leadership - American Legion Auxiliary

515 Road 18 - Ohiowa NE 68416-3029
Home: 402-295-2505 Cell: 402-759-0411
Email: vozenbaugh@windstream.net
4 -- Unit member attended 101 Education Leadership School (Oct.3 – Aurora
4 -- Unit member attended Mid-Year Conference (Jan.15-17 – NE City)
4 -- Unit member attended County or District event
4 -- Unit completed and submitted Leadership Report
2 -- Unit Senior or Junior member completed Welcome to ALA Senior Basics
2 -- Unit Senior or Junior member completed Welcome to the Junior Course
What is this program, and why do we have it?
In support of Goal 3 (Develop Leadership at All Levels) of the 2014-2019 Centennial
Strategic Plan, the Leadership Committee raises awareness of leadership development
opportunities through "How To Sheets" and online resources. The Leadership Program
develops leaders at all levels, grows membership and mentors of all ages.
What can you do?
1. Develop future leaders at all levels of the organization. Units should have at least
one member in attendance at County, District, and Department workshops and
2. Enhance leaders’ knowledge about ALA history, programs and organization. Units
should encourage members to take Welcome to the American Legion Auxiliary Senior
Auxiliary Basics—A Course in our History and Legacy and any member that completes it
should prepare a personal history of their involvement in the ALA.
3. Encourage the use of Auxiliary reference documents and materials, such as the Unit
Guide Book and Constitution & Bylaws. Units should review their Constitution &
Bylaws. As a member, become familiar with the reference documents and volunteer to
assist new members or Junior members in learning about the ALA.
4. Offer a mentoring program, utilizing the knowledge and experiences of members
that have served as leaders beyond the unit level. Units should encourage members to
seek election at all levels—Unit, County, District, and Department. Members should
provide encouragement to those who do serve as a chairman or officer.
5. Nurture a culture of goodwill at all levels of the organization. All members should be
good listeners, participate in Unit decisions, and maintain a positive attitude in the
procedures of the American Legion Auxiliary.
2015-2016 Leadership: Vicki Ozenbaugh
Leadership Awards
Leadership Training Award
Type of award: Plaque
Presented to: One Unit Leadership chairman who best demonstrates what her Unit did
to build leadership skills of unit members during the year.
Materials and Guidelines:
 Entry must include the award cover sheet located in the forms section.
 The entry must be typewritten in narrative format, not to exceed 1,000 words.
 The entry may include no more than five pictures and news articles
 The entry must be postmarked by May 1, 2016 and sent to the Department
Leadership Chairman.
Junior Outstanding Leadership Award
Type of award: Citation
Presented to: One Junior group in each division who best demonstrates what the
group did to build leadership skills.
Materials and Guidelines:
 Entry must include the award cover sheet located in the forms section.
 The entry must be typewritten in narrative format not to exceed 250 words.
 Unit President or Junior Activities Chairman must have completed Welcome to
the Junior ALA Course—The ALA:My Organization and What I Need to Know to
Grow as a Member.
 The entry may include pictures and examples.
 The entry must be postmarked by May 1, 2016 and sent to Department
Leadership Chairman.
2015-2016 Leadership: Vicki Ozenbaugh