Recruitment Activities in Departments

Recruitment Activities in Departments
School of Science Undergraduate Level
Developed recruitment materials
Maintained departmental web site
Used certain mechanisms to stay connected with k-12 teachers and counselors
Deployed different tactics to attract students
Breakfasts with HS guidance counselors (S. Trowbridge)
Biology Student Advisor attends student orientations with students and parents (S. Trowbridge)
Career Day presentations at High Schools (Pike HS, Roncalli, etc) (S. Trowbridge; faculty participation)
Career Fair at University College to attract undecided majors (S. Trowbridge)
Campus Days table & display (Sidney Trowbridge; faculty participation)
Phone Calls to students who have expressed an intention to apply (S. Trowbridge)
Chair Doug Lees writes letters or makes phone calls to highly qualified prospective students
Presenting Pre-Professional information session at Campus Days
Networking with High School teachers
** Genetics workshops for HS and Middle School teachers (Florence Juillerat)
** Project SEAM (Kathy Marrs)
Prepared 3 different versions of Chemistry handouts (brochures) for specific and general distributions
Presented extensive academic information on the department’s web site
Participated in IUPUI Campus Days
Presented chemistry demonstration at elementary and middle schools in Central Indiana
Participated in Science Olympiad State Tournament
Hosted the annual ACS High School Chemistry Competition and Award Night Celebration
Served as a member in Project SEAM
Participated in ACS Project SEED
Participated in National Chemistry Week Activities at the Indianapolis Children’s Museum.
Computer and Information Science:
Participated in all IUPUI recruitment events – Campus Days, Breakfasts with H.S. Counselors, College Fairs
Personally responded to student inquiries
Interacted with parents (when possible such as at Campus Days or high school college fairs)
Created a 30 minutes PowerPoint presentation
Established relationships with industry and business
Used INITA to network with IT professionals and educators
Set up dual-degree program for Marian College students
Collaborated with other schools in curriculum development
Participated in international recruitment trips
Prepared to engage in 2+2 articulation with institutions abroad.
Recruit current college students through introductory courses
Participate in Science Olympiad and Summer Scientists’ Apprentice Camp & Future Camp
Engage in environmental science programs at the Indianapolis Children’s Museum
Collaborate with private colleges in Indiana to develop a BS/MS program
Mathematical Sciences:
The annual High School Math Contest
Distributed flyers about calculus courses to gifted/talented middle/high school students through SPAN program
Distributed flyers to local high schools promoting Physics Teacher Education program
Gave talks to local high schools
Invited high school students to department’s colloquia
Networking with high school teachers:
** CPU Workshops (Summer Programs for teachers)
** Membership in North Central Indiana Teachers Alliance
** Membership in American Association of Physics Teacher, Indiana Section
Served as a member in Project SEAM
Extended Introductory Physics course to high school students.
Plan to distribute new brochure to all Indiana high school teachers and guidance counselors
Participate in and present Psychology Career Session at Campus Days
Write personal letter to Psychology interested students
Host the annual high school Psychology teachers conference
Host a poster session for local high school students
Offer a free class to one raising junior from each Indianapolis area high school
Send psychology juniors back to their high schools for presentations
Offer a “Psychology Night” program to local high school students interested in Psychology
Attend high school guidance counselors breakfasts
Offer “refresher” workshops on special topics for local high school teachers – let them choose the topics
Mail department newsletters to local high school teachers
Present orientation talks to UCOL psychology students
Invite UCOL psychology students to an information meeting in the department
Run an ad in INSIGHT