Artist in Schools Program - Sample Contract Form

Letter of Agreement between the Crown in Right of Tasmania
represented by [fill in name of Principal and school] and [fill in name of
the Artist]
The Department of Education (DoE) provides funding to schools to assist with the
engagement of professional artists to work with students from Kinder to Grade 12
on school based projects through the Artists in Schools Program.
The maximum funding available per project is $5000 per school. However,
consideration for proportionally higher amounts of funding will be given to
collaborative projects between schools.
The relationship between DoE and the Artist is regulated by this Letter of
Good Character check
A good character clearance is required prior to the Artist commencing work on the
project in schools. If the clearance is revoked at any time during the Artist’s
engagement with the school, this agreement will be terminated and the Artist will
not be able to participate in any further Artists in Schools programs until such time
as the clearance is reinstated.
Workers Compensation
DoE does not deem the Artist an “employee” for the purposes of the Tasmanian
Workers Compensation/legal liability law.
Insurance and Indemnity
The Artist is not insured by DoE for professional indemnity and must take his or her
own policy of insurance should he or she wish to be insured for any such claims.
Where the Artist believes or has reason to believe that they may become the
subject of any legal action which relates to an activity covered by this Agreement,
they must:
immediately notify DoE of the potential action; and
not admit any liability to any third party without first consulting DoE and its
The Artist is responsible for his/her own workers compensation insurances as
required under applicable state law.
The Artist may be required to provide proof of their current insurance policy to
DoE prior to commencing the Program.
Artists Obligations
The Artist will comply with the provisions of the Code of Conduct established by
virtue of Section 9 of the State Service Act 2000 (annexed and marked with the letter
A) at all times whilst [he/she] is participating in the Artists in Schools Program. In the
event the Artist fails to comply with this Code, the Artist will immediately cease
participating in the program and such action as deemed appropriate by DoE will be
taken. This may include termination of the Artist’s ability to participate in this or in
future programs.
Intellectual Property
DoE owns all equitable and proprietary rights, title and interest in intellectual
property, including the moral rights, to all works generated during the course of the
SIGNED for and on behalf of DoE
by its authorised representative in
the presence of:
Signature of witness
Signature of authorised representative
Name of Witness
Name of authorised representative
Office Held
SIGNED by the Artist
in the presence of:
Signature of witness
Signature of Artist
Name of Witness
Name of Artist
Date of Agreement
Code of Conduct
(December 2003)
An employee must behave honestly and with integrity in the course
of State Service employment.
An employee must act with care and diligence in the course of State
Service employment.
An employee, when acting in the course of State Service
employment, must treat everyone with respect and without
harassment, victimisation or discrimination.
An employee, when acting in the course of State Service
employment, must comply with all applicable Australian law.
An employee must comply with any standing orders and with any
lawful and reasonable direction given by a person having authority
to give the direction.
An employee must maintain appropriate confidentiality about
dealings of, and information acquired by, the employee in the
course of that employee's State Service employment.
An employee must disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid,
any conflict of interest in connection with the employee's State
Service employment.
An employee must use Tasmanian Government official resources in
a proper manner.
An employee must not knowingly provide false or misleading
information in connection with the employee's State Service
An employee must not make improper use of o information gained in the course of his or her employment;
o the employee's duties, status, power or authority
in order to gain, or seek to gain, a gift, benefit or advantage for the
employee or for any other person.
An employee who receives a gift in the course of his or her
employment or in relation to his or her employment must declare
that gift as prescribed by the regulations.
An employee, when acting in the course of State Service
employment, must behave in a way that upholds the State Service
An employee must at all times behave in a way that does not
adversely affect the integrity and good reputation of the State
An employee must comply with any other conduct requirement that
is prescribed by the State Service Regulations 2001 .