Christine Roumbanis, Co-Chair, Business

May 3, 2006
PRESENT: Curriculum Committee
Daisy Araica, Science/Math/Technology
Jim Bowsher, Language Arts
Jan Fosberg, Physical Education
Imelda Hermosillo, Student Services
Christine Roumbanis, Co-Chair, Business
Arthur Takayama, Co-Chair, Social Science/Creative Arts
Jennifer Hughes, Dean, Counseling (for Matriculation)
Persis Morrice, Classified Council
Linda Rosa Corazon, Sherri Hancock, Peter Monrroy, Regina Stanback-Stroud
Nancy Kaplan-Biegel, Judy Lariviere
Co-Chair Christine Roumbanis convened the meeting at 2:10 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the April 19, 2006 meeting are pending.
New Course – Second Reading
ENGL 819 – English Preparation
Accepted ENGL 819 for second reading.
New Courses – First Reading
DSKL 820 – Computer-Based Cognitive Retraining
Assistive Computer Technology Specialist Judy Lariviere explained that she has run the
Computer-Based Cognitive Retraining course experimentally and has had good enrollment;
10 students are enrolled in each section because of student disabilities that require more
support. She added that the course was developed as a result of the interest of the
community and hospital occupational and speech therapists. She explained that in addition
to learning to use a computer, the computer is a good learning tool for the students as well.
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She indicated that upon completion of the course some students have returned to school in
mainstream courses, some have returned to work, and some continue to work with her to
increase their skill levels.
Accepted DSKL 820 for first reading with suggested corrections to the Course
Outline SLO’s (replacing 80% accuracy with increasing accuracy) and additional minor
corrections to wording on the fourth page of the outline.
DSKL 821 – Development of Self-Advocacy Skills: Personal Empowerment for Students
with Disabilities
Dean of Counseling Jennifer Hughes presented the course for Learning Disability Specialist
Lynne Douglas. She stated that as with Professor Lariviere’s course, this course has been
offered experimentally and now requires a permanent course number. When the full-time
disability specialist was hired it was discovered that once students have been assessed they
need a complementary course in self-advocacy for accommodations. Class Schedule notes
have not sufficiently encouraged students to enroll in the course, so it is being made a
prerequisite to DSKL 811.
Accepted the Content Review Form with corrections.
Accepted DSKL 821 for first reading with corrections to Form D and the Course
JOUR 301 – Online Newspaper Staff
Professor Nancy Kaplan-Biegel presented the course stated that print journalism must
morph itself to an online presence as well. She explained that she would like to add this
course to present content with a specific online emphasis and run it parallel with JOUR 300.
Professor Judy Lariviere mentioned to Professor Kaplan-Biegel that the online newspaper
should be checked with respect to accessibility issues for disabled students if this has not
already been done.
Accepted the Content Review Form for JOUR 301.
Accepted JOUR 301 for first reading with numbering corrections on the Course
MATH 819 – Preparation for College Mathematics
Professor Daisy Araica presented the course, which she indicated has been developed as a
sister course to ENGL 819. She said that SMT Dean Mike Williamson requested a title
change to Mathematics Development in order to parallel the ENGL 819 title. She explained that
this course will precede MATH 805/806 and will gear students up for 805/806. She added
that the course will be offered as part of the Jump Start curriculum this summer.
Accepted MATH 819 for first reading with corrections to Form D and the Course
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Course Modifications
DSKL 811 – Differential Learning Skills Assessment
Dean Hughes explained that DSKL 811 is partnered with DSKL 821 and that two
modifications are requested to create a prerequisite of DSKL 821 for DSKL 811 and to
modify the course description to educated students about the link between learning
assessment and understanding student eligibility for, and use of, accommodations.
Accepted the Content Review Form and modifications to DSKL 811 with
corrections to Form F and rewording of the SLO’s on the Course Outline.
FASH/FCS 117 – Creating a Personal Image
Accepted FASH 117 and FCS 117 for reinstatement to the 2006-2007 Catalog (from
banked status) with renumbering of the Course Outlines.
Information Items
CAOT Department Degree/Certificate Revisions
Co-Chair Roumbanis explained a memorandum presenting changes to the Administrative
Assistant and Office Information Systems degree/certificate requirements to reincorporate
WordPerfect (which is now being shipped with all new Dell computers) as an option to
In addition, Catalog language for the new Medical Office Assistant certificate is being
MATH Prerequisite Language for Catalog
Professor Daisy Araica presented a memorandum of suggested changes to the prerequisite
wording for the MATH courses, which Dean of Science/Math/Technology Mike
Williamson indicates is being done to standardize the statements.
The Committee felt that the suggested wording for the MATH 222 prerequisite
constituted a course modification and Dean Williamson will be asked to submit
Form F and a Content Review Form for May 17th meeting.
CRER 665’s
Dean of Counseling Jennifer Hughes presented a memorandum regarding the CRER 665
topics, some of which she stated have been offered for many years She added that the topics
are popular, mainstay courses and that the department recognizes the need to formalize
these with permanent course numbers. However, Dean Hughes reported that Linda Rosa
Corazon wanted the Committee to be aware that many students use the CRER 665’s to meet
CSU GE requirement E1 and felt strongly that the department not move forward to
institutionalize them as permanent course as it is doubtful they would be approved by CSU
to meet area E1 if submitted as new courses under CSU’s current guidelines. Dean Hughes
agrees with Professor Corazon that none of the topics in question will meet the
requirements for CSU GE area E1 as they contain only one of the area criteria.
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Dean Hughes indicated that she is in the process of gathering more information and
reported that while Professor Corazon indicates that the CRER 665’s are frequently used to
meet CSU GE area E1, Admissions & Records Assistant Terry Stats has indicated that very
few students use these courses to meet the area as 3 units are required and most CRER 665’s
are only offered for 0.5 unit.
Maria Norris shared that Vice President of Instruction Regina Stanback-Stroud reviewed the
memo and indicated that while it is unfortunate that the courses will likely not meet CSU
GE, they need to be institutionalized since they are ongoing, staple offerings. Admissions &
Records Assistant Persis Morrice added that 665’s used to meet Associate Degree
requirements in Personal Development and it has been confusing to students that the
courses meet CSU GE but not Skyline graduation requirements. Dean Hughes explained
that according to Professor Corazon and SMT Dean Mike Williamson many of the 665
topics were esoteric and because as Selected Topics they did not undergo the standard level
of scrutiny, at a certain point all the 665’s were excluded from meeting the Personal
Development requirement. Dean Hughes added that there are some 665 topics that actually
do meet Personal Development criteria, and these may be brought forth for inclusion under
the area in the future.
Arthur asked how topics such as Careers in Teaching and Transfer Power qualify as “Life Styles
Health Issues.” Dean Hughes said that they don’t and that some topics will be moved to the
new COUN rubric.
Dean Hughes indicated that she will proceed with development of permanent courses for
the mainstay topics in the coming academic year.
Program Review Subcommittee Recommendations
Explaining that one of the Committee’s goals and projects for the year was to complete the
review of the Program Review process, Co-Chair Roumbanis informed the Committee that
recommendations have been developed and that she would need to confer with Vice
President Stanback-Stroud regarding discussions in the SLOAC Steering Committee before
bringing the recommendations to the Committee for approval at the May 17th meeting. She
added that a rewrite of the Program Review instrument will be undertaken over the summer.
Co-Chair Roumbanis distributed a draft paragraph that was suggested by the SLOAC
Steering Committee for inclusion in the Program Review Guidelines. Professor Jim Bowsher
made some rewording suggestions and agreed to assist in the rewrite of the paragraph.
With respect to the question of which individuals or committee should review SLO’s on
Course Outlines, Co-Chair Roumbanis reported that SLOAC Steering Committee Chair
Karen Wong felt this should be a Curriculum Committee responsibility as the SLOAC
Steering Committee’s charge is solely to develop and implement a framework, cycle and
training plan for incorporation of SLO’s. The update of course outlines is a part of Program
Co-Chair Roumbanis indicated that the question then becomes whether or not all course
outlines as updated to incorporate SLO’s should be submitted to Curriculum Committee for
review or be sent directly to the Instruction Office. Dean of Counseling Jennifer Hughes
suggested that perhaps the updated course outlines could be submitted to Curriculum
Committee as information items rather than as formal course modifications. Co-Chair
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Takayama suggested that another idea would be for each department to designate a disciple
expert who would review the department’s SLO’s on the course outline.
Agreed to request that the SLOAC Steering Committee recommend that department
representatives be appointed to review course outlines as updated with SLO’s prior
to direct submission to the Instruction Office.
Co-Chair Roumbanis reported that a SLOAC goal is for all course outlines to be revised
with SLO’s within three years, that an assessment plan is developed for one or more
department courses at the time of each department’s course outline updates, and that
implementation of one course level assessment is undertaken in the subsequent year.
VIII. Student Learning Outcomes at the Degree Level
An updated draft of the Degree Level SLO’s was distributed. The latest draft contains
suggested SLO language for the Physical Education Associate Degree specific area
requirement, to which the Committee made a suggestion to reword the second bullet to:
Demonstrate an understanding of cardiovascular fitness and its impact on health, and identify diseases whose
risk factors include a sedentary lifestyle.
Approved that the Student Learning Outcomes at the Degree Level draft may be
forwarded to the SLOAC Steering Committee as a starting point, with the rewording
to the Physical Education SLO.
Form D – Updated Draft of Proposed New Format
Co-Chair Roumbanis distributed the final draft of the update to Form D – New Course
Accepted the new Form D format for web posting and use effective Fall 2006,
noting that communication should take place with Division Deans so that faculty are
made aware of and use the new format for all future new course requests.
Draft Curriculum Committee Calendar, 2006-2007
Maria Norris distributed a draft of the 2006-2007 Curriculum Committee Calendar. The
Committee was asked to review the calendar and contact Maria with any questions, concerns
or suggestions prior to the May 17th meeting, at which time the calendar will be adopted.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
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