation I cos i. (23) Hence, the in-track contribution due to a variation in is I r I r cos i. 5 (24) Cross-Track Errors, C We have already seen that a perturbation in yields a cross-track error given by Eq. (21). The other orbit element which contributes to a cross-track error is the inclination. This is illustrated in the sketch below: C Pertrubed orbit C i i i u Reference orbit C sin 1 sin i sin u C r C C r i sin u i sin u Summary As stated earlier, we have ignored all second order effects in i j . For example if we perturb this will affect I and C. If we then perturb i there will be a first order change in C. In addition, there will be second order changes in both i and C. These changes will be proportional to various products of , i, , and and are ignored here. The results derived here can be summarized as follows (Note that we have substituted M for ): Radial Variations: 3 R a (1 e cos M ) ne(t to ) sin M r[1 cos(n t t0 ) ] 2 2 ea cos M 2aee sin M 0 ae sin M . (25) In-Track Variations: I r 2e sin M cos i a 1 e cos M 0 n t t0 . (26) Cross-Track Variations: C r (i sin u sin i cos u ). (27) Note that we may use u M . 6 These results also are summarized in Table 1. Figure 1 presents the total RIC deviations due to perturbations in a reference orbit with a=6878. km, e=.001, i=75, and M 0. The perturbations are: a 0.1Km, e .0005, i 0 0.02 . If these perturbations are applied one at a time the maximum disagreement with STK is 0.005 km. However, from Figure 1 it can be seen that the maximum error grows to 0.03 km in the radial direction because of interactions between the perturbations which are ignored here. We could replace r by a and drop all terms in Table 1 which are proportional to e , where represents a perturbation in any of the initial conditions. This would have a noticeable impact on the case where we apply the perturbations one at a time, but would have a small impact on the case where we apply all perturbations because the interaction terms are much larger than the terms that this would eliminate. Reference Roy, A.E., The Foundations of Astrodynamics, Macmillan Co., New York, NY, 1965. Acknowledgement I thank Jason Stauch for coding the equations and generating Fig. 1. 7 Table 1 Radial, in-track and cross-track (RIC) variations corresponding to small perturbations in the kepler orbit elements for near circular orbits a R e 3 a 1 e cos M ne t t0 sin M ea cos M 2 2aee sin 2 M r[1 cos(n(t t0 ))] i 0 NA NA NA 0 ae sin M I a(1 e cos M )n(t t0 ) 2er sin M NA r cos i r a(1 e cos M )0 C NA NA ir sin u r sin i cos u NA NA Where, t 0 epoch time a semi-major axis e eccentricity i inclination right ascension of the ascending node argument of perigee 3n n = - a, r a(1 e cos M ) 2a 9 0 true anomaly at epoch time t 0 M M (t ), i.e. mean anomaly at time t a3 perturbed orbit element - reference orbit element u argument of latitude M n mean motion range R 2 I 2 C 2 Distance Between Unperturbed and Perturbed Satellites in RIC Coordinates STK Generated (All Perturbations) 15 10 5 Distance (km) 0 -5 R_stk -10 I_stk C_stk -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 Time (hours) Difference Between Equation Generated Results and STK Generated Results (All Perturbations) 0.1 0.08 0.06 Difference (km) 0.04 0.02 R_eqn-R_stk I_eqn-I_stk C_eqn-C_stk 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 -0.1 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 Time (hrs) Figure 1 (top panel) RIC variations due to perturbations in all initial conditions (bottom panel) RIC differences between equations in Table 1 and STK 10 Appendix A True anomaly variation due to eccentricity perturbation From the expression for mean anomaly M n t t p EA e sin EA (A-1) M 0 since a 0 . Hence, M 0 EA e sin EA eEA cos EA EA e sin EA 1 e cos EA e sin EA. e sin EA 1 e cos EA (A-2) (A-3) We must relate EA to . From Roy (page 89) EA e sin EA (A-4) EA e sin EA eEA cos EA. (A-5) Using Eq. (A-3) and ignoring the term eEA yields 2e sin EA 2e sin e sin EA 2e sin cos e sin EA cos sin e sin EA (A-6) 2e sin e sin EA cos 2e sin . Note that while a perturbation in e changes , a perturbation in does not affect e. 11